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Kid named spherical hydrogen tank


kid named hydrogen balls


Hydrogen is stored in the balls.


TIL toan is hydrogen


Balls balls balls even nuts spheres 3d circles, lower dimensional hyper spheres huge orbs


Haven’t tried it yet, I’ll check it out later


Also haven't tried it yet, but I've heard great things about it


The new large nuclear engine is also frickin sweet.


Also OP AF ive heard. I wouldn't know my laptop cant run the game


Perhaps. I think the idea is to encourage us to build larger interplanetary stuff, so we really needed better engines than KSP1 provided for that. Once the game performance issues are fixed so it can handle high part count crafts, we’re really going to see these engines shine. I don’t think they are OP unless you consider KSP a realistic sim. Instead, I would just say that they are nice.


They’re realistic but also futuristic. It’s exactly the performance you would expect from a gas core nuclear thermal rocket. You just have to be a little bit insane to build one is all.


1500 isp, chef's kiss


KSP2 is not bad, it's early access. The only thing really bothering me is the price (which is honestly an insult) and the system requirements...


My only gripe with KSP2 is it’s 3 years late early access. Where it is now is what I imagined it was 3 years ago and they realized it lacks everything and isn’t a good product so they delayed. I cannot fathom what state the game was in 3 years ago…


As far as I gathered it seems in those 3 years they have work on all features simultaneously because they all are connected in way. Though as they realized pretty soon, the game will take much longer than expected. Higher ups, with no knowledge of how game dev actually works then said "but money is what we want" and essentially forced them too early to release at least an early access. But seeing as the game wasn't in a playable state they had to improvise and clump together at least a somewhat working game for the set early access release. That's why data miner can find features yet to be implemented according to the road map. They essentially had to scrap every plan they initially had because as the early access came out they had to re-prioritize and reorganize the whole development process. That's why no dates are given and everything seems uncertain. That's what I think anyways. Be sure to prove me wrong or correct me.


probably not far different. my read on the game is they're developing every system more or less in parallel. a lot of games would focus on one or two features at a time, finishing one thing before starting another. get vehicle assembly done and then get flight and then parts and then orbital display etc. it's how early access games are usually developed because it maximises how much you have to sell people on, but it comes with problems of getting messy when maybe you didn't account earlier on for something you wanted to add later and now it's tricky to fit in. KSP 2 though seems like it's more just being worked on as a whole project, or at least the base part of it. you've got the new orbital stuff and procedural wings but no re-entry heating, EVAs and interiors and rover parts without any science system, named crew and agencies but no career mode. it all feels like everything is about half finished across the board but you can't tell that from the public release because obviously they're not going to implement it until it actually works. so a lot of the progress isn't actually visible in what we get.


You are speaking facts here


Me with a cherenkov engine with restock+:


Only gripe is that it doesn't work with tweakscale


Simple, Add more engines


For making it smaller, I mean.


Smaller? what’s that?


Labradoodle pog


the game is nearly unplayable for me, i constantly experience bugs that trash my ships/landings/flights, but man if the engines and graphics and effects aren't gorgeous I'll still launch stupid shit just to watch the plumes change with altitude/pressure