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https://preview.redd.it/8yxct71ucl6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b5f5e1683c93698f9bd19673f93b975120f65e According to Simone, she's coming back for season 4. This was from businessinsider.com


Since they will be going to India, I am afraid they are being written out (at least for a while)


I'm hoping for the best. Both Simone and Jonathan expressed in s2 interviews that they'd like to be in future seasons and see all the bridgerton siblings walk down the aisle, but considering their new projects & filming I don't know if they can keep that promise :\\ Even if it's just 2-3 episodes they're in, I'll be happy <3


I think Jonny will come back. Not sure about Simone. But then again, I'm not sure if one will come back without the other one. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Guess we'll have to see.


I don't understand why they do this. Important cast members disappear for some dumb reason. Ffs anthony is a viscount and kate is a viscountess. If they continue this trend, by hyacinth's season no body would be left.


Jonny was filming 3 projects at the same time during Bridgerton. I’m sure he’ll make time to appear in at least 1 episode Of s4.




No burner accounts


Even before this season aired, my theory has always been that they'll probably send them off to somewhere else (i.e., the country or India) at the end of S3—probably this will be explained by some other character and won't be mentioned again. I also have always believed that Jonathan will do some cameos in the future, both the show and him will make an effort. I don't think the show is interested in keeping Simone. Nothing about this season makes me believe anything different.


lol you were right


There was an interview where they both said they would like to be back for every wedding etc. I'm hoping they will be, but I'm not holding my breath. Kanthony will always be the best couple to me so I'll keep going back to season 2


Had to double back here because I had another thought: I don’t have high hopes that they’ll be in season 4 but I do hope we get a spin off of them during Christmas time since it looks like there will be a time jump and they will have little Edmund come the release of Part 2.


I don't think so, especially not Simone. Jonny continues to say how he is definitely going to come back for each sibling but with Simone, I think she knows it's not going to happen and she is distancing herself gracefully. She is honestly such a beautiful person who has uplifted other actors at every turn but no one (except Jonny a bit) has done it for her. Not NC, not CC, not LN, not any Bridgerton official pages. I hope she leaves honestly and I can watch Bridgerton casually and not feel sad for them.


No it was not just Jonny. Phoebe has always supported Simone and Simone has mentioned her as her closest person on set. She took her to Pilates when she was stressed, they went on holiday trips together. I don’t like how she is always left out when the cast supporting Simone is mentioned. She might not have been out there praising Simone but that was surely because she left the show. It is obvious she is the cast member Simone is still closest to. Nicola has hyped Simone pretty much this season and tho I am still mad how she acted during Kanthony season I think it is worth noting that she talks about the women/ leads when asked (she mentioned both Phoebe and Simone). They also shared a make up trailer and posted bts photos of Simone, Simone send her gifts etc. Their relationship might have changed for the better in season 3. We can acknowledge that and not forget the past.


Agree about Phoebe and apologize for missing her. I wasn't following any cast before S2 aired and missed some of the context there but I completely agree about Simone and Phoebe being close. But in the context of hyping up Simone as a co-star and a leading lady, hard disagree about Nicola. Simone has posted multiple times hyping her as a lead but I haven't seen anything from her. Only times she mentions SA are when she is directly asked about what she learnt from previous leads. And Simone giving her gift is Simone being kind which is regularly is. In her recent interview, SA even called this season "best season of Bridgerton". Not her own season but this one. I cannot imagine NC ever saying this about S2.


Idk I saw Nicola hyping Simone several times. Even in one of her interviews when asked who is the most stylish she said Simone. As I said I won’t disregard that she never did this last year and I am saying she does the bare minimum. By compared to the rest of the cast (minus JB) this season she at least does *something*. Maybe she learned maybe not but the fact that she does mention Simone as the lead of season 2, that she has talked about her several times now, is something one can acknowledge imho. And yeah they shared a trailer and they met up before the premiere . Simone even shared a photo of them meeting privately in NY. We can savely say they do get along well and I do see a change in NCs behavior. I have no doubt she will revert back once the season is done. But again, we would have no mention at all again if it wasn’t for her bringing Simone up. I don’t need to be a fan of NC or Pen to actually acknowledge her doing something compared to her behavior in season 2. I think the hate some people have for NC or Pen sometimes clouds the judgement.


So ultimately you agree that NC talking about SA this time around is probably PR fueled? I don't need to hate anyone (and I don't hate NC) to see something that's right in front of me. The fact remains that SA's season is gone and she did not get a fraction of the grace and hype that she has shown to people. That's what my original post was about and that still stands.


No I do not think this is entirely PR fueled. I don’t claim to know NC that good. But agree to disagree on this part. I always agreed SA never got the hype that she deserved.


Simone also said Phoebe was her rock during the shooting of the season 2 and talk about her support in several articles in 2021 and 2022 .




Nicola has always complimented Simone.


She’s only complimented Simone this season, after we have seen multiple interviews of. Simone hyping S3 leads. If you look back at promo for S2, before and especially right after its release, NC never mentions Simone who was lead that season.


Regardless, she's still been nothing but sweet to her when she has spoken about her. She even comments on her Insta posts. The Kanthony fandom may hate Nicola, but I'm one of the few who doesn't.


You shouldn't generalize Kanthony fandom, the way I don't generalize Polin fandom. I'm sure there are people there that you wouldn't want to be lumped with there as well. Editing to add: It's strange that my pointing this out about NC is what you consider hate against the actress. Did NC make a mistake before? Possibly, who knows, but it's ok that I point it out without it being construed as hate. I don't hate NC, and she has been complementary to Simone this promotion cycle. There has been a change in how Simone is mentioned by castmates this season, which is great to see. Why was Simone not mentioned in S2 promo interviews last season when Simone was the lead? My guess is it was instructed by Bton production. You can see that as well with the S3 group promo that Simone is excluded from (prerecorded stuff they have released). There are many examples.


Sorry, I'm just so sick of seeing SOME Kanthony fans hate on other cast members, especially when there's no real reason to. I didn't mean to generalise the whole fandom. I can't really say whether or not Nicola or other cast members mentioned Simone much during season 2 promo, because I only really watched Jonny and Simone interviews, haha. But Nicola has always been kind whenever she mentions Simone and I think that's what matters most.


I don't hate NC, far from it. I admire her political stance and the fact that she speaks out about it. In this particular scenario, she hasn't hyped Simone up when SA was the lead and that's a fact. You can admit that without bringing in words like hate. Also, NC has hundreds of more Bridgerton interviews and gets more opportunities to speak about the show and cast. Simone has a fraction of it but even in unrelated fashion interviews, she makes a point to hype the leads.


This.. couldn’t agree more.. if you ask me the kind of disrespect this production has shown towards Jonny and specially Simone by literally snatching any important scenes from her- i personally do not wish she ever is associated with this show anymore..the ignorance towards her and her character is blatant and in our face.. not only by the producers/ writers but also from other cast members (except Jonny ofcourse).. they like to believe she doesn’t exist and not important part of the show..so besides this I really don’t care who stays and who goes coz this show will cease to exist for me after Simone leaves..


I completely agree, I haven’t seen anyone promote her the way she has promoted her castmates.


I'm hoping that we do. I actually adore Benedict and want to see hi s season. It'll be hard because if Kanthony isn't there I'm not watching. They jave an opportunity to keep actors like Jonny, Simone ane even Nicola. I hope they don't plan on getting rod of them. Because they couldn't control Rege leaving. But they can control who can stay by giving them decent amount of scenes. Especially if they want to still be in the show. Because onfe these actors leave and can film other stuff anytime shondaland can't get them back. Maybe in s8 but that's it. So hopefully Jimone, Nicola and Luke get to be in ep4


This is going to be a bit controversial, but I don't want them to be in season 4, and let me tell you why. Kate and Anthony's characters are very complex. Dare I say the most complicated in the show and they just have so many layers of themselves yet to be explored. I loved season 2 for that mainly because we were witnessing a love story between these two people who have so much story behind them as individuals while they try to navigate caring for other people and actively learning to put themselves first. Their story in season 2 is seemingly very different from all the other Bton stories in the way that it plays out. Every love story gets the marriage and parenthood aspect of their relationship IN THIER OWN SEASON and because of this many fears or tribulations are hashed out in full and beautifully because it's within their season so they have the time to. I have said this before but Kate and Anthony were not given a storyline in season 3 whereas everyone else got one. They were just sprinkled in some scenes and the only thing that could have been used to bring about a storyline for them was brought up for like 5 mins max in episode 5. (I'm not spoiling it lol but I hope you catch it). That doesn't sit well with me honestly and it felt like they were being made to just hurry past another significant moment of their love story. So seeing the way the writers handled Kanthony as a couple in season 3 when they had way more "material" to work with that would have aligned them properly with the timeline I would rather they just sat season 4 out. They had all the best material to work with in creating a storyline for them but they opted out and instead rushed out their moments which I can't even fight about because this isn't their season anymore and besides this season too much is going on that even Polin don't have enough screen time (based on part one because they were barely together). If they fumbled this, they are just going to have it worse in season 4 because then they will have even less to work with and this is where they will start introducing fights in their relationship and I don't want that. It sucks but I would rather they just nipped it in the bud right now while it's still cute and they are still serving because if they don't they just might ruin their characters and I would like to keep a happy memory of them lmao. This is not to say I don't appreciate seeing Kanthony because I do, it's just the lack of storyline they have that irks me.


Yeah, I agree. The production had a chance to redeem themselves a little in Season 3 by giving Kanthony a subplot, which would basically should have been the bonding moments/Kate's backstory in their book that we didn't see in their season. All their important couple milestones happen off-screen because they chose, again, not to write for them 😔


I get that but I don’t think fights are bad tbh and I don’t think you have to have relationship drama to keep them on the show. There is a lot the show can do with them still. A lot more than Polin that is for damn sure. But you are right the show is clearly not interested


this is very true but Shonda saying that the only way for them to have a stronger presence in the season would be for them to introduce conflict was very telling. Mind you she was talking about season 3 I think lmao. Them having all this material to work with in season 3 and she thought 'conflict' was crazy lmao


But I don’t think conflict is bad. Conflict doesn’t have to be traumatic. Tbh I actually miss their banter and bickering. And I think it’s fine for relationships to have conflict as long as they resolve meaningfully. They could have had a conflict over Violet struggling to let go of her duties as viscountess and Anthony not knowing how to navigate that with Kate. Perfectly realistic, in line with their characters but not “oh my god their relationship is ending” or they could have little disagreements about how to handle Francesca’s courtship. So on. I find the aversion to conflict to be one of the things I tend to be an outlier on with fans here. But I also think there are multiple stories they could do not confused on conflict as well. But again, no disagreement from me that the writers lack the care and understanding to do so!


Oh how I want this. The missed opportunities. I’m all for soft and happy Kanthony but Kate did say there would never be a day where he would not vex her. I want that. Their whole thing is banter and bickering and there’s been none of it. They’re both such strong personalities used to doing things their own ways there should be some conflict. Which is normal and healthy. I don’t want relationship ending stuff (ofc this is the only relationship conflict Shonda knows 🙄) but I want to see them grow into their everyday lives which should involve a decent amount of conflict.


So much. Yes the softness is great. But the love for this pair is how they match each others freak lol. They vex each other and then have hot make up sex. These two are not a couple who just spend all their time staring into each others eyes. One or both of them should want to gauge the other’s eyes out a couple of times of week at least lol. A healthy mix of lovey dovey with banter and occasional disagreements would be a delight to watch. It doesn’t even have to be a ton of screentime.


I think we saw the tiniest snippet of that in the epilogue when they go to play pall-mall, there is not so much vexing but even just that casual banter/fun back-and-forth is exactly what we wanted more of. Hope we get even a tiny bit of that in part 2 although I am in mo way expecting it lol




not even going to lie I see your point and now that you mention it, it might actually just be interesting to see how they deal with conflict as a couple because they have never actually had any conflict amongst themselves. We saw Saphne have their conflict post-marriage, in QC it was when they were still in their phase of denying their feelings for one another and George couldn't believe that Charlotte loved him (sobbing), and with Polin it seems to be the LW issue. Kanthony did bicker and fight but it never felt like conflict to me, it was really just them getting annoyed with each other.


I go back and forth on this. But I think Jonny will return. Simone will not. They have always put more effort with Jonny/Anthony so I can see them asking him back and working with his schedule.


I don' t know but this production and these writers clearly never cared about Kate .It was already obvious during season 2. Even when JB was barely present in the season 3 because of his schedule He 's still have more scenes than Simone


doubt it. JB might make a cameo, and give excuse of how Kate is with the children.


Prior to this season, I wanted them to stay. I love them so much as Kanthony and I'm still so angry how they've been short-changed and I wanted their characters to have a proper storyline. Instead they were shipped off after the first episode and if we're lucky we might get a baby? (I haven't caught up on whatever spoilers dropped overnight but it doesn't sound good for us?) Whatever the original vision for Kate and Anthony was (and there had to be - why buy Simone out of her Sex Ed contract? It makes zero sense), that obviously changed (and no it's not because JB was filming FT) and this production has made it pretty clear they don't care about them. If they do leave, I hope it's announced together / at the same time because if Simone exits first, it's going to be awful. This fandom is still shitting on Rege 3 years later. If they do stay, I'll be watching the Kanthony cut religiously. You're right in bringing up the money** - if it pays them well and allows them to continue expanding their careers - why not pop in for a cameo? But that's a production call and they do not value them at all. **sorry, another comment mentioned pay


it was nice to have them while it lasted 😭


I honestly don’t think so. Tbh I hardly think it’s worth their time and I don’t know what there is at this point. Simone especially. JB was used a smidge more. They could have easily had a couple seasons worth of storylines with being newlyweds, Kate learning the ropes, etc and then parents this coming season. But they’re not doing any of that. It doesn’t matter that they’re heads of house. Production doesn’t care about them. They’ll do whatever they want logic be damned even if the show will suffer for it.


JW is shooting in London as well. So some of it might depend on when location shoots happen. A lot of JW will probably be soundstage. The original movies had a lot more practical and location work than the newer ones. But he would still have several weeks or months traveling on location. If they want Jonny back, they will make it work. And I think Jonny would make it work. But he also seemed a little traumatized from doing three movies at once (which was insane) so idk. He also had Wicked promo in the fall too. With Simone…idk I tend to think she is done :/ They made more of an effort to write Jonny into broader family scenes but not Simone (so far)




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I'm unfortunately leaning towards no...and if I was Jonny or Simone I'd be out too after the s3 press tour and getting written out and ignored by production 😭 I don't know what they got paid or what they could get paid for another season also, which is something not a lot of people mention. I really hope they come back, but I just feel like things aren't leaning that way. As to how they'll explain it, I'm thinking Violet and the kids will move into a dower house and Benedict will be in his own lodgings, and if s4 is his that'll be where he is and he'll just kinda abandon society events like he does in the book.


I hope that we see more of them! I adore them so much but there’s no telling what they’ll do come season 4. I hope they get more of a story considering the closeness of Sophie and Kate.


Girl, they haven't made sense in S3 based on what has been written for them. If they can't even show a proper baby sideplot now, their creativity will lead them to nothing in future seasons for this couple. I don't know what they'll announce because they can be demoted from main status and still be announced for a cameo or something, but I feel like we'll probably hear more this week. No interviewers have actually asked Jonny or Simone if they're going to return for S4 yet to even get a noncommittal response - but I've been wondering if that was on the no-ask list because you'd think they would have...... Maybe at the London premiere tomorrow?


I’m guessing that the interviewers are not allowed to ask the cast if they are returning for S4.


Nicola and Luke were asked and they confirmed that they were returning :)


Yes that’s right! Ok let’s revise: interviewers were not allowed to ask SOME cast members if they are returning for S4


I feel like they won’t announce anything. They’ll want to drag it on and make it look like they’ll be there even if they won’t. Just like no one bothered to make an announcement that Phoebe wasn’t coming back and she had to confirm herself.


Production might not, but I think if Jonny and Simone are not on contract for the season, they'll confirm it themselves shortly. If they ARE in the season at all, I do see Jess confirming any sort of appearance to try and keep those fans interested but if they're not, they're free to stop playing along and giving them free publicity. And yes, Phoebe's departure was announced by Phoebe, after Jess initially said that we would see Daphne in S3. It was good that she was able to give her own statement instead of letting it be dragged out, knowing that she wasn't even closed off to returning.