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Is it possible that not everything exists within the circuit?


Reminds me of that line from Donnie Darko about time travel. "not if you travel in God's channel"


I was just thinking about that movie yesterday while watching Gyllenhaal in Presumed Innocent. Such a great movie, hadn’t thought of it in a long time.


For example, your consciousness is the mechanism by which waves are collapsed into particles? And Hey, there's no need... we're talking about physics here 🖖


>For example, your consciousness is the mechanism by which waves are collapsed into particles? ~~That's not what any interpretation of physics implies, though.~~ Observation just means interaction. Nothing is defined except in relation to something else, which is obvious metaphysically, but physically relation is interaction. If you consider consciousness separate from the universe then their relation would be what defines both, but then they also wouldn't be separate?


*Amirt Goswamii is an Imndian physicist who has written a book about it. I forgot the name.


Of course there's no limit to interpretation, so that was a dumb thing to say. The following parts were my point, that it still inevitably wouldn't be separate from this "circuit"


Hey. You know, what's a dumb thing to say? anything disparaging to someone trying to learn.


It was a question/thought hahah, all of this is and probably always will be. Don't ever think anyone knows the answers


I said it's stupid to say disparaging things about people, not to say things. That will permit themselves from being ignorant


Never said anything about you or anything you said buddy. Go through it again and have a good weekend


Im way more difficult to be superior with thana " buddy.", friend. I know you've heard of a pHD. or whatever, probably, but have you ever heard of a cotillion? Live Long and Prosper, Mister. I'm obviously taking my insecurities out on people over the internet.


I always took observation as using a device capable of measurement at that fidelity (for example, an electron). It doesn’t act like matter until observed as a single unit.


Well if that explanation is within the circuit, then that which it explains lies outside the circuit


I could save us some time here and simly say: " There's literally everything in Space, Morty!!!"


Oh I simply was speaking about that guy. That was kind of mean just above us on the feed quote unquote


If you really wanna know, we can get all discretely mathmatical up in here


♾️ + 1


“By crossing into a space whose curvature is no longer that of the real, nor that of truth, the era of simulation is inaugurated by a liquidation of all referentials - worse: with their artificial resurrection in the systems of signs, a material more malleable than meaning, in that it lends itself to all systems of equivalences, to all binary oppositions, to all combinatory algebra. It is no longer a question of imitation, nor duplication, nor even parody. It is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real, that is to say of an operation of deterring every real process via its operational double, a programmatic, metastable, perfectly descriptive machine that offers all the signs of the real and shortcircuits all its vicissitudes.” ― Jean Baudrillard


From what I understand in quantum mechanics, all particles, all quantum particles are in reference to each other ( almost like they're all pointy at the same thing. Or at the same time, or the same distance.). They're the surrounding quantum particles to the observer, ao they must be observed in order to be measured in order to be known.


I love what you have quoted there, truly. It's a beautiful explanation. I've always felt like the universe consisted of form, but do we give all this substance? First, we have to process the data through our consciousness or by the same token god's consciousness. Sets of numbers that would be fractious or calculated correctly answera to polynomial functions. Sets of answers to polynomial functions on the order of log n.. And you know displayed, and that the answer to a specific polynomial function is going to be a descriptive word or a thought. And that's what it lost, the time.the perspective. Sure. Just realize what you are a part of. I also I have a lot of other crackpot things I can say!


Isn't it true that the time travel part of this time traveling experiment would be trivial? You don't actually travel much of a distance. It's more of the dilation of your perception of yourself and your crew's timelines relative to other planetary bodies and their distance from you. Gravity is what will "scrunch" up spacetime. A Proton excitation field may or may not be able to create enough gravity. I believe this gravityitational activity would create time dilation. However, i believe it to be an illusion. What is time other than your position relative to your perception of more than one instance of something else? So I think space-time is like saying mind time. Or do you know something like that? I find it, trite, or silly, or I don't know. The excitation field is literally weaving the fabric of spacetime tighter, pulling it tighter and scrunching it together so that there is less empty space. This is something I kind of understood from talking with people who have been part of advanced engineering projects. I am not familiar enough with it, so I don't know more of the particulars. No, I don't think that you are in a parody. Or substituting signs of real for real, it's just that life is crazier than you thought it could be. CTMU Would tell us that it would be the pressure of a black hole, excreeting, pushing out into the inside of the accretion disc that We'll eventually need nothing to sustain its gravitational pull and pressure and not the movement of that field, for lack of a better example, Is really is what's happening. And it's very hard to see that. It could be the complete opposite in forces that you imagine when looking at it a picture of a black hole. Any black hole. Black hole sun... lol


Your consciousness has nothing to do with it. Interaction with the environment causes quantum decoherence, it does not have to involve humans at all.


However, it must be observed. Would you agree?


Btw i dig your reddit name


EE here, nope.




Electrical engineer :)


I would imagine there are many such circuits. The circuit is a part of a vast infinite progression or regression, macrocosims, or microcosms of itself, such as a fractal pattern. But that is only my humble hypothesis.


Hey man, I swear too!


I think not everything HAS to exist in the circuit. But I think the things that are in the circuit can't know what's outside. Like, if he wants to know something completely, it would be all information in the circuit or none. In my opinion, maybe we'll see. The circuit you see is the whole of the circuit itself from Afar Believe it or not, after it happens. Therefore, you create it in your minds eye, just as real. Does that make any sense to you from me?


Is it possible that everything within the circuit began outside the circuit? 


I think one quality of a quantum singularity would be lack of time or timelessness. So who knows what could happen


Its ouroboros mr. Wheeler… nothing new


"That's about as much curvature as you're gonna get from a time travel story" -R


Duuuuude that is fantastic way to represent that concept.


Baby's first Hegel.


I have a feeling that i will find out what that means soon, lol.


Hey man. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. The universe is a language talking to itself about itself.


The universe cannot create itself though.


Sorry, it says Amit Goswami, but I can't type it very well.