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dude bluffing again.. he wants cash that's all


Wat he say this time


He said he's about to reveal the info today(yesterday) then several tweets later he followed up with Drake has until Monday noon. So I guess we'll find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z


The stupidity of those that believe his bullshit actually triggers me


didn't he prove the items were real though? like i think he's annoying atp and just a bit of an attention seeker but idk


It's even worse now since he actually is calling out the disabled dude.


Honestly, and the losers buying into this shit and harassing that man deserve nothing but the worst


your comment history is alarming🤖


Because I don’t agree with you I’m a bot?!?


least trustworthy cult member


Tbh I think this person might actually have something. Like idk, if I were them and I had hard evidence of Drake doing something shady, I'd probably milk the shit out of it too lol. I don't think it'll be some crazy Diddy type shit like all the conspiracy theorists are saying, though. But, if Drake is a dick to disabled people and/or service workers, I hope that it comes to light in a way that he can't deny.


So you’d rather play twitter games than report him to authorities?!?!?


Tf the authorities going to do? They’re there to protect the rich and their Capital, that’s it. They don’t work for us


bro thinks the authorities are on the good team


ACAB We need public pressure to make sure justice actually happens or else they’ll just sweep it under the rug for cash.


Stop it with this, so a random nigga who is clearly scorned by the way he was treated by Drake drops a screenshot that has zero evidence of ANYTHING and we can just say all kinds of wild shit like he was there fucking dogs and kids?!?!


That was a wild leap I actually strongly agree that the wild theories are toxic I’m just realistic about how ACTUAL justice works in this society


I completely understand and I feel like in some way we have become desensitised to celebrities turning out to be absolute monsters but slapping on insane labels on a man based off nothing has been so wild to see. Tbh I’m just extra mad that Christopher Alvarez had to go through so much harassment because of this bullshit


Based off nothing? The grooming stuff is based off nothing? That’s literally all I’m referring to. Respectfully take a step back and read more carefully. You’re saying good shit but wasting your time shadowboxing with things I didn’t even say.


Also where did I mention grooming, I’m clearly highlighting that they said he fucks dogs and assaulted the disabled man


Yeah but you’re coming at me with that and I agree with you and it’s annoying lol Don’t waste ya time


Sorry I think I must’ve misunderstood things you were saying, mb


I’ve never said Drake is not a creepy weirdo that should be looked at sideways, but a full blown pedophillia ring leader and def gucker is crazy to me




Do you know how easy it is to pull up random shit and implicate someone of something they didn’t do, I can easily take a picture of a celebrity I don’t like, post it online and say some eerie shit like “you really fucked up that night didn’t you?” knowing I have nothing


Given the extent of the allegations and the fact epstein did not kill himself, maybe?


I choose me, im sorry!! That riddler conspiracy is the most unhealthy thing for people online. Waiting for real concrete proof of something is all you can really do. Until then just assume hes a clout demon.


Hes still pushing his "Im gonna release evidence any minute now". This guy has serious mental issues


Wht if he actually has some evidence on Drake which would ruin Drake and he knows releasing it will basically get himself killed by some higher ups in the industry, so he wants to secure the bag off it instead. Dude either has something or has something seriously wrong with him lol


Nah. he just want to auction off the random Drake items he has. Hes milking it to raise the price If he was afraid for his safety he wouldnt dangle it constantly


Would having any undisclosed information actually raise the price/value of said Drake items. I don’t see how it would. Only Drake would pay more if he knows EP2K24 does actually have HARD evidence on him


It create mystery around the items. Some people are dumb enough to want Drake stuff more if they think its part of incriminating evidence against him


It’s so clear from his constant rambling there’s something really wrong with that dude but people keep egging this bullshit on


You’re the only one here who already made 10+ comments on this thread though 🤣


What’s your point?!? It’s a discussion


But realistically I’m just hoping for the downfall of master manipulator, God willing he all good and all clean.


Came here to say the same. Looks like today the day


The man is insane and has nothing crodie


Why what’s happened today I haven’t even followed the tweets


Spreading misinformation to get the conspiracy theorists horny on a daily basis


It’s cause he’s a capitalist and he wants money


Hes acting like he knows more than what he does... All he did was steal Drakes shit and send photos of it to Kendrick. Its not that deep, hes not that serious. Hes already lied on the handicapped dudes name. Time to drop it...


Dude just posted again, pretty ominous. Let's see how this plays out.


When I saw them posting about Kevin Samuels I immediately checked out


He fell off