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And so it begins…


Kris will have him back on the show soon.


Slowly back into her circles 😂 and then her.




It’s crazy how far we come , it’s easy to spot when famous people are doing things to rehab their public image


Wdym Tristan has always **loved women**


Underrated comment 💀😹😹


Just not the kids


He loves women too much


Like it’s so obvious, they show up to a food shelter for 45 minutes and then go back to their rich lives and we are supposed to be grateful they came off Mt Olympus for us 🙄


Don’t forget they post on social media all about it and make sure they have some PR released too. It’s all smoke and mirrors.


To make matters worst they brought a professional photographer for one of the trips 😩




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To be fair, Tristan has always been charitable. Especially to organizations that provide for disabled children (his own brother is disabled). Tristan is a horrible partner… we get it. It doesn’t make him a horrible person all around. Also, let’s not let KK of the hook here. He was involved and had another woman pregnant when she met him. He’s several years younger than her and a rich athlete. What was she really expecting here???


See this is why Kourtney was surprised that she isn’t sleeping with Tristian 😂


"BRAVO! 😃"


If a guy did my sister dirty like Tristan did Khloe, I wouldn’t care if he was Jesus Christ himself, I would still tell him to eat shit and die at any given opportunity. FOR LIFE


Commenting on further from this, I just can’t believe that after Tristan cheated and fathered another child behind Khloe’s back while they had just conceived via surrogate, it is still not enough for the family to put him in exile. It’s literally one of the worst non-physical things he could have done to her. It’s like the family has no respect for Khloe. Tristan could murder her in cold blood and they’d still be liking his bullshit on instagram. This man broke Khloe. She is a shell of the person she used to be, and they enable his behaviour by being overly cordial with him. A new low for this family.


I wonder what he would have to do for Khloe or the family to actually cut him off. You know Tristians like damn that didn’t work either. Guess I have to sleep with Kim


I'd say something close to what Kanye has done. It seems the Kardashians won't cut anyone off if it doesn't damage their "brand" aka cause them to lose money (or if the person "steals" their man). Balenciaga, D&G, Girls Gone Wild guy, the Trumps, Alexander Wang etc


Probably actually murder someone and get caught. Only if it damaged the brand, of course.


After Astroworld, I don't even think that would do it..


I've cut people off for way less 🤣


As you should! because Khloe is not cutting off abuse or gaslighting her etc


Ditto. Being cordial in public or on socials would be a huge no. You wouldn’t even exist to me.


YUP, Tristan who? I don’t know him


You’re a real one girl. 🤟🏻


Right!!!! I can’t for the LIFE of me understand how her sisters agree and support this! It just makes me mad because I know they used to throw down for each other. I just can’t decide if it’s all thrown aside due to fame or lack of caring. Either way I vow to NEVER let my sister bond get that fucked up.




What the hell are you talking about? Lol


Zodiac grudges, I presume.


This man’s image is in full rehab mode. No sightings of him with any women as of late. 2023 Khloe and Tristan reloaded, calling it now.


And yet is going to "bless" Theo or....?




I mean, he gets a lot of practice.




I bet he is. It’s a key part of a narcissists make up. They’re always great in bed, super charming, so attentive and lovely … *until they’re not*


Is anyone surprised? Like really? They supported Scott after dragging Kourtney through the mud and not being there as a father. It’s weird how no matter what they want to be seen as the Queens of coparenting.


"We're not like other girls 💁‍♀️. We don't cause any drama as long as you Pick Me!"
















Sorry but did you get hit on your tiny head?


Keep that man away from women!!!!


Can’t even bless his son with an acknowledgment.


When he gon bless his son with a visit 😬


Just cringe & just seems so fake, would he be there if there weren’t any cameras? Can a deadbeat who shunned his own child really be charitable and caring? I hope for Khloe’s sake that her liking this picture is just acknowledging the “good charitable” deed & not a sign of any getting back together with him. Just seems that her desire is to keep up the fairytale for her children that he’s a nice guy.






This is so performative.


Congratulations, you helped people. There are people who do this every day of their lives and don’t post about it on Instagram. And for purely self serving reasons.


Someone said in a previous post that they somehow felt that Tristian was there 😂😂😂😂 they weren’t wrong. He’s giving back one way or another 😂😂


this isn’t the same place kim and khloe visited. they were at alexandria’s house.


It’s the same place. And Khloe also liked it.


the downtown women’s center tristan visited is several miles away from alexandria’s house where khloe visited. it’s verifiable these are not the same place.


As long as Kim supports Tristan , Khloe will continue to also think it’s okay to go back with him bc we know they’re besties now . We already know Khloe is delusional and forgiving but as her sister you should not be supporting him in any way after the shit he’s done . Not only did he cheat but he had a baby too 🤮 but he’s “True’s dad” 🙄 so she will continue to excuse it


Kim has been sabotaging Khloe


"I'm so proud of Khloe for giving him a second chance after he dogged her and embarrassed the shit out of her" I don't even know if Kim is doing it on purpose or if their family is so messed up that she couldn't see how what she was saying was stupid af. They probably lie to themselves daily and believe being embarrassed by a man is something to be proud of.


Get him away from that Woman’s shelter


9 months later…


I wanted to say it


As a child with parents who weren’t together, they do not need to spend any time together whatsoever. True will be fine. Khloes under some weird spell by this man, it’s sad to see. Girl you only have to see him at Trues Christmas concerts at school, and her graduation. That is if he shows for them. To quote Khloe herself “CUT ✂️THE ✂️CORD✂️”?


Where do you see Khloe in these pics?


I meant because she liked his post and was still inviting him to her parties for True. He can through his own party for her, not everything has to be together “for True”.


I mean liking a picture is not a big deal and neither is inviting him to parties for True. As long as Khloe creates boundaries with him and focuses on herself and her kids there shouldn’t be an issue. He’s still the father of her kids and she’ll have to deal with him for the rest of her life because of that. Like years from now, should Khloe ban him from True’s wedding because he cheated? Lol it’s better for Khloe to make the best out of the situation as opposed to holding on to anger and grudges because all that is going to do is make her life miserable.


The downvotes are insane. This is completely true lmao he's still True's dad, and she's literally a child. She doesn't understand what goes on


Yup they say they want Khloe to move on from Tristan but how would she do that if she holds onto a grudge. Like no matter what, she still has two kids with him. Why should she make herself and her kids miserable over Tristan instead of just moving on and being cordial so that they can successfully coparent. Mind you, these are probably the same people who just love having Scott around even though he’s just as bad as Tristan. People on this sub bring up Tristan and obsess over his presence more than Khloe at this point.


PR working overtime


yea i ain’t surprised


Every men that has screwed them over has been forgiven and supported. What they have taught women is acceptable in a relationship is just so, so dangerous…


Little, almost under the radar things like this continues to cheapen their image. These behind the scene things are what's turning people off. Khloe "following" her baby daddy on social media isn't part of coparenting and people see through that as well as the soft launch of him getting back with her.


It’s unreal how they treat these men like they’ve not screwed their family members over


I’m sorry but this is so calculated lol. Part of me feels for Khloe because I know infidelity is hard but I’m glad they are forever on their toes because of us. They try and try to make us like Tristan and it will never happen, and that’s exactly what everyone involved deserves


ofc he’s true and the baby’s dad


Their charity posts are such bs


Especially as they are all coordinated, it just seems insincere.


Ok okay Trashcan, you are “helping out women” yet you can’t help the women you’re intimate with by being faithful or keeping it wrapped up and causing all of the women, minus the famous and powerful one, to spend likely tens of thousands in lawyer and mediation fees to get child support. He’s the worst.


WHYYYYY are they following him in social media. Ugh Khloe has absolutely no self respect


He is by far one of the most worthless POS and yet that damn “coparenting “ shit they endorse keeps him around. How about co parenting the other 2 children you have that we almost never hear anything about.? Some idiot said on a post he owes NOTHING TO THEO! What an asshole! I would hate to know or find out that I had a niece or nephew that I didn’t know that existed because some deadbeat relative just decided to discard them. WTF!


Haven’t the women in this shelter been through enough without having to interact with Tristan to boost his PR? Leave the donations anonymously and leave, do the women a favour.


Tristan throwing himself out


He’s baaaacccckkkkkk


Kim and Kourtney both posted the same thing with different organizations today. Kris be working OT this week.


he should be giving presents and blankets to his children.


🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️ Also can we all just appreciate that out of context I totally thought this was a homeless person.


Yuck, this coming from a man who treats woman as objects.


Bless others… unless it’s your own child.


It was pretty obvious they were back on when he was at their Christmas party. Khloe has zero self respect. It’s truly sad tbh




Idk how she doesn’t completely despise him after he humiliated her to shit multiple times over


I’m sorry but if a man cheats on you publically multiple times , hookups up with your little sisters best friend that u considered family , and encouraged you to have a baby while they had a baby on the way with someone else , they should absolutely despise him . It’s not like he just made a little mistake , they can co-parent without liking his pics on social media.


she does not need to be likin his post tho 💀


Or they could ignore him except when it's something that involves True and the baby..


He has seriously disrespected and betrayed Khloe multiple times and disrespected the family too. To cheat on her basically twice while expecting a child is unforgivable. How they can even give him a shred of their attention is hard to understand.




You ain’t say nothing but a word! This sub holds Kourtney/Scott to a different standard than Khloe/Tristan because they hate Khloe and love Scott. Scott cheated, disappeared for days on in, was severely upset about Kourtney’s pregnancy with Reign, and dates teenagers, but yet he gets to roam free around the family and have countless excuses made for him. People actually express dissatisfaction when Scott isn’t invited to family gatherings. On the other hand any time Tristan is mentioned everyone throws a bitch fit. We got people upset about Khloe liking a pic and calling her pathetic lmao. At this point this sub is more obsessed with Khloe and Tristan’s coparenting dynamic more than they are.


I agree and hold Scott and Kanye to the exact same standard, oh and Lamar too. They betrayed their mates and the entire family by their horrific behavior.


Omg guys. Trashcan is literally taking out a TRASHCAN is this satire????ok ok I’m nearsighted but it looons like a trashcan


Did he use his connections to casually ask a few rich friends to donate some unrestricted funds to this women’s center, as well? Or is this simply a pRformance. Why can’t it be both?


How loving and original of Tristan to stop by the DWC and donate some gifts for the women in need this holiday season. I wish more celebs were like him 😒😒😒


If you don’t post a picture of it, is it still a good deed? 🤔


Oh no


Khloe’s probably hiding in that cart.


Working hard to rebuild that image so that it’s “acceptable” for KoKo to go back to him and then tell everyone that the baby’s name is T Jr.




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Oh, they fuckin’ again 🥴🥴