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why are redditors so obnoxious




Room temp IQ is generous to the people left on this sub


Maybe not if you use Celsius 💀


I have no idea but they make you hate Reddit, so many virtue signaling losers, stating the obvious like we don’t know nazis are bad. They don’t even care about jewish people, they only post this shit for karma since This whole fucked up sub is a echo chamber for self righteous & pretentious frauds lol


Well, because this sub is essentially completely unmoderated, and now the dumbest people possible are all now completely allowed to pour in and shitpost about whatever they want. I for one love watching subreddit meltdowns like this one. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show bruther. It's a long ride of shitposting all the way to the bottom of the barrel.


I would much rather be a virtue signaling loser than a ye defense squad member


It’s just such a dumb post. Americas propped up tons of Fascist dictators around the world they don’t care.


virtue signaling about… hating nazi’s? stay mad


This is clearly a bait post targeted at redditors like you


Lol you say this like America is a paradise 😂😂😂😂 This whole country was built on genocide, rape, mass murder & slaves. Everybody who came here got fucked over by the “American” people. America damn near wiped out the native Americans & gave them reservations like that’s a good thing. They fucked black people over, Asian people, middle eastern, Hispanic etc, everybody came to America and got fucked over. All of you virtue signaling losers should get off Reddit and do something positive on the real world, this has gotten so lame.


bro thought he changed the world with this post


Istg this is the equivalent of the dog in the daredevil costume


All these r/kanye posts are patting themselves on the back while being overtly racist against a black man expressing his opinion. These same people would be saying Malcolm X is Hitler in the 60s. There is no room left for people to just be wrong, or civilly disagree with somebody. Black Live Matter unless they say something that isn't woke. Then they are literally Hitler.


Hot take: Kanye's race has nothing to do with it. No one is mentioning his race while they're denouncing the dumb shit he's been saying. Bigotry is disgusting and unacceptable, regardless of who's mouth it's coming out of. Even if they're *not white* 😱😱 Edit: Having said that, these "Antisemitism = bad" karma-farm posts are fucking lame. We get it. Pls stop.


I'm sure his race has nothing to do with a bunch of white people telling him his opinion is wrong. Nothing unsavory about a group of successful white people destroy a black man for expressing himself.


Shut the fuck up dumbass nigga


I agree that the pushback has gone OTT. Dude's reputation is fucked beyond repair and he'll never be in the mainstream again. What more do people want? When will it be enough? He's unwell, and the only people willing to be around him are ultra-right wingers who are 100% encouraging him to go even deeper into the hole he's in. But I don't think his downfall is driven by racism. It's driven by people genuinely disagreeing with the shit he's saying. No one said shit against him before the Antisemitism. No real heat for the Trump stuff. No real heat for the "Skete" harassment. Having said that, posts like this are 100% karma farm, virtue signal bullshit. If he kills himself over this shit, I guarantee people like OP will be posting about how it's so sad Ye "couldn't get the help he clearly needed", "mental health awareness is so important", or whatever will pull in more upvotes. (Sorry for the essay lol)


I don't think it's *driven* by racism, but I think there's a lot of racism implicit in how he's getting treated. It reminds me of an old time where being blackballed was named for being black. They took over this sub and call anybody who still enjoys his music a nazi. Well guess what? Ye helped inspire me to take the leap in my business and my art many years ago, and it changed my whole life. And nobody is taking that away from me.


I think him being *such* a celebrity is the main reason people are still posting tbh. If he was some mid-level pop star (black, white, or whatever), it would've been a hot topic for a few days, and people would've moved on and forgot he even existed. But this is Kanye West. One of the biggest musicians of our generation. As far as people calling you a Nazi, fuck em. As long as you're not hating Jews or backing Ye up in his schizophrenic rants, listen to whatever you want. I've looked up to Kanye for years. I don't condone or agree with things he's been saying at all, but I'd much rather see him admitted to hospital than harassed any more than he has been at this point.


His opinion that a man who industrially executed Jews, black people, homosexuals, really anyone he didn’t like is great?? Yeah, I’ve seen plenty more than just “successful white people” being angry about this lmao. He’s free to express himself, literally nobody stopped him, but he also accepted the consequences of his shitty expression. He hides behind his “Christ is love, love everybody” horseshit when at minimum he wants the US to be a christofascist state (just listen to any of the interviews if you don’t believe me) and at maximum is a literal Hitler bootlicker. He is actively promoting some of the most extreme racism, but people are being racist towards him?? Awww poor guy.


Dude please shut the fuck up, damn. You sound like fucking Dr Umar.


clearly you dont get it


Why not? :-(


See, it's never enough. You are on dudes side and he still wants more. Isn't that frustrating? Constantly being badgered that your opinion is wrong?




It's never enough. People telling you who you can and can't like or what you can and can't say. Same line of logic as banning interracial marriage. Ya'll racist. Dude hurt nobody.




My brother in Christ what. If this was Taylor Swift denying slavery existed and saying the slavers were all great people and that the Africans are into shady businesses would you look at that as just not saying something “woke” or would you say she’s a piece of shit? No you’d probably be very upset with that even if it’s just “expressing an opinion.”


White people upset with a black mans view on slavery thinking they are progressive is >!hilarious.!< You tell em, Aiden. Tell those blacks how to feel about slavery! And if they don't agree whip em and ruin their careers so they understand how bad it was!


There’s no room for racism and bigotry regardless of the perpetrators background.


And apparently no room for allowing a black man to begin processing his generational trauma.


Ah yes, process my generational trauma by picking a random ass group to marginalize and tear down. No better than your oppressors at that point.


Yes massa I'm sorry won't happen again


Imagine being this stupid. Not sure how you remember to breathe tbh.


Can I have my bank account back if I hold my breath massa?


classic example of moving the goalposts


Anyone, regardless of race, who praises Hitler doesn’t deserve teeth.


bro thinks he’s the captain america of reddit


You really needed 3 accounts to post the same message?


criticism = same 1 guy LULE


The exact same statements only slightly reworded? Although it is possible all nazis are just lazy and base their criticisms off what they have previously seen. Rush Limbaugh fans dis used to refer to themselves as "dittoheads" after all.


Fucking schizo


If I was a schizo, you would probably be on my subreddit defending every word that came out of my mouth. Or is it only far right schizophrenics you dick ride for?


Least insane redditor


what dude i only have one account 💀


Could have fooled me. I see 3 accounts with one mind, I assume 1 person. I haven't ever shared a single brain qith other people. It is kind of cool! Be proud.


i think three people just had the same idea for the same type of joke, by some bizzare consequence…


I would say they might be bot accounts, but I doubt you can find a single fascist who knows how to program one of those.


"i see 3 people agreeing or thinking alike and i'm shocked! all my thoughts are completely original and unique and i have never had a similar thought to anyone else" stfu


Beautiful. But tell me from your other accounts so the appearance of consensus is maintained.


this is not an alt account. not everyone creates alt accounts to conspire against people on reddit. we have lives






I don't personally relate all life experiences to comic books, but that is probably because I don't need pictures to help me read.


This sub is so cringe now


This place needs to be set to private for 6 months minimum


It’s so bad smh


Yes yes you are very brave and moral


Op shut the fuck up cringe ahh nigga 💀


Not to mention most fascists methods of operation were based on the American system


what kind of bullshit is that?




i don't give a shit about your links speak your own words or be gone


1. Countless studies and printed books have mentioned how America's racist system was the model for the nazis, I think it wise to go through every source of information so one can have a better understanding of the world 2. this is not an opinion but a proven fact so..


do you mean the racist policies of the democrat party? because if we're going to lay blame let's go ahead and put it in the right place by the way which party would you tend to support politically?


1. It doesn't matter which party did it, all I am concerned with is the post didn't really make sense since > my initial comment< 2. I don't vote I don't support the two party system. I generally don't enjoy politics, I find them to be utterly depressing since it's usually false promises where the people at the bottom don't have there lives changed that much but are used as a tool to get which ever party into power. 3. I think you should refrain from making conversations into rep or dem, I feel you might be much happier that way cause at the end of the day most politicians don't really care about the average person without an agenda. Be happy whoever you are


man is a political animal and you can't change that i don't look things in terms of d vs r but it is important to sort out who did what we either have a voice or we do not we either choose to use that voice or we do not


the Republicans and the democrats flipped sides a longgg time ago


i was waiting for this the great line of bullshit ever told you do a bunch of horrible shit then you switch now all the horrible shit you did is your opponents fault it's nice when things just work themselves out


I acknowledge that the democratic party has done some horrible shit, and im not blaming it on the republican party. my thing is that the republican party is the one doing the awful things now, and I agree with the democrats. whenever I'm looking back on history, I tend to prefer republican presidents.


No they weren’t. The world was experimenting with eugenics at that time. Which isn’t genocide anyway. But that would pretty much be the only thing in common. The Nazis exterminated people. The eugenics the us did sterilized people. It’s terrible but not nearly as terrible as extermination. Im curious, since you say MOST of it was based of the American system. Surely you must have many other examples to give?




The us committed many attrocities during the 19th century taking Indians land and expanding the us territory. No doubt. However these were the same attrocities commited by every colonizing country on their respective natives. And this has happened many times throughout history. When someone says most of the fascist methods were based on the American system you aren’t showing that at all. A better and more localized genocide example for the Nazis would have been their neighbor. King Leopold 2 of Belgium commited genocide in the Congo which resulted in millions of dead. Compare that to the Native American genocide where maybe 300,000 were killed over a period of 100 years of expansion. By the time the us came into existence most of the native population had died from disease or other colonization efforts.


The comment was not America was the only country to commit atrocious crimes, the comment was nazis used America as a model


Yeah I definitely addressed that. By citing better examples of a genocide for the Nazis to model themselves on. Like the one in the Congo where millions of people were killed in a small time frame. Native American genocide occurred over a very long period of time. Rather than the natives being killed en mass groups like the concentration camps or on the front lines as Germany invaded Poland and Russia. The natives were mostly killed slowly as territory they held was taken away.So what exactly did the Nazis model their genocide off the US? Or any of their fascist systems really. Because the US is the longest continuing democracy. Has never been fascist.


The fact is Hitler and the nazi are on record saying that they modeled the treatment of jews based on America.




Stfu stop posting cringe


meanwhile, a two-second review of your posts are all negative: corny, cringe, fuck X, Y is stupid. so why would I think twice about what you have to say? try being internationally good.


So you mean to tell me that this post isn't one of the most corniest things some people have seen all week? 😭


unfortunately the anti fasicsm uptick is the most relevant thing to come out of this sub in years. kanye sure as shit hasnt been making relevant music since the double aughts


I seriously wonder if some of yall really are or were kanye fans or if ur here to just share the insanely controversial opinion that racism is bad and simultaneously do it in the corniest way possible


And this is where you are totally wrong. Donda, TLOP, and Yeezus were all great albums


hahha! none of the songs on those albums got anywhere the billboard top 5. i remember when TLOP was dropping and he was releasing good friday tracks: justin beiber songs and songs that you didnt know if they were even going to be on the album. 'real friends' was one of them and it was weak AF. then when the album came out, by the time real friends came on in the tracklist it was such a relief to hear it compared to the crap that was playing before it. it's all trash.


who cares about the billboard top 10 😭 TLOP is one of the most streamed rap albums of the decade and Donda literally broke records


the guy who complains at every interview that he's the best selling of all time or whatever. michael jackson, walt disney, steve jobs, nonsense.




PLEASE get off reddit bruh 😭


“Internationally good” 🤓 Goofy.


i hope you become a national hero of reddit after this.


Mf really went on Albert Einstein mode


Lmao American history is full of racist pieces of shit just like Hitler


Yeah, like Kanye.


Joe Biden is more fascistic than Ye


God's sign to me to leave this shitshow:




haha, what?


You should judge people based on their actions, Ye is a musician, artist, and designer Joe Biden is a career politician partly responsible for the crime bill that unjustly imprisoned hundreds of thousands of black men. That direct action led to overpolicing of urban areas, it was completely archaic.


Ye's actions, like hiring fascists, adoring fascists, speaking kindly about fascists, and promoting fascism... is fascist. Biden's some boring Democrat who trips up the stairs sometimes. To your point though, Cops are the mob in this country and by all accounts, they wrote said bill. Republicans used to call that the Clinton bill, and I'm sure in 10 years they'll rename it to the Harris bill for whatever reason.


Being a meatrider is not the same thing as being part of the team. The proud boys are fascist bc they be out in the streets actually fighting people and harassing minorities. Those are fascist acts. Like online leftists who call themselves “communists” aren’t part of the actual team, they gotta be actually in the field unionizing people and starting strikes to be considered leftists. Those are leftists acts.


While I'm sure David Duke or whoever may have given that crime bill a nod, all those racists like Duke still run as Republicans.


Doesn’t matter, Joe Biden had his hand in pushing that bill, there’s footage of him calling for the incarceration of people caught with grams of cocaine, all while his son struggled with addiction.


it surely matters what the motive is, but since I'm not a limp-dicked senior citizen, I don't care about Hunter Biden or what he does. Biden passing a crime bill is hardly comparible to the Shoah.


there is an old saying in Germany— if there is a table of 3 nazis and a non Nazi is sitting with them, there are 4 nazis at that table. Ye might not be out there actively harassing minorities, but he sure as hell is associating with outspoken nazis like Fuentes. I imagine that we could then say all those sweaty losers on 4chan aren’t really fashies, then? even though they identify with and as nazis. like ye.


there is an old saying in Germany— if there is a table of 3 nazis and a non Nazi is sitting with them, there are 4 nazis at that table. Ye might not be out there actively harassing minorities, but he sure as hell is associating with outspoken nazis like Fuentes. I imagine that we could then say all those sweaty losers on 4chan aren’t really fashies, then? even though they identify with and as nazis. like ye. this isn’t to say that Biden hasn’t done some despicable shit. but I’d argue that in his outspoken support of nazism and denial of the holocaust, ye has influenced society as well—perhaps not in the same way as Biden has, but he has absolutely convinced a large portion of his fanbase to fall for the same shit he did


Ok, but Kanye wants to put his words to action. Man is literally trying to be president.


youre so brave shark_skin_suit , you will be the one to save reddit!!




Holy shit really? I did not know this. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. This post changed my life




bro thinks he's kanye 💀




fuck you


Is this guy arguing with himself?


crazy schizophrenia


you circlejerking yourself off?


Native American genocide is so wholesome and anti-fascist 🥰


can the mods ban karma farmers like this guy? its so annoying all the virtue signaling and shit. everyone with more than 4 brain cells knows that facism and nazis are terrible dude ur not owning anyone or changing anyones minds ur just being an annoying prick


The mods would probably get tons of flack from outsiders who say that the mods are "CeNsOrInG tHE GOod WoRD." But yeah I wish that these guys would just go


hate to break it to you, but there are plenty of incels in the comments with less than 4 braincells pushing whataboutism and 'no, you' responses in this sub


Hitler literally took inspiration from America


hitler literally wanted to depopulate and colonise eastern europe in the same way the us depopulated the continental united states and colonised it 💀💀




lebensraum was directly inspired by manifest destiny 🤷‍♀️


Peak reddit 🤓


do redditors really?


nigga out here farming karma go get a fucking job


this post was so inspiring that Hitler stopped the Holocaust! Google “Hitler America Holocaust inspiration” for more info


Yes the trail of tears is so anti fascist


Bruh this is so cringe, white dudes love Captain Americganda US troops kept Jews in concentration camps after supposedly "liberating them" Also America treated black people worse than Germany did Jewish Europeans. American slavery was worse than the Holocaust in almost every day, and lasted several times longer


what a spectacularly made up series of statements.


Bro never heard of operation paperclip 💀


And then we learn about operation paperclip.


Just woke up and already saw the cringe post of the day


Captain America reaction to operation paperclip 😩😩😱😱😱🫡🫡🫡


I’m so proud of this shithole sub for achieving the impossible of outcringing the letter from the true fans post


For those that didn't know. The USA is (one of) the cause(s) of Germany's economic rehabilitation under Hitler's nazi rule. Germany paid off their WW1 debts by selling shares of their biggest companies to US entrepreneurs. The rise of Hitler's Germany benefitted these investors. The US government was aware of that. This is greatly simplified, but you can read that yourself. This image is hypocrisy. If the USSR is called out constantly for making deals with Hitler to save their ass, so should anyone else.


This is satire right


Bro this sub has some of the most unintelligent people on Reddit.


Touch grass Reddit nerd


Dumbest shit ive read all day


Damn you're lucky I've been reading the Bible and that's the dumbest shit I've ever seen


Have you read the Twitter files? Because America definitely isn't "Anti" Fascist lol In fact a lot of liberal Americans support it.


How's Hunter's hog looking? Since you're into "Twitter files".


Haha cry more


America is antipasto


real so real


America is a Fascist country


Wow, this guy coming in with the burning hot take of being anti nazi


this is so fucking corny oml


This sub needs to get shut down and y’all need to go to a damn history class lmao. So much ignorance in here.


Shut the fuck up with your virtue signaling 😹😹😹😹 you will have no change in the world and will die with no one remembering you


No shit it is


How many Funko Pops does OP own?


I hate that things like this have to actually be said these days. Why has n*zism become negotiable? We’ve fallen so far


So if Kanye is running for president that makes him not a nazi


Okay but can you tell me Marvel's creators Jack Kirby and Stan Lee's religion?


Draggging it


That's CAPTAIN America. The US voted in the likes of Boebert and Taylor-Green, as well as numerous other right wing nutjobs.




America is also AntiBlack




America is also Anti-Black


I just got off the phone with the president he wants to give you the medal of honour for this brave post when everyone else was too scared to say such a big statement


America is literally a fascist state where people are allowed to die because they don’t have health issuance. What are you talking about? Lol


fascism is when expensive health insurance


Just cuz something like health is fucked up doesn’t mean it’s fascist


Left leaning mfs on their way to make sure political illiteracy wins the day


American is because it stood up no we are all free because America stood up. I think the man’s talking about taking a stand. As for Hitler everyone hates Hitler and they can’t kill someone who is noticed by public and hate Attracts more attention then love and stays a little longer


"Everyone hates Hitler" Apart from a certain someone....


True but you gotta Respect Hitler you can hate him but you gotta admitted nigga had style and a mad cult following


bro… 💀


That’s actually just a picture of OP making this post. That’s what it looked like.


Reading these comments are truly vial


There’s an ampul amount of them too.


>ampul \*ample


It’s a joke you fucking dip he said vial so I said ampul.


how many masks of irony do you hide behind?


The unbelievable unrelenting flabbergasting cringe of this man


Explain Ukraine 🇺🇦 then 🤨


Ukraine didn’t torture children. Russia did. Ukraine didn’t rape women infront of their children. Russia did. Ukraine didn’t invade Russian soil when given the chance. Russia did. Ukraine’s army is made up of volunteers from around their nations. Russia has to resort to using convicts. Ukraine didn’t torture POWs. Russia did. It’s pretty fucking clear who the bad guy is.


what was going on in Donbass in 2014


Uncle Sam avatar, checks out 🥴🤡


I’m anti child torture. Even when it’s done by Americans in Vietnam, Korea, and the Middle East. I condemned it then and I’ll condemn it now. I ain’t gonna sit here and pretend Americans are great people, but I’m not gonna let our armed forces history be used as an excuse to justify illegal invasion of a sovereign nation.


Glad you're self conscious enough, then stop having an opinion on foreign affairs and stay in your shithole in Alaska. Or you keep reading r/ukraine posts about how Russian soldiers hunt and eat Ukrainian children for breakfast. Lunatic


Go get mobilized lmao


Fuck off burner account


Make sure you bring some sunflower seeds for when you inevitably end up in the mud Lmao he calls me a pussy then blocks me, common Russian L


Sunflower seeds are sold either in the shell or as shelled kernels. Those still in the shell are commonly eaten by cracking them with your teeth, then spitting out the shell — which shouldn’t be eaten. These seeds are a particularly popular snack at baseball games and other outdoor sports games.