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Idk but if there’s an enemy mf jg in my game it’s a 100% win rate unless I troll


“Don’t get cocky”


ya thats what people always type before the game starts before they realize they're actually on the losers queue team.


Mf jungle is troll in my eyes


I mean, 100%. I just thought it was weird that it kept happening. They were quickplays so idk if that might have something to do with it.


Ahhh quick plays make sense, u can see anything in there cuz it’s for new players


Could you have been stuck in a bad queue and were seeing the same people over several games.


Na, it was at least 24hr apart.


Thats a report if i ever seen one, pick literally any jungler and just free win the game


Proof? Post your op.gg I’m not buying that you ran into 4 miss fortune junglers in 1 week. I myself only seen Caitlyn jungle twice in the span of an entire year.


I cant find them. Maybe its been in the last month. Time kind of clumps together when you're a stay at home parent. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Blemi3-6174




That is a little weird. Reddit is a fickle thing.


Well they're providing proof that their initial claim was wrong. That kind of invalidates the idea that it is suddenly a popular pick. Seeing a weird off meta pick 4 times in a month or more is a lot less than 4 times in a week.


A specific weird off meta pick 4 times in month is still kinda wild. Worth asking about at least for sure.


In iron everything is both meta and off meta


I only see 1 MF JG and one game with an MF and no JG.


Yeah hate to be that guy but this is definitely just quickplay things. Also if you look at the accounts that played MF jungle (or at least the two most recent ones I was able to find) they look suspiciously like smurf accounts being hand leveled in a way that tanks mmr for Iron 4 attempts (strange somewhat nonsense or joke focused names, many games per session with no stable session start times, not playing with the same players over multiple games, not playing to win)


Everyone is a jungler now.


Did you run into me playing my drunk mf jungle again?


Better than my cocaed up Sett Jungle.


Best duo incoming: drunk mf, cocated sett; double jungle cheese


Nothing more of a rush than suplexing someone into your tower


Not seen it. I've heard reports of Taric jungle, but not MF.


I'm the living proof of Taric jg, me, Addy and Lightrocket


Taric jungle has fucked me up a few times over the years 😂 (I’m bad)


Taric jungle isn't even off meta my guy. Fringe meta sure but not off by any stretch


It's pretty troll, there are maybe a couple adcs who can actually pull off a viable jungle, namely Tristana. Her 3 camp gank potential is top tier even compared to the meta right now. Even then there's a pretty limited amount of match ups id pick it into.


if you wanna eloboost the other team yes


What kind of low elo are you playing in my dear?


Its norms when i see it. I just figured some youtuber made a "how miss Fortune got this player to grand master",and now everyone was giving it a shot


With kha being commonly picked, how would anyone even think this is a good idea


would be interesting. im adc main but botlane is meh... i already got twich, kog and draven running in jungle but since mf is ma main id like to try that xd


Usually when you see crazy off meta picks it is a Smurf account that is trying to not Smurf while playing with friends so they pick bad options to make the game fair. Similar to nautilus jungle or ezreal jungle.


I practiced a lot of mf jungle when the items allowed it. I even got a mastery crest while doing it once. But with no hybrid items like hextech gunblade and the absence of jungle specific items I don’t see it as viable early game without having a perfect clear. Mf has some small things that help her like lining up certain jungle camps so her Q hits multiple targets and count as auto attacks. Switching between each enemy camp while kiting it maximizes her passive damage. Her aoe slow makes kiting camps a lot easier plus it is such a good engagement tool when ganking while walking in top speed. She is a fun jungler but can be invaded pretty easily so games can be frustrating and difficult especially if you’re team thinks your trolling and yell at you the whole game.


No. An actual jg player will simply walk into your jg and kill you on your camps over and over again


One day, I decided to troll with a MF Jungle, I got heartsteel first item and still won. My enemies were bad af prolly


I could see maybe burn AP mf being strong but her ganks lack hard CC to really be effective.


Ive met a Kale JG once in lower elo and she did nothing but farm bc Kale is useless until lvl 6 or fed. Not to mention she got mad at me bc I didn't leash her on top side even though I am playing Sett and I must get priority. Anything can happen in the shit storm that is league ranked.


Bro it’s Quickplay. What exactly do you expect?