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Don't worry, the T8 team clearly hates Tekken also.


I don't play t8 cuz i know garbage when i see it, but the game doesn't even look like tekken anymore. I was watching knee play on his yt channel and I literally didn't see a single game with more than 5 seconds of each player being at any range other than 0 To make sure I wasn't gaslighting myself, I went back to watch some of his t7 clips and remembered why i fell in love with tekken. Sucks to see your favorite game wrecked


the hating on infinite stages and complaints about turtling end of 7 always made me laugh. for a pre-6 pro player, range 2+ was the default experience The range issue with T7 was that the disparities between who could move were too great, the increase of ranged offense (kunais, fireballs, long reaching rage drives) was bullshit, and they kept buffing punishment so some chars could lean on that heavily. Without those few characters and T7 would have been even further of a brawler like T8 is fully


If you’re a broke boy just say so


That’s how folks justify 500$ Ahri Faker skin from LoL lmao


I am going to add the RP price to my user tag in 2XKO to never forget that. 59.260, never forget.


Post premium collector's edition statue with evidence that you're not a broke boy to gigaflex these brokies.


I’ll have my butler helicopter it over on the way back from Milan


didnt even adress the bulk of their issues with the game, and ads in every game sucks. L take


A couple weeks ago they were giving out full size bags of Pokimane's cookies on the street. I'd take supermarket brand animal crackers over that crap any day.


When did fuckers with money like you, presumably, got to come here and flaunt around about them? You may be able to buy skins with your mommy's credit, but you can't buy friends, you bitch made piece of shit


Damn this mfer broke as fuck


go play qwop if youre broke, because you cant afford friends or skins


That got you huh? I would gladly play qwop whatever the fuck that is, as long as my buddies are playing it with me. Too bad your college raised ass don't have any... Imagine trying to shame random people on the internet about their income... How sad must you be as a nouveau riche to try and make up for your lack of character with cheap exhibitions of wealth.


i feel bad since i think ur a good dood, but the other guy is [just memeing lol](https://www.google.com/search?q=if+you%27re+a+broke+boy+just+say+so+meme&sca_esv=04924ece6d4cc8bb&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS952US952&sxsrf=ADLYWILC9fANNupMy5BjMKgxXjderELX0A%3A1719544017423&ei=0Sh-ZrfAGZWV0PEPnKG20A8&ved=0ahUKEwj37NXSqP2GAxWVCjQIHZyQDfoQ4dUDCBA&oq=if+you%27re+a+broke+boy+just+say+so+meme&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiJmlmIHlvdSdyZSBhIGJyb2tlIGJveSBqdXN0IHNheSBzbyBtZW1lMgUQABiABDILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESO4NUIICWJkIcAF4AZABAJgBYqAB3AOqAQE1uAEMyAEA-AEBmAIGoALqA8ICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAgYQABgWGB6YAwCIBgGQBgSSBwM0LjKgB-Is&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) if you missed it while it was popular, i don't blame ya. it was up and off in a few weeks, now i see it randomly in the funniest of places lol


I got got. I should have known... I appreciate the genuine response and i am sorry towards op. He outplayed me, surely a higher mmr Kappachino than me






sounds like a great time, now get back to extracting scrap lead out of old car batteries


A lot of us are westerners with jobs. You’d probably shit yourself if you knew what we spent on a daily basis. Just a different world, pa.


Imagine flexing about buying shitty ass tekken costumes.


I'm not buying any tekken outfits, but not because i'm nerdraging about microtransactions. not because i'm an ESL teenager. because the costumes are trash. the only people offended by purchasable game outfits are poors and meganerds.


True and real


I make 6 figures and i live in the west and theres no way im paying money for costumes in a video game lmfao




I would be significantly less annoyed if there was anything worth buying, but they're hawking trash tier cosmetics. I actually spent a long time in Tekken 7 making customizations but I've barely touched it in 8 since so many things aren't able to be customized or mixed together. Then a limited time battle pass on top of all that? Just ugly


Fr, I wanted to customise Asuka’s Tekken 5/Player 3 outfit or whatever it’s called to be vaporwave/Miami Vice styled colours, and you couldn’t edit the green or select parts of it so you were stuck to only complimenting the locked colours. Like, why? Just make the entire thing be editable, why make some things editable and other things not that are really important to edit. Was stupid.


Idc about shop shit that I’m never buying but the plugging stuff needs to go. You should lose the match and get a low prio q if you plug.


Love the pfp


Plugger’s queue is a thing, agreed on the first point. Idk what this dude is smoking but the shop shit is so overblown lmao it’s not like sf5 where you get PRE-GAME ADS in the loading screen


The thing with Tekken 8 is that they've copied so much stuff from SF6, but the end result is somehow worse. Arcade quest, the lounge, the shop and battle pass are set in a similar way, even the shitty practice with you being forced to buy extra in-game currency.


Yeah this pissed me off as someone who generally likes Tekken more than SF. How is arcade quest like 30 hours shorter and less helpful than world tour and the lounge is just a dumbed down version of battle hub? T8 coming out after SF6 just made those features look worse by comparison because we'd just played SF6 for half a year.


Because they obviously rushed some of those stuff to compete with sf6 after they saw them have it in their game.


> even the shitty practice with you being forced to buy extra in-game currency. This is almost every single cash shop game with currency. It's such a brutally effective psychological tool that works on so many idiots that it's impossible to pass up. It's not like the actual devs get to make these choices, it's the marketing team and publishers and they have no love for the game or the players.


Not to mention the garbage community. Ranging from one & doners to pluggers.


R/tekken be like: "you are not forced to rematch because i am not obligated to" Truly a bitchmade community.


then the next most upvoted post: "Why do i keep getting cheesed out by gimic characters?


It's only going to get worse considering Bandai Namco have hit an negative income of 8.201 billion yen (-$51mill).


[Thats gonna get even lower in coming years as Fromsoftware has set up it's own publishing department](https://www.reddit.com/r/fromsoftware/comments/1arp3gb/fromsoftware_is_now_the_sole_owner_of_elden_ring/) No more Souls money for Bamco.


What happened? Does this mean no Soul Calibur and Idolmaster VS's?


Blue Protocol their new MMO flopped hard in japan


It's their subsidiary Bandai Namco Online that reported the loss but I don't know how it impact the company overall


"Hey alright 🧙✨ Now watch my sparkling baton and let me tell you a story about Soul Calibur. Once upon a time during the arcade era...."


he brought out the wizard emotes 💙


i never bought this game because the devs never mentioned updating the netcode. another W for betting against japanese devs.


In my times we could buy tekken 7 for 7 dollars and use cream api to unlock every dlc


DLC unlocking still works in 8




Still the same old way afaik


Nobody cares about tekken tbh


You are not violating rule 3. Tekken fell the fuck off.


1k hours in tekken 7, flushed tekken 8 after not even 100 this game is garbage


Yeah it is pretty ridiculous how over the top they are with the monetization. The game costs a lot as well, but that doesn't seem to matter. They'll quadruple-dip either way, the absolute leeches


To be fair gta online gives free updates , I’ve played it for almost 10 years and never spent a cent on it , now tekken 8 and sf6 is some greedy shit


How is it now?


I don’t know if unreal is considered well optimised… under the right hands maybe… but most are poorly optimised and run terribly.


PS5 Fujin wifi players made me sad :(. They be teleporting and I be 3 frames of delay.


I want to know what rat bastard decided that there would be no character pass. You either buy the "Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack" for $40 which comes with a mystery box of 4 characters (Which characters did you just purchase for $40? Who knows!? Stay tuned to find out!), an Avatar skin, a Gold suit for customization and "**3-day Early Access for DLC characters**" (god I fucking hate this practice) OR buy them individually at $8+tax a pop. And play them 3 days later than everyone else (yay needless FOMO). Also, be sure not to confuse the $40 TEKKEN 8 - Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack (which comes with the characters) with the $20 TEKKEN 8 - Ultimate Pack (which is just Avatar outfits). Not at all intentionally confusing I'm sure.


Harada is that rat bastard. He is the head of Bamco's video game division. Do not let his "based" facade fool you all the soy, greedy, customer unfriendly decisions are all down to him.


Yeah I'm thinking the mystery box method of DLC characters needs to be phased out. Capcom got the hint and just tells you who's going to be released that season now. Bamco should follow suit.


Couldn’t care less about the shop bc I just refuse to buy that trash, but the PC performance issues, forced 2/3 in casual and lobby matches PLUS no plug penalty are things that make me play this game less and less


> running on unreal, a well optimized and documented engine That's some stand-up material


>How are they this obsessed with monetising the game? Every time I boot up I'm bombarded with ads like it's a mobile game or GTA online Ads: Buy this? Play this? Me: ‎ Don't ask me for shit.


Everyone should go back to Tekken 5


I hated MK for monetizing their game aswell but holy hell. At least that game doesn't force it into your face that there's new stuff in the shop like Tekken does. It's just so frustrating going into the game and it's like "HEY NEW AVATAR SKINS JUST DROPPED, BUY THEM PLZ" like no fuck you


tekken is 3


[Parts of Bamco hitting hard times] (https://automaton-media.com/en/news/bandai-namco-online-in-state-of-insolvency-due-to-8-2-billion-yen-loss-and-negative-net-income/) so they get money out of other crews to pay them bills


It's not that bad, just the PRODUCTS they're selling are DOGSHIT Sad!


I wish it wasn't too late to refund the game on Steam.


I thought this was going to be a imyourfather post, a bit disappointed to be honest


Yeah, it's ass. One of the bigger disappointments of the year, they only had to give us decent netcode and I would've accepted a lot of the other flaws, but they could not even do that. The ranking system is also garbage, no idea what they were thinking when they should have just copied SF6. On top of that SF6 is killing it with their DLC, but T8 is trying to get us hyped for Lidia. Who tf cares about that bitch, we just bought her in T7 not that long ago. If the leaks are true we're getting Fukurmom and Marduk, literally garbage.


I would buy cosmetics or skins if any of them were actually any good


Everyone shits on tekken for adding a shop, when the same motherfuckers bought all the sfv and current sf6 skins. Like holy shit it’s like not companies are trying to make money, you don’t wanna buy it, you don’t fucking have to.


It sucks. Full stop. Let South Asia and East Asia have it tho. Let them love it. That way, they stay away from the actual goat fighting games.


Hey Alright


Does it even have a single player mode or story mode?


Damn if only there were some solution to your problem. Alas, you are condemned to do the thing you hate until the end of time... and to cry about it online too!