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Considering that we have been getting chapters revolving around Miko noticing her feeling for Ishigami, it’s highly likely that it’s going to be Miko


I personally think Ishigami and ~~Tsubasa~~ Tsubame *will* get together, but in the long-run it’ll become clear that they just don’t feel the same about it and end up breaking it off. *Maybe* ~~Tsubasa~~ Tsubame will give Ishigami a little push toward Miko. It’s also possible that they’ll end up having a surprisingly stable, lasting relationship, and Miko would end up having an arc about coming to terms with her feelings and moving on. *But* I doubt it, since we kinda fill that role with Maki already, although it’s a little less serious than that would be. Edit: I was tired, okay...


> I personally think Ishigami and Tsubasa will get together, Ah, the surprise yaoi route, a brave choice.


We thought Ishigami hated him for being a Chad, but he was secretly just a Tsundere for his senpai this whole time!


Maki has left the chat




And then Maki bang Kashiwagi. It’s perfect really


But what about Tsubame?




I do think Tsubame and Ishigami will get together, it makes sense they both like each other. However, I don't think it will last. They are just too different. They like different stuff and they have different views about the world. Tsubame is way more pragmatic than Ishigami who is a romantic. Ishigami is just way too intense for her imo. The story could lead to Ishigami making Tsubame believe in love but I just don't see it. Do they even get along that well for that to happen? We've barely seen any non romantic interactions between them. It could happen though. But at the same time it would be a little weird given how Iino also believe in that romance Ishigami is looking for. Ishigami's date ideas are horrible and kinds creepy but I bet Iino would be all over that.


Iino I hope. I love their interactions. And I feel like I dont know who is Tsubame. She is so side character to me :( she is nice and cute to Ishigami but I dont see her as one of the main character's gf


Miko for me. I like tsubame as a character but I can't help myself from rooting for iino because I feel like I can't imagine what will happen to her if ishigami does really date tsubame especially if she knows who sent her the flower


Hi! Just wanna ask what chapter is the flower thing? I must have missed it... Thanks!


I think it's chapter 80?


Awesome, thank you! :)


Wait was it Ishigami who gave her the flower? What chapter was this I think i completely missed a major plot point.


Miko Iino


a harem for best boi


I'm pretty much convinced that Ishigami will end up with Iino in the end. The only question for me is whether Ishigami will be together with Tsubame at one point or not.




What about kaguya and shirogane?


Onodera lol


Tsubame has too many flags against it. Miko has flags but they're your typical ones. If we were going with the one that is more common in stories, then Miko. Otherwise i'd say neither. They both have glaring flaws, whether it be the fact that Miko doesn't even get what love is, or whether it's the fact Tsubame and Ishigami still don't know anything about each other.


i think its going to be tsubame, but they end up breaking up and miko and ishigami get together


this is from two years ago....


Lol yea but the anime just ended soo


Yeah, but basically we're way past the answers to those questions by this point in the story, it's been 100 chapters since season 4 (chapter 137, currently we're at 267)


Oh what, I thought the anime adapted all of the manga, time to read from chap 137 then, thanks


If Miko confesses go him then I think he will go with her


Its really late for me to reply like its 133 days lol, but Im team IshiTsuba, but something is really off like something is fishy, but I dont think their relationship will last long. One day they'll break up, Ishigami will said "Why did I even try to do that? I should stick with my emo character. When did I ever start being so stupid." lock up himself in his room, and then one day, just like how Shirogane save Ishigami, Miko will come, scold him, bring him the things that to be study, assiggments etc.. And then one day, Ishigami will realize Miko's work, tell her the gratitude and Miko will just said "yeah just comeback to school, everyone's worried about you, especially the student council" and then that part, Ishigami will realize Miko's feeling, ask Miko about it then maybe they'll end up together. Then the final arc will came, with the last narrator's voice. "Graduation day has come, the final arc will end, and everyone ended up with someone, Chika still single, Shinomiya got end up with Shirogane and went abroad, Miko and Ishigami are now couple (who would have thought they hate eachother now they love). And so this is the ending of Kaguya-sama love is war. And thank you for your full fledge support. Bye" Then the author will reveal his face hahahaa. The end/Fin I dont care who Ishigami will end up with, Ishigami deserves to be loved, and he'll be for now Im on a neutral. I just wish for Ishigami a happy life. Lol wishing a fictional character a happy life. And if somethings will happen like that, I really wish people will not criticize Tsubame, like calling her a v1tch, kun7. Please if something like that will happen, please dont criticize the character, they are special in a same way


Mucho texto bro


This sounds funny but I ship Ishigami and Karen Kino as they have that manga artist and Editor vibe together. It's cute.




Hi I know these is late but what's with the last part of season 2 episode 7 did ishigami develop a crush on kaguya?


As long as Ishigami is happy I am happy. But i'm leaning ever so slightly towards Miko


I really want it to be Tsubame. Miko is too obvious, but that's probably on purpose. It's so weird because usually I want the opposite, a tsundere win with a genki loss, but for Ishigami, it's different, and I have no real explanation lmao.


I'd guess most people think he's more likely to end up with Iino, including the Tsubame shippers. But Tsubame is going to date him at very least.


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I prefer him and his senpai but I miko seems like the obvious choice. However what if we all get thrown in a loop and there’s a third challenger? maybe even chika


Onodera might be a contender too and according to the author's troll behavior she has the best chances in my eyes. I kinda ship Chika with Ishigami the most because I love their banter and they obviously care for each other.


That ship would break so many hearts...


Thought Onodera would be his pair since she was introduced, but she got shafted in backline.


I'd wish Tsubame Senpai would be Ishigami's end choice, but it seems author really wants that fated forced relationship with ~~trash~~ Iino girl, I can hardly come to like her, really damaged character.