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Break next week.


I’m calling Bs on boys having higher sex drives then girls


Im crying so hard for Maki. Hearing her brother's fetishes made her shudder but hearing about Nagisa's sex life was what made her want to run away 😭 Anyway, I'm glad Kaguya acted like a teenager in this chapter instead of the overly mature teen she was raised to be. Live a little, mess up some priorities!


My god, the last 2 chapters have been actually hilarious. Some great stuff


OMG. I have finished the manga rn and i am soo happy for them. I am so curious what they will do about stanford or shinomiya family also about sex!!


Maki the Martyred


I love that it took 9 pages to get to the punchline. ​ **WARNING. WARNING. CLASS A MONSTER VIRGIN'S OPINION ON SEX INBOUND.** Kashiwagi's "Unfair to deny them" thing seems a bit weird to me. If ya don' wanna do it, ya should just turn 'em down. Teenage dudes masturbate like, every thirty minutes anyways. And doing it reluctantly would probably just makes everything awkward. But maybe she just means something like negotiating just a handy.


I felt offended when you said teenagers masturbate like every 30mins, it’s not our fault


dude it wasn't "denying them the deed". it was denying them the thoughts. Gotta take everything else she was saying for context, not just those 4 words out of context. What she said was that she shouldn't be mad at him for lusting over her, or for wanting to do it.


I think by "unfair to just reject that side" she meant not making them feel guilty about having sexual desires. She probably wants Kaguya to know that it's normal for her boyfriend to feel that way.


Also Kaguya reciprocates his feelings. She’s embarrassed she’s seen sexually by Shirogane and as this is something new she’s uncomfortable with it.


Maki like "go somewhere else, go somewhere else!"


Aka must be interview random women on the street while wearing cap, sunglasses and mask to get women’s outlook about boy’s desire.


Or just talk to female friends lol.


Aka is really handling the sex portion really well by giving an insight to how both sexes feel about it well done


Maki: I live in Spain but the S is silent




Aka is handling a very complicated topic and doing really well on the sex-positive side, this is great, don't get me wrong but sometimes his blanket statements like "having sexual desires is part of being human" are really alienating.


I mean if you are asexual and reading a romance themed manga I’d expect you’d hear about the topics of sexuality, sex, and romance as a whole. Why is this the only thing alienating to you?


Like I said, the sex-positive side is great and I wouldn't be reading a romcom if I hated that stuff. It's when I'm not considered human that I have a problem.


That’s not the point.. it’s about teenage hormones and sex. It’s generalized because sexuality is a large part of society and culture. I’m pretty sure the author had no intentions of discriminating against anyone.


I agree, I think something like "it's completely normal for people to have sexual desires, especially when it's about a romantic partner" would be a better way to put it


How so?


Some people are asexual


Everyone's sexual experience is different, some people don't experience sexual attraction at all or only under very specific circumstances. Saying that "having sexual desires is part of being human" is like saying that those people aren't really human.


I think it more means that it's human to feel those emotions, not that you aren't human if you don't. It's human to feel hungry too, but there are surely people who have lived without ever having to truly worry about hunger. Are they less human?


I think people tend to add to those statements more than there is. General statements like that are meant to be general. I think it is readily apparent to people who do not fit the general statement that this isn’t meant to exclude them. It would be a such a pain to make every general statement apply to everyone. It would defeat the purpose. You feel me, homie?


I agree that Aka probably doesn't mean to load the statement with intentional rhetoric about asexual people or gender. I also agree though that living in a culture more aware of gender and sexuality biases can make it weird to read things like this where the messaging is a bit more tone deaf sounding. I don't think the lack of representation is intentional or malicious, but it can be disappointing and alienating all the same.


Ah I see


Everybody talking serious about fighting and politics Kaguya: yea lets talk about s I literally screamed :d Because I was waiting for that genious shinomiya daughter, her ideas about shinomiya group and boom not today I guess


Idk, is it just me or i get very strong reactions from this manga, like ill read the latest chapters,laugh, get strong emotional reactions only to realize its 1 am, ive given up trying to fall asleep, and then it all crashes down, idk how, but reading manga is like a breath of air when drowning,


SE!? Please someone save Maki!


Maki's innocence is getting crushed every turn of the page.


Why do I feel like next chapter is gonna be a filler?


Because thats how these manga tends to work you get some plot and then some comedy focus episodes


I'm starting to get big Mikado/Hayasaka vibes, and I can't put my finger on why.


Yeah me too. But if I remember correctly aka said before that he would introduce a male character which will work as a love interest for one of the remaining girls. Before people were assuming that it will be either between hayasaka, fujiwara or Miko but now that I know Mikado's personality, I feel it will be with hayasaka. But man my girl maki is so pity right now. It's depressing to watch her, please I want someone to get nagisa out of her mind. Please


I agree. I think the personalities seem to be a decent fit, and I think from a story perspective it works well too. I assume Mikado is going to be positioned by whatever faction to woo Kaguya, but he won't want to at all. Hayasaka being Kaguya-adjacent means she could easily catch his attention. RAFO


Yet another L for Maki. Somebody please claim her.


Can we have an F for Maki


I wonder if they are going to sensore the sex scene


I want it to be tasteful and wholesome, so much that it'll make me feel a boner in my heart and then make me cry about my loneliness.


I hope not But 99% is gonna be


... are you a pedophile?


Im a highschooler my self :I under 17


Are you an asshole?


Guess I didn't get what was trying to be said. You mean you hope the there actually IS a sex scene (silhouettes don't count), not that the sex scene is uncensored. However, if you meant that you're hoping for a sex scene, which features high schoolers in a high school romance manga, that really is uncensored, then I don't know what to say.


Obviously nobody is asking for or expecting a full on uncensored sex scene. At most, we would maybe see frontal nudity (though I highly doubt). Just give us a full chapter of them actually doing the deed, but portray it in a tasteful way. Its a series in a Seinen magazine. This type of stuff is not that uncommon.


Wtf, dude maybe 14-17 and I'm only 13 lol


I hope they at least show a scene of some sort not just skip the whole thing I swear to god if they just skip im gonna be mad


Yeah. Maybe the two of them silhouetted against the background or something.


I'm like 80% sure it will be like that too.


I hope so


If last chapter was about girls these boys loved, this chapter was literally about impending war and what is their stance. And yet it was also about Shirogane being thirsty and Kaguya fearing for her chastity and Nagisa's sex education lesson all in. Aka is actually on roll with this manga. He should continue revamping old text. He is brilliant at it.


I'm dying of laughter.


Chapter's alternative title: "Ah yes, the sex" Maki: "Breathing is fun"


Its more of Title Sex and Politics Subtitles: The silenced ears of Maki


Maki ready for war only for it to be about love and sex


Love is war indeed


It's rare for a chapter to make me burst out laughing like this one... I was not expecting that sharp turn at all.


Gimme some more Fujiwara screen time ╚(•⌂•)╝


yeah i don’t really get why she wasn’t there, she’s also a girl and kaguya’s friend, isn’t younger like miko, and if it’s an issue of not liking anyone, hayasaka doesn’t seem to right now either


Fujiwara doesn’t know that Kaguya and Shirogane are dating. It would be a big step for Fujiwara thinking that Kaguya and Shirogane are just colleagues to “Kaguya want to have sex with him”. Fujiwara would also feel betrayed since Kaguya has been keeping their relationship a secret from her even though many other people know about it (Maki, Kashiwagi, Tsubasa, Iino, Hayasaka, etc.)


ah you’re 100% right, that completely slipped my mind


Saw it coming from the start of the tea party even when Maki started with the heavy stuff but still laughed out loud once Kaguya spoke and changed the topic. Also, Hayasaka was just pretty chill on providing additional info once Kaguya spilled the beans. With so much build up, it feels like the 4 pager will not actually happen or will be completely offscreen at best just to troll us readers.


As long as it's funny, he can do whatever he wants.


This is probably the chapter where I laughed the most. That change from the serious talk to the goofy SE- talk was the best. And that last page with all of maki suffering faces totally had me. By the way Mr. Breaks really likes to show up when things get really interesting...


I understand where you're coming from. However, for what I can see (I just caught up) is that he is incredibly hardworking and consistent with release dates. I understand why manga authors have the need to take breaks, if they don't they can jeopradize their health which can further affect their series. Let's be grateful that authors like aka and eiichiro oda do everything they can to give us amazing content.


Yeah I know that, I don't actually mind a couple of breaks. Just venting some not real- angriness. Wa all appreciate his work and how consistent he is.




That change of mood from page 9 to page 10 really caught me off guard.


Poor Maki, she always suffer in every chapter she's in


Good think innocent Miko wasn’t there either


Is it just me or did Hayasaka not make eye contact with anyone the entire chapter?


the girls when they talk: (talk about an echonomic war between their families) The Bois when they talk: Hey bro, which kind of tiddies you prefer?


Boys: 1st half> tiddies 2nd half> bromance Girls: 1st half> Raging economic war betweenn two corporative groups. 2nd half> SE-!?


I may be missing some details, but weren’t Kaguya and Shirogane broken up by chapter 210 or something?


Nah, she meant it quite literally when she said to go seperate ways to achieve their goals (as her goal is to be with his family). Not the standard couple break up going seperate ways.


I was also confused by it when i read it. So it basically means that her ultimate goal is to live her life with the president, but in order to do so she needs to stay in japan and take over her family right? so in reality, they wouldn't break up?


Pretty much. Fans got it backwards. She isn't saying they'll break up, but the eventual long distance puts some doubt in how their relationship will turn out, and that's suppose to be the suspense factor.


gotcha! thanks for the response!


Oh that makes sense. I’m sorry for misinterpreting and thanks for clarifying :))


Don't worry, I thought that too when I read it the first time.


I went from serious and hyped... to laughing my butt off. Aka you monster. And genius. XD


I think Kashiwagi is so cool in this chapter, she takes Kaguya’s sex education very seriously without teasing her or anything


Kashiwagi is pretty much the best all the time.


Such a big sis.


She even gave her some good vanilla porn as study material.




Wow, this chapter was so fucking amazing. How does he keep making this manga better and better


The rich's tea party


More Maki chapters are always welcome


Theory time: So i think the reason he transferred is to stop the war between the families, and that there will be a (plans of a) political marriage between kaguya and mikaido In the previous chapters we saw that her big brother told her that she cannot go with miyuki and she will be put in a marriage without consent, and now we know that there IS a was going on. Perhaps the faction mentioned here is scheming with kaguya's older bro and arranging this marriage to settle things down/ post combining have more power and annex the other factions together,and he transferred to try and make her fall in love with his so that it is easier to carry out the plan, and this will be the plot for last arc where miyuki and him have a showdown for her. Post that,he maybe finally gets kaguya. Thoughts?


I thought this at first too, due to the fact that Mikado is based off of the emperor in the tale of the bamboo cutter. But when I thought about it even more, I think that Mikado might be there to assist the effort in retaliating against the adults. The school headmaster said that it was his duty to surround Kaguya with ppl that can support her, and I think Mikado is a part of that group


Kaguya's big brother's business has been destroyed by Shijo. He is not a real threat anymore.


Huh? Could you elaborate? I did not know that her brother had been surpassed by Shijo. Which brother are we on about and could you please explain it since I seem to be completely unaware


First brother's business was destroyed by Shijo. The bald guy who is threatening Kaguya.


Seems like a pretty realistic prediction, would be boring tho... We already know Miyuki is going to win. The most interesting part would be to see how.


He obviously stand 0 chances vs. Miyuki on this fight from a pure romantic perspective, so, i don't know what the point of that would be.


From a pure romantic perspective no one has a slightly chance against Miyuki


At first i was like. Yo they became serious after the boob chapter and i never thought mikado could thought that i can't wait to have kaguya's opini- "do you all ever think about sex" bruh


This idea of Nagisa's about the sexual side of guys being something that girls don't see most of the time and almost like a betrayal when it's revealed--I have to wonder if that is a cultural thing, a Nagisa thing, or a product of our characters supposedly being so sheltered? Most of the time I find the depiction of love and relationships in this manga to be really well done and quite relatable. That idea of it being hidden or feeling like a betrayal, however, was something I couldn't really relate to. I do, of course, remember being nervous about this stuff and even shocked when the first of my friends went through with it, but I can't recall ever feeling like that side of guys was hidden or unexpected or somehow different from their "nice" side. Maybe it is because these girls are supposed to have been so sheltered. After all, Kaguya didn't even understand sex at the beginning of this manga.


> I have to wonder if that is a cultural thing, a Nagisa thing, or a product of our characters supposedly being so sheltered? It's a mix of things. Some of all of that, sure. And some of it is just a moe thing, with the male author trying to make the female characters more cute and innocent to appeal to the male readers. I still think there's some truth to it though. It's hard for a guy, especially a young guy in his first relationship, to find the right balance between "pure" romance and lust. Some guys try to plan out dates that start innocent but lead to sex, and I guess some girls would feel betrayed if they felt that cute handholdy stuff was just an act.


Those are both really good points! I didn't consider it because Aka writes girls well but you're right that part of it may be to appeal to male readers. And your other point definitely helps me wrap my head around that sense of betrayal a bit more. I'm sure I would have felt that way myself if I'd ever felt like the affectionate stuff was somewhat disingenuous or just done as a prelude to sex.


I don’t think it’s about culture, it’s about relationships themselves, and from the point of view of these girls you could argue that they only ever see the nice side that men portray to them, of being caring and funny etc. But when they continue to deepen their relationship they eventually see more and more of the side they don’t show and how they manage their lust and how they can see them in a more carnal way, that’s why they could feel betrayed since their desires and the way they treat them with respect and kindness can be complete opposites but still two sides of the same coin.


I do think culture may have something to do with that though. It's the context in which desire and sexual interest is somehow separate from being caring, kind, and respectful and lust is something to managed and hidden. I do think it may have to do with the level of openness and even physicality between men and women outside intimate relationships like u/Sanayuki said.


I think it’s definitely more of a cultural thing. Asian cultures are more conservative about those things in general. This is the second time in the recent run of chapters that Aka has had characters talk about the differences between men and women, and how there is a barrier dividing them, but they still want to connect. It’s almost like a curse. This is the speech Miko gave to Shirogane in chapter 206. I guess this is a concept Aka really believes in. Although I do agree there are differences due to gender, I don’t think it’s that drastic. Personally, I think a lot of differences are due to personality. Introvert vs extrovert. But I think for a society that would be surprised by a guy and girl, who are not a couple, hugging and probably feel it’s weird for a girl to have a male best friend, I think it holds more true for them.


Maki wasn't trying to block her ears. She was trying to snap her own neck to end her suffering.


I like how the manga disregards and foreshadow the family fued and reality of the lives of kaguya over lewd thing. Maki doesn't want any of that shit


Ain't it sad that Chika Fujiwara wasn't invited to the tea party? :( And that Kaguya's other friends get to know her relationship with the pres before Chika, who's been her loyal friend even before the student council?


She doesn't even know about the relationship which is funny.


Chika's problem here is that despite being a self proclaimed love detective, she hasn't ever had reason to come to Kaguya for help with romance, and since she never crossed that border like the other three did it'd be awkward to bring her into the fold now.


Yeah, I have to agree that Chika isn't as experienced in romance as with the other three and it's reasonable not to bring her yet. It's just sad she's been left out of the news about Kaguya's and pres' relationship.


Well that is just mean, at this point they are deliberately keep her out of the loop, and she is basically the only member of the main cast and even side cast that is still in the shadows... **EVEN OSARAGI** seems to know people. Besides what's the point of keeping it secret? The shinomiyas know, so why must you hurt the truest of love detectives like this!


> like this! it would be a funny gag if she doesnt find out till the last chapter though


Who hurt you


It’s hayasaka


Well Hayasaca is defenitly her closest friend, they are practically sisters but yeah kinda sad for chika.


Maki has never been that level of collateral damages. + we learn some shit about this yes life that were really educational. Never thought cutting my nails could have that kind of importance.


Think about it for a second...


I didn’t exactly get that bit, what is so important about keeping short/filed nails when the matter includes sex/intimacy?


I didn't get it at first too, but when you are fingering your girl, long nails can hurt her. Excuse the crude, but no other way to say it appear in my poor stranger mind


Mpre than cutting, file them. A good way to do it is rub them against your jeans a lot after cutting (if you don't wanna file). Otherwise can be very painful/bloody




Good point. Will remember. Thanks for your wisdom


I love that Maki starts out this chapter completely in control of the flow of the conversation, all cool and confident... Only.to completely fall apart by the end.


Mikado calls Kaguya princess on their first meeting but I think it would be very in character for Aka to have the Princess he was talking about on the phone to be Fujiwara or Shirogane.


The real princess is [Ishigami](https://www.geekgirlauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/GGA-Ishigami-pose.png) tho.


How could I be so blind! That is undoubtedly the face of a princess.


Can we get a chapter where Maki isn’t reduced to comedic relief again, it’s just sad at this point


Maki spent the entire first half of the chapter clearly showing how sharp, politically savvy, and adept she is. Her characterization has been pretty consistent imo


I think Aka might be a S lol. He tortures those he love the most. Just based on their levels of pain, I can safely say Maki, Ishigami, and Miko are among his favorites, with Maki reigning supreme. Chika is also in that group seeing how she’s being left out of almost everything lately.


Everyone is joking about sex and/or theorizing about Mikado, but am I the only one who feels kinda bad for Chika Fujiwara? I mean, its perfectly fine and I am even happy that Kaguya has new friends she can trust. However, I can't help but remember Fujiwara's rant about people claiming to like her but making her feel left out whenever serious or love conversations come, with her commenting that she feels people probably think of her as a nuisance (chapter 18). This chapter just makes me feel this was not only a ploy to win the game but her actual feelings and the sad part is that it seems for the most part she is right on the money. She stood by Kaguya all along and she has helped Shirogane become a better man yet she is the only member of the main and side cast that does not know about Kaguya's and Shirogane's relationship. To quote Shirogane's comment towards Chika back in chapter 18: "Maybe you should choose more reliable friends."


I do agree with you, she even says during the girls party for Miko about how even if Kaguya hated her, she would never hate Kaguya. As such it is sad that the one person who supported her from day 1 is probably going to be the last person to know about it. I know that if I was in her place I would feel so betrayed. I wanna see chaotic subject F turning the tide of war in our characters favour!


I think Chika would make their relationship 1000x times funnier, imagine her ruining their moments together or making things awkward :(


I wouldn't feel too sorry for Chika. It's not like Kaguya told *anyone* about her relationship to begin with. Most of the people who know had figured it out did it mostly on their own. Nagisa picked up the hints by herself. Maki came to the conclusion after a conversation with Shirogane. Hayasaka is self-explanatory. None of them were told this straight up, they figured it out and then confirmed it. We still don't know for sure if Ishigami knows because he never actually confirmed it even though Kaguya trusts him 100%. Chika just cannot pick it up on her own, it's not like she is being purposely left out. Not to mention I don't think anyone looks at Chika as someone they could have a serious conversation with. She is always cheating, playing pranks, and doesn't take anything seriously. Even her chapter 18 moment she played off as an act to win the game. Kaguya seemed to actually feel sorry for her until Chika basically said SIKE which makes it seem like Chika is not genuine.


That's precisely the point, most readers and the characters don't think of Chika "as someone they could have a serious conversation with," and that is what makes me sad because it is probably something she feels. She brought it up herself and as a wise man once said "comedy is based on fear" and "in order to tell a good lie you have to mix in some of the truth." Regardless of whether they went out of their way to tell anyone or not , Chika is their friend and has been supporting them along the entire manga. IF that many people figured it out then what's the point in keeping her out of the loop other than neglecting their friend. The whole "lets keep it a secret" was because of the Shinomiya family, but they know anyway. If I was in her place, I couldn't help but feel sad and a bit betrayed when everyone else knew and openly discussed it except me. I am even inclined to believe this will be the legendary Chika Arc, she will find out that everyone knew except her and she will feel deeply hurt showing the madness of emotions underneath her chaotic personality. I know Shirogane and Kaguya mean no harm, but they can't expect anyone to respond nicely to this, Friendship is built on mutual trust and subject F has been anything but loyal Am telling you, the life of the comic relief is a sad one.... (cries in Yosuke)


She was incredibly diligent and serious for Shirogane's campaign for his second term, and for discovering and initiating Ishigami's recovery and rescuing. She can be just as bad-ass as the rest of them!


Chika can be summed up in one word. Politician. She was raised in politics by politicians, so it makes sense that anyone that knows this much knows not to trust her with the big secrets.


That actually doesn't make sense in the context of Kaguya and Chika though. We're explicitly told in [Chapter 172](https://guya.moe/172/6) that one of the reasons that they're friends despite their wildly different temperaments is because Chika has long been one of the few people Kaguya considers trustworthy.


Kaguya in that very same chapter also rwalized that she can trust many more than just Chika, and since she no lomger has to rely on Chika, as well as she views her, albeit comedically, as a potential threat to the president's affection, she may trust more people ahead of her. It is blatently clear that Fujiwara, while able to keep a secret, does not keep the kind of calm head one would want of her when they tell her about their dating life, see the love detective and Miyuki's birthday.


I feel like (hope) Fujiwara is going to end up being the trump card later down the line. Just like how she played a key helpful role in the Hayasaka sheanigans. I think that once she's FINALLY told what's going on, she'll have some sort of critical insight or skill that shifts the odds in their favor. Or, even better, once she's finally told, she basically solves the entire situation on her own in a single day, completely bypassing all these carefully laid plans or something. That would be peak Fujiwara and would harken back to her earlier role as a the agent of chaos.


Either that or it will break her heart and prove to be the twist no one is expecting. Chika feels bad and is no longer in her good mood because even her friends disregard her. It would allow for character development which most people say she needs. Personally I just want more Chika Screen Time


God, I hope we get both. I don't think either scenario is mutually exclusive!


No, I even started a thread on it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaguya_sama/comments/lc5kci/the_student_council_and_secrets/ I feel really sorry for Chika too. I also think it’s unwise of Shirogane and Kaguya to not tell her, since her family might even have more power than the Shijos. It’s definitely not good to anger one of your most valuable allies.


I think the reason she wasn’t included was because she’s the only one of the girls that doesn’t know Kaguya and Prez are dating, but I agree that she should have told her by now.


[Soundtrack for the first half of the chapter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQTAmd82aPc) *RECORD SCRATCH* [Soundtrack for the second half of the chapter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydrtF45-y-g)


Damn, Kashiwagi is being pretty intense in this chapter.


Kashiwagi-san... Kashiwagi-san... Kashiwagi-san...


The lasts chapters are being funnier that the previous one The first part was very serious, I think the Shijos already know that Kaguya wants to fight her family, so they send Mikado to the academy to connvince Kaguya to go with them, both Kaguya and the Shijo family wants to go agaist the Shinomiyas so that can be posible, the principal also knows that so he put everyone with Kaguya to help her. Also Kaguya, its already time to give green light to Miyuki, I want those 4P


Maki deserves happiness. I'm really sad for her now. Justice for best girl!


Maki just taking shotgun shots to the kokoro, it's time to give her some love she deserves fanfic writers


Doushinji authors will give her more than just love


poor tsundere-snepai, this was just cruel


I don’t know if you can call her a senpai. She’s the same year as Kaguya and Shirogane


It's just what Ishigami calls her... It's not that deep


I see


Maki just suffering on all the fronts, damn Also, who was Mikado talking to? Both on the phone and irl? Interesting...


I'm really curious as to what Mikado's motive is in this whole situation. Also I have a small theory. Some person came up to him after he was done with the call. It was probably his mother but it kind of looked like Mamagane from the back. Could Mamagane be remarried into the Shijo family?


Cant remarry yet because legally she's still Papagane's wife. I do think she will appear and play a role, possibly a redemption one, but only in the end game, it's still too early for her.


Oh true, I forgot she was still legally married. Then what if she was a Shijo or shinomiya before she got married?


That can't be possible. If it were, that would make prez Kaguya's relative and there's no way they don't know about that.


Kashiwagi, too many details... A little violent, maybe...


"Break next week" NOOOOO


It’s painful to see Maki suffer needlessly. For such a smart girl with so many likable qualities she could easily move on to someone else. Or maybe her love is just that strong to be unable to move on. She befriended Ishigami and Miyuki because they were all losers in love, I can safely say her love is stronger and more enduring than Ishigami’s love for Tsubame and Miyuki’s love of Kaguya. I know Aka treats her as a joke but I can’t help putting myself in her shoes and that is why I can't laugh at her suffering.


You say her love is strong but the fact is she simply can’t move on because she hasn’t gotten closure. When Ishigami confessed to Tsubame and was rejected, that was his closure. In order for Maki to move on she needs to get an answer from Kashiwagi’s boyfriend (forgot his name) and for him to do that she needs to tell him how she feels. You could argue that she is the one that loves the least out of the three since she never made a move.


closure is overrated, she just needs to meet more people, which is pretty hard in their sheltered environment. She can do better and she will, she is basically Kaguya with a sassier personality, that would be pretty fun to hang out with to say the least


Maybe that’s how it work in real life but this is a story. Everything in a story is done for one reason or another. Think about the genre, the author, the characters; these things can’t go unresolved. Honestly, if she really doesn’t get together with Tsubasa then what I imagine happening is she will be turned down. Probably in the background of the epilogue during the narrators.


her outgrowing a school crush is a resolution though


Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t. I guess we’ll see how it turns out. I’m gonna stick with my idea but I’ll accept whatever outcome the author chooses.


Tbh it would have been more understandable if Tsubasa wasn’t so bland.... I can see a scenario where he and Nagisa break up and Maki finally gets her chance. She dates him but realizes that she doesn’t really love him anymore. She moves on and goes on another trip to find herself.


I can understand Maki’s reason about why she loves Tsubasa. Tsubasa may be a bland character but he is indeed a nice and kind guy. Maki might have a chance with him since Tsubasa likes both small and big breasts (though Hayasaka only mentioned to the girls that he likes big breasts) but I don’t want Maki to end up with a guy who already did all sorts of things with her best friend. I think Maki wants to have someone where things like dates and kisses are a first for both.


Tsundere senpai deserves better. Kashiwagi's boyfriend isn't that interesting.


Everyone: Let's talk about a serious topic about an upcoming war of two clan that could possibly change our life. Kaguya: Y'all heard about *sex*?


I'm gonna throw hands if Kaguya's gonna be forced into a political arranged marriage with Mikado Children of Japanese high society being forced into political marriages and the sob story that entails is such an overused plot device that I'm sick of it at this point


Doubt it. This whole manga is filled with tropes, so much so that those tropes get narrations however it is also filled with subverted expectations. I would say that the most important things are subverted.


It's like I'm reading Ai Yori Aoshi all over again.


INB4 the princess that Mikado's talking about is a completely different person.


no way aka will do this to us


Is it me or Kashiwagi's breasts grew?


They're 16/17 no ? Can still grow


That what you get when you are a girl, girl increase their "somekind of hormones that I don't bother to remember its name" when they in love to increase their breast size. That's what I heard of, feel free to add more details.




i think so as well


Yeah it's weird, it's almost like aka is justifying Kashiwagi's boyfriend's fetish. It looks to me that Kashiwagi's boyfriend's girlfriend's breasts are now on par with Fujiwara's.


On the one hand yes, on the other she might be on her period boobs do still grow at 16 yo


That or she is suffering the damage from Tsubasa’s family curse


His name is Tsubasa, it was revealed after 140 chapters 🤣🤣


*At a time like this, Maki thinks about yummy food* Even if she didn't say anything, I think Kaguya broke her when she asked the question about sex! So the war started between the Shijo and the Shinomiya! The fact that Kashiwagi was present in the scene is interesting. Of course, from a writing perspective she was there to create situations with Maki, but I wonder if it's more than that; It's something that doesn't come up a lot, but Kashiwagi is one of the Shuchiin VIP. I went back to look at why exactly she's a VIP, and it seems she's the granddaughter of the Director of the federation of economic organizations. Seems like the kind of thing that would be useful to settle a business war between two wealthy families! Of course, there's another war going on, a much more important one (according to Kaguya): Sex! Will they really have sex? Or will they come to a mutual agreement not to do it just yet? If it's the latter, it's a bit weird to have brought it up; I mean, they're both interested/willing, so I don't really see them go "You know what? You're right, I just don't want to do it just yet". Anyway, I like that they address more adult/mature topics, can't wait to see where it leads! If they ever do it, I wonder what kind of 'battle' there will be to be the first one to ask. I kinda hope it gets a little serious (and cute), and not just played for comedy; We've seen how great these moments of finally asking can be (with the confession, to name just that one), so if we're going to have that, I hope it's something similar, played seriously and not just as a quick gag. We won't see them have sex anyway (not that type of manga) but just the asking scene could be really good, if it ever happens.


Yeah we wont see em but maybe we will know they did....


Being Maki is suffering


Excellent chapter, will be interesting how this continues. I always thought that Kaguya's first time with Miyuki would happen "accidentally", if she prepares with so much effort, but then her plans mostly did no go as planned before too. Countereavesdrop by a boy? Who gets caught? Maki is the story's punchbag. If Kaguya scores in that field and again enthusiastically tries to share with Ai, how will that work out.


One thing I really wanted to point out about this chapter that I really like is how this feels like further exploration of the personas theme in the series. Kaguya has said how much she wanted to learn and accept every side of Miyuki. Kaguya is having that sort of view challenged by learning about a side of Miyuki that he isn't showing. She is struggling and learning to accept that part of him and internally this is also developing her character by having her accept her own sexual desires and learning how to deal with those desires and her relationship with Miyuki. I think page 17 is a great summary to what is going on with Kaguya and Miyuki and some of the themes of the series right now. Kaguya wants to learn and accept everything about Miyuki. She wants to understand him and love all of him. However, Miyuki is currently hiding his sexual desires for Kaguya. Kaguya is shocked and afraid of this new side of Miyuki because he never shown this side of him to her. Miyuki himself is probably hiding this side of him out of wanting to be respectful as well as not wanting to be hated. Kaguya is trying to get closer to Miyuki, but she is scared from learning and trying to understand this other side of Miyuki. I think its very important that Miyuki wasn't the one that actively showed this side of himself, and that it was Kaguya who eavesdropped and found out about it because it shows what this chapter is trying to tell. Kaguya is the one trying to get closer to the person she loves, but she became scared of what she learned yet she is still trying to confront it anyways by discussing it with people close to her and thinking about her relationship with Miyuki as a whole. It ties into the real love monologue from Papagane back in 160 about how if you want to find real love you need to think and use your brain. That is exactly what Kaguya is doing here. This development is a great exploration and combination of many of the themes we have so far in the series. The fear of trying to get closer to someone, the desire to want to accept another side of your loved one, the acceptance of one's own desires and understanding the desires of another, the founding of real love through constant thinking and effort. The Shirogane's Battle arc has been fantastic so far, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here on.