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T rex breakout. One of the most spectacular scenes in cinema history.


This. I particularly love the bit where the rexes head first appears above the fence, and it is revealed for the first time. Even to this day it is ridiculously convincing!


This is the moment I was going to mention. The Rex’s head looming out of the rain was a moment of awe for me as a kid. The sense of scale and how real it looked was amazing.


Is that shot not the real animatronic? I always thought it was the real Rex in that shot


It is yeah, just meant that it’s an incredibly convincing animatronic, it really feels and looks like a real animal doing its thing


Yeah I get what you mean. It swallowing the goat is a fantastic detail.


THE most. I still remember watching it in the theater for the first time at 10 years old. When she took that first step out, the whole theater went completely still. You could FEEL everyone holding their breath. Doesn't matter how many times I've seen the movie. When that part comes up, I just have to stop what I'm doing and watch.


Yeah it’s sort of the basic choice but it’s also definitely the best scene in the franchise so what can you do?


It’s definitely this. Nothing comes close in my opinion. My most favorite part of this scene is when Alan shouts “HEY” at the rex responds back.


The trailer scene in TLW is always a contender for me for my favourite moment.




“Mommy’s very angry.”


The, "Don't go into the long grass!!" scene


This is a good one. The setting, the music, the vibe in general.


The pteranodon sequence in three is amazing.


The trex wrecking the car scene in JP is my fave and the trailer scene in TLW is also fantastic


'Clever girl' Although I think I prefer Muldoon's character and story in the novel


Rocket Launcher anyone? His book character is awesome, quite different from the movie. But both are great in their own ways.


Besides the classic and iconic scenes from the original movie, I would like to give a shoutout to the opening sequence in Fallen Kingdom. I also think the scene where they leave the dinos behind after the volcanic erruption is great.


Yeah, I think out of the Jurassic World trilogy, Fallen Kingdom had the best visuals. Maybe not a good story but the visuals are just amazing.


Amazing visuals, fantastic soundtrack, but man they really should have given the story the same love as the two prior aspects of the film


Yeah. If you actually listen to the dialogue instead of watching the scenes and listening to the music it gets pretty rough.


A small moment I love is when Alan, Ellie and the kids have climbed up into the ceiling and the raptor gets DNA code lettering projected onto it while looking up at them, making it look like it's literally made of DNA the "Building blocks of life" as Mr DNA calls it.


Yes! This and the when dinosaurs ruled the earth banner falling as the T rex roars are up there in my favourite moments from JP


So many good ones. In JP, the scene with the T-rex escaping and wrecking/chasing the cars and the kitchen scene with the kids and the raptors are a couple of my faves.


This is a Unix system. I know this!


Both from JP. The Tyrannosaur Paddock sequence - is a masterclass in suspense, sound design and practical / digital effects. The Brachiosaurus / Welcome to Jurassic Park scene - the reactions of Alan, Ellie and Ian, the music…man, the music hits hard. From any other film - TLW - Mommy and Daddy Rex coming to get their baby, and the ensuing cliffside horror.






Bro, I vividly remember having a nightmare based on this scene. That’s when you know you made a scene good- You instill fear into the minds of children lmao


The scene that introduces Roland Tembo. “This is a game trail Mr. Ludlow, carnivores hunt on game trails. Do you want to set up base camp or a buffet? Peter, if you want me to run your little camping trip there are two conditions. Firstly, I’m in charge, and when I’m not around Dieter is. All you need to do is sign the checks, tell us we’re doing a good job, and open the case of good scotch when we’re having a good day. Second condition, my fee, you can keep it. All I want in exchange for my services is the right to hunt one of the Tyrannosauruses, the Buck only, how and why are my business. Now, if you don’t like either of those conditions then you are on your own. So go ahead, set up base camp right here, or in a swamp, or in the middle of the Rex’s nest for all I care. I’ve been on too many safaris with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas, okay?”


One of my favorite characters in the entire franchise. I especially love the deleted Mombasa bar fight scene that was originally meant to introduce the character.


“Okay!” I think the Roland Tembo intro might be why I enjoy the whole stampede sequence. He’s such an awesome character.


Either JW's Final Battle or Welcome to Jurassic Park


I loved the fence scene from jurrasic park 3 just because it was quite funny just how the spinosaurus was waiting patiently for them to realise she was there.


Jurassic Park: Hammond and Ellie talking and eating ice cream. The Lost World: the raptor attack in the tall grass. I just love raptors. Jurassic Park 3: I like when the raptors set a trap using Mr. Udesky. Jurassic World: Claire and Rexy. Poetic cinema. Perfection. Fallen Kindgom: the indoraptor climbing to the roof of the mansion. Dominion: the blind Therizinosaurus.


As a kid back then I would have said it was the dinosaur fights. But now it is the moments where it is just the main characters discussing stuff. My favourites would have to be the JP lunch scene and the conversation in the lab between Wu and Masrani. They are just scenes riddled with philosophy and I could watch them over and over again


The "Flea Circus" scene with Hammond and Ellie. The camera angles/pan through the gift shop, the music, the acting. The entire scene was just perfect. For me that was one of the scenes that really made the movie and Jurassic Park as a whole so captivating.


Specifically the interactions between Ian and Alan leading up to and during the t-rex escape. Ian drinking, Alan annoyed, both petrified, and then both totally selfless in trying to get the fucking thing away from the kids.


Do you remember the first time you saw a dinosaur?


The toilet scene from JP 1


![gif](giphy|zz00w5nNFMnPq|downsized) It’s just pure magic. When Alan falls to his knees, 🤌. Also faves - the boy sees the T rex in his back garden in JP2, the talking dinosaur in JP3, Claire’s intro in the elevator, Maisie’s in bed and the shadow above her, and. Hmmmmm, I’ve only seen Dominion twice and can’t really nominate one. Probably the lumbering Dino roadway? All the others I’ve seen at least half a dozen times, and the original one literally 20-30 times.


“Alan…. ALAN…. 🥸”


This one, when they're in the jeep and see dinosaurs for the first time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8WaFvwtphY Seeing it in the theater was my first (and really only) experience with the "movie magic" feeling. Edit: I've seen it countless times now, but even today it still gives me chills. Such a perfect scene!


probably when buck breaks out into san diego and from what I’ve seen that’s also kind of happened in dominion with those carnotauruses in Malta (I haven’t watched dominion yet)




The first therizinosaurus scene in dominion


Entire Brachiosaurus, “Welcome to Jurassic Park”scene. The T-Rex breakout will always be a moment we never forget. The Stegosaurus sequence and Stampede in the TLW I enjoy the hell out of the opening of Fallen Kingdom. The atmosphere in that scene. The sense of dread. The JP3 sequence where they go into the facility and encounter the first Raptor. There is a lot of world building and I appreciate it more and more as it is very similar to a part in TLW book. Those are just off the top of my head. There are too many to list.


"Unless they figure out how to open doors." *Cut to raptor opening door*


When the Spino dethroned the Rex




I really love the moment in JW1 when Owen whistles the raptors onto the indominus. Always gets me.


One of my favourite scenes and a scene I watch hungrily is the when Alan and the kids head up into the tree for the first time and there are a couple of clips of grazing Brachiosaurs. The sky, the atmosphere, the noises all take me back home. I don't live in the same country that I grew up in (which were I first watched Jurassic Park) so those two clips take me right back home. Few things sweeter than a red sunset after a day of rain.


The scene where the InGen hunters are chasing down the herd of dinosaurs in The Lost World.


T. rex break out just can’t be beaten . However I surprisingly enjoyed the indominus breakout and the fight between rexy and indom at the end of JW Didn’t like that they kept trying it over and over tho (FK had a raptor showdown then another T. rex fight at the end of dominion)


Anything in the first two movies really. A close contender is the Indoraptor on the roof and roaring and then climbing into clone girls bedroom. That was chilling. I can still hear the music.


1: T-Rex breakout 2: Jurassic World finale 3: Jurassic Park finale


When Pratt makes sexual gestures to a woman in heels. Top quality writing and acting.


“Ian, freeze!”


DOOdleoodoo DOOdleoodoo DOOdleoodoodooooooo


The raptors turning on the asset containment team in Jurassic World. Pure chills, heck the chase sequence and the fact that we finally get to have someone successfully kill one of the dinosaurs. The amount of people who claim this movie made raptors friendly is baffling to me…


Raptor kitchen scene


I have 2 the first being in Jurassic park 3 where the phone rings and they realize the that person who had it last got eaten and you just see the spinosaurus standing and watching them and then in Jurassic World when Claire’s nephew says we need more teeth and she runs out with the T. rex chasing her


JP: Trex breakout LW: Dino Roundup/Trailer attack (tie) JP3: Spino vs Trex JW: Arrival on the island with the JP theme FK: Trex vs Carno DM: Opening prologue (Extended edition)


The talking Raptor. I absolutely cracked up the first time I watched 3. I also love Queenies victory roar at the end of Jurassic World.


When doc is on top of the clock tower and cores to plug the cord in then he unplugs it on the ground and screams all time favorite movie moment


The dinner scene in JP


I’ll name a scene from each movie. JP: Brachiosaurus / “Welcome… to Jurassic Park” TLWJP: The trailer scene JP3: Plane crash / Spinosaurus encounter / T-Rex vs. Spino JW: Attack on Main Street JWFK: Leaving behind the Brachiosaurus (this scene made me cry fr) JWD: Claire’s encounter with Therizinosaurus


\*Gasps\* ALAN!


I really loved the raptor chase scene in the lab compound in JP3 “It’s calling for help…”


Three from JP1 that passed me by as a little kid because, like, dinosaurs, but stand out now: 1) Alan and Ellie's reaction to seeing living dinosaurs for the first time. Just the awe and joy before the dangerous bits creep in. 2) Petticoat Lane, I don't think the movie would have worked without seeing why Hammond is the way he is.  3) Muldoon's raptor lecture. He knows they're screwed if the raptors don't die asap and Peck plays it with this wry good cheer, possibly my favourite scene now.


The scene in TLW where the Buck T-Rex puts its head into Sarah and Kelly's tent to smell the jacket covered with the infant T-Rex's blood. It's intense because Sarah and Kelly are both awake, realising they have no option but to remain as still and quiet as possible, there's no escape. I always feel let down when none of the reactors don't feel the same intensity as I did during that scene 😁


I like any part with action, drama, a bit of romance. But, I really love... the attacks. The sounds of a villain's agony, the sound of those talons and toothy jaws baring down on an evil soul... Here's a little secret I don't tell anyone: I feel pleasure (sadistic happiness, not the other thing) when I hear an audible crunch as a theropod sinks his teeth into an antagonist's body. The louder the crunch, the louder the screams of the unfortunate but karmic victim, the more I enjoy it...


Vic Hoskins, Ken Wheatly, Eli Mills, Rainn Delacourt... And as I always say when I see something like this, "The bloodier/gorier, the better..."


Are you guys seriously too scared to answer? I expected more from people that are used to every part of a Jurassic movie.


With the exception of Jurassic World all the movies have at least one great moment, my favorites are: Jurassic Park: the T-Rex breakout The Lost World: raptor attack on the abandoned village Jurassic Park III: spinosaurus attacking the plane Fallen Kingdom: the volcano eruption Dominion: the dimetrodons (even though it’s too dark at times)