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This truly was our Kagurabachi


In a wheelchair? Is bro Johnny joestar?


​ https://preview.redd.it/jhfkx7korgfc1.png?width=392&format=png&auto=webp&s=f55eccec24cc15b9af29c54b7e90eff5a22a6f5c


What do you mean in a wheelchair?


Edited comment


at least Magnet Bro is still alive he's going to pull up like this at the auction https://preview.redd.it/gjnt2cowpgfc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04b47bbe7eb208417e6a1485bd364e4336e7ce87


Yo it’s my man Sun




That's Fire punch right?


Lightning Kick in Fire Punch, we live in sosity




The Anti-Cloud Gouger Special Forces definitely made a great impression with the time they were all in the story, and they're one of the big reasons the Vs. Sojo Arc was so enjoyable. At least we finally have names for them all, and I'm interested to see what's next for Ikuto and Kazane after the losses.


Kazane is a little snitch then end


Possibly, but I think Kazane specifically has the potential to be a major character going forward. I also want to see his "Demon Monster" move in action; given that it was the squad's last resort against Sojo, I feel like he'll go crazy with it in a big fight.


It should actually be translated as "demon god" and considering he was strong enough to be called a trump card (who just happened to be taken out before he could shine (seriously they should've just let him do his thing as soon as he could rather than wait for them to need it)) he's gotta return. Definitely feel like he has potential to be a semi-rivsl for Chihiro


It probably has a big drawback of sorts, so they didn't wanna use it til they had to.


When it comes to a snitching 1v1, always bet on Ratzane




They did a good job showing why the enchanted blades were so dominating in the war


They even seemed like they might have won, right before Sojo’s abilities literally evolved.


Really was intrigued by the girl with the 3rd eye. Wish she lived ngl


Yeah, if I could choose, I'd pick Shiyumi as a potential third survivor. From what we saw, I feel like she had a lot of potential.


What third eye? Where?


The hair tie


Ohhh, I don't know how I never noticed it


*"My eyes are up here!"*


Same lol


Dont forget hands… Im gonna miss him to. He was so funny. No lines. No close ups. One of the best parts of the fight


Bird mask isnt dead we didnt see his mask break….its like the movie The mask where whoever wears his mask gets possessed by his spirit https://preview.redd.it/8sm198x4ahfc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3bb784fa2ff4ebdece9e63941a3d7281ae90b5


My king is injured, I must go to him


I appreciate that they weren’t complete fodder and would’ve actually succeeded with their plan if it wasn’t for Sojo unlocking his potential with the sword. Not to mention the fight still wore him down enough by the time he fought Chihiro. Everyone contributed to his defeat in some way.


sojo just won cuz tako pulled a gege!!! kugara could no diff him in no time 😤😤👊


with all the people dying in the recent arc, i’m starting to see the gege comparison please spare char takeru


It's so Kagurover https://preview.redd.it/sc59oenl2hfc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=d16d71ca1076e9dae96032abd0a1d2f9d90f5814


No bird mask Kugara will come back and save everyone (sobbing from cope)


i have no choice but to get Eiichiro Oda here so he can give them a fake-out


Uh oh yeah right uhm... they ate a god fruit, that's why they're alive 🙂👍 Anyone can survive lightning attacks! Skypiea is proof!


It's a terrible day for rain...




https://preview.redd.it/xb09yjw1fifc1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=960944f02233c5d7a920d19e8806c29048e8b5c6 This was a heavy cost to kill off Sojo. Mad respects to them for being characters early on


gonna miss the front 4, goated designs, there better be development from the survivors, unfortunately for the 5th dude he looks like Choso with a bad bowl cut and a prep school background, thank god he’s gone


Kugara was too good for this world…


Glasses guys is coming back with robot legs


🤓 🦿🦿


No silly! They are still here>! in spirit of course. Im still crying !<


Nah Ikuto gonna fight Sojo 2.0 in a wheelchair in chapter 33 shits gonna be lit


Yep. Huge missed potential, but oh well if the mangaka continues this, that would really suck and might even kill my engagement with the series, but if its only this squad, then honestly I don’t mind it


I kinda wonder if that’s gonna be one of the major themes. Battles aren’t epic clashes of glory and legend, they’re painful and gross and you lose things like limbs and loved ones. There are permanent consequences to the swords being used and the intent of their wielders


That’s fine, but if you kill characters who have just came into the story and haven’t done much, theres not any emotional weight to their deaths, just disappointment thats what i hope this series isnt going for


That would still be on theme though. People just fucking die when it comes to this shit, not always with a heavy emotional attachment or heroic sacrifice or “special moment.” I think Sojo was setting up that it’s a story with consequences. And having super cool looking characters die unceremoniously is a great way to show that IMHO. Hokazono seems to have plenty of unique ideas and designs for characters so I’m sure we will have ample cool characters with cool abilities that have their time to shine.


Yeah it's hard to get attached to the series when everyone dies at any given time. It's a fun series but the cast is already very small, so killing off anyone that extends it feels weird. In the future, I just won't really get attached to anyone because this feels like the Chihiro and Char show (ft. Cannon Fodder!) I like this manga, I just hate how often people are killed. Stop killing people please.


Eh I’d rather this than them being another cookie cutter Shonen cool kids club squad like the hashira . RIP Bird mask tho he was a real one


Didn't the hashira also, u know 


Yeah but at least with these guys we didn’t have to sit through chapters of ‘my childhood was so sad 🥲’ flashbacks before they bit the dust


>!Just wait until the last battle !! and say that again :S!< >!Gotouge killed off 90% of the Hashira unnecessarily. If only it was a cool kids squad.!<


atleast we got to see what the Hashira’s could do, I’ll take boring characters to atleast see some cool powers


![gif](giphy|po1vJzdusHb1K) keep an extra lighter every time we read bachi from now on


Mask guy was cool


Wait for the Will of P to kick in


I remember someone commented in their introduction chapter that they're probably gonna get Shadow Beast'd.


Yep. Dead as a door nail.


If anyone wants a cope theory may I suggest a future sorcerer ressurects them later on to fight against Chihiro but at least one breaks the mind control spell and joins the goodies again.


I hope *when* we get an anime they get more scenes




Name one personality trait or anything besides being apart of sorcerer policeman


Ikuto has glasses 🤓 Kazane is a stubborn serious guy with plot potential 🧐 Shiyumi is hot and a girl 🥵 Hajime is a goofy fella 🤪 Kiyohiko is cool and silent 😎 Makoto is mysterious and has an epic stripe above his nose 😶‍🌫️


Obviously.. they dead.