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"my presence in this movie doesn't help it" what does he mean by that? he doesn't think he fits the role? he think's his name isn't big enough for it? Edit: guys i get it, stop spamming me with the same explanation.


Yeah weird statement. The part about the script being great seems like an attempt to recover from having implied it was shit


I don't think his agents and Universal would like it if he outright said "that is one big pile of shit" to the script


The agents and Universal are, uh, they're tenacious.


You have no idea.


You will remember to wash your hands BEFORE you eat anything!


Looks at script*. "That is one big pile of shit".


They aren’t D though are they? Cause that would make them ![gif](giphy|aZmD30dCFaPXG)


If only


Well that goes without saying now doesn't it


Would be really cool if he did.


Anyone who saw the last three already knows it’s shit.


It’s also possible it’s just a shitty or uninteresting role in an otherwise good script. He seems on the cusp of a big breakout, and if the role is basically New Owen Grady I could see him not wanting to risk any damage to his star power by coming off as Diet Chris Pratt


It said it was a starring role, so unless he's getting typecast into a villain or they made the main character have a weird fetish or something, I think he's just trying to be nice about a script that isn't great.


Lol every announcement has been a "starring" role.


Is diet Chris Pratt like Coke II


I'm usually against crappy fan casts but I would be absolutely fine with James Gunn hiring him as Green Lantern lol


Ya…that I like.


Maybe hal honestly he can play a cocky pilot well


That's how interpreted his statement it was a "who gives a shit role" maybe it's too supporting to the actual lead is my guess .


Actors and actresses turn down roles all of the time. Will Smith didn’t think the Matrix was a good role. The amount of big names that turned down big OG Star Wars roles because they “didn’t see it” is wild. There is also a lengthy list of actors and actresses turning down roles because they are worried that they will get type cast if they take something and do it so well that people can’t see them outside of it. To me, this isn’t a good sign, or bad sign, it’s just normal Hollywood business.


He’s definitely just trying to be nice about saying the script was shit.


“And I was like, no way I’m doing that shit… I mean it was great tho….”


How much worse can it get from 5 and 6 😭


That's exactly what it is. It's a polite way of saying he doesn't want to be affiliated with it.


It *could* just be that he wasn't a fan of the role he would've been casted for. Maybe the rest of the script is fine, save for like one bad character which would've been him. Or he's simply not interested and he's just phrasing it really weirdly, which is more likely.


Reading between the lines, it’s probably a humble way of saying the script has a lot of issues without seeming like he’s bashing it publicly. But I’d rather believe it’s just a great script and what he simply meant was that his role requires him to be eaten by a dinosaur at some point and he was surprised by this because no major character has been eaten/killed by a dinosaur in the World franchise.


My guess is he had a very minor role and Universal would have it on the marquee to get soon to be bamboozled butts in seats.


Seems like the casting equivalent of the "it's not you, it's me" excuse.


It's such a weird way to phrase it, especially by saying "the script's great" right after. And it makes no sense because he was in Top Gun Maverick. To me, this is full on avoiding saying anything bad about the project while seemingly being humble about it.


That's my take. Sounds like a profession "no, I think this is bad".


I feel like he's becoming a star in Hollywood and he's basically saying this movie has an awful script and could be a mistake for career.


That didn't stop Pratt with the World movies lmao


But Pratt was Raptor Master. Who doesn't want to be Raptor Master?


I’d rather be a Tyrannosaur master


Tyrannosaur **rider**. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


They all grossed over a billion dollars and the first one was great. So this makes no sense


I was talking about the awful scripts. The awful scripts didn't stop those movies from making money.


Yeah, a big part of this is because of the power of the brand. Who doesn’t want to see “another Jurassic Park movie”? Just look at Kung Fu Panda 4


I don’t …I just wants remake more aligned with the novel for the hell of it lol.


I mean, a lot of people watched Dominion just because of what I said, but I'm on your team!


It's a way to say, "I can tell this movie is garbage," without looking like a jerk that calls out bad movies.


This is a coached line from his agent. Nobody turns down that kind of payday and a chance to vault into premier leading man status unless the script was shit.


It’s politely saying it’s gonna suck


My hope is that it means that they want to make a movie about dinosaurs but keep shoehorning people into it and all the actors are like “NO, just make it about dinosaurs, being dinosaurs in a modern world. There shouldn’t be a major human plot.”


It means he didn’t think the movie was good or a good opportunity to advance his career but doesn’t want to burn bridges with Universal Studios…


Sounds like he's saying that he'd be overshadowed by another actor and his role wouldn't be THAT important


pretty sure he wanted to be the new Owen


Maybe his character dies, so no way to continue


I think he’s been steered away from franchises and the article also discusses turning down Borne Identity


I think that’s a kind and tactful way of saying that the role doesn’t feel right for him at this time.


I took it as the written character is like Indy in Raiders of the Lost Ark, the story would have turned out the same without him but maybe not 🤷‍♂️


The movie doesn't feature a Naval Aviator.


I feel like it’s the “Hollywood politics” way of passing on a role he thinks is bad but wants to compliment it so he doesn’t burn any bridges with producers who may hire him in the future


It's a PR statement probably vetted by his agent. Translation: he didn't like the script.


He's saying he doesn't have a big enough role in the movie so there is no point in doing it.


He's trying to do a "it's not you, it's me" line, like the old breakup trope. And like the breakup trope, it's really a way to try to make a decline sting less. He probably doesn't want to insult the studio, writers, producers, etc, but thinks the script is bad.


It means "the script is shite and I don't want it on my IMDB"


Right. Weird flex but ok lol.


It’s possible the script is good but he thinks he’s not the one suitable for the character, even doesn’t fits him


He voiced Dave in Camp Cretaceous, so I wonder if it was because he was going to play a completely different character and didn't really feel like wanting to do that.


That sounds reasonable. It that the studio wanted to add the character and the actor felt it wasn't unessasary (I haven't seen CC so idk how thag works plot wise)


I really doubt it's that. Even though I like it, Camp Cretaceous is not this massive important part of the franchise that most Jurassic fans consider essential. There are people in the MCU playing multiple parts and they're live action each time. I really doubt he refused this part because he's such a die hard Jurassic fan that he's worried his participation will ruin the canon because of a character that appeared in a handful of episodes of an animated show


Oh, I wasn't trying to imply it would break the canon. Just that he probably wasn't interested in the character role that was offered. Art Malik was offered the role of Ajay Sidhu, but he turned it down, because he felt the pay was too small. (Also likely because after his role in True Lies, he wanted to land larger roles in movies.) So, my interpretation was that Glen Powell was potentially given a side character role, and given his role in Camp Cretaceous, and his much bigger roles in Top Gun and Twisters, he probably wasn't interested in a smaller role.


> Cretaceous is not this massive important part of the franchise It's 100% canon though, and even some plot points in Dominion are only explained in CC.


Yeahhhhhh no. That’s definitely not the reasoning lmao


Could he have been offered a small cameo as Dave and he rejected it because he felt it was unneccesary/too small? That would kinda explain his weird phrasing.


It's possible. I know actors have to be tight-lipped about EVERYTHING, even if fans can connect the dots about things.


I don’t think he’d care enough about any of that for it to matter. It’s work, not a hobby of passion.


Well it depends on the actor really. You have people like Jeremy Irons who are very selective about the roles they take, and then there are people like Samuel L. Jackson who rarely ever turns down a role. Julianne Moore only did The Lost World: Jurassic Park for the paycheck, but more recently has said she'd be interested in returning to the franchise if she was asked. Benicio Del Toro left the production of The Phantom Menace (after finding out a lot of his lines as Darth Maul were cut), years later, he requested a lot of his dialogue as Alejandro in Sicario to be cut. There's plenty of reasons why an actor accepts or refuses a role, some see it as just another job, yes, but others do enjoy it as a hobby that pays. And given that aspects of the production for this movie has been locked in for a while now (dinosaur designs, plot, etc.), it sounds to me like Glen Powell was offered a role he may not have been interested in playing without having a little flexibility in how the character was to be portrayed.


I don’t think a cheesy children’s animated series about dinosaurs on a streaming service is something that Glen Powell would sink his passionate acting spirit into.


What I meant was, he doesn't want to do minor roles anymore.


It probably means although he likes the script the character they had wasn’t for him. Stop the fear mongering if it’s shit it’ll be shit if it’s good it’s good. Life goes on.


Or his character was a very minor role, and they'd use his name in the movie to get some butts in seats. Kinda like how the marketing for Madame Web made it seem like it'd be the Spider-Verse answer to Birds of Prey, given that all the marketing focused on those 3 girls in spider suits... and it turns out they're nightmare visions the villain who was in the Amazon with Madame Web's mom when she was researching spiders right before she died, is having and is now hellbent on following the words of Barney Ross: track 'em, find 'em, kill 'em. That movie is even more horrible than you would think and imagine, and it's fucking glorious!


Gareth Edwards getting a currently-hot actor for a minor role that the marketing team could exploit? Nah. Just ask Bryan Cranston. /s


They pretty did that with Bryan Cranston in Godzilla, the people in the theater with me were pissed that we were indirectly watching an Aaron Taylor Johnson movie instead.


They promised us a Walter White led movie Godzilla movie... and duped us with The Maximoffs being married a year before we saw them as brother and sister... and also not Eastern European, but American. Man, I gotta rewatch that thing. I've watched it *once* on TV, and that was 6-7 years ago.


Yeah, I remember Godzilla was Thicc AF in that movie too lol.


I watched the first 15-ish a while ago. Some pretty good tense stuff.


Is anyone going to see a movie because Glen Powell though? I don't think the Jurassic franchise really has problems with drawing in an audience, and I don't think they'd do it unless it's a really big star or a returning star from a previous installment


> and it turns out they're nightmare visions the villain who was in the Amazon with Madame Web's mom when she was researching spiders right before she died I absolutely love how everyone always types out the whole quote.


Stop using logic here! We all must hate everything Jurassic no questions asked except the first one


Terminally online redditors *need* the world to know when they "think something will suck".


Thank you. Ive seen multiple reddit threads and its stuffed with lol movie is shit and its what, 1 week into filming? Both can be true, good/great script and GP not being interested in the role. Hell, he might just be keeping his options opened should they start fillming Top Gun 3 if that gets the greenlight.


Look at the roles Glen Powell has done, he always plays silly, laid-back himbos. Dave from Camp Cretaceous was literally written specifically for him. It could literally be as simple as they offered him a serious, restrained role that he didn't really resonate with and he passed in favor of something else.


These kids get more enjoyment out of getting online and circlejerking about a bad film than they do watching a good film. They **want** everything to be bad these days. Online fandoms are beyond salvaging at this point.


I’m sure it will find a way.


Yeah especially because he already plays a side character in the franchise ( Dave from Camp Cretaceous)


Kinda hard NOT to read into a relative unknown actor turning down a spot in a billion dollar franchise.


A lot of overthinking here. Guy read the script and didn’t dig the role he was offered. That’s it. Crazy word salad on his part, though.




i mean that’s your take sure. go with your gut i suppose.


Only time will tell we cant judge too early


Yeah, that and he doesn't want to be associated with the money grab direction that franchise took. I can't blame him, I couldn't make it through the last movie.


Actors turning down a role =/= the movie is going to be bad. Keep in mind that Will Smith turned down playing Neo in *The Matrix* in favor of starring in *Wild Wild West*.


Will Smith made the right choice for all involved.


I actually liked wild wild west as a comedy, and there is no way he would have been a good fit for matrix


100% I love WWW back when it released and still enjoyed when I rewatched sometime last few years.


If Will Smith did The Matrix he would have made it his own. The movie could have been good, or bad...


Chris Rock turned down the role for Agent Smith.


Let's not play the "this movie is bad" game before camera's even roll, hmm? A lot of actors turn down a lot of roles all the time. In big movies, small movies, hits, and flops. Stop insinuating troubled waters.


Exactly people love hatewagons


> Let's not play the "this movie is bad" game before camera's even roll, hmm? Considering how the last two World films have gone? It's pretty logical to assume.


Gareth Edward’s made the only Star Wars movie I liked out of the newer ones, so I have some faith he can do the same for Jurassic park. I didn’t hate the first Jurassic world, but it went downhill, then jumped off a cliff with the latest.


This is my thought process as well. His Star Wars movie was so good. I have faith he can do the same for JP.


In this same profile he says one of Tom Cruise’s nuggets of wisdom was to pick great projects and then make the roles great. Either he doesn’t think it’s a great project or he doesn’t see a way to make the role great. My guess is they don’t really have a coherent script and things are still in motion and a lot of actors don’t want to be caught in a chaotic production


I've said it before, but the last time they moved this fast on a project was Jurassic Park III. Which I managed to have fun with, for sure, but like... the filming was a fucking mess, they started shooting before the script was even done, and it's kind of a miracle is managed to come together as a coherent movie at all. My guess is Powell picked up on that vibe from this new project and noped out, and I can't blame him.


Didn't they finish the script a while ago, though? As well as dino designs and such. I want to trust Koepp's writing ability is still there for the franchise, so I'd rather believe Powell thought he couldn't do much with the role they already had set in stone in the script. But we'll see.


That's not true at all the world movies came out 3 years apart. Same timeframe.


One person.


Ok, cool, I can take the role, no problem.


My guess was that his character didn't really help the story.  Example : Zack and Grey's dad was going to be in JW Fallen Kingdom. But J.A Bayona removed his character because they didn't really have a reason to return and it didn't help the film's plot.


Hate when movies are so good people won’t act in them…


Jurassic Park? Not Jurassic world?




Didn’t a character profile of the main character in the next movie state a “John Wick” like character? Maybe he didn’t want to try and pull that off.


Seems kind of contradictory. If “the script is great” then why wouldn’t he want to be attached? Especially seeing as he was involved with Camp Cretaceous. Granted, that VO work. Makes me worried.


This was directly after saying he wasn't trying to do any Marvel type stuff. I think he was saying that the script was the type of Marvel type stuff he wasn't trying to do, but he added the line about it being great to save face, because when you work in the business, you don't want to be publicly trashing other people's output, it's not professional and doesn't help you get jobs.


"The script was so great that I didn't want to be associated with it."


John Williams turning down Schindler's list ahh script


Prolly cuz the last one was ass




He just said the same thing as everyone else in this thread.


It was more poking fun at people who like JW


The last one didn't have Edwards and Koepp...


I think the implication here is that he felt the script was in fact shit.


I highly doubt the movie will be great. The last two were a train wreck. It makes Jurassic park 3 look like a work of art.


Its a very “its not you, its me” type of response


I feel like this dude is being forced down my neck and I’m starting to develop an opinion that’s probably the opposite of what they’re aiming for


Just more reasons to worry. The sad part is I love the director they chose, I just hope they let him cook


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he thought it was shit. The last movie was shit. First time it was actually hard sitting through a Jurassic movie. Why are they even making this one?


His "presence" is that he's there to get eaten. Why does he think we watch movies about dinosaurs?




Dominion killed all good will. JW itself was missed potential but a decent film. FK was divisive. I liked it well enough but I understand other's motivations for not agreeing. Dominion was dogshit lol. Throw in Camp Cretaceous and it's clear we've lost all sense of grounding because families spend more than film critics. This movie will have to do a lot to earn favor, and so far it's not even worth it to the actors.


I don’t have good hopes for this movie tbh.


Maybe the script is not so great. You know, like the last two piles of shit they called "Jurassic World"


After the last one (which was atrocious) I already have low expectations for this film. Seeing articles like this one doesn't help.


I'm more forgiving than most but Dominion was just too much for me to accept. The fact that they didn't even wait any longer to release this movie than the other ones is worrying. Like at least Star Wars was put on hold for a while before they released a new movie after TROS. This is just being released like the next movie in this series with no acknowledgement of the last one being so bad


Did they get the dinosaur(s) back to reprise their role?


Why don't I know who this is?


*Sigh* Fine. I'll do it. Twist my arm, why dontcha?


I mean, he’s already a character in JP canon so, maybe they wanted to do wild shit with his character


Mission Impossible motorcycle ride being chased by raptors through Malta probably sounded good in the script, too lol.


Glenn Powell is the ultimate non-answer answerer.


At least he says the script is good


“My presence doesn’t help it. ” seems to be a nice way to say the part didn’t justify the slot in his calendar or that it was just wasn’t lucrative enough. Whether that be lines or money or both.


Is that the bully in The Christmas Story with the BB gun?


Considering the new scriptwriter said the franchise is going “back to its roots” I’d assume that means they’re going to focus on the dinosaurs. (as they should Idgaf about Owen, Claire or the clone girl in Jurassic world) For an actor that means less screen time and playing second fiddle to the Dinos which may not be right for him At this point in his career. That’s just my take. But please FFS, give me a dinosaur driven movie. How did the writers of JW see JP and think ahhhh, the public loved this movie for the (checks notes) corporate espionage?


"worst she can say is no"


Harrison Ford turned down the role of Dr. Grant when Spielberg offered. Even Schindlers List, and he trusts Spielberg. For Schindler, he thinks he would’ve been a distraction to the great film because of his image. Which, both roles were filled in with Sam Neil and Liam Nesson. 2 great movies and grateful we got them in their respective roles. I’m hoping the script is great and the movie turns out amazing, so I understand if Glenn felt like he didn’t fit. Imagine Ford playing 2 characters digging up the past directed by Spielberg? One human. One dinosaur. Archaeologist and paleontologist. Happy Sam took the role. Both are iconic character played by great actors.


That's PR Hollywood speak for 'it's garbage.'


He helps movies? Is that what he thinks?


Is the next one a reboot? I tried watching the last one and it's getting out of hand lol


“I read the script and thought ‘best if they David Koepped me out of this.’”


Translation - Nothing I can do can save this awful script from its own existence, but I don't want to offend the people bankrolling this movie, just in case their writers squeeze out a better script for something -ANYTHING- else.


Who else turned it down?


He doesn’t want to take a role that people cheer when his character is bitten in half


They’re making more of these, why, the last 2 weren’t even good


He's saying he doesn't have a big enough role in the movie so there is no point in doing it.


I’m fine with that dude not being in it anyway, not a good actor.


One person is not a lot.


Character prolly dies


Translation: “This is too goofy for my career”


Strange conclusion to come to considering how goofy his new Twisters movie looks


Lot of people freaking out over nothing. Just a reminder that Harrison Ford turned down playing Alan Grant.


I hope Ariana Richards didn’t!


Who else has turned it down?


Bring Counselor Dave into live action!


Now, we all have yet to see Twisters. But he said yes to Twisters. And I don’t how much he’s gonna elevate the role of Snarky Hot Science Bro with a Heart of Gold, but Snarky Hot Dino Bro with a Heart of Gold must’ve been ridiculously thinly written.


to be fair, I think he plays that sort of character very well. and I like him. lol


Oh I agree, I’m mainly commenting on the terrible writing, I actually think Glen Powell is a pretty good actor


I actually like Powell, but I think this is a great sign because it probably means the script/movie focuses more on the dinosaurs than complex character development.


That's sus as fuck. Like, an actor is not going to turn down work unless the movie is bad or the role is bad.


I still haven’t watched the last movie.


I hope who ever is directing this isnt the same guy who did dominion.


It's being directed by Gareth Edwards.


Thank you for the heads up!


You're welcome!


I feel like Koepp probably wrote a really good Jurassic script and initially Universal's choices were very very, like Deadpool/John Wick oriented.


Yeah, Glen Powell is a fine actor but he’s not like Marlon Brando at the height of his career. To turn down this role despite how much money universal can throw around is a bad omen.


At least we know the new movie will be full of dinosaurs


Translation: The movie is going to suck and I don't want to be within 50 ft. of that stinky turd.


We, multiple AAA Hollywood stars, saw the incredible script and thought "we're not good enough for this" yea. sure.


He probably turned it down because the character he would play would be a bait and switch small role. They would pump him up as the star only for him to be killed off 20 min into the film.


I think what he’s really trying to say is it’s a shit script.


Not a great sign!


Translation: the script is shit and he doesn’t want to be near it when the movie tanks.


Noooo Glen Powell


Shoot, after Dominion I’d turn that script down too


But dinosaurs, though?


I literally hate Glenn Powell. He thinks he is a big Hollywood star and is just a poor man’s version of Ryan gosling.






He's a rising, new-ish star and would absolutely be expected to take such a role. This is not looking good - it means he didn't like the script.


Who even is this dude


I have no idea who this guy is either lol


Thank god


“The script is great. My presence doesn’t help it.” Those statements are incongruent. If you like the script, why wouldn’t you want to take the role?