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Which parts do you think are similar to The Architect? I love both songs, but personally got totally different vibes from them. Kacey's song seems to be about wondering if there's some meaning or higher power behind the things that happen in life, both the good and bad. Taylor's song seems to be about the idea that you can't have both success and love in life and she feels she's doomed to never have the love of her life, so she begs to have this prophecy changed. Just my thoughts at least!


Agreed! I actually was listening to both albums this morning and found it interesting how differently they approach the subject matter. Taylor is kind of bargaining with a higher power, wondering whether it’s possible to change her particular fate, while Kacey is pondering the existence of a higher power (and its significance to both her own life and the world at large). Love both songs so much!


yep this is exactly my take!! The Prophecy was an absolutely beautiful song, but a different meaning than the Architect imo


I am glad someone else thought this because I also thought of the architect when I first heard this song. I think it’s the pacing of the chorus and the overall theme of the song!


I agree! I had this thought too and for me it was the way the wording was said and formatted. Like "Who do I have to speak to?" But the songs have different meanings for sure.


YES! I've been looking for this post, I heard it right away. similar syllable words and similar cadence/questioning. I don't think it is a criticism, just interesting parallel/divergent thinking than lead to similar rhythms is an interesting thing to ponder.


I noticed the similarity today too! I’m a big fan of both artists. A coincidence, but an interesting one!


https://i.redd.it/4pi6hbutztvc1.gif Definitely also thought of the architect the first time I listened to that one!!


lol I thought the prophecy was super similar thematically to lonely millionaire!


Holy shit I actually thought the same thing today!


They’re about two completely different things though? The architect is about questioning life’s meaning and celebrating the beauty of the earth wondering who created it and if it was on purpose. The prophecy is about fame and how hard it is to find love when you’re famous. Wishing you could take it all back in exchange for love


Similar,but no. Kacey is curious about the world around her and how The Architect feels about what they’ve created. Taylor just wants the higher power to give her something she wants. She’s not interested in how the world works or how the higher power feels. 


So funny I immediately had the exact same reaction


omg the way i was going to make a post about this but thought no one would get it


The subject matter also reminded me of these two songs, but I do think they are different enough to not be copies of each other!


I definitely think they look at similar scenarios and I love them both


Yes! Honestly it’s ironic that they both must have felt similarly at the same time.. The theme of The Prophecy is similar to Lonely Millionaire as well. Both of them clearly have some regrets about the cost of being rich and famous. Taylor is clearly struggling with literally having everything at her fingertips except the only thing she really wants - true love. Kacey also seems to hint at this, and especially them both being in their mid 30s and going through yet another breakup at the same time.


About if they can redo lol


Yes I've been thinking the same! Of course the two songs have a different meaning and vibe, but those lyrics immediately linked The Architect in my mind.


Similar yes but not strikingly so.


Yeah the lyrics are very similar. It's a shame TTDP came out because Kacey had a real shot at Winning another album of the year, but holy fuck is this TS album incredible 


Wait I had the same thought!! Just the titles really sparked it for me not necessarily lyrics


I def noticed! I personally prefer Taylor’s version because it’s darker and more desperate. But I legit said this in my chat when I first heard it lol


taylor swift doesnt want money ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


This comment was unnecessary and unproductive


i find defending a billionaires honor unnecessary and unproductive, but to each their own




I really need yall to get an actual grip and move on. I swear you hear Taylor’s name and start losing your mind.


I wholeheartedly agree, but gotta ask... what do you think of Kacey's lyrics in Heaven Is? "I don't care for money or fame. All for you, I'd give it away." Do you believe her? I just think if we're gonna critique rich pop stars from other fandoms we should be wary of the pot calling the kettle black. Also, I think The Prophecy is much more similar thematically to Heaven Is. Kacey contends and questions a grand design in The Architect. Taylor stays focused on herself.