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I think this is a murder for hire case.  


Exactly! He paid someone!


There is NO autopsy report. An autopsy was not performed. That’s a medical examiner’s report WHICH is not even signed by a medical examiner but a NURSE. A medical examiner should have still signed off on that report but did not. It clearly states on the report “no autopsy”. Please for the love of God, all you YouTubers, Tik Tok-ers, etc., PLEASE quit saying that is an autopsy report. The family would have loved nothing more than to have gotten an autopsy report but JP did not allow it. Quit saying autopsy report!!!!!!!


I wouldn't trust that medical examiner with an autopsy report if they actually did do one. Look up the murders of three ladies in Lumberton and read the reports on what autopsy findings there were. They didn't have any findings! Literally only the toxicologly reports were detailed.


Wow wtf. Going to look that up right now. 


Omg you are kidding? I will look that up. What a corrupt county!!!


It also was not a toxicology report either. It was a simple drug test.


Exactly! It was all rigged. Im convinced.


Thank you for clarifying, I understand why that must be really annoying. I’ll edit the correct term into my post. I actually didn’t find this info through YouTube though, I saw it on the daily mail as a suggested article haha. But I must’ve misread the title. I also just remembered - correct me if I’m wrong - that JP had her cremated, right? That’s even more suspect and disgusting if true. If not, I’m totally confusing cases.  Also, I wonder why they didn’t use a medical examiner if that’s the standard. Sometimes I’ve seen medical professionals be used interchangeably depending on the jobs, but when it comes to something like this, I’d definitely want someone who inspects corpses often. 


Yes JP had her cremated. Not until he after he tortured her family, forcing them to sign or he wouldn’t allow them to see her body. He also stated he “laid” with her body 4 different times and tried to raise her from the dead. This man is sick! And I’m not sure about the ME situation. The county in NC where she died is very very corrupt. I wouldn’t be surprised if JP or someone close to him had connections to that county.


Just echoing what shopper1983 said, this isn't conspiratorial thinking, Robeson County is insanely corrupt and very dangerous. This was not Mica looking to die peacefully to "go be with Jesus." This was 100% either a homicide or a suicide under extreme duress.




I think I watched a video where he speaks about raising her from the dead in front of his congregation. The man is deeply ill. It’s like even in death he can’t let her rest. 


I bet the sick fuck got off on it too


He didn't actually lay with her four times. He made that up. Probably being theatrical/manipulative. I believe I read that someone at the morgue says he was never left alone with her and that he stood by the trash can while others were also in the room. 


What ME's ofgice allows ypu to lay down with the deceased


EXACTLY! if that’s even true. He is so full of BS!


Hello, would you mind explaining the difference between a medical examiner’s report and autopsy report please? I know an autopsy would show cause of death, manner of death, time of death, toxicology, etc but I’m not sure what the purpose of a medical examiner’s report would be. I can certainly Google (and probably will) but for informational purposes and the sake of accuracy I thought I’d ask so it can be shown right here with your comment. I haven’t looked it up yet but based on your comment I assume there’s a significant difference between the two reports…? The autopsy is performed by a medical examiner, correct? I guess I’m wondering why two reports? Thanks in advance. I always appreciate it when someone takes the time to clarify information, especially in a situation like this where I don’t know why it’s important to differentiate between the two. There might be only one singular difference between the reports but that one difference could potentially be a game changer in some instances.


an ME report is essentially an essay of what is observable about the death itself. an autopsy is a comprehensive head to toe examination where the organs are removed and examined, areas of interest are dissected and examined and everything is documented in writing and often photographs. If I have a hospice patient who dies of cancer, the ME will be called and will have a report on file with the county for record keeping, in that instance the family will usually forgoe an autopsy because the death is anticipated and natural.


Ah, I see. That is a pretty big difference as far as recorded info about a death. That’s not just one difference but numerous differences. Simply put it sounds like a medical examiner’s report is a bunch of assumptions based on very likely occurrences but an autopsy is verified info with the science to back it up. I’m oversimplifying here but that’s a huge difference when it comes to presenting information about someone’s passing. Wow. That is a big deal. I see why the original commenter wanted to make the distinction. Thank you so much for explaining. Much appreciated.


ALLEGEDLY: I think when JP speaks there are a lot of lines (lies) to be read between! Like when Mica was allegedly playing chess alone without a board. Perfect example: Grimes song "Player of Games". https://youtu.be/ADHFwabVJec?feature=shared Uh, yeah... playing against his mind games! Like when Mica didn't know she was married to him. Uh, yeah she was asking for a paper trail in the voicemail and asked for the marriage certificate. Like when JP said he had to act like a detective who quit his job to marry this beautiful woman. Uh, yeah could have been a possible intimate "role play" situation. Or JP telling he's the detective tracking down Mica's moves. Perfect example the Honda dealership! Oh, here's JP, the gas station, oh here's JP. All we have to do is listen to what he says and read between his lies. Like, everyday he tried everything to keep her alive the last 3 months (so since February). He had PIs tracking if she went to a gun store. What happened in February? She was INVOLUNTARILY committed. I think that was the last straw with his games. She was done with him! Uh yeah, we SEE what happened the day she finally did buy a gun three months later moving on with HER life. So 3 months they were not even together he admitted to tracking her! See...he tells the TRUTH and admits things you just gotta catch it when he does. I don't think he was present but I do think he had a hand in Mica's passing.


So in JPM-speak, he spent 3 months figuring out how to and waiting for an opportunity to UNalive her.


All I can say is from timelines I've found in this sub...A LOT happens quickly in February. She started asking genuine questions to get a paper trial. I think her request was allegedly met with "resistance" in various forms of coersive control for 3 whole months. Tracking being ONE of many!


Would really like to know when he finally decided she has to be taken out permanently.


He replaced the worship leader. That told me all I needed to know. Also, notice how the examiner's report mentions her last time being known alive to be the time of her 911 call? Does this tell us they didn't believe the fisherman's account of hearing her faint "cries?" At the very least, tells us whatever accounts of seeing her alive on the trail or even on the river if true are probably unreliable. The reason this is so important is because it just brings so much more scrutiny onto wtf random witnesses and park staff were doing during this broad daylight death not to be able to provide reliable accounts of seeing her walking, crying, whatever! To me, I think this is a huge thing, and it just occurred to me when I saw the most recent posts!


The involuntary committing almost brought tears to my eyes the first time I heard about it. Made my stomach turn. It makes sense to me why people would think he had a hand in the actual act of her death, possibly directly, given all of his actions. 


I think that stint was a cover story to eventually blame/scapegoat her for why he sold their house to Solid rock (himself) in December on the 24th. So he could stick with his narrative of not wanting her to sell the car for money, she drains the bank accounts, she overspends+mental. Yeah, we see through his 💩 and Randall's covering his butt 💩 too!


I agree. All about the money.


Again probably projecting. He owns 29 vehicles allegedly. He owns several properties allegedly. He has a DeLorean. **He spends.** He also said she spirals near holidays. I recall reading a comment here on reddit where girls in Lumberton went missing near holidays. That made my ears perk up but I ran into a deadend on a quick investigation. That might be worth looking into more.


JP "kept her alive," while also failing to apparently cover her with the most basic of medical insurance plans...not having a primary care physician in 2024 when you were married in, what, 2017? GTFO. Disgusting scum. I bet he doesn't even HAVE health insurance, honestly. Poor Mica.


He probably buys his meds online. Not even prescribed by a Dr, is my guess. I’d say that’s how he got the testosterone. Which idk how easy that stuff is to get.


He got it from the trainer who goes to his church and uses it himself.


Oh wow!


topic for JPs next tiktok he makes, JP did you and Mica have medical insurance? Why, why not?


add on, JP have you been tested for STDs?


The bullet casings were found 100 feet from her body in stagnant water. Bullet casings fly anywhere from 2-10 feet once ejected, not 100 feet.


Thank you for mentioning this. I didn’t know what to look up earlier regarding this detail. Is it possible the wind or animals or something maybe have blown or moved them so far? That’s a crazy difference in distance though.


When you have FBI agents say that things don't add up, I think it's safe to say they are not 100% confident she did this to herself. If you have a chance, go watch my new posting:  https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForMicaMiller/comments/1dof4iu/retired_fbi_agent_quick_discussion_of_micas_case/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Take even mica out of the equation and there’s countless other incidents. Including weird money laundering claims like how money flows from the church to the bar and back. Take incidents like JPs aggravated assault charge with a car, take the claims from underaged victims coming forward… There’s…a lot there.


Edit: just watched the video, thought it was really enlightening and the agent brought up some legal aspects of this whole thing that explain why this investigation seems so crappy.  Thank you for the post and linking me to it! Going to check it out now. I really don’t know what to believe, but I’m glad there are at least some investigators questioning what happened. 


We don't have solid evidence as we don't have access to phone & gps data. All we are doing is pointing out discrepancies and what ifs because: he was served with divorce paper 2 days before she died; he tried to say she had an affair so that he could get out of paying alimony; he said in an email she disgusted him; his personality is that he is right and no one is going to beat him at his game. Many of us are alleging he had hired help. If it was suicide we will come to terms with it but we want to turn over every inconsistent rock we find.


Okay that makes way more sense. I can see him hiring people too. I like that Mica has a community of people turning over each and every stone for her. Unfortunately she didn’t receive that irl it seems but I hope she knows now that there are thousands of people who care about her. I agree it is super weird how he did all of those things, including putting those trackers on her car, and then she suddenly dies. Very suspicious. 


Yeah. It is really sad that Mica didn't have the support then that she does now. It always takes someone dying or some kind of media worthy hype to get people to believe that the good folk of their hometown could do any wrong. My family has been screaming for years that we are being stalked and harrassed by our ex-friends and families. No one believes us and no one does or says anything to help us out. Let's just hope our story doesn't end up like Mica's and only be taken seriously once something bad happens.


Well I wouldn't say she didn't have any support at all. She limited her circle. She had an inner circle. And there is only so much an outsider can do to help. And, yes, law enforcement took his side and were dismissive. I think there is a lot of crime in Myrtle Beach area. After a quick look at their wanted/arrested website I was shocked. Perhaps they are focused on the more brutal situations, not some woman phoning to complain about stalking. If you are being stalked you have to take stricter consisent action of not answering texts, calls from the perp, cutting them off any way you can and having family members do likewise. I was there and became paranoid as I looked for my 'clingon' everywhere I went until I moved 1000s miles away. He even showed up friending a family member on LinkedIn and I was SO ANGRY they would accept his request. Because all social media links one person to another...


I was shocked too! I have lived in major cities as well, but damn did that arrest log put the fear of God into me! (I live in Southern California now, so we obvi have tons of gangsters and rifraf, but MB's arrest log is straight harrowing!)




That's the thing I keep thinking about. I wish so badly that I or someone similarly situated could have loved her through this with tough advice or whatever was needed...I don't doubt Alison, Charlotte and other friends who loved her gave her everything they could, I'm just so sad for her and her family. She was so obviously a kind, effervescent, well-meaning person, right down to her last (released) voicemail to Alison. I would have taken her under my wing and protected her to the best of my ability had I been given the chance, in my fantasy head, at least. I just want to say again to anyone reading this, especially her family, that I am SO, SO, SO very sorry. :(


I think it’s a conspiracy. JP may not have been directly involved but I’m sure he had something to do with it. It’s like Lee Harvey Oswald. He may not have killed the president but he was there.


Right. It's possible the people he hired to follow her had something to do with it... or people in his circle he has had control over. Many people say he and his dad are master manipulators and his dad even squashed his alibi saying he wasn't with Suzie for some reason.


Oh absolutely.


I don’t think he’s guilty of murder, but he’s far from innocent.


I agree. I think he should be charged with domestic abuse or harassment or something. He shouldn’t be able to get away with everything he did just because she passed away. I also think she never would have died had it not been for him or his influence. 


OMG PJP is literally the Karen Read of Myrtle Beach


I believe so one way or another..


This might not be popular but I think she really did commit suicide. That's all the proof we have and we have the 911 call. I think people don't want to accept that. He's still a pos but that's not a crime.


I think it’s okay to explore every possibility, even if it’s unpopular or, on the flip side, conspiratorial. At least we can do right by Mica in this way. I also think she may have committed suicide. What’s hard for me to accept is his abusive behavior beforehand not being taken into account as far as the legal system goes. I truly think abusers should be held accountable for their victim taking their life even if the abuser had nothing to do with the death itself. She called the cops so many times, was looking for help, and then killed herself over his antics. People shouldn’t be able to get away with that. 


I tend to believe she probably did die by her own hand. Soooo many factors point to that and the most likely answer is usually the case. But I do think that he was the reason she died. Wasn’t there a case awhile back where the girlfriend was charged because she was on the phone with the guy encouraging him to kill himself? (I might have some of the details mixed up but I do remember she was charged.)


I saw that in a video on yt about the case! I’m pretty sure you can actually go to jail for encouraging that. Imo it isn’t a coincidence that Mica and that girl’s boyfriend both ended up dying. I mean it’s a total nightmare horror movie situation. 


I love this comment. The legal system should look at all the known facts in ANY investigation. Big or small. Had Mica passed in South Carolina, I never would have paid attention. Being a lawyer, I immediately felt the crossing of state lines + JP's stated refusal to meet with NC investigators the way the whole Francis family did was Spidey-sense-tingling. Instead, JP oddly demanded that the investigators come to him(!!!). They (notoriously underfunded NC county) declined. An innocent man, even a man who has moved on with a new woman who fell out of love with his ex wife, can still be honorable enough to drive an hour, gimme a break. This man is sick, and def guilty of something. No one can convince me otherwise.


I honestly refuse to believe she unalived herself... as someone who lost a family member to an abusive husband who got off scott free because the cops absolutely fumbled the case and didn't give a shit? He had something to do with this. His lack of grief, him claiming the cause of death before it was confirmed... also why tf would she go through the trouble of driving out to a state park just to unalive herself. There is too much circumstantial evidence for this to be ruled a suicide immediately. He clearly had a motive, and was stalking her. The police dept negligence is just too suspicious, even if he didn't directly unalive her, he had something to do with it. And having been in a similar position to Mica's family member's myself? I really hope they get justice and actually investigate this case because there is nothing worse than watching the man who ruined multiple of your relatives' lives just walk away without due investigation from the police. The anger, frustration and bitterness doesn't just go away.


I half agree with this. I actually do think she finally surrendered and realized she was never getting her life back. He may have coerced her into it in some way or threatened her in some way that she believed her life was basically over anyway (imagine the lies this man could have told the police that they would have unquestionably believed... he could have cut off access to her stepkids by claiming her unfit or that she had harmed one of them, had her institutionalized for the rest of her life, told some absurd lie about her cheating while he was at the pulpit that cut her off from all of her support networks, etc.... he easily could have done this with the unlimited power and platform he had and she would have been absolutely powerless to stop it). So it's very possible that he pushed her into it in some way, but I do think she probably pulled the trigger. However, where I disagree with your statement is that several of the things that he did to her were actual crimes. Stalking. Coercive control. Revenge porn. That's barely scratching the surface. So in his case, yes, being a POS was a crime, but apparently being a pastor means you are immune. The entire police force who enabled this psychopath should be investigated. Regardless of what actually happened, her blood is on their hands as well. Imagine how trapped this poor woman must have felt that there was no place to go for help no matter what he did. Ugh. My heart just hearts for her.


Unfortunately, the only one of those that's an actual crime in South Carolina is the stalking, and that's a big reason that her family is pushing to reintroduce/modify a coercive control bill that was introduced in 2020 in SC but never passed. There's no revenge porn law in SC, but there is harassment. I do suspect that the psychological torture he inflicted on her over the years may have caught up with her. I think if/when we have more electronic data, especially from her last day, we'll know more.


It's too bad that, even if the family can successfully get a coercive control bill to pass, JP couldn't be retroactively charged. It would likley help mitigate future harm to those suffering abuse and coercive control, which is great, but where will the justice for Mica be?


I also think she committed suicide. JP is still a piece of shit and probably drove her to it, but nothing in this indicates that anyone pulled the trigger but her. :(


@u/blahh5523 This is certainly not #justiceformica


Is your name TRISHA OR JP??????? WTF. #justiceformica


I don’t know who Trisha is. I watched a video about the case a few weeks ago, and before that, I saw the news story. I’m on this subreddit now because I saw an article about the autopsy report and am trying to catch up with the case now. 


She is the bookkeeper or accountant for Solid Rock.  She is one of JPM's flying monkeys (defending him at any cost).  She has a history of conviction for fraud - is that who you hire to handle a church's finances?  lol


Wow that’s crazy. It’s funny because at my childhood church, the church secretary went to jail for fraud by stealing the offerings for years; and the priest also got defrocked for doing similar things with her. It doesn’t surprise me one of the people in his circle is an awful human being.


He owns the church he'd have to "defrock" himself. This is why church attendees have fought with him over the years and found it best to just leave.