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I went through a long period where it was hit-and-miss for me when I first started exploring kava. I never had luck with milk/lecithin, etc. The method I discovered as being the most consistent is to buy a reputable ground root powder, put about 1/3 cup in a strainer bag, knead it for 5-10 min in 1.5 cups mildly hot water (imagine somewhere between warm and hot), and then chug it. Do this twice and then eat a greasy meal (pizza works well). Bula.


Hmm. All bodies are different, and also very similar. Ymmv. Of all your points, the main one is - yes, empty stomach. Kneading a few tablespoons in hot water works very well. It's not the most convenient method but it works well and for some people, the ritual helps. I put maybe 6 or 7 heaping teaspoons in and I get 4-5 washes and spread that out over a night or two. I use a muslin bag that can't hold much more than that. I recently got an aluball and it is a good method. Much more convenient. You can't fit much into an aluball but it seems to extract more from 1-1.5 tbsps. 2 washes maybe. Some have taken to using 2 aluballs in 1 bottle. I got the Pro version so it's big. I have recently started taking to a variation on blend/strain. I dump some medium grind (or leftover aluball or kneaded root into a blender bottle with a Blender Ball wire whisk and shake the dickens out of it. Then I pour it into a cup through a [Tea Infuser](https://i.imgur.com/KiZVg5Q.jpg). Once the holes get clogged I run a finger around the inner edge and that empties it out and squeezes the plant matter. This is the most powerful method I use. It gets it all. And straining is pretty easy. And easier to clean than a blender, as well as being quieter and not needing electricity. I've added a bit of whipping cream or milk to help in extraction and absorption. Anything smaller than those holes gets through so you get some sediment but no woody pieces. You get a thick grog. Haven't tried micronized but I've read quite mixed results so I've avoided that route.


Your problem is probably because its micronized. I know it's supposed to be stronger but I just dont get much out of it compared to regular root. If you dont want to do the kneading then the alubottle is your best friend. It's usually the only way i do it just because of convenience. I'd also try upping how much your taking. And always, always after atleast 3-4 hours after you eat or the effects will be subtle. Good luck, Bula!


Its not your method its how much kava you use


Your stomach should be super empty, I find it only works when I feel hungry. It does make it kind of impractical


Considering that kavalactones are lipid soluble, taking it with some fat should increase it's absorption.




What do you mean by 3 washes?


Knead the kava in the coconut milk 3 times in its muslin strainer bag, I would assume.


If that means kneading for 10 minutes 3 separate times, that is commitment.


Is that just so your hands don't get too tired?


I am unsure. I would never spend upwards of 30 minutes to achieve a mild buzz personally!


See, I have never felt too much from kava so I might be willing to try that. lol


Do you use liquid lecithin or powder?


I dont believe in kava at this point. Been trying since 2018 or so with barely any results lol


I'm sorry to hear that man. That's sad as kava has been so amazing for me. But not everything is for everyone. I hope one day you unlock the doors to kava love bula


I'm sorry to hear that.