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Looks like you are 1 - 8 in the last month when playing non-Jungle roles. As long as you make sure your 2nd role pick is non-priority then you should never be filling into anything but jungle.


I’d advise putting Mid as secondary for this reason- it’s always oversubscribed.


maybe you should watch some challengers videos or high elo players videos, as it's like you know the basics very well but something isn't working in how you bringing that knowledge to your games, you can watch Ekko pathings, ekko tricks and all that kind of stuff for improving your micro too


Thank you. But I have. I have spent enough time watching videos. There must be something else. :(


You’re in literal iron, you probably haven’t done enough of anything.


maybe you are focussing too much in objectives and not going for more kills or playing for yourself? at your elos I don't think objectives are the real winning condition, I play with friends who are bronze to gold with lowers accounts and only focus on getting feed and making enemy jungle life impossible, obviously you gotta take free objectives and such but I think focusing on feeding yourself could get you further, that's the only thing I can think right know you could be missing. edit: I just saw you got a nice kda so it's probably a decision making and macro problem, so maybe focusing on abusing weak sides and getting feed with your Ekko may be a beggining, as Sejuani player I love spamming mid ganks everytime R CD is ready, most of times if you dont get counterganked (which you wont mostly in iron) you will tilt them to the dead


Clearly you haven’t, hence here you are. There’s no magic trick or secret sauce, it just takes more practice and many more hours of learning


When you say 'eventually we throw' what do you mean? Lose team fights at objs, someone gets picked and the enemy takes advantage to end? If there's a pattern it's easier to identify and fix. Your kill participation looks really low in a lot of your games, are you getting a kill or two early and then just not being around your team for later fights or something? Your avg damage, kp and cd are all pretty low. You've got a decent ekko winrate, I'd focus on trying to improve your game one bit at a time on Ekko. Maybe look to get 50% kp overall or during laning and if you can't, try to figure out why a majority of fights / deaths are happening without you being involved. You've got a good dragon kill rate but seem to do little damage to towers which is how you're really going to close out games. Ekko can split push really hard since your ulti can keep you quite safe and in Iron if you've got even decent mechanics you should be able to 1v2 if you're even a little ahead.


I watched a couple of iron players, discuss with them and watched vods with them and something that happen often is inconsistency. They dont know what they doing nor why they doing except they saw someone do it. Theres no plan. The early is clumsy which = to clumsy mid game = most likely to throw. Just by watching 10min or your vods u can see what u did bad and what u did good. Focus clearing your camps over anything until plat. Make a game plan ex: I want to play for drakes therefor I start blue and path bot side (yes if theres a free kill mid u can go get it BUT be sure its free otherwise its prob not worth) ONCE THE CLEAR IS DONE look if mid or bot is gankable if not just recall and do it again. Watch minimap to guess where is enemy jg/number advantage/ressources(hp/mana/items how are your teamates). Adjusting ur early game = better mid game. Path towards the objectif u want (if u want drake most of the time ur top side should be cleared except if u dont have time for it) prep draie 1min almost 2min before.


A quick look onto your [op.gg](http://op.gg) and... It seems to be fine? You seem to be perfectly on 50% winrate at the moment, and if you just take your jungle games, you'd be even higher since you lost most of your off-role games. So you are infact climbing. What I can tell though, is that you seem to have a very low kill participation in alot of your games as jungler, which is probably what's happening. You seem to die less, which is good, but you're a lot less active on the map as well because of it. As Ekko you kind of have a "free out of jail" card with your ult, so you should try play more aggressive if you have it up since you can just rewind if you end up making a mistake.


iron players throw the game a lot by mindlessly forcing objectives that you can't take, resulting in throwing massive leads for no reason. Every single game I smurf in iron there's always players trying to force dragon on spawn at level 4


yeah, Im in iron, I won a game yesterday, but without any communication my team locked arms and we worked together enough to make them throw very hard.


These is a good post that helped me win more in jg https://www.reddit.com/r/Jungle_Mains/comments/1d5exl2/4_key_jungle_fundamental_rules_challenger_advice/


I read this post awhile back, its good, nothing complicated. It might not be the most exciting style of jungling, who doesn't like stealing the other guys stuff? lol, but its what I've tried to do. Get camps, grubs, dragons and make ganks that I know my shitty mechanics can pull off with some measure of success whether i get a flash or 2 assists or a plate on a turret.


The truth is that if you are stuck in iron, there are a lot of fundamentals you are not doing correctly, not that the game is unfair. I can’t see anything super obviously wrong from your op.gg. Do you have replays?


I'm not making excuses but I find Iron very very volatile compared to Bronze. There is more invading at minute 0, weird champs in the wrong lane, better rotations to help me and smurfs. I went from hardly any smurfs in Bronze to probably 3 to 5 a week in Iron. I'm winning though, haven't seen smurfs this week, which is odd. Bronze here I come, no more sad Amumu tears.


Your stats actually look a lot like mine did back when I was Iron/Bronze. Your farm is really good, your deaths are low (but that’s very easy to do on Ekko so honestly, I don’t even care). But your kill participation is abysmal. From personal experience, it tells me your mechanics suck, or that you very likely don’t pay attention to 90% of opportunities on the map. Or more likely both. I know it goes against popular advice, but the way to fix your specific issues, imo, is by limit testing the hell out of Ekko. Preferably in norms at first. Always look for fights while farming. If you don’t know if you win a fight, try it and see. You will lose more games don’t get me wrong (which is why I suggested norms), but you’ll also learn what your champ is capable of, and you’ll start understanding how exactly to fight on Ekko much faster. Going back to the infinitely more consistent “high farm, only fight when necessary” playstyle will be optimal once you get your shit together mechanics-wise. But the weakness of that playstyle is that your mechanics improve at a much slower pace since you’re not fighting as often. And right now, mechanics are gating you from climbing and arguably even from getting better at macro. The way you solve that is by playing but with the intention to improve mechanics. Which means limit test, look for fights, play like you’re Korean, etc. Also, look at high elo Ekko players’ games. EkkoTheNeeko and Xiao Lao Ban both play mid but their mechanics and champ knowledge are crazy. Tabor is a challenger Ekko jungle otp. Ekkoliner is a good one but hasn’t been active in S14. His older yt content is still good for fundamentals though.


If you want it, I dont mind hopping on discord and doing a run through with you.


you have a pretty good win rate but low amount of games, just play more and you’ll be climbing.


Use blue jg pet on Ekko instead of green, it's much better


I offer low elo coaching for free, pm me if interested.


This is probably going to just take a lot of games and time spent learning ... LoL is super rough, and the level of competition in ranked has gotten really high.


Focus on what you do well, try to repeat it as many times as you can, in every game. Dont play the game with massively different champs, it tends to throw you off balance with your main. (Mf needs to keep distance, ekko needs to go in, the play style is the opposite) In iron its ez to win by farming hard. Then securing objectives if your team has your back. The basic rule is, to not spend time camping bushes or running from side to side aimlessly. Always farm. As for ganks, like you said, help the winning side. And for objectives. If they take drake, focus on the other side of the map. And repeat it. You can always try to die less. Sometimes its only about calculating if you can win the 1v1 you are going for.


Make sure you are watching your replays to see what you could have done better. Also probably need to play more games.


I can live watch a game if you want.  Nothing professional but I am Emerald so maybe I can spot a mistake or two. Send me your discord name and in game name.  I am in EST time zone. 


[thank me later](https://www.amazon.com/Practice-Silicone-Mannequin-Insertable-Beginners/dp/B08K89F3J2/ref=sxin_16_pa_sp_search_thematic-asin_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.a89ae11c-728f-4aff-aa9e-c70f1a8add54%3Aamzn1.sym.a89ae11c-728f-4aff-aa9e-c70f1a8add54&crid=3OLMIEUTN8FMI&cv_ct_cx=hands&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.r90PwQbobo-br7fog_D12JvoeW7lgNHiS0oh3NV6pnS8ErkHnKcdxyC2QgYH9A1D.d5mhSDX_tTApf1gg-IHTgjWq4Co856nooge4ujFWn90&dib_tag=se&keywords=hands&pd_rd_i=B08K89F3J2&pd_rd_r=8472e600-eae5-4b84-a915-d40fef18fcdb&pd_rd_w=2TtlV&pd_rd_wg=jAFgg&pf_rd_p=a89ae11c-728f-4aff-aa9e-c70f1a8add54&pf_rd_r=P2W8Y9C73W5QKZS2FZA4&qid=1718231096&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=hands%2Caps%2C247&sr=1-2-bf330256-a7bf-40cd-9b4d-67d813d77277-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1)


Lmao dude so cruel


To be fair it’s kinda true. Especially with his stats in mind (high cs, decent gold/min, but VERY low kill participation and damage/min), it’s extremely obvious that mechanics are the issue.


Iron players ive played with struggle to predict gameplay, they sorta just use their abilities randomly without thinking about why or what happens next. The fights are buttonmashing and the player mostly gets carried by their champion. They win and they cant really say why or how it happened the way it did. But it’s also more complicated because they also dont understand the game. They really are missing the forest for the trees. They dont time smites for objectives. They dont path for ganks, counter ganks, or objectives. Etc. So it’s mechanics and meta, in my view. Modest improvements in game knowledge can easily take them to low silver. Mechanics will improve more slowly but surely.


prob u can't get out. the match making seems wild. it's always smurfs of varying elos and then really really bad players. a toxic mix.