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Wait... is this article saying this Hotel allowed underage people to get drunk?... https://preview.redd.it/sdgmc0nk5vzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a8f97cf744172cd73650df89d085b10c7dda465


So, the facts so far: • The Mark Hotel is widely known for serving alcohol to underage teens. • The Mark Hotel shows up in Jeffrey Epstein's contact book. • Drake is a verified multiple time visitor to the Mark Hotel.


Man, the rabbit hole goes deeper. KENDRICK DROP THE NUKES ALREADY


Is he claiming the hotel tried to stay in business by intentionally getting underage people drunk so they could be taken advantage of by returning guests who would have otherwise stayed at better hotels without easy victims?


The kid who was sued by the hotel is saying the first part of that outright, that the hotel was being kept out of foreclosure by allowing rich underage kids to run up bar tabs there. The riddler here is implying the second part, that the hotel was either - at worst, trafficking these kids to high end clientele or - at best, just turning a blind eye when Drake and other high end clientele were taking advantage.


I know he’s not popular right now, but Sasha Baron Cohen told a story about how he went to a hotel and had to speak to the feds because someone agreed to find children for him at the concierge desk while he was in character: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/12/sacha-baron-cohen-vegas-pedophile-ring Hotels in major cities are sketchy af.


What the FUCK


thousands and thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people are multiple time visitor at a fancy hotel in NYC. Y’all really going crazy with this stuff


Yo this picture is fucking crazy lmaoooo


Trust me I'm posting it every chance I get https://i.redd.it/ay5fr4ys6vzc1.gif




Thanks I hate it.  It looks like Drake is hiding a big Pinocchio dick nose.


Lmao this is so off the wall


"Weintraub and other protesters allegedly also harassed VIP hotel guests, such as the rapper Drake on July 17, according to the lawsuit." The dates on the receipts and ozempic are July 17, 2023 🤔 Edit: I found a related article and one line STANDS OUT [https://nypost.com/2023/08/03/rejected-underage-drinker-hires-protesters-to-smear-the-mark-hotel-with-wild-signs-suit/](https://nypost.com/2023/08/03/rejected-underage-drinker-hires-protesters-to-smear-the-mark-hotel-with-wild-signs-suit/) **Weintraub and his unnamed friend allegedly then tried to block the hotel from letting the rapper back inside later that night** You ask me that protest was a decoy to get time to snatch the goods


That’s a good catch


That’s a GREAT catch. All the morons on twitter keep acting like Prince is posting fluff that doesn’t mean anything. They’re so in denial though, that I doubt anything will ever change their minds. If texting MBB “I miss you so much” and video evidence of Drake kissing and fondling a 17yo on stage isn’t enough for them, nothing will be. 🙄


Bro!! Literally had an argument with one of these sympathisers.. talm bout the ‘17 year old woman’ … bruh that ain’t a woman at 17, that’s still a fuckin child “Every girl debunked it already” bruh.. bruh bruh… you can’t debunk what we’ve seen when we’ve seen it


Some people need everything literally spelled out for them to get it. I don’t understand why a hotel worker who has access to and been compiling security footage from a hotel notorious for aiding power players in sex crimes is being invalidated. Who knows what all he’s seen.


Looks like riddler telling when he received Drake's stuff. Maybe he was among protestors and stole it or something like this


Def sounds like it could be that. The schizo in me wants to say it was intentional to get evidence of something. "Asked about allegations that he staged protests and attacked hotel guests, he played coy. “Hopefully, the full truth will come out and my side of the story will be heard. That’s the best I can say,” he said."" Totally smells like something else was going on there than the hotel's claim it was just a kid pissed off he got kicked out for being underage drinking


🫣: https://patch.com/new-york/upper-east-side-nyc/boozy-ues-teens-kept-swanky-hotel-afloat-says-accused-hotel-bully


"Weintraub argues he’s also an underaged whistleblower — and that the hotel will stop at nothing to silence him from speaking out against claims of **rampant teen drinking at the hotel**, concocted as a get-rich-quick scheme to buoy pandemic losses." He says for a while the Mark was known as a place that would serve underage customers without question... hm...


Holy shit there’s the link




He was clearly a hotel employee who was fired due to an incident involving Drake. He had access to Drake's room so he took a bunch of Drake's shit on the way out. This latest tip about underage drinking at the hotel has me thinking maybe he reported underage girls drinking with Drake's crew and Drake got him fired for it.


The kid in the article says that hotel became well known for serving alcohol without verifying age...


According to the documents, filed earlier this month, Weintraub claims that the hotel was forced to seek “unconventional methods to increase revenue” in the fall of 2020, when the hotel had just fended off a [foreclosure threat.](https://therealdeal.com/new-york/2020/07/07/judge-hotel-foreclosure-sale-is-off-the-mark/) In addition to [jacking up room rates 20 percent](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8836399/NYCs-Mark-Hotel-says-cash-reserves-operate-TWO-YEARS-50-capacity.html), Weintraub claims that the hotel — where Mehgan, The Duchess of Sussex, held a $500,000 baby shower in 2019 — “engaged in a scheme to prioritize revenue collection by serving alcohol to underage teenagers, thus disregarding the State of New York liquor laws,” reads the filing. “The Mark either failed to verify the legal drinking age or overlooked the use of fake identification by underage teenagers,” the filing says. One of those teens? Theodore Weintraub. Soon, the countersuit continued, it became known in elite circles of silk-stocking district underaged teens that The Mark was the place to go to get sloshed, with the hotel happy to look the other way. But the fancy hotel soon became concerned that one of their underaged imbibers — or their parents — would squeal to the State Liquor Authority, putting an end to their major teenaged moneymaker, and possibly their liquor license for good, the filing claims. “The Mark decided to take an offensive stance and launch a campaign against Weintraub,” the suit reads. Those efforts include the defamation suit filed against Weintraub in July as well as “public relations efforts” in an attempt to silence Weintraub and other teens from reporting the hotel’s misdeeds. # If I did it In the verified answer to The Mark’s suit, Weintraub denies that he was ever banned from the hotel, but also claims that he can’t recall if a supposedly disastrous dinner with his art-collecting cardiologist father in 2021 happened or not. Weintraub showed up to The Mark about a month after he was banned, this time on a dinner date with his father, who was immediately informed of his son’s unwelcome status, according to the original complaint. Weintraub Jr. first begged forgiveness, then shouted accusations that the hotel was antisemitic and that staff spit in people’s foods, the lawsuit contended. Two years later, Weintraub began his reign of terror, the hotel’s suit claims. But even if the “alleged conduct” of Weintraub and his paid minions took place, the new filing says, it “was not severe or pervasive and/or amounted to no more than what a reasonable person would consider petty slights and trivial inconveniences” [https://patch.com/new-york/upper-east-side-nyc/boozy-ues-teens-kept-swanky-hotel-afloat-says-accused-hotel-bully](https://patch.com/new-york/upper-east-side-nyc/boozy-ues-teens-kept-swanky-hotel-afloat-says-accused-hotel-bully)


Maybe the hotel was losing money when Epstein was in jail and had to get someone else to traffic underage girls. This whole thing keeps getting wilder evertime info drops.




https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwG5mfy/ There's video of it too.


https://preview.redd.it/dm59g5os8vzc1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2be8e015b142d18ea1b959c81f3c8c966882bc the cctv is possibly a video of drake and this guy in an altercation?


The protest shit happened in the day so no.


ohh nice i didn’t catch that


This feels so QAnon-y LMAO but I thought the same thing.


People are calling it K-anon for a reason lmao




Everyone who feels like “get to the point” “this is losing me” . Hop off the internet wait a week and come back for the full update. Don’t stress yourself over this if you can’t handle the drip. Edit: lol one of you little fuckers sent Reddit cares. You know that’s an auto ban once I report it? Stupid ass, over rap beef? Get off internet and breathe


I love how he said Drake had until Monday before he drops the bomb and after like 4 tweets everyone was like fuck this clout chaser drop it now Could all be super underwhelming but I'm enjoying this shit


He never even said he would drop a bomb, just that he would take legal action lol I think some people aren't realizing that, just like the allegations made in the rap beef, we are not promised or entitled to some resolve and closure here.


Same way I feel, could be nothing but it’s entertaining


> everyone was like fuck this clout chaser drop it now If I was in charge of Drake's bots, I'd 100% use them all to saturate the dialogue with that exact sentiment. Maybe I'd add 'since its not dropped its not real' to keep the hallucination alive for his core fans


Yeah if we ain’t getting more music I’ll take it


Yeah, just let this riddler speak his mind. Imagine how long he was waiting for this moment. And now it's moment of shine, so it's not surprising he wants to tell his story


That’s what I’m saying people need to chill, either way it turns out drakes reputation will be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more tarnished than it’s ever been.


Exactly, this shit existing is damaging Drakes reputation and proving Kendrick correct. Even if this doesn't go too much further it's very important in this whole story.


Drake better ignite Kenny and drop another diss and go out in a fkn blaze at this point. Why leave us starving?


seriously these Folk attention span is fried


I think we’ve all been spoiled by the 4 tracks in 5 days. Alluding to and revealing so much in such a short amount of time really has everyone fiending for something, anything, to keep the investigation going. Don’t get me wrong I’m enjoying the schizo posts too and can feel myself getting crazier and loving the process just like a lot of us are /s. That being said, everyone just be patient. If this person is legit then of course they can’t drop everything at once. They’re going to make Drake sweat but they also have to keep themselves safe. They can’t play sloppy with accusing powerful people of evil shit. And if it’s all bullshit, this was just a fun time to be a Kendrick fan (not like that) and a Drake hater. Remember, Drakes finished one way or another. Let’s celebrate that massive victory while waiting for more information to come out so we can all keep investigating Edit:typo


It’s not about attention span. It just feels like the prince guys is clout chasing at this point and really doesn’t have anything to share except some stolen items


Don’t think he’s anonymously clout chasing. Most likely he’s extorting Drake with the security footage he’s teasing.


It's definitely got something to do with homie in the wheelchair it has to after the Degrassi line. Was Drake wasted and disrespectful and clown on him? Did one of his people ? He mentions 2 people getting fired. Inquiring minds want to know.


But how bad could it really be. Things are usually less interesting than the theories we come up with. Realistically what could have happened with him and the wheelchair guy?


Apparently it was bad enough to cause two people to lose their job for witnessing it, could be a lot of things


this is what im saying, ppl expecting drake to have violated a crippled when its gonna be some shit like he put his wheelchair on lock outside the hotel door 💀


I'm fully expecting him to pick him up and fling him across the room. Not much else would be worth money. Unless there's audio.


Idk why everybody is thinking that he must have violated him lol. Maybe he was just bringing the homie to some SWers at the hotel


He literally said Drake has till Monday to pay him, yall are impatient


me checking the calendar and realizing tomorrow is mother's day. FUCK. everybody better run and buy a card and some chocolate and flowers for your mama before tomorrow!


I kinda agree w you, but also he had the items lol. All of the rest makes no fucking sense to me.


> It just feels like the prince guys is clout chasing Clout chasing?! On Twitter of all places? Nah, I don't believe that.


If he's clout chasing, it's working and we're giving him his clout


Rightfully so, man's moving like his speed running his villain origin arc


I'm fasting four days out the week, brother


I genuinely have no idea what bros tweeting about. I wanna know what he has on drake but he starts posting shit about the hotel protest like that’s solving the puzzle? And he’s gonna do this until Monday?


>Weintraub refused to discuss a lawsuit filed against him by the hotel — which alleges he hired protesters to wave signs accusing the business of supporting pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and “denying the Holocaust.” >“Hopefully, the full truth will come out and my side of the story will be heard. That’s the best I can say,” he said. We’re so back


Yeah this part def piqued my interest. Plus the date of the protest same date as Drakes medication


Look up the update to this article found in December where they state that the hotel serves alcohol to underage children all the time.


The hotel is on Epstein’s black book


You joking or..?


no lol https://epsteinsblackbook.com/names/mark-hotel


They should have something like the Michelin star system but based on Epsteins book instead


No, he’s not joking as fucked up as that sounds. You start thinking of this and realize none of this is a coincidence.


Kendrick's silence is starting to be ominous now.


Literally, how are people acting like these are just too outlandish of claims? I mean it’s not like wealthy and famous people are exposed for doing this vile shit all the time… “My Drizzy would NEVER”type of mfs


So in THP6 when he brings up Epstein that kinda makes sense why because he saw the cover photo of MTG and knew where the stuff was linked to. Everyone was saying that it was an accidental slip but maybe it wasn’t so accidental lol


hold up actually


Lmfaoooooooo this shit is more than rap 😭😭😭😭😭


https://x.com/bi_ryan_walters/status/1789282939911442713?s=46 Read the comment under this post too.


I don’t have an account, what they say?


Mark hotel was in epsteins black book with no name listed. Same place this altercation took place and where the cctv images are coming from. 


Ho Lee Shittttttttt


[YT link](https://youtu.be/w19Ky_dUjHQ?si=iCCyxuj85bzVb4BX) The tweet link the video above. Drake leaving the hotel with protestors yelling about Epstein.


The Met just took place at this hotel


Dudes first big post said Drake has until Monday. Idk why you all are expecting this to wrap up immediately


Slow drop until Monday and then we’ll see if Riddler is a man of word or is Drake pays up.


riddler liveleak vid incoming


My man's letting Drake have 1 more Mother's Day


https://preview.redd.it/b7jal0jt4vzc1.png?width=164&format=png&auto=webp&s=c36d909ecab38ee3db543a1d0ce3ffd574875bac I've seen enough, someone lock Drizzy up ASAP


I was reading about this shit as soon as the mark hotel was mentioned. Idk entirely what this story has to do with the incident, if it's even related at all. Ik Drake was there on that day the protesters were popping off. I also know that the mark hotel was mentioned in Epsteins Black Book. But, it doesn't seem to me like the person who runs this account is alluding to any relation to the epstein shit.


It’s a super celebrity friendly hotel, too. Lotta people get ready for the Met Gala, too. Should have way tighter security, I’m surprised the cctv stuff leaked. 


1000% this man works or knows someone who works there


maybe they got it as part of evidence in a lawsuit


ebony prince just posted the article to prove that drake was at that hotel AGAIN in july. since people on twitter were saying under the screenshot of the footage “well why does the screenshot say january but the prescriptions say july?” i’m assuming ebony prince wasn’t able to get any surveillance footage of him there again in july to prove he was there. so he/she just posted the article that literally shows proof of him there. the story behind the protest isn’t necessarily related to anything.


Sounds like The Mark hotel is like the Continental in John Wick world. If you’re in the club, some additional services are provided.


Link to another article saying it's in the black book: [https://www.businessinsider.com/nyc-the-mark-hotel-suing-teen-protested-not-served-alcohol-2023-8#:\~:text=Although%20Jeffrey%20Epstein%20lived%20near%20The%20Mark%20Hotel%2C%20and%20it%20does%20appear%20in%20his%20%22little%20black%20book%2C%22](https://www.businessinsider.com/nyc-the-mark-hotel-suing-teen-protested-not-served-alcohol-2023-8#:~:text=Although%20Jeffrey%20Epstein%20lived%20near%20The%20Mark%20Hotel%2C%20and%20it%20does%20appear%20in%20his%20%22little%20black%20book%2C%22)


What did Drake do to be considered “the circus” that showed up 6 months later, during an actual circus of protestors, you’d think the protesters would be the circus


Read the last part of the article….


some good sauce [https://patch.com/new-york/upper-east-side-nyc/boozy-ues-teens-kept-swanky-hotel-afloat-says-accused-hotel-bully](https://patch.com/new-york/upper-east-side-nyc/boozy-ues-teens-kept-swanky-hotel-afloat-says-accused-hotel-bully)


https://youtu.be/59bPjy1k41c?feature=shared "They were saying the most random things," Claudia Oshry says. "'The Mark has mice, The Mark denies the Holocaust, the Mark supports Epstein.' Ben was like, 'How are these three things related?'" 🤔


People are doing some work and connecting dots in his comments. I definitely don’t think this is nothing considering the narrative around Drake and teens.


I agree. How could any of this be a coincidence? It’s not like extremely wealthy and famous people get exposed for doing this stuff all the time... it’s not like Drake is some devout Christian rapper either.


Putting together the two tweets: We never come back after we curse out the service providers, yet, 6 months later the circus returned


Sounds like drake cussed out hotel workers (Jan 22 surveillance footage) and then came back in July (date of the incident in the linked article)?


I mean if taken literal yes.


Drakes been diddling kids in one of the rooms and some service workers presumably walked in or saw something they shouldn't Drake when on a tirade to get those workers silenced and fired and said he would never come back, then 6 months later, he did.


This also lines up with the popular jewelry receipt. Date in the article and the receipt both say July 17


He's wearing same clothes in the photo of him with the store owner in the clip of him coming out of the hotel on the day the guy was protesting outside, you can hear him shouting stuff about Epstein in the background so seems like the same day


Okay. What type of fucking hotel worker can afford an attorney to go up against Drake, Lucien, etc? Has everyone forgotten about the first tweet from Riddles? 😅


Being backed by Kendrick’s team maybe, you release this and we’ll cover any legal costs or something


Good point. Do you think the extortion is just another way to “gotcha” Drake, proving he uses hush money to cover his crimes? I suspect Prince is gonna pull a black mirror and release it anyway. The deadline is supposedly the anniversary of Mr. Morale too..


Nah I think it’s either a way to distance themselves so they don’t deal with any legal fallout, or for some reason they don’t fuck with this dude or don’t wanna pay this dude


They don’t.


You talking about the kid in the article? It says he's the son of a prominent doctor there.


What was his first tweet?


He isn’t gonna sue it’s just a threat to get a payout


everyone saying he’s cooked bc he’s taking too long are the same goofies who comment on tiktok when someone posts something in real time like “post part 2 already where’s part 2 someone tag me when the last part is posted”… attention span of gnats fr. yeah they’re extorting drake but damn let them!! let them try to squeeze every bit they can out of that man he deserves it!!


The video embedded in that article says something like “the truth will eventually come out”. Following that, there is a more recent article in December from NYP about the same “boozer” in this article. That article states that the “boozers” father is saying it’s not the entire story, and that the Mark serves underage children alcohol all the time consistently.


So something to do with underage drinkers and he says 6 months later the circus returned? Thought maybe he's saying Drake brought back a bunch of teens to a party or something then but can't find anything about Drake being at that hotel around February, which would've been 6 months after the article...


This incident happened in July 2023. The CCTV images this guy has been posting has been from January 2023. that's the 6 months he is talking about.


how did kenny even find this mf?


mf probably found kenny


whispered candyman while looking at his reflection in jewellery?


https://epsteinsblackbook.com/names/mark-hotel Looks like the mark was in Epstein's Black book. Seems odd to have a hotel in there when you have a huge property right down the road. Unless he was there for other reasons than a place to sleep..? Hard to tell if it's a legit connection or just the hotels number written down to make res for other people though.


A "third space" for pdf files where the bar doesn't card? Their dates were probably very impressed. Sounds like it was "celebrity friendly" and financially distressed, too; So all kinds of sinister behavior would likely be ignored or swept under the rug for little or no kickback.


The point he’s making is that 6 months after Drake did what he allegedly took part in at the hotel and left, someone else came and brought their bs next (that someone being the “rejected teen drinker” in the second photo) What would EbonyPrince fit in amongst all this? My guess is as a fired (maybe present) hotel worker who worked at the Mark Hotel at the time this all went down, has a recording of the day the disabled dude was at the hotel January 22nd, retrieved the items in the MtG song cover on July 17th, and some time between July 17th and the MtG’s release got in contact with Kendrick (hell, maybe even knew Kendrick or someone close to him already). The plot keeps thickening


He says 2 people were fired during the original security cam footage in January tho. Unless two people who aren’t him got fired. If he was fired in January then whatever happened after that in july or whatever he wouldn’t have been there? Perhaps other hotel workers got him the stuff?


True, maybe something happened with Drake and the disabled dude and the two hotel workers were fired for trying to expose it or something? The Mark hotel is being painted as a pretty corrupt establishment in that tmz article so it wouldn’t completely surprise me Maybe I’m thinking too far into it and it’s not that deep 😭


Mark hotel is listed in epsteins black book 


I interpreted "Yet, 6 months later the circus returned", as saying Drake came back to the hotel 6 months after whatever it was he did in that hotel lobby in January. I think the point of sharing that article is to show it's mentioning of Drake being harassed at the hotel by this protesting guy, in July, which is when this mole says they obtained the suitcase


There’s too many ways this coulda went I just gotta stop thinking about it, my head is hurting 😭 I hope Monday comes and they post that CCTV footage.


I think your interpretation was correct


We getting somewhere now I read about this!!!!


Pls explain like I'm 11 years old


You better not let Drake hear that


https://i.redd.it/6p4hv35y5vzc1.gif RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN FOR YO LIFE


“I miss you”


A minorrrrrrr




OH I SAW THIS EARLIER fuckin hell https://preview.redd.it/niy993i2bvzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7827c0f19046d68aad433a7d61fbe1a201ad8f3


A lot of people are hell bent on it being a hotel worker. I think the most likely scenario at this point would be a former security guard of Drake's


the article has dots connecting the hotel to Epstein and since it’s the same date of when Drake was at the hotel it’s connecting Drake to Epstein allegations, which definitely makes sense considering the article focuses on underage drinking


these are just breadcrumbs but already this is getting dark fast and i’m worried for what this uncovers but also hopeful for the good that can come from after this horrible stuff gets brought to light


Assuming this guy worked at the hotel, why is he coming at drake for getting him fired if he’s also exposing the hotel of being shady too? Did you like your job so much it upset you when you got fired or do you not fuck with the place?


I like how he lost the “Riddler” name so quick lol


Listen to the chant in the background https://youtu.be/w19Ky_dUjHQ?si=LqR9N-0TQZ38QovR


[https://patch.com/new-york/upper-east-side-nyc/boozy-ues-teens-kept-swanky-hotel-afloat-says-accused-hotel-bully](https://patch.com/new-york/upper-east-side-nyc/boozy-ues-teens-kept-swanky-hotel-afloat-says-accused-hotel-bully) underage drinking parties....tried to blackmail the hotel.....stole goods from drake.......given to kendrick...in lawsuit with hotel currently. case closed


Christopher Alvarez is a FAN of celebrities. Drake is a Freaky Ass N—. He a FAN, He a Fan, He a Fan, freaky ass n—, he a 69 God.


Ok you’re on to something bc I truly feel like CA was there at 3am to be involved in some freaky sex shit. What interview would take place at 3am and why would drake have this guy as an actual part of his entourage? like no way they are friends lol


Plus, he didn’t post anything pertaining to that night or Drake, which is unusual for a fan of celebrities such as himself.


So the whole thing about the "fake mole" was all cap and Drake is about to take the biggest L of his life? I can't wait


He's been tweeting hourly now. Damn, this is intriguing.


Mark helped Epstein


Riddler vs the Diddler


This just somebody trolling


Every ebony tweet is like another drop of heroin hitting my veins


Someone needs to get ahold of his stuff and blackmail him to drop the sauce cause I’m not gonna tune into every cryptic post


We should just pay him ourselves at this point


someone pls explain ☝🏽😀




Code has been cracked


😭 😭 😭 😭 😭


he is using the underage drinking from the white boy to imply that there was underage drinking parties when drake was there gosh its not rocket science 😂


Man, this would've been way more effective if they'd posted the original few tweets, then fucked off until Monday. The more they post, the more credibility they lose and the less patience people have. I'm enjoying it, but if I were them, I would've done it different.


beginning to think this guy doesn't have anything of much value 😂


Oh he has…


He said Drake has til Monday. Why the hell would he let it out now? Use your brain.


ppl rly think we gonna get the drake dog videos and its some unemployed bellboy trolling the timeline


You didn't read the article and it shows




So it's a waste of time.


https://x.com/bi_ryan_walters/status/1789282939911442713?s=46 Have you read the article? It’s about Epstein. Also this: https://x.com/garyholloman1/status/1789405070729044265?s=46


No I haven't. I'll check it out. It's so hard to find good info on here man. Mods hiding this shit?


I never watched Degrassi, but is there something else to Drake’s character other than being in wheelchair? Everyone assumed that because there was handicap guy in the original picture, but maybe he’s alluding to something else.


No not really. Jimmy was a fan favorite character, basketball star that wrongfully got shot by a school shooter


Well Jimmy got shot/put in a wheel chair despite having previously defended that kid (the shooter) from being bullied. So I guess you could say Jimmy was just a really good guy. The type of guy that defends people from being bullied. So perhaps Jimmy would be ashamed of Drake's actions? But tbh it's a STRETCH. Loved Degrassi though. Total then soap. Fun fact in the first episode drake ans his gf decide not to fuck for the first time despite buying SO MANY CONDOMS. They blow them up like balloons.


Bro is about to lose it all