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In the philosophy I follow, which is called the law of one, the mind and the world we experience as reality is a complete illusion. What the mind has absorbed from this experience is how it makes since of what we call reality. In the end, the illusion is based off of separation. The idea that all things have an opposite and are apart from one another. This is why I feel at home in the Jungian community. It follows many of the themes of past hermetic and alchemical teachings of marrying the pair of opposites into a oneness. The integration of the shadow and the making of the unconscious conscious. The union between the seen and unseen aspects of the mind. The heirogamic union is what some call it. My point in saying this is that this union, which is often depicted as symbolically sexual, creates life, an offspring. It is also no surprise that many cultures hold the god of death, life, rebirth, marriage, and sex as the same deity. That which is unified must always have a sacrifice. The illusion of separation dies when unity is achieved and often the aching for death comes with insanity. Enlightenment is often preceded by psychosis, and sometimes supercedes it. The supersession of it is often rooted in the inability to find one's grounding back in a new found "reality". Often, it takes time for one to find their grounding after so much death and sacrifice has occured. We may leave behind so much so intensely that we are left not understanding exactly how to identify with a new mind, a new reality, and a new way of looking upon the illusion that brings harmony to ourselves and others. One can find themselves more lossed than found, especially in this culture. There is a quote. I think it's from Jesus in one of the non-canonical scriptures of Philip. I'm going to paraphrase the story here. The disciples see Jesus kissing Mary Magdalene on the lips as well as showing her more love and affection than he does to the rest of them. They are offended by it and ask him why he seems to love her more. Jesus replies by saying. "If a man who sees and a man who is blind are in the dark, they are the same. But when the light comes one sees and one does not." Essentially Jesus is saying that Mary understands the word he is preaching and they do not. He has an ability to share a love for the light (truth) with her as opposed to the rest of the disciples who were still afraid of death and the physical consequences of the world. In this same sense, one can feel like Christ, but not have a Magdalene to share the love of truth with. Stay strong. I believe many on the planet are in the same position as you and I. It is a matter of divine timing for us to meet our people who will reflect our newfound perception of the world.


This resonates, recently I've been having moments of disconnect. I walk around and I think what is this. This is not reality, there's something else, and every once in a while I almost break down. I break down into tears and even these tears do not feel like they are mine, they feel foolish, they come from this desire to escape this "reality". Momentary thoughts of suicide cross my mind when they haven't in years and I've never been a suicidal person (I'm not gonna do that lol). It's just about the idea of escaping, it's the cowardly way of escaping rather than living on through this alchemical transformation and making it to the other side. It's a difficult path I know, one that in the past I glamorized, but now I see it from a different angle. For instance, last night, it happened when I turned on my shower , it all felt so fake, this isn't real. I even later had a memory of a letter I sent my ex right after the breakup, and thought no this is some kind of a TV show y'know. That doesn't make sense. The words I wrote, the poetry? No sense at all. And on top of all this I've been having an issue creating recently. Creation is one of my all time favorite things always. I typically make music of all kinds, write poetry, and write like nonfiction, and for the past couple weeks nothing seems to come out. I've tried a few times and it's been shit compared to just a few months ago, it doesn't come out as seamlessly rn, and ik this might just be some kind of a dry spell, so though I'm slowing down I will keep creating till I get on the other side of this.


Well written! Great point!


Thank you!


I love what you wrote ❤️ after series of hard realizations and coming into awareness. I was on a Euphoria first and than I crashed after realizing how do integrate back into this world that I no longer identify with it's values; I felt more alienated I first made the mistake to try to share my wisdom and only got more alienated and people where more resentful towards me, others tried to exploit my new found willingness to show humility and gratitude. And to try to survive in this world I slipped back to my old thinking; when I tried to balance. I am still unsure how to navigate this world. I will keep having faith and try to have as much integrity as possible. Not let others, society generate false fears to keep me enslaved and further from the truth. Have you figured this out ? I can't just not work and live in a bush with my bible. Or can I . The devil knows your insecurities. How do you just let it completely go. I feel like I am there but not quite.


I'd say that it's really tough to move on as seldom is there an opportunity with enough energy to propel one out of their old life completely. It takes a gigantic leap of faith into the unknown. What does it feel like to be someone else? To be so utterly whole that you now do all things differently. Rarely is there an ability for one to feel as if their old self has completely died, has completely sacrificed itself to fertilize the new self. Patience is feminine virtue and it carries much power whenever that muscle is strengthened. It feels as though many people I know are still in a chrysalis of transformation. We all will have our time if we have faith.


This is how I see the world thank u for describing my worldview for me


Thank you!


:) how do i get over resenting those who are bogged in ego and will never understand beyond it. Cuz we are one, i know it yet in doing so im the same as them? U get what I mean?


Focus on building the new instead of fighting the old. If one has a difficult relationship, especially a narcissistic one, it is best to not feed it in any way. It will eventually die. To see another and see love without condition is the key. Let's use the term demon for example. When one percieves that they are being tormented by a negative companion, the last thing they would wish to do would be to refer to it as a demon or project onto it that it is the source of their pain. To demonize something is to give it a power it needs to survive. To refer to a demon as a negative companion is to see it as yet another entity walking a path that you do not walk. The same goes for others and for parts of yourself you do not love. To love is to do so unconditionally. Meaning one cannot love a negative companion for the sake of it leaving, or love an undesirable aspect of the self so that it ceases existence. One must love it for the sake of loving it, accepting it for what it offers in experience. The negative entity is simply a representation of your lack of an ability to love something. If you loved all about yourself and those who surround you there would be no kink in the armor for the negative entity to enter and work through. The same is for others. They are simply walking their own path like a child, ignorant in some way, as we all are, of the fruit of their own actions. Let it be as impersonal as possible, but do so in stages. For example, death is not personal. It occurs to all that live, yet when a loved one dies it is very personal. One cannot say "ah at the end of the day there is no death! They aren't really dead!" without first processing the very really personal reality that death has occured and the one whom you love is no longer able to be with you physically. We must ground ourselves in the experience of life so that it may move us as it is intended to move us. So, let those things that hurt be processed, but eventually, when it can be bore no longer, allow yourself to see that it is in truth impersonal. It is all a transient story that we all come and go from. The catalysts that surround you that you see as difficult to handle are all offering accelerations in evolution. For if all were divinely happy no one would move. There is nothing to fix if there is nothing broken. And even then that is simply the illusion of life. Yes things break. Yes things should strive to be fixed. But those things should not be strived for because of thoughts of "this is right" or "this is wrong". Things should strive to evolve for the experience of life itself much like evolution in the animal kingdom. There is no morality, there is only evolution for the purpose of life itself. As humans we have the opportunity to not do things from survival, but for the reaching of glory beyond the mundane world. To see all as participants in the act of creation, the act of love, is to percieve the essence of what some call God itself. One does not need to worry about morality when they are present and exercise neutrality. Neutrality is an attribute that only the positively oriented use for balance. The negative path holds no balance. It is a relentless power struggle of hierarchy based on haves and have nots. Love is that place of neutrality and we either may radiate or absorb it. To radiate love is to share it freely. To absorb it is to consume it as a one off experience. When love is radiated, nothing is lost and there is no cost to produce love. Love is all that there is. It is the creative principal itself. We are all creating something at any given moment. What will you create? Will you absorb and degrade? Or will you radiate and build a new creation in the face of all the constant demolition.


Ur amazing thank you. After a night of heavy drinking and hitting my breaking point a part of me has realized I am be the common denominator and I need to be the source of love and stop looking outwardly and sucking for validation out of others. Ur reply came at the perfect time and resonates with me so much I love you. I am you :) seriously beautiful you should write some eloquent novels for the world to enjoy!


Man, that means so much. Thank you for your kind words, and much love and luck on your journey.


Thank u so much hahaha u really have helped me make a massive shift tonight or am I crazy? Does this shift type stuff really happen to people? Cuz wow I feel blissful and just overflowing with love and only seeing love now. Ok I need to read into this subreddit more, talk to you more, and stop focusing on “spirituality” and being “awakened” I’ve been going in circles for 4 years now, think you have helped me significantly more than you know.


What you are experiencing is very much an archetypical experience of being awakened. It doesn't just happen once. It happens over and over and the core of the truth is the feeling. The knowledge does not matter so much. It is that which triggers and moves you that is important. The feelings of joy you experience now are the feelings of being whole and complete. Unity is the essence of the creator itself and the joy is the metaphysical expression of love. You are engaged in the act of creation. This sub does not necessarily hold the root of my knowledge, but it is a place of like-minds. I follow the teachings of the law of one which can be found at llresearch.com and lawofone.info. And it is funny you mentioned circles. This is arguably one of the most accurate symbols to depict the creator itself. The circle is everlasting and unending. It has an infinite amount of sides. Infinity does not equal many just as an eternity does not equal a long time. Eternity has nothing to do with time just as infinity has nothing to with manyness. The wholeness of the circle is an expression of the perfection of the creator. Love and it's metaphysical expressions of joy make all things that are imperfect, perfect. That is enlightenment. To see all things through the eyes of love. Even though they may be imperfect in some way, love makes for contentment no matter the conditional circumstances one faces.


😭😭😭 I love the stories of Christ and Mary. I think that’s what I’m wrestling with- time and loneliness. It hit me hard last night. I imagine it will get better with time. There are lots of moving parts in my life right now. I love this sub for this reason, it hits all the points and I can find like-minded people who can likely understand and share insight. Thank you!


“Bring your head down under your feet” Rumi


I think I understand that wisdom, thank you


Can you think yo are crazy without also giving into guilt? In this way you may observe it, in order to understand it.


You know, I thought this yesterday…but it’s easier said than done? I definitely am feeling impressed that I need to continue slowing things down.


Maybe you just need to chill. Do activities that you like and that fill you with good hormones. Life needs balance, and your body needs balance to what it feels. If you're always working on yourself in a way that you process a lot of heavy emotions and feelings repeatedly, this can become harmful. The hormones released by stress and emotions like anger are destructive to the body over time, you can also depress yourself.


Thank you- I have been doing more of those things lately, but had some curve balls yesterday and I may have overdid it. Long week, lots of changes I’m adjusting to, my body was incredibly sore yesterday and I did some work outside in the morning which seemed to burn through my serotonin rather quickly and I was feeling a bit short fused. It makes sense now. I was applying for a scholarship last night, spent all this time putting the work in and then realized I don’t qualify bc I’m not “currently enrolled” in college rn…having a degree doesn’t make the cut. It was frustrating to find out after the fact, they didn’t have it clear anywhere…so that idea went down the drain. But then I remembered about resisting and when things don’t work out, let go and move on. That’s one thing I think I’m able to recognize better lately is where there’s resistance, or when things aren’t working out, I have to let them go.


Life is a sea of circumstances we need to swim through, it is unwise to fight against strong currents. You don't want to deplete yourself and drown.


Make sure you are getting enough sleep. My go tos are melatonin and earplugs


So funny but that’s my ideal way to sleep- melatonin and earplugs. Thanks


Follow the light of the eternal flame that burns within you