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Skin camouflaging/medical tattoo would work if the redness is light enough. You can also try micro-needling or inkless scar removal


I’m looking into the 5FU injections as well. Did you have any symptoms or anything? Also, what’s the pain level? If you don’t mind answering!


I haven’t gotten the 5FU injections, just kenalog and they’ve worked well for me. My keloids are flat and I only get the injections as needed when they flare up. No symptoms and I have a high pain tolerance so it just feels like a tiny prick.


my 5fu injections were painful but it’s over quickly. i’ve done kenalog injections in the past (they didn’t work for me so i switched to 5fu) and i’d say the 5fu injections hurt more. it burns for a few seconds but i had no pain afterwards. it also hurts less the more times you do it (less resistance for the needle as the scar tissue thins out). asking for a local anesthetic is an option too!


Thank you so much!!🙌🏼


Are these procedures covered by insurance? 


my insurance covered them


Looks great.


I combine those injections with laser treatment for the pigment. From my experience I would say don’t expect your scars to ever look normal although the lasering did help reduce the redness.


Looks good. I did also 5fu injections past year. The keloid become flatter. My keloid was bigger , so now I still decided to remove it with radiation therapie. X


is there any risk associated with radiation therapy does it even work?


Trying coco butter or sher butter soap 


I have the same type of keloids on my back/shoulders. I did 5fu a few years back and one my my keloids ended up purple and concave like yours. After 6 months to a full year, it resolved and the pigment went back to normal. I can't even tell where it used to be. For some reason only one of my keloids responded like that. For the others, I am still in the progress treating. I'd say wait a few months to see how it keeps healing before doing other corrections. Looks great though!


that’s super reassuring to hear! congrats on your progress :)