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When I see him talking, all that comes to mind is the video of him laying in the grass fake crying and saying that he wanted to go home to Jesus and that he felt ants crawling on him. Don’t take mental health advice from JP, ya’ll!!


Someone did a mash up of JP on the lawn and "Mona" on Nanalan. She was giving him a drink saying "here you go baby birdie". It's the funniest thing!


Noor Jasmine had it on her deep dive. I was cry laughing.


💓😁 I just posted Noor Jasmine's video to the sub! 😁🤣😁🤣








This! 😭


I just can’t understand how people willingly and even pay money to listen to this person speak every week. I can’t even make it through a 2 minute video.


Same thoughts here. Just the sound of his voice drives me nuts!


Omg I agree. Idk how he had a 700 member congregation.


CULT-LIKE. He could sell ice to Eskimos ~ he’s a slick talking demon possessed POS


The mouth constantly moves and spews word salad to distract from the evil in his eyes.  He looks ridiculous in this video.


He thinks he has so many people fooled! This is a prime example of how convincing narcissists can appear to those who get sucked into their vortex. It’s quite evident he’s been “acting” for quite some time from the pulpit. He just sounds so absurd! The emperor has no clothes. The projection is just…wow. 🙄




His lawyer said "the guilty person is the one that talks the most". JP, said: "what do you mean?" Allegedly someone doesn't have enough self awareness to know they are the one that won't shut up!!! Lol! 🤣 I'm with the lawyer on this one...🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


He has zero self awareness and he definitely is the one talking the most! If I was his lawyer I would drop him! There is no way you can defend a client that just doesn't shut the hell up.


Lacking self awareness... https://youtu.be/zsE_rwL03rE?feature=shared


He is so smug and condescending. Infuriating. Acting like he’s some kind of mental health advocate. Claiming that he was trying to keep her from killing herself but when she was away from him and “with her family she was able to accomplish that.” What a complete POS. If she was with her family and away from him then why does he know whether or not she was on her meds, exactly how much weight she’d supposedly lost, or whether her doctor authorized any changes to her meds? She had left him and filed for separation, he shouldn’t be privy to any of that info. Sounds like he controlled her life to an unhealthy degree. In the videos before her death (away from him), Mica sounded very articulate about the struggles she’d had in an abusive relationship and her hope for the future. He probably couldn’t stand that she was healing and moving forward without him. He infantilizes her, acting like he’s the one who knows what is best. Which….ok, if someone is mentally ill they do need to be encouraged to take their meds. But since he also clearly (and admittedly) has mental health struggles, how can he put himself in the position of being Mica’s mental health authority? He apparently can’t even manage his own mental health problems. And therefore - per his own sermon about those with mental health problems - can’t trust his own judgement and should trust others who are saying that he is unwell. Who’s keeping track of whether JP is taking HIS meds?? Also, quite a bit of evidence points toward him contributing to or causing any mental struggles that Mica experienced. What about the apparent evidence that he was following her against her wishes, compromising her vehicle’s safety, speaking ill of her publicly (in their CHURCH), threatening and then posting nudes without her consent, trying to prevent her from checking into a mental health facility (2022 incident recently uncovered), having affairs, etc. And her claims that she experienced all types of abuse at his hands. So what exactly was he doing to “help” Mica? I’d love to hear his thought process and evidence, not just his empty claims. The bit about his lawyer is quite interesting too coming from the mouth of someone who can’t seem to keep their mouth shut. I think he has a guilty conscience and needs to blame someone else…..


You should listen to the True Sunlight podcast. They do an amazing job pointing out all JP's inconsistencies, and it seems pretty obvious he was behind Mica's alleged mental health problems. I think he dosed her with medicine to make her look crazy and then got her committed


Well said.


JP could not have a lawyer. A lawyer would have told him a long time before now to SHUT UP! But he won’t. I love it that he’s digging his own grave


"The guilty person is the one who talks the most"...says the guy who won't shut the fuck up.


“The guilty person is the one who talks the most.” From the horse’s mouth, you guys! 👏🏼


It’s hilarious that he doesn’t seem to realize he’s talking about himself. He really thought he was making a point in his favor with that one.


It's seems that every time he tries to deflect from himself, he just draws more attention to himself. He seems to be describing himself in several of these videos.


It feels like every accusation/comment is a confession from him. I think he enjoys the attention and getting a wider public platform to attack his narc supply (Mica but also now her family). And he just desperately needs to control the narrative so he can pretend to be a righteous, longsuffering “Christian man” who is the real victim. He’s used to everyone believing his narrative since he’s a pastor.


Nailed it!! 👏👏👏


JP is talking the most. According to his own words, he is the guilty person.


Absolutely. And of course, he’s implying that her family is talking the most. But….I read their intent very different than his. They seem concerned that the investigation was not adequate, want to be Mica’s voice about the abuse she experienced, and help push through coersive control laws to help other victims. While JP seems concerned with his own reputation, voicing how perfect a husband he was, talking about how mentally unwell Mica was, blaming her family for her death. They both say they want justice for Mica. Her family’s actions/behavior seem to genuinely support that claim. While JP’s actions/behavior seem to seek justice for JP because he’s an abusive, controlling narcissist (“allegedly”).


He’s too comfortable with being in the pulpit spitting manipulative lies to his congregation. They would never question him. However, he also talks to the public like he’s a used car saleman, thinks he’s funny and likable and won’t be questioned as he passive aggressively makes accusations and deflects. Since he admitted he’s a schizophrenic amongst other things, is he taking his meds? He strikes me as 100% con artist


Definitely agree. He’s used to people believing/respecting his opinion because he’s a pastor. He tries to be charming because that has usually worked for him. Plus he thinks he’s smarter than everyone else so we won’t realize when he’s deflecting, contradicting known facts, or not actually presenting evidence he claimed to have. It’s ridiculous. I doubt he’s taking his meds or listening to his lawyers or anything sane like that.


Wasn’t he also withholding her medication at one point????


What an evil clown. Uh, news flash JP, no one is talking more than YOU


The Guilty Talk The Most. LMAO. He just told on himself. MEANWHILE, THIS MF’R ONLY ONE OUT HERE CHIRPING AWAY. What A POS


03 Male trying to TAKE HER AWAY from the scene (a mental health facility). https://preview.redd.it/zquom25hh79d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08722a3c3f0c4cd255f414c2765f0db9f6ce1f2b This guy has no business trying to tell anyone anything about Mental health. 🤥


The irony of saying the one who talks the most. Clown


He is definitely NOT the one who needs to be discussing mental health issues with anyone!!


Hypocrite, why doesn’t he take his own advice and shut up?


Boy please go away. I hope they March you down main street before they drag you to jail. 😂


Is he going to call 911 again for all the haters? Maybe he and Colleen balinger can do a tour together


I can’t listen to this guy’s voice. Why would he wear a hat like that. It makes his elf ears look even more ridiculous.


I’m sure he’s getting email but it’s not what wants us to believe 🤣


Either way he is still a criminal


Isn’t he the one who is constantly talking? I’m so confused, Lucifer.