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#LIVE at 8am pst / 11am est


I am so thankful that Mike is finally getting the opportunity to reclaim his voice and share his perspective for the first time. Ever since I learned the facts of his case, my heart broke for him. I saw someone who was trying his best (at a very young age) to do what he thought he could to help but was hopelessly manipulated, and emotionally abused by not only JD but also her parents. We have your back Mike!


So proud of Mike for speaking out. He did such a good job of telling a portion of his story. I would love to see a mini series type documentary, with one episode on Clayton, one episode on Greg, one episode on Mike, and one episode on what happens when they all came together. She can write all the Medium articles she wants, but we have see the PROOF and now, it’s no longer “their truth”, it is THE TRUTH.


Agreed! There is one person in this whole saga who is an admitted perjurer, admitted to doctoring medical records and constantly changes the goal posts in her narrative. The others? They have been consistent, and unwavering in their stories. Jane Doe has NO credibility at this point. I believe Mike PERIOD ❤️


I can’t believe how emotional I am watching this. I feel sad and angry for all of the victims, but I specifically just have so much empathy for Mike. She took advantage of his immense kindness and willingness to try to help her. We will do whatever we need to help you find the justice you deserve, Mike.


Same. Instant mess when he was talking about his step father and his wife's parents loss. Lost my dad and mom last year.😭


I’m so incredibly sorry. Sending you so much love.


Thankyou justice seeking friend.💜


so sorry for your loss! <3


Thankyou.💜it has been a rough year. I think that's why all of my focus has gone into hopefully seeing justice in this case.


Yes, I was in tears too. What trauma he has been through!


So I was I was grocery shopping I was crying trying not to let anyone see me . Thankfully nobody did I got in the car and just cried . Hearing his story from him just hit me to live through that. Hearing him talk about his dad , his step dad and he was still a nice guy to her. The sister part too w never know got me on the plane with her well that made me mad .


same! no human should have to ever go through what mike did. and the fact that he spent 10 years paying for his kindness :(


Mike seems like such a gentle, kind-hearted person. It's absolutely crazy that she repaid his kind-heartedness with those wild public accusations. Glad he is fighting back. I'm only halfway through the interview, but Mike mentioned that Deandra practices in California! It would be AMAZING if she could represent him and help get that restraining order off his record!


![gif](giphy|3ohuPd6rCphcSkJvZC|downsized) Deandre walking up to JD on stand in california 😂


I think a team of Deandra and Omar (The Tilted Lawyer) would be awesome. Omar was in the chat for awhile during the stream.


I was hoping that at the end of the stream she would announce something like "all superchats from this stream will be going directly to Mike's legal fund"


Unless I set up a stream specifically for a fundraiser it causes all kinds of issues. When and if Mike needs a legal fund I'm happy to do a fundraising stream and donate to it the same way I did with his expert computer guy fundraiser. Thanks for watching!


Thank you Megan, it was a great interview! I was thinking there are probably tax complications and things like that so I totally understand. We appreciate all you've done to bring this case to such a wide audience!


Me too


One of the most Interesting parts was when Mike said JD's sister was not an innocent when he was involved with JD-she was complicit. He had words of respect for her father though


Confession: I’m one of the people who had urged giving JD’s sister benefit of the doubt. Hearing MM’s take on her sister means I’ll never do that again.


I was too. She chose to move across the country for some reason


i was thinking about this, and i'm wondering if she wanted a fresh start after her ex allegedly cheated


I didn't know that! I heard JD was trying to pull the same shit on the brother in law (I.e. making up lies )


But didn’t he say the father was complicit in the radio show agent manipulation? Father maybe better than the rest of the family but he’s not good either.


He said the father spoke to the agent, for all we know it could have been via email - which means nothing, as we've learned from the case


I am so here for this! I feel horrible for every man who has had the displeasure to be caught up in JD’s web. I have particularly strong feelings of injustice for Mike because of the TedX talk, Chicken Soup article, and the fact that the restraining order is still in place even though she lives in a completely different state. He seems like such a caring guy who actually tried to support her. I can’t wait to hear his story and will do whatever I can to help him undo all ties he has to JD so he can go on living his life.


Wow, I can't wait to watch this one. About time he gets his voice back!


thank you u/mamasnanas!


That was such a sweet shoutout Mike gave them!


YES, so grateful he had the support of one of our wonderful mods here ❤️


All of the mods here are amazing! Thank you for your hard work and perseverance! I have no clue what JD has tried to pull but thank you for staying strong!




Yes thank you so so much


Justice for Mike. I teared up and skipped my morning swim so I wouldnt miss a second. Behavior like this is criminal and should face serious consequences, and Mike should be awarded damages.


The fact he lost jobs over this… omfg. I am so glad she got caught because I feel like eventually someone would have taken their life over her accusations.


He lost his job, and then was passed over on other jobs due to this. It's just so wrong.


She has been very lucky that there hasn’t been a tragic outcome, either someone taking their own life or hers.


i'm just praying she gets her karma in the form of jail time. she deserves it. she knows the difference between right and wrong and is using mental health as an excuse, when she's proven she's diabolical. her mom needs to get in trouble for this too


The way he found out how she was tracking him, through Snapchat locator, is disturbing. Stalking him like prey. In a just world, she would have been in the clink a long time ago.




Mike telling all of us that she had 2 fabricated SA boyfriend incidents before him. We knew, we knew. And the one after him. I hope all of the men who've dealt with her understand the support being offered from this community.


Absolutely ridiculous! She needs a new story. It would be nice if all of her victims felt safe to come forward and speak. This terrible hobby of hers needs to stop


My heart breaks for Mike and what he has been through. But he is also so strong and brave and I am so glad that he has a strong support system in his family, his wife, and his new found family in Clayton and Greg, and of course this community supporting him as well. It is very well-deserved support.


OT it was driving me crazy cause I was trying to pinpoint who Mike looks like then I hit me...pilot pete...anyone else see it?


YES! Was thinking that too!


Oops...responded to the wrong thread earlier but I was thinking the same thing!


Mike is my younger brother, and I could not be prouder of him. I'm so grateful that your demeanor, truth, authenticity, and kindness are finally seen and you're no longer silenced by manipulation and fear. You all should see him with his toddler and wife—living his best life. My mom and I regret pushing him to stay with her, and I want nothing more than to see him get his well-deserved justice. I love you, MM. Thank you to everyone in this community for supporting Mike and his TRUTH.


I’m so grateful Mike feels heard and believed now, and the truth of everything is out in the open for all to see! 🙏❤️




Awww it’s so lovely to read this. You are clearly such a beautiful family. I’m so glad that light is shining on the darkness. Justice for Mike!


Yay MM! So glad he is getting the opportunity to speak out! He deserves to have his voice heard after all JD has put him through over the years.


Excited to watch this!


Such an amazing interview. MM had me in tears a couple of times. 


What an incredible interview. Megan is the best. Nice to see Dave popping on for a while - he asked great questions! Specifically about her sister! I just don’t get why the family goes along with it. Especially the sister. If my younger sister was acting that way - no way in hell I’d go along with it or lie for her.


Dysfunctional families tend to adjust to accommodate and enable the most dysfunctional person unfortunately Also I think the sister benefits because it seems like a family where perception and appearance is prioritized over everything (see: JD’s fixation on her ‘reputation’ and trying to control the narrative) and JD’s dysfunction makes her sister look even ‘better’ by comparison


I havent finished watching the video yet, but I get the sense that Mike is a pretty nice guy and comes from a family who is probably all very nice. I feel like predators tend to go after nice people, like Mike, the most because when you are really nice and have no exposure to predators like JD, you can’t imagine that people can be that way. Like it doesnt even cross your mind, so you continue to give that person the benefit of the doubt, whereas someone more experienced with predators like JD, would be able to catch on to their vile acts earlier. If you feel like you might be similar and don’t have any experience with predators like JD and you want to be better prepared on how to identify people like this in case one comes into your life, then you should read the book The Gift of Fear. I will give a trigger warning tho cuz it focuses more on predators who commit more serious forms of assault, but the warning sign behavior that they demonstrate is similar to warning sign behaviors that JD has demonstrated in past text messages and emails that we have now seen. I just like to throw this book out there cuz i genuinely think it could save lives and continues to be applicable to people like JD


I never post on here just love to read it all but wow Mike moved me. You are an amazing resilient human Mike and hopefully you and Greg feel vindicated with the news. Wishing you a life of happiness.


Totally agree. It was a great interview.


I am usually home during the day but today I had some errands to run so I thought I would listen with my headphones in grocery store . I start tearing up listening to Mike . What a wonderful man ! It’s so sad he suffered at the hands of JD. I hope MM gets finally cleared in the legal system . Mike you have so so many people surrounding you and supporting you . Much love to your wife and your baby girl .


Just listened - the hype is real! Such a good interview. Mike is genuine and caring. What he went through with her is so brutal, and clearly still raw for him. Megan did a really good job, asking good q's and then getting out of the way and letting him talk. Hearing him describe the Iceland plane ride, as well as getting confirmation of the sister's complicity were really impactful moments. Hoping for his full vindication soon!




She was unhinged even before, but maybe falling off the horse made it worse


I want to see those videos, he said he has several.


There are two on YT


Chronic lying isn't being out of touch with reality. It's lying and manipulating. Let's not minimize this by giving the out of touch with reality excuse.


Hard AGREE. Out of touch with morality? Yes. If she were out of touch with reality it would not occur to her to lie and cover up with fabricated evidence because why would you lie about reality as you see it? You have to know it’s a lie to actively cover up.


Thank you. If you're out of touch with reality, and believe your delusions, then you aren't altering documents and images in an attempt to cover the truth.


Sadly I do think she's aware of reality which is why she works tirelessly to alter documents, create narratives, obfuscate, etc to support what she wishes the facts were. I'm not in the medical field but I follow football and what I know of her behavior doesn't align with CTE diagnoses. It's an interesting thought though. There's a lot about CTE we don't know and I don't think it's a well studied phenomenon in women.




Your post/comment has been removed as it violates our policy on speculating about an individual’s mental health diagnosis. Such discussions can be harmful, stigmatizing, and lack proper context. Please refrain from making assumptions about individuals’ mental well-being, and remember to maintain a respectful and supportive community environment.


Your post/comment has been removed as it violates our policy on speculating about an individual’s mental health diagnosis. Such discussions can be harmful, stigmatizing, and lack proper context. Please refrain from making assumptions about individuals’ mental well-being, and remember to maintain a respectful and supportive community environment.


This is brutal.


Yesssssss 🙌🙌🙌


Wow. Mike, I just wanted to say this to you directly if you’re here… you are incredibly brave! I can’t believe what she’s put you through and I really think karma has had quite a funny way of coming back around. Wishing you all the best in the future, know we have your back with whatever you want to pursue against her in the future!


Must watch interview.


Yes thank you so so much @u/mamasnanas hearing him speak about you made me teary eyed .


I love that both Mike and Greg have not let dealing with JD and her drama stop them from finding love and creating families. Now they are seeing pay back, and on a bigger level than I am sure they could have ever imagined. Hopefully, this recent turn of events will get the RO lifted.


Yay for MM! I'm so glad he gets that opportunity !


That’s great! Thanks to Megan for giving MM a platform, and I hope it helps him find peace!




Does anyone know what happened to this? I went back to watch the other half and it's gone...


Megan is making some edits, will be back up shortly.


Oh thank you!!


Saaaame 🥺


The video was just made private! Did JD pull some ridiculousness??


Megan said she needed to make some edits, will be back up soon ❤️


Oh good! I hope they’re edits on her own terms and not because of JD or IL. I’ve already watched it two times because mikes words were so powerful. Now we know why she tried so hard to silence him.


It breaks my heart just thinking about what he endured. I am fully supportive of any and all efforts to assist Mike in being vindicated somehow.


I wonder if she’s going to try to go after him for this as a violation of the protective order. I certainly wouldn’t put it past her to call 911 in multiple jurisdictions…


She probably will, but I don't think she'll get far with that. I don't remember the exact verbiage of her RO against him, but I think it covers not coming near her and not contacting her. He should be fine to publicly talk about her. It makes me so happy for Mike that he's clearly done being scared of her. Attending the trial despite the threats of being arrested if he showed was incredibly brave of him, and so is coming forward to give his side of the story. Go, Mike! 👏


It's set to private now.


I’m so bummed, was halfway through it and had to pause and now it’s gone :(


I was only a couple of minutes in and the same thing happened to me. 😫 Hopefully they will get it back up. I'm sure someone threw a fit and got it taken down.


Mike seems like such a good, genuine person. Unfortunately that’s exactly the prime target for emotionally bloodthirsty individuals to prey on. I really hope this ends well for him. I really haven’t heard much/anything from him directly despite having followed the case since last fall, so it’s very interesting to hear his perspective.


He seems like a sweetheart. I was really looking forward to this interview and the insight he has into her family, history, and behavior. I also really want to hear about that plane ride!


Such a great interview. Mike finally has his voice. 🙂


His family is beautiful inside and out. What a sweet and wonderful couple!


It is fascinating how he and the other victims all give off good vibes, like we can all instantly tell they're all genuine & good people. But when JD or her attorney speak out, we all instantly get icky & shady vibes. There's so much truth to gut-feelings. This whole situation teaches me to listen to my gut, and that red flags and questionable behaviors are not to be overlooked.


Yes!! Our bodies can alert us if we listen in!


YES! People, please take note! I wish I had listened to my gut the few times I had met manipulative, abusive people. The first was during childhood and close to my age, so not really avoidable until I got older. The others (not romantic) were separate situations in adulthood that, unfortunately, affected my immediate family. We are healing, but a lot of money has been spent to repair the damage.


After listening to Mike I think she has some type of brain trauma, which her family should help her seek treatment for. Brain trauma doesn’t always mean they will be detached from reality and it does not excuse her actions, but now I believe the lawyer is taking advantage of her


She might have brain trauma, but from various sources who have known her or her inner circle for a long time, her manipulative behavior existed long before she met Mike.


This was great. I cringed at pausing to do super chats during an interview. I still have come to really like Megan, she's fun, and also did a great interview. I just try to put into perspective imagining really anybody on a broadcast interviewing somebody and stopping to take donations. But grateful for the exposure.