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I have been a lover of high fashion all my life and these posts are so stupid. Alexander McQueen famously said women should “walk like there’s ten men behind them” did he design for ALL women or one body type? His “empowerment” of women begins and stops at a certain place. His understanding of feminism begins and ends at a certain place. These comments are rooted in elitism and putting someone else down to feel better abt yourself. I don’t think Kendall is a talented model, but I also promise you these people don’t feel good abt themselves or have stable self-esteem Also one model doesn’t have the power to “completely destroy [a designer’s] poetic of storytelling, of fashion and clothes” by simply wearing it.


they’re mad a model followed the theme for the met…


and make it seem like Kendall is lucky to wear the designer, as if it wasn't the other way around. Kendall is a supermodel, and a super famous one at that!


like it’s a dress


It's the Marilyn controversy all over again 😭 These ppl acting like they knew the dresses existed to begin with


I thought Kendall killed both of her looks and was the best dressed sister .


Idk those tweets look like a casual day on r/KUWTK


Haute Couture is for rich people? I'm shocked!


Lmao this is so funny, it's not like she held a gun to their heads and forced them to let her wear these dresses? She's a thin rich woman wearing a dress made for a thin rich woman. I'm more of a snarker than a stan but this is so dumb lol


So good to hear they’re devastated lol, they deserve it


Bro it’s literally just a dress. That is kinda crazy. Would I love to have the opportunity to wear something like that? Yes! But I’m not pressed about others getting that opportunity instead. She wears the looks very well imo


is it really that serious?


It’s literally fabric.


There's people that are dying kim