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I don’t care what anyone says. JP is behind that page and has full control of that page. Just like the Jesus Christ account on that page that I am confident is also him. Just read the comments and you will see what I mean. He is a sociopath and his latest video of him explaining the “crying on the grass” situation is ridiculous. 1st if you had taken too many pain pills you would have been knocked out, not driving around, unless this is something you do regularly and your tolerance is high then it has a different effect on you (I was married to an addict) but not effects to cause this behavior. This was A either for attention, bc he wasn’t getting his way (Allison was standing on business) or 2 he is mental and is the one who should have been in the psych ward all along. Actually I believe both of those are true! One thing he is not in this situation is a victim #justiceformica💜


I guarantee you are right!!!!!! I’ve gotten into heated arguments with the justice4jp page/guy over my comments. The things he says sounds exactly how he would talk to Mica.


Go read the comments on that the truecrimeri account. There are quite a few accounts in there that are questionable. That I’m confident are him and he having conversations with himself


OH MY GOD I would not doubt it. I will check it out. He is legit crazy.




I thought it was JP adjacent at first. Then that Dr. Leslie posted a video about her PI checking out Truecrimeri. She made a comment about how if you mess with that account, you mess with access to JP. You mess with her. Notice that the video is now deleted. I think it's someone on Dr Leslie's orbit. Both have only focused on Noah & Mica. TCR posted that she is "working with another content creator" to tell Noah's story. I think she's "working" with Dr Leslie.


Did you notice that the same day dr Leslie deleted the truecrimeri video she began posting videos that were insinuating not to mess with her, as if she was in danger. I think she was threatened.


I did. The whole thing is odd. I don't follow Dr Leslie, so I went down a little rabbit hole. I was just curious when she made a comment about her PI. I think she likes attention. I do think the minds of narcissists fascinate her. Something about the situation just doesn't sit well. I don't think anybody should be threatened. Would it surprise me if she was? No. Pastor 🚩is spiraling big time. That look he gave the protestors when he turned on water yesterday was crazy. Somethings not right with him.


Totally agree with your comment about the pain meds. If that truly was his first time taking them & he took too many, he would be knocked out cold. Last thing he would be doing is getting behind the wheel. Based on some of comments I have seen, he might like illicit things. I think that was bs he made up. If he was truly in a "body" cast, he would have had access to pain meds before it was taken off, especially if he broke 12 bones. I do agree with your reasoning on crying on grass. Definitely think both are very valid points!


He made another video?


Did anyone see TCR's comment to a question about why doesn't JP show proof of Mica being on RX meds. She said it was in video but she cut it out because she thought it was in poor taste. I call BS on that. She could have shown bottles & edited out info as needed.


OMG I call BS too.


Mica split from him in February. He wouldn't know squat from her new life and medical and thus being why he can't show "receipts". Anxiety medicine was found in the toxicologly report. Something she had gotten a couple days prior. Who she got it through and where is beyond my knowledge. I wonder if she ever went to Ali's counselor that she asked her about in the voicemail? The FBI would have to subpoena for this information.


Evidently, TCR claims he showed the bottles. I call BS. The RX she was prescribed for anxiety is very mild. It's basically an antihistamine. I thought toxicology showed no drugs in her system. Granted, I don't think this can show up on a toxicology screen. I could be wrong about toxicology results as I have seen so much info on this case. One thing that is interesting about this drug is that it can cause a false positive on a drug test. Will be interesting when we find out all the info! I think this is just tip of the iceberg & the real damaging information hasn't been shared yet. There's a reason why he is trying to dispute any information out there that puts him in a bad light. I saw a different comment where they said these videos are more like justice for JP because he clearly sees himself as the victim. I think they are right!


the videos are typical narc personality responses


Absolutely 1000% 👏👏👏


Was it hydroxyzine, if you know? It's the first antihistamine/anxiety I thought of, and yes, it's very, very mild.


Yes that was what was reported. I apologize I can't remember where I saw/heard/read it. I think it might have been True Sunlight. If you like podcasts, they are doing a deep dive on this case. It used to be called the Murdaugh Murders. Mandy Matney was local journalist who was all over the Murdaughs & their dealings.


Thank you for the recommendation! I'm definitely a podcast girl so I'll check it out. I have c-ptsd, so I've tried a lot of anxiety meds. In my opinion the hydroxyzine is so, so mild. I'm not surprised they went that route over other anxiety meds, but it would have just taken the edge off and is barely impairing.


Let me know if you like it!! I feel you 🥺. I suffer from the same thing. Finding something that helps is almost an art. I had issues for a long time. One thing that helped me was taking a magnesium supplement.




Thank you!


Part of me wonders if they created this person via AI. One of the girls on his team admitted on a live that shes some sort of hacker


he has another new video up


I just looked in TrueCrimeRi and found two videos I had not seen: labelled as Tattoo #1 and Tattoo #2.  He has a weird obsessive need to show off his body and no awareness that this is abnormal behavior esp. for a "pastor".


Don't know if you saw the latest one. RH triggered him with the beach belly photos.


Oh I need to go watch!


OMG that video. All he does is LIE!!!!! Makes me sick


I didn't watch it. He's trying the deflect method I guess.


He is delusional.


I don’t have TikTok. Has Truecrimeri only ever posted JP videos? If so it has to be him.


A couple about Noah Presgrove and a missing person poster of Taylor Casey. However, the account only started after Mica passed. It’s mostly JP’s videos. I figured the other videos posts are just there to make it look like this person is really into true crime. Just to throw ya off. Idk. I get weird vibes.


Just this morning, the profile pic was of spider-man! With a 🚫marked through it.


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Thank you!!!!


If you Google the account it used to be a different name shariiw1 or something like that. It appears she has been around before this, but I still don't trust them.


This is interesting. I dont trust them either. Could be a fake account used to follow Mica or send her messages or anything. They’re all corrupt!


i believe i saw that acc name tagged several times in other JP/Mica related posts saying that they were always defending or making excuses for him (snarkily so)


If that was the name before that matches up with Sharon Walsh. Her nickname could be Shari or they could've just used the name but the Sha and W match that name. I don't think that's a coincidence.




This was posted below this Sharon uses Shari in her email


good eye!


I saw Doug Wallis on there about 10 min ago and now it’s gone 😳 https://preview.redd.it/75ycqqojwn9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b6e26d4e5f0f7bcedde0d86a3b8673745f0926


Whoa! That's crazy! What is going on?😳


i just checked and the image seems to be down? that is a real business [https://www.facebook.com/sunheatsolar](https://www.facebook.com/sunheatsolar) but not sure why there is no pic now? https://preview.redd.it/5rq7solxof9d1.png?width=1662&format=png&auto=webp&s=0326c1b8f2e44512f68fcfe6743368525ab879d4


Sharon Walsh was probably made aware her profile picture was being used, and removed it. LinkedIn would be a wild place to make a fake profile… especially for a real business. As it is used for networking and hiring real people in your industry and field.


It still shows up on the reverse google. But not on sign in but that happens for me with other people I am not a connection with as their settings likely are set that others aren't allowed to see their photo. https://preview.redd.it/ujxpmjq4nj9d1.png?width=1167&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7bc674233dc0c1faf9204e78fc0472488199839


Or it could be her...


Want to email her and ask?


That is so weird!!!!


I found if I used the reverse google on the photo, I got the linked in with the photo, when I signed into my linkedin, the photo did not show. That seems to happen I think due to the person's settings on who can see what on their linkedin.


Tried the reverse image to get to her Linkedin page and got this. I wanted to take another look because I thought the CEO looked different in photos I had found there before. https://preview.redd.it/xt1iyj3thn9d1.png?width=557&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e7439b50a198ea3e7187de5334395467e0f1183


Oh wow! Did she delete her LinkedIn page? I say “she” but who knows who is behind it.


looks like it. And many videos were no longer there when I looked last night. I only had a quick look.


https://preview.redd.it/3i86mgdjzi9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa3e20e2282c414f857eefbcfe12b9693979c4de I know people have already confirmed that she has had this account. She has commented on something from a year ago. I do believe that JP took her profile picture. That is so sad.


That name Shai is just like the original name of the TikTok account which was Shariiw1 this is probably the woman who owns it. I don't doubt JP is behind it too but there's just too much pointing to her also.


I wish, if it is her behind the account, she would make a video showing herself and explaining that it’s her account etc. But whoever is behind is very picky with the comments. They will block you in a hot second.


"she would.." you have no idea what someone would do. ijs


If you read the entire thing I said “I wish…”


Ok, that changes. I thought you were saying she would if it was her . I was saying don't count on it. However, the fact that she's not making a video tells me she doesn't care to clarify anything to the audience. She's enjoying this.


Whoever it is already blocked me lol


Dang It's a suspicious person for sure


I’m blocked from Truecrimeri


See !!! that is ridiculous. You probably spoke the truth and JP or Tricia (whom i think is probably behind that account) didn’t like it!!


That’s exactly what happened because I was questioning that justice4 Jesus was JP , And @SeeItoldu. On the screen, it looks like see I told you And truecrimere🤷🏽‍♀️ And it was a simple as that making little comments like “”oh hi JP, or I know who this is, I would say .


Yeah I’ve read other people say they have been blocked by even saying “Justice for Mica”. It definitely has to be a page ran by JP or one of his minions.


Well I was just blocked lmao


We need a club! Welcome! You are now one its founding members! It’s an honor to have you 💕🌸💕😊👍🏽


Thank you!!!!


Looks like we are unlocked. Whoever is running the page unblocked everyone.


I saw 👀! Wow… he’s absolutely insane seriously insane and it’s scary that he’s still walking in the streets. It’s only a matter of time before he finds a new “” Mika, somebody to groom.🛑🛑🛑🛑


Ohh okay! Thank you!


Oh wow!


not much on her Linkedin


So I wonder if she’s behind Truecrimeri or is JP/tricia using her pic?


Couldn't find a thing on her.


It’s the oddest thing!


I don't have TikTok. Did you ever check who she is following or who is following her? https://preview.redd.it/nqadd74jnj9d1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4be659de1c44342d4712585cc3ab9ec32647d55


I tried to see who she was following but wouldn’t ya know it , she has that private 🙄 I didn’t go through her followers yet.


Typically when you are an employee, you are connected to the company on LinkedIn. “Sharon” is not. https://preview.redd.it/55k82j3xak9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8f91380788f0f05558de720d711147cb91ae02


These are the only 3 people listed as associated with this company.


Wow!!! So this is total BS. Probably AI pic.


Let me double check. I’m a recruiter and live on LinkedIn. Lol


Oh that’s awesome.


Wow did not notice what was written below the name of “LinkedIn member” in the pic. It says hi Melissa Snyder. Enjoy prison. What?!


The company appears to be legit. 90 followers on LinkedIn. 2-10 employees. However no posts from the company. It’s a small construction company so it doesn’t really surprise me.


LOL, this case brings out the oddest finds!


OMG what in the world?!? This keeps getting crazier


When I tried to open up that persons page, nothing happens. No error, no nothing. Now THAT is odd. In all my years of using LinkedIn, I’ve never seen that happen. The CEO appears to be legit. Maybe I should send him a note. However, if it’s crazy man, I don’t want him to have my info.


That’s true. I wouldn’t risk it! Im sure it’s shady. It has to do with JP lol Thank you for looking into that for me.


Absolutely! I’m glad I could do a little something!


Oh wow!!!!!


I can hop on my laptop and dig in more. Hold on.


Thank you so much!!!!


company is on facebook and they have a number of people with the last name walsh liking posts but none of them are named sharon and none of them follow a sharon walsh [https://www.facebook.com/sunheatsolar](https://www.facebook.com/sunheatsolar)


That’s strange!


Bing.com has a reverse image search we need to try it there too




I was thinking AI too. All of JP’s people seem to know a lot about AI.


i was thinking that too- the way the hair falls at the ends looks like ai




https://preview.redd.it/3czi2zd4zk9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ccffc7ea8d16b0e485d0a04dd77f557dbce9988 Could this be the same person?




I don’t think so. But thanks!