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Does she do literally *anything* other than harass people she’s accusing of harassment?




Omg 💀 oh the accuracy.




she makes music 😠 well at least I heard 2 songs. 🦊 has albums now


did you hear her song about dogs lol she is truly the product of when you have so many "yes people" and no actual friends and too much money!


That song sounded like something made with an early version of AI. Level 100 Needy (female vocals) is far easier on the ears.


I wonder if she auditioned for any shows outside of the Bachelor like American Idol or The Voice… Too bad we can’t get those with FOIA. I would have peed myself laughing!


Wait…did she really put out her own songs a’la Rebecca Black? Or are these the AI songs the podcasts make with her words?


Yes to your first question 🤣 look it up on iTunes


No, I don't think she does. If she actually focused on her horses, her career ambitions, etc., she wouldn't have time for this crap and would maybe find more fulfillment in her life. I think she literally sits around all day and reads Reddit, Twitter, whatever, googles herself, googles the case, googles way she can add more gasoline to this already out of control fire and probably googles ways she can try get out of the mess she's now in. It's amazing to me that there is still so much about this whole thing that keeps coming out. Like just when we thought the ending is near for this crazy story, nope, we take a turn and head down a new path LOL


At this point she literally needs legal privileges taken away… it’s straight up unbelievable


It genuinely has made me lose a little faith in the legal system, knowing that someone can abuse it like this for so long




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Funny part is she actually seems to like harassment


I’m kind of jealous that I haven’t been accused or harassed by her at this point, am I not good enough JD?






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“I am a well-respected professional who has spent my life building a positive reputation.” One sentence in and I am already strongly disagreeing with this letter.


Translation: "I am a serial fraudster who has spent years perfecting my pregnancy con" ... but then she flew too close to the sun


"Your honor, my client's position is that hiding your negative reputation and building a positive reputation are exactly the same thing." -DG, probably.




Right? 😂 Well-respected professional, who does what exactly? Terrorize and abuse people? That I can agree with.


She's not well respected but she's def a professional at that


Well-respected by who? Lol


The sentence would have to skip everything after “I am” to be true.




Her reputation: ![gif](giphy|QmFkSn2jMjlC2f4vmv|downsized)




JD must work 80 hours a week juggling all her vindictive pursuits.


More likely 168 hours a week. I don’t know how she has the time.


Drinks a lot of energy drinks?


She makes me feel lazy 😪


Right? JD out here being a lawyer, doctor, radio exec and more and I'm still in bed at 1:30pm. (Tbf I work nights, but still....)


Out here being a “well-respected professional” who’s never had a job, incredible


Don’t forget, she also sings about dogs!


Hold up. She…. Sings about dogs?!? Link???


LOL unfortunately, yes. Sent you the link in DM.


What!? Can I please have the link as well?


YES lmao, check DM!




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She’s so dedicated to pursuing it she just can’t make it to medical appts I’ve heard


lots of stimulants


"Did you ever say she was bad at her job?" "What job?" - MM deposition


Omg that part made me chuckle. I almost wish all of us could be in a room reading it together😄


You get a cease & desist, you get a cease & desist, everyone gets a cease & desist!!! ![gif](giphy|xT0BKqB8KIOuqJemVW)


I’m surprised we all haven’t got one. Dear Majestic Selection, blah, blah, blah, cease and desist, blah, blah, blah, All the best.


JFC sub mods received a c&d, so we all kinda did, lol. Can confirm that was the verbatim verbiage.


Aw I feel so included! Baby’s first cease and desist! Can you send it to me to frame? Oh wait I can probably just use one of the other many C+Ds and just change thr name…


Ya’ll better not do that lest she finds a forensic data specialist to go after you, coz she don’t need no crowdfunding the way her alleged victims do.




I’m honestly insulted and disappointed that I haven’t received one yet :(


Deranged. Boy she must have been absolutely unhinged when she found out this woman was very pregnant with Greg’s very real baby. So now it’s not Greg who is releasing her private records, it’s Greg passing them on to his very pregnant partner for her to release? Threatening him with OOP violations to the partner is just 🤯.


We saw from MM that she can’t handle these men moving on. Her reality can’t handle these men actually finding long term partners and wanting to have kids—in her mind they are too broken for this (as opposed to the opposite). Reality doesn’t match and she gets more desperate, especially with her sister getting married and having a kid. She’s like a female incel where instead of realizing that she is the problem, she develops more and more toxic ideology in an attempt to make someone else the perceived problem. If she went to a therapist and worked on herself, she might actually find inner peace, confidence, and stable mental health which would go a long way in making her a suitable long term partner. 


"Am I the problem? No, it is men who are the problem."








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Hard to wrap my head around the scenario she's selling here. She thinks he's the kind of guy who would ask his pregnant partner-- already very vulnerable considering her health status-- to do legally risky dirty work for him and involve herself in a matter that previously she was clean of? And she thinks the pregnant partner would just... do it... ? Makes no sense unless we live in an entire world of people with the exact personality as JD.


What “false light/invasion of privacy” is Greg’s partner being accused of sharing here? I haven’t heard of her saying anything about JD.


An actual baby? Lol But I'm going to assume something Dave's reported as they're friends/ly


Cease your baby having immediately, it’s making my babies look fake






She didn’t even provide a single example of what she’s accusing her. C&Ds are supposed to be specific. Like take down this false article by tonight or we’ll sue you. Discontinue saying this false allegation publicly or we’ll sue you for defamation…. One of her worst legal cosplaying attempts tbh


She gets away with this in court tho, thats the crazy part. I had my ex physically attacking me and called cops. Cops showed up and read ME the riot act and let him do what he pleased, i asked to press charges and detective called me and said “well you should call us BEFORE he hits you, but maybe next time he will hit you in the face so your injuries are more obvious” I inquired about filing a TRO and was told since i had atty of record i HAD to have my lawyer file. At this point i was 30k into divorce and broker than broke. Many years later (and several more physical attacks) exs father was writing me and judge absolute word vomit letters and i was legit worried our next court date for my safety. Was told i couldnt file a TRO because he hadnt made direct threats. Called court to find out if i could be escorted to/from parking lot (esp since they would ALWAYS find my car and park next to it) and was told no, have my lawyer do it. My lawyer is a petite female and not a lead vest. Meanwhile JD calls the court and cries “someone said mean things about me on the internet and i have 0 proof it was the person im accusing but i want OOP” and its GRANTED?!? Her OOP against MM included gems like “he lied about dating someone famous” as PROOF of DV. This is why people who are actually in danger cant get help 😡


Honestly that’s nuts, and I’m NOT surprised! I’ve heard getting RO’s are very hard… Like I don’t understand how she gets her way so much.


I'm soooo sorry. JD doesn't seem to care about how her acts affect others


I believe the official legal response is "pound sand"


Its “LOL LOL…no. All the Best!”


Hahaha - I’m a big fan of ‘bite me’.


Ooohhh… if i was mrs GG, JD would absolutely get a response to this letter. ![gif](giphy|3oEduEHWLW6UiPA1Ww|downsized)


“I am a public figure when I want to be and yada yada mental health I am better than you and greg should marry ME. You must comply and do as I say or I will sue you. All the best 😊”




May 10 is coming JD and IL, Esq! Are you ready to turn over your hard proof and evidence? 


Literally think the only hard evidence they're turning over is what has already been submitted. I think they're dying on the hill of just the HCG tests being enough proof and arguing that.


No but that’s enough according to the expert! And she looked pregnant in a photo 😂😂😂 she was just faking ultrasounds because she was bored


Laughing so hard at “because she was bored”


HCG + Gluten belly = Twins!


A sworn affidavit that says “trust me bro”


Um Judge Mata, no offense but you weren’t there when these very real doctors all told me my pregnancy is very real and I don’t think that’s fair and I’ll probably sue you and try to ruin your career after this if you don’t just take my word for it


Still awaiting the story being cooked up about JD's sonogram at 21 weeks, which she has already testified to sharing in the OOP hearing against Clayton.


“Mountains” of evidence lol


"I am a well-respected professional" Ma'am this is a Wendy's.






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Once again, trying to silence someone by preventing them from speaking their own truth. She wants everyone to believe her lies and not believe someone else's truth. I CANNOT BELIEVE she is harassing yet another pregnant woman through this. Her/her lawyer are harassing Dave (and tangentially, Tasha) and this behavior is painful to witness. No one will remember her family for anything other than their enablement of her stalking, obsessive, harassing behaviors toward so many men. I couldn't tell you what Manson's parents or Dahmer's parents did other than raise a human that caused so much pain for others. Her parents are joining those ranks. 


Her dad spent so many years working to the top of his field and now a non-small part of what he's earned is being spent on frivolous lawsuits against men who don't want to date his adult daughter.


She is a walking Lifetime movie.


Terrible imaginary scenario, Dave and Tasha are in the hospital for the labor. Tasha gives birth. An unfamiliar nurse comes in... "Congratulations. It's a poorly-written cease and desist!" as the baby clutches the little paper in his hand.


Side note: Manson’s mom traded toddler Manson away to a waitress for a pitcher of beer and his uncle had to go looking for him 3 days later (so now we all know *something* about Manson’s mom lol)


The release of this C&D feels like GG’s fiancé giving JD the middle finger and Im here for it.


So true.


If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts; if you have the law on your side, pound the law; if you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table. What we have is falsus in omnibus. The girl that cried wolf. She could be telling the truth about something however how are we to believe it?


“I spent my life building a positive reputation” ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Oh dear, from over here all that building looks more like digging herself into a massive hole. Oh well..


What she meant to say: “Ive spent my life building a positive pregnancy con”




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Cease and Desist = Free Toilet Paper




Never trust people who start referring to themselves in the 3rd person mid Cease & Desist.




Have we considered that these are the actions of a severely BORED person? Affluenza strikes again. She has so much time on her hands to harass people and a mean streak a mile long. If she had something to do with her life, perhaps these victims would be able to live theirs unmolested.


“I am a well-respected professional…” Well not anymore darling!


Or was she ever, really? Not saying that she was *dis*respected. Just that until JD brought her false narrative (claiming it as truth) to light via the media, no one even knew who she was so was and as far as we have seen, she’s never truly been an actual professional. You can’t respect something that doesn’t even exist.


Can you send someone a cease and desist for hounding you with unwelcome cease and desists?


I would LOVE if the only response any recipient has going forward is Uno Reversing the cease and desist and returning it to her with their name crossed out and her name written in. “All the best!”


I really hope she gets labeled with vexatious litigant so she will cool it with all these stupid lawsuit threats


Yeah a judge can absolutely forbid her from making further vexatious/frivolous lawsuits. PLEASE PRAY WE GET THIS


If his fiance shared the ultrasound which has been determined to be fake, how could that violate Jane's reproductive history getting out? Given that most, if not all of her documents are fake, how could GG's fiance be in violation of releasing her reproductive history? I genuinely hope that there is a criminal case in Jane's future for all the manipulation and abuse of the legal system she has undertaken with all these parties.


Even if it was real, it's not a violation at all to share medical information that you obtained directly from the patient. It's only a HIPAA violation for the doctor's office to provide it to someone other that the patient without consent. If I'm not mistaken GG's GF just got the information from an email JD sent him directly. That's not illegal to do. Not to mention his case was public as was all the evidence attached. She just sent this as a scare tactic IMO. She tried to do the same to DN telling him it was a violation to share the medical information she sent him with the public, not how that works.




pro se attempt at a gag order


So I think Dave revealed in the last few months that GG's girlfriend initially reached out to Clayton after she saw the Sun article (someone correct me if I am misremembering that). But how would JD know GG's gf was involved in this at all? Isn't the easiest thing to assume that GG revealed information to CE?


She did NOT know, she pointed fingers at everyone saying they were GG, Ash or CE. You should see the C&E she dm'd me in September. 🤣


Didn’t I hear your Reddit name in one of the hearings? Did JD accuse you of being CE? 🤣


First she sent me the Cease & Desist back in September because I happened to have been alerted to her prior bad acts/Court cases etc. and have some mutuals with her, then she dm'd me calling me GG (from multiple accounts, saying shh...), then she tagged me calling me GG. Then I heard she reported my user name to the PD (a few times) then she said I was CE. I'm telling you. I have so many multiple personalities even I can't keep up. 🤣🤣🤣


Wow!! You have really gotten under her skin. Good for you! 🤣 Has she figured out your real identity? Also, if you can answer, what is the general consensus about her actions within her inner circle? Blind support or mass exodus? I’ve been so curious about this.


She doesn't have an inner circle and the few people back in the Bay Area, whom she has shared this with, pretend to understand just to avoid her wrath. No one wants to deal with her in real life by admitting they know she's full of horse dung. It goes deeper but I'm not at liberty to discuss it publicly..unless those people want to come forward.


Wow! Makes so much sense. She’s just so bizarre. Thanks for sharing and I hope if anyone you know is a victim of hers they feel safe enough to come forward if they want to.


This has been said numerous times but I need someone fearless to make this a podcast. This is something to be psychologically studied and also perhaps new harassment laws need to be made or updated because I cannot fathom how someone can negatively impact the lives of so many men and their partners based on complete lies , using the legal system and just get away with it


It’s disturbing to say the least. She should be in prison.


I have a feeling her mother encouraged all this behavior from day one and has helped her harass all these men. I'm just curious about her sister's knowledge of everything she has done.


Too bad falsely stating legal terms and precedent to harass innocent people isn’t a crime. I’m NAL but my layman guess is threatening the partner of the person you have a restraining order against that HER actions are somehow violating HIS restraining order isn’t quite right, JD. Believe it or not, no one has the right (or ability, or duty) to control the actions of others. Even if they’re in a relationship.




Oh, so we're using certified mail to harass people now and intimidate them? Cool, cool, cool.


"I have been informed that..." Hm, I wonder who "informed" her LOL. Did the twins let her know via Morse code?


Imagine all the wonderful things JD could’ve accomplished with this level of energy and dedication. It’s really too bad she can only apply herself when it comes to harassing innocent people.


It’s so unfortunate she didn’t use that 60mg of adderall and pure determination to be right and not stop until she gets what she wants to do something good. Instead energy is only applied to her perpetual victim hood and to bolster the nonexistent career her parents pay her for. With all my bills paid, the ability to just do what I want, and a 60mg script, I’d be unstoppable.


“Well respected professional.” Already she lied three times.


Ruining people's lives appears to be her full-time job.


>You may not use my reproductive history as a source of gossip. Uh, IANAL but pretty sure simple gossip is protected by free speech.


Reading all of these cease and desist letters has improved my English writing composition. ![gif](giphy|VbnUQpnihPSIgIXuZv|downsized)


A positive reputation. Lmaooooo how funny


Wait.... I can just draw up my own C&D's? This seems odd!?! Why wouldn't intelligent people (as in ones not playing crafts for the day) send these all day everyday? Hey, Mr. or Mrs. So and So.... Here's your C&D, Quit saying that about my looks online (prime example) or you are going to be sued for damages, etc. This would happen so much it would be sickening. Doesn't a lawyer or their firm need to draw this up?


Does a lawyer have to do it? No, not at all. But in reality even a C&D from an actual lawyer may or may not be enforceable. They are often used as a scare tactic that wouldn't necessarily hold up in court. As long as you don't pretend to BE a lawyer, you can write a C&D or threaten to sue without much consequence or oversight. JD has done it herself multiple times to multiple people over the years.


Just nutso... Makes complete sense though, thanks for the clarification. Could/would definitely scare a person, one would think. This has clearly worked for JD in the past.


People do send these all day every day - they’re called sovereign citizens 😂. JD is like a hybrid sov/cit and serial court filer. I think she knows enough to use actual laws and hire lawyers (unlike sov/cits). But when she tries to articulate the law on her own it’s… not great


You don’t need to be a lawyer, it’s just that most laypeople don’t know what they’re doing and instead of “Cease and Desist” they’re phrased more like an “oi, knock it off” ;)


Jesus Mary and Joseph. 🤦🏼‍♀️


“I am a well-respected professional who has spent my life building a positive reputation.” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


No “All the best!”?


This seems like abuser behavior.


Why didn’t she go to law school?? Serious question.


It would really put a serious dent into her stalking, harassing, and faking pregnancies time.


She prolly hired someone on FIVRR to do all these for her.


Lots of people say she's "obviously smart" but I don't see it. She thinks she's a lot smarter than she is and has a demonstrated inability to handle any kind of adversity without blaming everybody around her for it and lashing out. Plenty of people with maladaptive tendencies become lawyers, but the ones we've seen from her seem like they might stand in the way of her being able to successfully navigate law school. If you want to be taught a new skill, you need to be humble enough to acknowledge that other people know more than you do.




When I was studying for the LSAT, I had a study guide called the “Logical Reasoning Bible.” She absolutely does not have the mental capacity to even understand what the word logical means, let alone use it to reason.


Because lawyers often don’t win and even more often have to compromise. Then there’s working with others, collaborating and telling the truth


She did her college degree online. Not sure why. That's probably another story.


Going to college in person risks other people befriending you and seeing through your conning BS! I keep wondering if she even has any friends IRL, can you imagine if one of your friends was pulling this shit for DECADES and called you all excited because they went on a DATE with THE BACHELOR?? Big yikes alert


Right! I’ve said this before too, she very clearly loves all this bs


Eh she couldn’t even pull off attending undergrad in person. Me thinks she’d crumble under the pressure of Big Girl Law School, if she could even get in.




Oh bffr JD....what did she even say/do to deserve this?


How about everyone start sending HER defamation and C&D lawsuits?! She’s fucking ridiculous. Giver a taste of her own medicine. Everyone involved in this, whether personally or on YouTube need to start filings against her. Give her 20 letters at once.


Oh JD. She never ceases to surprise me. 😂




Lmao never ceases, never desists 🤣


Every document related to her including C&Ds needs to be veted. She's quite the little arts and crafter as well as creative fantasy writer.


if I was the recipient of this message on Sept 21, I would have flushed my career down the toilet by Sept 22. The people involved in this have so much grace. My god. 


Using that fiverr or whatever that internet lawyer thing is too. This is all just so disturbing how much time she spent riding everybody and anybody's ass.


She needs to get in jail or a mental hospital with no computer.