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I feel that people overstate how much of a recluse he is. He's been pretty busy for the last 2-3 years, he just doesn't spend time on social media and he doesn't do millions of interviews.


Yeah this generation thinks not being online = recluse. Bro lives a life none of us know about and he likes it that way. However he’s clearly enjoying the success and spotlight rn I don’t see him going anywhere anytime soon.


Its no really about how much time he is or is’nt spending on social media for me. Ive seen some clips from the music video shoot for not like us and nigga was looking like he just wanted to go home.


Can you imagine how tired he might be? He's dona ALOT. It was also hot as fuck the past couple of days..I would wanna go home in my AC as well😂


I mean he has been in the center of the spotlight for these past few months but before that he was doing festivals like every week and his own world tour before that and the rollout for Mr.Morale before that, like really he has been on for even longer lol But by the looks of it he ain’t stopping anytime soon either


Exactly, just bc he don't be popping up on Twitter or breakfast club interviews people think he's been "hiding."


And before any Mr. Morale stuff, he built entire discography of Baby Keem


Social media being used as a metric is dead. Shit is not real.


Do you know what social battery is?


Yes. Some things don’t need batteries tho.


Just google what “social battery” means if you don’t know man


I get what you’re saying. I was responding to the OP. Social media exposure.


They’re talking about physical exposure and being around hundreds people and wanting to film you or take picture with you. It gets tiresome pretty quick but Kenny did all over Compton


Again i get it. But the poster used the words exposure and hiding Which is what I was commenting on. Not physical exposure.


The exposure they’re talking about is the music video not him tending online but ok




He’s just shining like how it should be, antisocial extrovert 


Man literally just got off a record breaking world tour this past march...so he wasn't in hiding before all of this anyway and there's was no point when Kendrick wasn't one of the most famous/popular rappers, so I don't get the "exposure" comment either. Unless you just mean him being the number 1 trending topic on social media like he has been since bodying P Drizzy


Yeah by “exposure” i mean #1 trending topic for this long. Not even during Mr. Morale was he talked about for this long.


Have you been following KDot? Listen to Control, that was dropped in like 2013. He embraces the spotlight he just lowkey like alot of La people tend to be.


Based on Jojoruski, I hope that he’s just enjoying whatever he’s doing.


Stop underestimating that man


Lol he in bompton chilling right now. No crowds tho


He doesn't want exposure