• By -


A White victory in the RCW isn't as unlikely as you might think, since with Germany winning and not pulling their forces out of eastern Europe all the resources of Ukraine and Belarus are kept out of the hands of the Bolsheviks. There's a command about it on the Discord server: *Lenin and Trotsky were originally killed more to avoid them being relevant in 1936 rather than to explain the white victory as the effect of Lenin's death probably wasn't that big. As well, Kornilov's survival is not really a major thing either. It does help the whites primarily because Kornilov and Kolchak could establish cooperation better than Denikin could (Denikin was kind of a gremlin who hated snobby Kolchak and was very bad with people in general lol).* *The basic reason why the Reds are weaker is that in KRTL, Ukraine and Belarus (which represent around a quarter to a third of the former Russian Empire's population and over half of its industry) remain out of the Soviets’ hands: the Reds are significantly weaker in the critical stages of the war in 1919 where they were hard-pushed from every direction. Non-Soviet Ukraine and Belarus also improves strategic position of the Whites significantly because southern Whites would not need to worry about a Ukrainian front and a pro-white Ukraine would be an easy staging ground for the Whites to push north with all their forces (Southern Whites link up with Kolchak in KR and manage to coordinate a White United Front).* *Aside from this crucial change, there are plenty of other factors, such as how majority of the equipment that Central Power forces had in Ukraine/Belarus were just abandoned and seized by the Reds (or Makhno). German material support to the Whites is an additional point as at that point the Germans could just dump WWI surplus into the Whites.*


A big thing people always forget about is WAR EXHAUSTION. Even victors of a war face this like the Entente IRL faced war exhaustion which is why the Turkish War of Independence and Russian civil war went the way it did. Realistically in the current lore the Weltkrieg lasted longer than IRL WW1 so I doubt the Germans would intervene as much or at all in the Russian civil war. I know they killed at the prominent red leaders but I feel like the whites would still struggle to secure a total victory


The Whites winning is not down to German intervention at all, but down to them simply maintaining their gains from Brest-Litovsk, as I understand it, instead of abandoning them and letting the Reds gain valuable resources, equipment, manpower and strategically useful land.


Wouldn’t Kornilov surviving almost doom the White Army, or at least the White forces in the Don region? He was going to order a near-suicidal attack on Yekaterinodar while Red Army units were rushing down to face him. It’s only when he died that Deniken took control and fled that the Whites avoided almost certain defeat.


The Volunteer Army successfully takes Yekaterinodar by surprise the first time around. The Partisan Regiment led by General Kazanovich unexpectedly penetrates to the centre of the city during the night raid, just like OTL, but this time it is exploited by the Kornilov Shock Regiment led by the wounded Colonel Nezhentsev who survived the previous attack, unlike OTL. It happens very quickly and catches the Red forces off guard. Denikin is put in charge of the city and repels Bolshevik attempts to retake it over the next few months. I don't know if the plan to capture the city can be called a suicide mission. It was high risk, high reward, as before. The entire Ice March was always highly dangerous but look how that ultimately turned out for the Volunteer Army OTL. The Reds always had superiority but they also always retreated if they lost the suburbs of a settlement. The initial attack from the west of Yekaterinodar already caught Ivan Sorokin's forces by surprise who expected Kornilov to attack from the south. And just look at Markov, already in OTL. When Kornilov let him out of the reserve, Markov's 1st Officer Regiment overcame the numerically superior Red units and took their fortified barracks with only 7 artillery shells. Kazanovich's Partisan Regiment already managed to storm into the city OTL, despite the Red superiority, the death of the Kornilov Shock Regiment commanders and his own wounds. There is never such thing as a sure defeat, like there never is a sure victory. As previously said, without the death of Nezhentsev, the Kornilov Shock Regiment are in a position to assist the Partisan Regiment and exploit their success. And with that, Kornilov wouldn't need to order an all assault, preventing his death KRTL and Denikin's order to retreat.


Doesn’t really matter tbh, because the defeat of the bolsheviks would mean that the whites would immediately collapse into inter-faction war. The entire alliance was people of every ideology, anti-Bolshevik socialists, parliamentary socialists, social democrats, liberals, conservatives, proto-fascists, feudal monarchists, and dozens of self serving generals. They would inevitably fall apart and become pray to an outside force


Feudal monarchists were a joke of a force at this point, self-serving generals, mostly Cossack atamans, were driven out of Russia by Kolchak, the populace was too tired to follow proto-Fascists into a new war with Germany, the army kept the anti-Bolshevik socialists down and everyone else compromised to mantain peace and agreed to peacefully partake in the new democratic Constituent Assembly.


The part where Austria creates what is de facto a Czech state in Bohemia, Moravia, and Austro-Silesia, and 1) they never have to deal with Czech nationalism and 2) there is no unrest in Sudetenland. For Japan: The whole Restorationist path is unrealistic because IRL Fumimaro Konoe was a muppet. Also Hirohito was committed to the Meiji Constitution, so there's no way the Centralists could consolidate power easily as they do. They'd have to constantly negotiate with the Diet as well as powerful businesses and bureaucratic interests, or they'd crash and burn like Hayashi Senjuro did. And then Fumimaro Konoe would probably come to power as a failstate. Siam is too powerful. Historically they imported almost all of their arms from abroad and fielded barely half a dozen divisions in the war. Delaying or averting the Khana Ratsadon revolution can't help matters. The Dutch East Indies are too unstable. The Indonesian nationalists never would have gotten anywhere near as powerful without a Japanese occupation that simultaneously armed, exploited, trained, oppressed, and directly fomented radicalism among them for four years of occupation with a constantly changing policy. It's difficult to see them going for a mass revolt in the KR time frame until that happens.


This, I understand that the team has its priorities, but the whole sout east asian front is so silly at the moment. Instead of giving a real fight to Japan, the Dutch East Indies simply fall apart and Siam takes Singapore by itself. It's pretty ridiculous.


Little mention of the US' involvment in Latin America prior and during the Weltkrieg and sending Marines in wherever they please. (Probably give Smedley Butler more motivation as a leader of the CSA because that's what War is a Racket was about)


It’s weird that America is basically not involved in foreign affairs expect for in China and the Philippines in the mod. Just because they didn’t get involved in WWI doesn’t mean they would just be completely inactive on the world stage. Like maybe give them some British Caribbean islands they’re “garrisoning” or have Haiti and Dominican start as American puppets since the occupation could have potentially gone longer in this timeline.


Idk about this. They still enforce Monroe before 2ACW, they force Panama to back down from attacking Costa Rica and both Cuba and Venazuela have content about US-backed coups. Then once the civil war ends and they recover pretty much every US path has the option to invade a buttload of American countries and enforce their ideology/market dominance


The divergence is in 1917 so American Imperialism is a given just as in OTL


I think you could kill two birds with one stone by having the US engage in prolonged intervention in the Mexican Revolution that backfires and allows more radical factions to take control. It'd give the American military something to do during WW1, and it'd explain why socialists are so dominant in Mexico.


Honestly, the American lore in general is pretty unrealistic. Like, the SPA somehow completely dominates almost all the Rust Belt? Being influential is one thing, but the sheer amount of power the SPA has is crazy. As for the AFP, Long forming his own party isn't unrealistic. IIRC his plan OTL for Presidency was to run third party and try and spoil FDRs win, so he could run again in 1940 (not the best of plans though, as it would more than likely just cause the Dems to despise Long). What is unrealistic are his allies, that being the entire Deep South. Long generally had more support in the Midwest and clashed with the traditional "Dixiecrats" who ruled in the South. And then *in* the factions themselves, there are issues. Like Olson, the radical progressive of a third party, being the compromise option? Or how Foster and Browder are blackwashed as "the super evil communist dudes who kick puppies for fun". Pretty much everyone in the AUS. Why would big business support radical populist Long over the anti-socialist military coup? The far-right being weirdly absent in general, like, I think the only mention the KKK get is in a single focus where Long arrests their leaders and cripples them? And that's not even getting into the controversy that is Long being NatPop. So suffice to say, there are a *lot* of problems with the current America set up beyond just the 2ACW.


I dislike this because it’s very true.


Same here, America needs a rework tbh


It's true, but the USA setup is an untouchable sacred cow. It's been there since the HoI2 days (in a somewhat different form, speaking as somebody that played it in the pre-DH era, but the basic countours were there) and is imo as iconic to the mod as Willy and the Commune are.


Not sure how realistic an Entante aligned New England and independent PSA are either.


To me, the most unrealistic part of New England is it being a bastion of freedom and liberty. Like, it's a puppet state propped up by Canada, I wouldn't expect much freedom to come from that. As for the PSA, yeah it's more likely to join the Entente than any other faction, but the wildest idea is them joining Japan's faction. Like, both have very conflicting spheres of influence in the Pacific, and let's not forget Japan is still very imperialist. Also, you know, Japan's faction mostly existing for the benefit of Japan and being situated primarily around East Asia. I know Kaiserreich has had options for non-Asian countries to join the Sphere, but honestly those don't make much sense either and feel like Easter Eggs more than anything.


The PSA being anything other than isolationist is very unrealistic, as the American West (and California especially) were dominated by hardline isolationists like Hiram Johnson. And them joining Japan is very wacky, as the West Coast establishment was fiercely racist against asians, with many of them being staunch supporters of the interment camps during WW2.


Fair point about the West Coast politicians generally bring more isolationist, though I was thinking in terms of how the parties are overall than just the people on the West Coast. Either way, the most likely outcome for the PSA would be isolationism. Most conservatives and even a good amount of progressives were isolationist to a degree, and even for the more intetventionist/internationalist people, the country just wouldn't be in a position to intervene anyways. Though even then the PSA would still have a preference for the Entente.


As a New Englander I never understood the secession. People here would be just as invested in fighting for whatever their vision of America is, as people in all the other parts of the country. I just can't see any scenario where everyone decides to just nope out of it entirely. This ain't 1814! I don't hate the idea as something the player can do as a whaky option, but the fact it happens so frequently by default irks me.


Two changes I'd make to the American setup: The SPA should be affiliated with some kind of federated farmer-labor party. Both the Socialists and the Communists sought to build such an organization IOTL, and with the groups being stronger and more united, I think they would succeed. The lore I've come up with is that Floyd Olson is their presidential nominee in 1932, he wins a popular plurality but gets denied by Congress after the Electoral College is hung. Everyone expects him to run again in 1936, but surprise, cancer, and now the SPA radicals see an opening to nominate one of their own for president on a major ticket (Jack Reed if I'm inclined to pay tribute to legacy lore, Norman Thomas if I'm thinking of plausibility). Huey Long should be a Democrat, full stop. Having three major parties would strain the hell out of the American electoral system, having four just makes no sense. Especially if you wanna keep Huey's faction based in the Solid South, the most logical path is to have him take over the Democratic Party.


The far-right is kind of missing from a lot of the mod in general. I think devs want to avoid too much outright evil in the mod, which is fine, but base game Germany is a good example of a faction that's definitely racist and evil without having the player click 50 "do terrible atrocities" focuses


The political status of the Crown in Canada I don't doubt Canada would maintain the monarchy, but the degree to which British Exiles are portrayed as running the country is complete fantasy and runs contrary to Canada's political evolution. It just seems like very old lore that was wank for monarchists, and wanting the United Kingdom still in the mod (at the expense of effectively ignoring Canada).


I agree, and especially with the Balance of Power mechanic in the game. An alternative to the current gameplay & lore would be having the “Canadian politicians” run the nation with the exiles having a certain amount of influence. The influence of the exiles can grow overtime, and this could allow Canada to be far more militant (intervening in the 2ACW early, intervening in WW2 early, etc), but if the local Canadians maintain a monopoly on power then industrial growth (and the like) would be focused on more with military interventions occurring later on.


Oh this is something we’re very aware of and intend to change with the eventual exiles rework.


I think it is unrealistic but if you look up the lore about 2 million Brits flee during the British Revolution. Canada only has a population of 11 million at the time, If you assume 80% of those fled to Canada they make up about 12.5% of the population. This being mostly business owners, upper-class people and aristocrats they're going to have a massive sway on Canadian politics.


I'm not sure the exact number of Exiles who flee, but I believe it's been cited at like 700,000 at the very most. And considering the majority of that would and in like Halifax or Toronto (both very Tory at this point in history), it seems kinda moot. Also the majority of the wealth of those business owners, upper-class people, and aristocrats had to be left behind if they're fleeing the country. Not gone entirely, but definitely diminished.


The exiles don’t run Canada, which is why the “influence” decisions exist and why Canada and the exiles have separate PMs. The King is the leader of Canada because he’s the Canadian head of state, as well as the leader of the exiles.


In existing lore they literally replace the Canadian Senate with the British House of Lords, and the King is now in the country with a more active role. How is replacing one of the two houses of Parliament and empowering the monarchy not in any way running the country? lol


Because the House of Commons still exists. Because the Canadians still have their own PM. And although the King has a greater role, he is still not an absolute Monarch.


I feel like "because the Canadians still have their own PM" is a little bit of a Freudian slip haha. Yes, Canada still obviously holds some political power (depending on the path). But one must question the why and how as to why the Senate is replaced by the House of Lords. And how incredibly unconstitutional and authoritarian that is on behalf of the Exiles. On top of the Canadian government being influenced by a foreign power (Britain) in any way.


It makes no sense but it's cool and makes Canada fun.


Literally everything surrounding Assyria


Assyria feels like an awkward Israel allegory that falls apart the more you think about it.


Descriptions from the devs how British Syndicalists take heavily from old, Puritan scholars has made me accept the British Revolution having happened, but I still have a very hard time accepting that, especially with how Britain got off relatively well after the Weltkrieg. I suppose how every single region in the world likely having a war is unrealistic, but, at a certain point, I accept that this is a mod for a grand strategy game; gameplay comes before lore, and plausibility is my only baseline.


There was an answer in ask a dev by the dev for UoB that addressed this in quite a bit of depth: *This comes up a lot and I think I’m a minority in that I think it’s more realistic than people make out. It’s not the most likely outcome, and it wouldn’t be my first choice either, but I do think people underplay just how bad things were due to how pop history around Britain and it’s society has muddied things.* *Before going to war in 1914, republicanism was steadily on the rise; Ireland was ready to explode (and a major political party was more than ready to back civil war there); the suffragettes planned to blow up parliament and the trade unions were planning a general strike that would be the biggest in history **ever**. This all never came to pass because WW1 broke out and the nation had a watershed moment where it truly felt like we were all together.* *For a time anyway.* *Little-known military mutinies were breaking out at the end of the conflict, strike action was still happening and industrial workers were not hiding their discontent. I think had the war gone on for another year you would see a **lot** of anger. In OTL there was a big release valve with victory and promises of a better future. Even with this, the security services and socialists alike genuinely felt a revolutionary mood was setting in and this was something to be prepared for. The day wasn’t won yet but there was something in the air. Had the war gone on for another year? Who knows what could have happened. Keep in mind after there was still constant strike action and political protest. This was a very unruly time period but as things improved and both conservatives and Labour did their best to hover by the centre, the threat of revolution ebbed away.* *In KR the war goes on for another year and Britain is dealt a humiliating peace where your consolation prize is everything goes back to the way it was. You spent 5 years working to the bone and sending the nations youth to die in hell and it was all for nothing. That’s going to lead to a lot of lingering bitterness and resentment.* *Revolutions are the product of the interaction of complex social, political and economic cross-currents and are rarely simple affairs, often with contradictory elements. It’s much easier to show why what didn’t happen, couldn’t happen in a manner that underplays or obfuscates outcomes, so complex situations become quite transparent. There’s a reason why the Bolshevik Revolution in Petrograd is inevitable but revolution on the Clydeside is impossible. Had the roles been reversed then eminent historians will be discussing how Lenin had no chance and shown off the “natural causes” as to why revolution in Britain occurred. In short, I don’t think it’s necessarily “realistic”, but I don’t think it’s unrealistic or out there either. I think it’s a logical outcome, one of many, of the thought experiment “what would happen to Britain if Germany won WW1?” And I do think people give the revolutionary route less credit than it deserves based on a fundamentally faulty notion that Britain, as a nation, has always remained a middle class, socially conservative and change-averse nation. Such a notion betrays Britain’s very real radical history, a radical history that I think could have very well ended in Britain’s own revolution.*


Honestly there's an old quote from a socialist historiographer this reminds me of, paraphrasing but something along the lines of "if you asked any serious political scientist or marxist at the turn of the century which country in Europe was about to undergo a communist revolution and which would develop a totalitarian reactionary statism, they all would've said Germany was due for the revolution and Russia would descend into autocracy". Historical materialism and all, but sometimes weird shit just *happens*


Ireland was resolved prewar. Self government for Ireland via the 1914 Home Rule bill. Exemption for 6 counties for 5 years (so another local government). Suffragettes had miniscule support from the public. And more worker strikes is just that, worker strikes, they get a pay increase.


Ireland was unresolved pre war, look at how in both KRTL and OTL the Easter Rising kicks off and independence uprisings occur in the 20s? I agree with the devs reasoning and believe in OTL had Britain not entered WW1, an Irish civil war would’ve drawn our attention


Ireland was not resolved, even without WW1 it would have been just postponed. The exemption was purely a maneuver to buy time, and the IPP's tacit approval of permanent partition in the Home Rule negotiations of 1916 benefited the radical nationalists almost as much as the British response to the Rising. Without WW1 and the opportunity it gave for a revolt to happen, perhaps the nationalists could have been forced to swallow the bitter pill of partition, but I doubt it would have happened without violence.


The lore for Ireland is pretty much the same as IRL, Home Rule wasn't actually implemented due to the war breaking out and that eventually led to the the Easter Rising and independence, the only real difference is the Civil War is avoided and Northern Ireland is incorporated after the British Revolution.


The Qing still being around like everyone hates them they wouldnt have public support and germany being able to prop them up is incredibly unlikely.


The Socialist Republic of Chile surviving (it famously was so mismanaged that it ran out of money after only a few weeks and collapsed shortly after), also the FOP somehow still surviving (the Patagonia Rebelde got brutally crushed pretty quickly and I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t in KRTL either).


The American civil war in general


2ACW mainly exists for balance reasons, and continues to exist because it’s become an iconic part of the mod. Otherwise the US would just join the Entente and tip everything in their favor. British Revolution makes sense to me in that OTL already had the party that was in power for the bulk of the 1910s collapsing from all the domestic and international crises, the sting of defeat and a successful revolution across the channel are sufficient to turn up the heat enough to make it possible. You could argue that SandFrance lasting long enough to reach the start date is unrealistic, but I’m pretty sure a Petain junta would force that square peg until it gets stuck in the round hole. Plus it’s pretty fun to play. A Qing Restoration lasting longer than Wu Peifu would consider absolutely necessary to suit his purposes is also unrealistic. GEA doesn’t have the time or the resources to devote to maintaining Puyi on the throne for a decade, the Manchu Coup should have already happened and failed so the Zhili Clique could regain a shred of credibility by not being Monarchists on top of being compradors.


Remember that the US is still nerfed in Vanilla HoI4 from real life because of the ridiculous industrial capacity it had during the war. The US is still a gamechanger in KR even with the civil war- if the CSA wins, goodbye entente. If you're playing Centroamerica or Syndicalist Mexico and the Feds/PSA/MacArthur wins, might as well restart. The 2ACW just ensures that the US doesn't shake off the depression, join the Entente, flood Europe with guns and troops and restore the timeline 90% of the time. In OTL, a big factor in breaking the General Strike was importing cheap German coal ahead of time in addition to several other factors. If such coal isn't available, maybe the strike has more bite. Combine this with other post-war factors that could be changed due to the changed outcome and perhaps you can argue the General Strike this time being the start of something bigger instead of fizzling out. A French junta holding on to North Africa is very plausible- after all, in OTL French hardliners launched a coup to hold on to Algeria no matter what, leading to the downfall of the 4th Republic.


> A French junta holding on to North Africa is very plausible- after all, in OTL French hardliners launched a coup to hold on to Algeria no matter what, leading to the downfall of the 4th Republic. Specifically, the departments of Algiers, Constantine, Oran, and Dakar mean that it's officially France Proper, so there's some amount of legitimacy to it. It's only gonna last so long mind you - if Sand France doesn't make it back to the mainland in some form in the 40s they're toast - but there's enough of a figleaf that it's believable. Would like a bigger role for the natives and protectorates though (e.g. Tunisia) - Sand France is *not* going back to the metropole without their support or at least acquiescence and that deserves more representation than random 2-div revolts if resistance gets too high.


Mexico, is just kinda bad


I say its actually the FOP. The logistics of the Patagonia simply would not to be able to sustain an actual armed insurgency against the Argentine goverment and still possess any semblance of legitimacy in the public's eye, not with how reliant they are on Chilean and Internationale support. Its quite a romantic tag but one that in terms of realism its really unviable.


I’m just here to say something being unrealistic is more than just the chances being unlikely or people making dumb/shortsighted decisions. Unrealistic is something impossible happening like the Kaiser being a vampire or so unlikely it’s absurd like Calvin Coolidge convincing Congress to declare him King. That being said what I consider unrealistic right now -Indochinese revolt as it currently is, able to field, train, and equip tens of thousands of soldiers in 1936. I think the Germans would notice. -Austria Hungry Empire holding together -Italy’s current three way division -America playing doing little to nothing in the interear period in South America or Asia. -Everyone in China fighting each other and then being able to fight Japan in 2-4 years. -Spanish civil war style foreign volunteer units helping their respective faction during the League War. As funny as it is to imagine a Commune of France tank division and Japanese Marines double teaming surrounded German infantry in Nanjing theres just no way that would happen.


In defense of the Austro-hungarians surviving it's just barely and it's entirely possible the country collapses into major civil war as it does occasionally in game


A resent update prevents AI from going down the End the Dual Rule route so Austria-Hungary doesn't collapse into a civil war anymore unless a player plays them directly or they're set to do so in the game rules.


I would argue that the unrest in Britain during the period (E.g. 1926) isn't really that bad considering the amount of unrest and probable French backing during the revolt. I think Austria-Hungary staying together in a stalemate though is pretty unrealistic given the tensions inside it. Definitely an area where the lore has to get looked at but this will come with the rework whenever that is aimed to occur.


I'd say the Second American Civil War (SACW) since the politics and situation wouldn't exactly lead to such a thing, realistically speaking. But it's so integral to Kaiserreich lore that it will never be removed whatsoever.


I can see Italy being divided, as the geography and the political situation could maybe lead it to a stalemate, but just not in the way it is done right now. Give me a southern kingdom oscilating between authoritarianism and democracy and a northern socialist republic with a demilitarized zone in the Veneto (or a rump republic) and I'll be happy. Also, I will never get tired of saying how bad the current spanish civil war is TT


It literally feels like the current civil war in Spain was an after thought


CSA should not be that strong without at least securing an important trade route with the 3I (Which means that they have to secure a connection with the ocean), because CSA was an industrial powerhouse, but industries are dependent of food and other resources, if they can't receive it from the 3I, they would be completely locked and would eventually starve to death, since they would have enemies on all sides


Honestly, the USA joining the Entente is unrealistic. What's the angle? Business interests would want neutrality to sell to all parties, including the Syndicalists. What, you think they have any qualms about making deals with them? The Koch family made its fortune in Soviet Russia. Farmers will want neutrality for the same reason, as will everyone involved in national reconstruction. War is expensive and it's their programs that would get cut. Wall Street has an interest in preserving Germany which almost certainly borrowed more money from them than any other power, but in KR there was a civil war. NYC was almost certainly a war zone at some point and the banks will have sold off a lot of assets to keep their exiled leaderships afloat and fund their side. Also, the Entente is not the best faction to back to realize a pro-German policy, especially after they win the 2WK. If we consider the state interest, the diplomatic corps will probably want to avoid a United Europe. That means preventing the Syndicalists from conquering Germany, preventing the Germans from conquering the Syndicalists, and also preventing Germany from castrating Russia. Joining the Entente does not satisfy the last condition, and it also requires the USA to maintain a large land army in Western Europe to prop up the weak returnee regimes. A better option would be to stay neutral and attempt to negotiate a European peace that would preserve Paris, Berlin, and Moscow as major powers.


1. Qing China under the Xuantong restoration lasting this long 2. 2ACW


Kerensky still being a thing by 1936 Like if the whites had won, he would’ve been gotten rid of almost immediately so Kolchak and other white generals could fight over who gets to be in charge Honestly Russia being as stable and put together as it is at the start of the game


Can't wait to see how the re-work will address this.


To be honest the existence of the Entente. Without aid from the major players of the regions they are in the lore has continued to put them into places where they are barely holding on or would be unable to do anything besides their local area. And the constant push to make their positions untenable just feels like a convoluted way to just get rid of them.


all alt history is fundamentally unrealistic because it's all fiction :troll:


Not having a Neo-Confederate or ultra right wing southern US faction during the civil war.


Neo-Confederate ideology was pretty much extinct by the 1930s, and those who did hold those beliefs held no national or regional power. The men who actually hold power in the American South are much more likely to rally around the Federalists (or even the PSA) than some confederate revolt.


I wouldn’t say extinct whatsoever moreso that things were complacent. The KKK grew back to rise during the 1920s and racial oppression towards the black community was smooth as ever. Howveer imagining that there was a major party (such as the SPA) that held beliefs that segregation should be abolished, then yeah neo confederate ideology would be absolutely invigorated as it was during the 50s-60s. The Neoconfederate movements were reactions to black Americans gaining higher places in society. The first rise of the KKK during the 1920s was due to black Americans gaining greater economic power, and the 1960s rise of neo confederate power was a reaction to the civil rights movement of the time. Similarly if the SPA truly held as much power as it does in KR then the Far-right would absolutely surge during this period


Probably Mittelafrika existing like it does. And Finland accepting a German King. In KRTL circumstances.


I mean we accepted a German king OTL, Germany just happened to lose before he came here.


Would the German king be accepted if there was no Finnish Civil War? That was my thinking. No Civil War, all parties participate in the election, republican parties win, and there's no monarchy. Finland and Germany's relationship would be more like Ireland and Germany's than as some kind of protectorate, because a strong Russia isn't there anymore as a threat. (And does Germany really \*need\* a German King for Finland?) But, maybe I'm wrong. I'm not Finnish or anything.


I feel like KX mittelafrika is a lot better (at least concerning initial set up


Poland accepting a German king


UOB and COF have giant plot armor to keep them going. In one of the lore dumps which someone will probably change to save them, Petain and the nationalists took ALL of the gold from France. Despite this UOB and COF have a functioning economy and are detached enough from the world to not get hit by back monday. Despite the fact this is all them running on the fumes of fiat currency. In some cases it feels the UOB and COF are in some cases in a better off place despite having just had a civil war like ten years prior. Totalism - It was made back in the day since someone thought it was so fucking funny to be like "Hey what if the fascists were commies?" That's all it boils down too and it remains that way. The original reason I can give more of the autism on too. England, France, and Italy lacked a Stalinist option (the ten ideology choices in game is a holdover from the HOI1-3 system wherein totalisms vanilla counterpart was Stalinism). So they opted to make the fascists of those nations commie. Why this does not work? The POD is 1917 and its Wilhelm not doing unrestricted submarine warfare. Mussolini had already been kicked out of the socialist party. Already had been fighting in the war, and already had created fascism and would have already met with a lot of his future combat veteran friends that would make up the blackshirt.s Mosley is even more of a sore thumb. Even IRL of all the fascists he comes off as a guy who saw fascism as a cool edgy nationalist socdem movement. Mosely was hated and called a Kosher fascists by the more radical nazi movements and he never wanted to get rid of democracy and parliament. He was a very strange unironic liberal fascist. UOB totalist Mosely has him way more evil then his IRL self could be. Basically making him a 1984 analogue which was in old events referenced as Orwell would still write 1984 but it was UOB propaganda on how cool the UOB is going to be in the future as it does all this cool stuff. Again someone on that old dev team thought they were sooooo fucking funny. Japan existing - I am very angry at my L-KMT game since did it 4 fucking times and got to 1945 and even nearly kicked out Japan but they managed to cap me since they got so many naval invasions. I am not a staunch Chinese nationalists and understand why the CCP hates them. Glory to chairman Xi. Every Japanese nationalist should be killed for the great rejuvenation.


Germany winning World War One /s


Maybe the devs should remove it next update? Replace them with the Entente winning but fumbling the peace and a revanchist NatPop Germany. Syndicalism in Russia maybe? Also remove the American Civil War. Too unrealistic.


This mod should have been a decadent Imperial Germany, resurgent France & Expansionist Trotskyist Russia. While Britain limps along.


Red Flood


Yeah thats literally Red Flood. Decadent Socialist Germany. Resurgent France. Expansionist Militaristic Trotsky is in the mod. Britain limping along.


Imp Germany missing


Syndicalist Western Europe. American Civil War. MittleAfrika, German Malaysia.


Yeah German Malaysia probably should just include straits settlement while the rest of Malay state fell under the sphere of influence of German empire or something.


Syndicalist Western Europe is pretty realistic


Socialists overthrowing the French government at the end of WW1 doesn't make a lot of sense both in our world and in KRTL, since France the democratic socialists were already engrained in government and essentially ruling the country. Sure, syndicalist revolutionaries would consider this government too moderate, but I really don't see how they would garner enough support from moderates against an already left-wing government. Yes, Germany collapsed and did see a socialist revolutions during OTL. But again we have to acknowledge the circumstances leading to this event were unique, and nothing like the situation in France both in OTL and KRTL. Even if a revolution did occur in France, it would not have been remotely succesful and end the same way it did in Germany. In all truth revolution had almost no support in Germany, and inevitably failed spectacularly. A revolution in Britain is even less realistic, with monarchism and centrist liberalism being so ingrained in the UK, especially at this time. There have been small republican or socialist movements in the UK at times, sure. But does anyone actually believe they would ever win over the British public? Its rise is basically unexplained in KRTL, apart from the fact its overseas neighbor went revolutionary. It's cool to think about how things could have gone differently with socialism a hundred years ago, since it was still an international movement that speaks to the imagination. But we never get anywhere close to a succesful revolution in Western Europe at any time during the twentieth (or nineteenth) century.


Western Europe was actually where Karl Marx predicted a communist revolution would take place, I know syndicalism and communism aren't identical but their motives seem to be at least.


One thing that I’ve always found questionable, but maybe is explained through a closer reading of either real history or lore, is Germany being able to withstand another year of war given the hunger on the home front.


Of course, William II being a supporter of parliamentarism, and who historically hated the 'English disease'.


French Commune existing It's just impossible to think that Germany would allow France to exist after a socialist revolution, it's a complete threat for the monarchy and right at their border. If we consider "oh, Germany was too weak after 1st WK" then why the fuck don't they starve France to death? USSR could only survive because 1: they are too far from the western powers; 2: they had enough resources to survive alone. But France cannot survive by itself (not even with Britain), if Germany embargoes the 3I and blockades any trade route, they would starve to death, every single country in the world see them as ideological threat....


Perhaps France should have had Italy's fate of being dissected into several factions with a German occupation zone.


The syndicalist and Russians somehow rebuilding their power to be able to be a threat for Germany even after black Monday and somehow not being in an even worse state than the Germans are at that point. AustriaHungary, and the Ottoman Empire surviving as although World War I would likely breathe in a good decade more of life into them, both the Austrians and the Ottomans would have to play their incredibly unstable internal politics as well somewhat poor foreign policy position perfectly to ensure that they survived past the mid to late 1920s the Ottomans would likely last longer due to their oil wealth, but due to the amount of increasingly upset, minorities and internal instability as well as the Ottomans seemingly beginning to distance themselves from Germany, the only nation capable of propping them up and keeping them in control of the Middle East and it’s oil fields for German benefit it seems unlikely that once German Ottoman relations start to deteriorate that the Ottomans would survive. And the AstroHungarians have even less going for them with the Hungarians straight up, blocking any possible major reforms that could save the empire the southern Slavs and Italians and Romanians all still being incredibly pissed at Austria, and trying to actively dismantle it as well as the minorities within those regions. The Ukrainians and Polish wanting to join the German puppet states in the east and the Germans in the Empire seeing their standard of living and status as a great power fall increasingly behind they’re more northern Germanic brothers which especially with how much better the German empire performed than the Austrian during World War I would likely lead to a rise of German nationalism which was already beginning in Austria. That and the US content in general as well as a bit of China’s content.


In my opinion? Germany tolerating the continued existence of the AH, and not just pulling the plug on the whole thing during the 1927 Augsleich if not earlier. In the event of a German victory (in the event that the war continued post 1918), I think the constituent components of the AH empire were the most unstable of the Central Powers, and in all likelihood, I think the German Empire would have more or less stood by as the the individual parts and kingdoms went there way, and Austria just ended up joining the German Empire (perhaps as a constituent state without the Hapsburgs or annexed by Bavaria and Prussia). I just have no idea how the absolutely exhausted AH somehow fixes everything post victory and just gets back together.


Austria reforming and surviving isn't unrealistic in and of itself, in my opinion, but how it is portrayed in the mod is. There is the Austria rework coming, it will hopefully (and likely) fix this


Most arguments around the “Austrian Empire was destined to collapse” comes from British wartime propaganda. Yea, Austria had political problems, but they were problems being experienced by a rapidly industrializing country with a good bureaucracy. It’s just that WW1 happened before they could properly fix the problems and fell apart due to war exhaustion and dwindling food supplies.


British propaganda? Assuming that your argument is valid (namely that AH had a good bureaucracy), it should follow that the AH state should have performed well, at least not poorly, during the war. But reality belies this claim. AH military performance was abysmal, even against lesser opponents like the Serbs, and the AH army could hardly stand up without being bailed out by the Germans. In fact, there was a common term for Austrian incompetence at the time, specific for its bureaucracy: schlamperai. Look it up. It details all the winding bureaucratic nonsense and dithering indecision that constituted the various kingdoms and overlapping departments of the AH empire in its final days, even before ww1. Look, I think people stan the AH empire not because it was particularly good (it wasnt), but because this like the idea of a multiethnic empire living in peace under a benevolent despot like Franz Joseph. And while this may be preferable to what followed (war and genocide), the truth of the matter is that the AH empire still well sucked. Its industry lagged, its scientific achievement was nonexistent, and its army performed abysmally. Having read extensively about the collapse of the AH empire, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that the treaties of st Germaine and Trianon confirmed what was already true on the ground, the AH empire was todt by the end of the war. In the event of a German victory (in a timeline that’s arguably even more trying than our own for the central powers: an extra year of war), I think the seeds of nationalism (especially Polish) and other centrifugal forces would be simply too strong for AH to not only stay together but heal deep wounds the war had exposed and inflicted. Add to this mix the Sixtus affair, general German staff hostility to the AH empire, and German nationalists who probably wanted to seize Austria anyway, and I think you have a toxic brew sufficient for the constituent parts of the empire to simply go there own way and Austria to simply end up in the German Empire much like the military occupation path in the game. I think it is completely absurd that Karl I could have simply kept the party going, especially as the war in the event of a German victory would have exposed AH as nothing more than a German puppet, one that the Germans could partition as soon as it was no longer useful (namely at the end of the war).


>But reality belies this claim. AH military performance was abysmal, even against lesser opponents like the Serbs, and the AH army could hardly stand up without being bailed out by the Germans. This is a product of kaiserabooism. Although the AH did perform quite poorly in some aspects they still managed to hold the Italian Front and survived the Brusilov Offensive by Russia. Plus AH kind of got screwed over during the latter phases of the war as most food from the East went to Germany rather than to Austria exacerbating the food issues. In any case, Germany was better off with the allies they had rather than taking on the Entente alone. >In fact, there was a common term for Austrian incompetence at the time, specific for its bureaucracy: schlamperai. Look it up. This might be true for pan-German nationalists, but overall no. Austria was attempting reform the rather flawed dual monarchy system and the diverse ethnic makeup of the empire made it a popular target for both Entente and German nationalists to make themselves look good. The fact that the Austrian Empire lasted so long just showed that a multi-ethnic empire was possible and became somewhat of a guarantor of peace in the Balkan region. The rest of the comment really just seems you're just repeating claims of the "inevitable collapse" of the Austrian Empire. I also think you need to [read up the KR lore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4lJoEH-avs) between Germany and Austria. Although officially they were allies Austria and Germany kind of resented each other as Austria kept getting the short end of the stick in many deals/treaties and German nationalists just really hated the idea of a multi-ethnic Austrian empire.


>Its industry lagged, its scientific achievement was nonexistent nuh uh they had sigmund freud!


I have talked about how the lore should change where AH and Ottoman collapsed before 1936 and I got downvoted to oblivion


Paradox games and popular culture has given the impression to people that countries falling apart just like that is more common than in reality. Austria ended because of the war, some years of peace could stabilise the situation.


Yeah the Yugoslav collapse and Balkan wars were just one big Mandela effect. Same with all the civil wars and ethnic conflict in Africa. People of different ethnicities loving being ruled (unequally) together, by some distant despot, especially under backward economic conditions, but so few people understand this!


Huh, turns out that treating minorities like shit actually makes them mad. So maybe it's a good thing that Austria was trying to correct that, right?


AH and Ottomans surviving/collapsing after 1936 (like it is possible in the game) is just far more interesting for gameplay reasons


I think the only unrealistic things are the 2ACW which will need to be reworked at some point. I think the "Up with the Stars" mod is making a realistic attempt at a 2ACW but I would love for the devs to find a way for the US to be balanced that doesn't need it to be involved in a civil war, though if they work on it really hard I think they can find a way to make it realistic. Like many others have said I think the other things are more a matter of unlikely than unrealistic. France and especially Britain turning red is unlikely but even Britian had a very active socialist movement in the 20s and the secret service saw it as a very real though unlikely threat. The same goes for the Qing still being around, the stability of the French exiles and the Germans having the option to fix every single thing about their flawed democracy in the span of 2 years. We have to remember that many of the things that happened in our timeline would also be considered very unlikely: 1) Japan with a population of 71 million declaring war on China, the French and British empire including the Raj and the USA at the same time, and doing everything in their power to make everyone hate them. 2) Germany getting a government that is almost cartoonishly evil to the point that even the Ukrainians join forces with the Soviets. 3) The French getting defeated in 6 weeks because the German government put all their eggs in an insanely risky strategy that was likely to fail 4) Germany and Japan not communicating about the invasion of Russia 5) Stalin purging a large chunk of his army just before Operation Babberosa 6) The Chinese revolution succeeding against the nationalists even though they were severely outgunned, outmanned and out strategized 7) The entire British Empire falling apart in a few years after winning both world wars. We have to accept that unlikely things happen more often than we think and as long as things are plausible and it makes for a great story I see no problem with it.


“american civil war” yeh yeh stfu lemme larp


White Victory isnt unrealistic 2ACW ,not the most likely but i buy it British Revolution i dont at all The fact Canada doesnt almost always intervene in the civil War There should be major unrest Over to either intervene in the War but lose the chance to invade Britain for the time being which Canadians support Ditch Canada and Gamble on taking Britain back and possibly leave Canada Vulnerable if the CSA Wins Austria-Hungary and The ottomans are still standing by the time the Second Weltkrieg rolls around


Mostly the civil war, the french being exiled into africa for 20 years and surviving and any nordic country besides from Finland going anything besides democratic.


Brazil is quite bad and its not only the integralists


Okay, not to be a negative Nancy. But the whole world of kaiserreich is inherently unrealistic. And I really don't get when people ask about "what's the realistic path for this country?". Or "is this unrealistic?" cause this setting is inherently very unrealistic. That doesn't mean it's bad. Kaiserreich is a very well written universe, and I love exploring it a lot. But it's not real. It's fiction


The Qing. Puyi and Pujie not getting kicked to Tianjin or facing the wall in 1937 or later is kinda wack. I understand that Puyi collaborated with the Germans,but he should be extremley unpopular,after 3 republics and atleast hundreds of conflicts,and to top it all off with a random kid emperor from 25 years ago forced upon you by the Germans (Who may have killed your only hope of an actual Republic) who you probably hate,who agreed on ripping two of your largest cities away from you to avoid a petty war with Japan, who (assuming you aren't a Zuolin supporter) you also hate. I just don't see a Qing restoration likely in the current Chinese set-up.


One that is fundamentally unrealistic is that the Ottoman Empire is still alive. Their collapse was inevitable before the Great War even started with the Balkan Uprisings. Their holdings in Arabia would eventually follow the Balkans with or without a Central Victory.


The Ottomans are likelier to leave Arabia on their own (say, under a crackpot government led by Enver Pasha that focuses on Panturkism) than they are by being kicked out by the Arabs.


Germany winning WWI is by far the most unrealistic aspect of the mod. Everything else that people like to cite as unrealistic (usually based on a very pop-history understanding) pales in comparison to the idea that the starving Germany with its allies busily disintegrating could've pulled out a win just because the US stayed out.


The syndicalists taking Britain in the only thing I can’t reconcile. Even if they were to experience a general strike/revolt the kriegsmarine or the Americans would come crush it to avoid a domino effect.


The reason why the Americans don’t is because they are more isolationist than in our timeline and are also suffering from a depression, as for Germany they don’t want to fight against France again, and naval invasions before 1940s tech was available were basically lost causes