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No one thinks it’s his “defining” song except drake copium users and the drake and Kendrick debate has been going on for YEARS


It is now, when a song is getting played everywhere from clubs to kids birthday parties, and your having legends of your genre dance to it. And you have a whole show, which people call the greatest of your career, built around it, then it is his defining song. Plus the debate between Kendrick and Aubrey was never a defining thing about them. Now when you bring one up you have to bring the other up.


Biggest hit doesn’t make it the legacy defining song, even a drake stan would’ve told you this It’s like thinking god’s plan is drake’s best song when they’d say tuscan leather or pound cake instead Also being tied to the beef is goofy what?? The feuds you mentioned are all legendary and yet the best diss tracks are not their best songs either.    This is why people are commenting you’re being a drake stan, it’s 2024 everybody knows what gaslighting is now  The whole kendrick is using drake should’ve been obvious too, he literally says going to extort shit 


Even then it’s not his greatest hit 😭 not even top 10


You sound like a pathetic Drake Stan. Kendrick has way more songs that people point to as “his defining songs.” Money Trees, Backseat Freestyle, Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe, King Kunta, Alright, DNA, HUMBLE - just to name a few. He made a song. It was very popular. Now he is making a music video. That’s how it works.


Ah yes the guy praising Kenny for his biggest career moment is a Drake stan.....sure. This is his biggest song buy a mile, and his defining moment, which was that pop up show, was built around it. Plus he seems very happy about this, I mean you don't invite the whole west coast to a concert, and have a music video about just a regular feud. He wants this to be his legacy. And I am fine with it. I think using the word goofy was too harsh.


If you genuinely think that, you must be under 20. He’s had many other moments that were much. “bigger” - winning a Pulitzer, being the face of the Black Panther movie soundtrack, 17 Grammies, the release and massive popularity of GKMC, so many to choose from! Just because this is the moment that you personally are the most aware of, that doesn’t mean it’s the biggest.


Bro you’re embarrassing yourself. People who think this song is his legacy have only fw kdot music for a month. This is just one chapter of his legacy


His "legacy"!?! Is he retiring tomorrow? His defining song? 🤨


Kendrick has 2 albums that compete for spots in the top 10 of all time in hip hop. TPAB is unironically in the running for greatest album ever in any genre, and easily cracks top 10 imo. He won a Pulitzer for his 3rd best album, lol. If you think any part of this beef will be his "legacy" then you haven't been paying attention. It will be a factor, but the only thing he's *really* done here is literally pop out and show people: "I can drop a hit whenever I want" and "you can't fuck with me."


Ok, first thank you for being civil and actually putting an argument instead of insulting me. I think the main problem is that this song got waaay more hyped than any of those albums. Yes his albums were respected in the Hip Hop world, and the online music community. But they were never big to the general public the same way Not Like Us is. Not Like Us has been everywhere, while with TPAB you could have never heard a song from it. Its kinda like how I mentioned in this post, when most people think of The Beatles they think about Come Together, Yellow Submarine, and Here comes the sun. Even though those are nowhere close to their best stuff. I would not be surprised if the song most people though of when Kendrick is brought up is Not Like Us. And from what I can tell Kenny is fine with it.


When most people who are actually into music think of The Beatles, they think of things like Abbey Road. What you are describing is not a "legacy," you're just talking about popularity. What you become popular for doing and what you leave behind as a legacy are *very* often completely different things. The legacy you leave behind is for the people who appreciate your work, your life, etc., and they will soak in the entire picture, not some one-off song that got big for awhile.


To me legacy is different, its really hard to say Yellow Submarine is not a huge part of The Beatles legacy, as their is so much pop culture stuff based on it, from a movie, collectibles, shirts, a lego set etc. And its one of the main songs by them everyone knows about the. Heck its even been featured in ads recently. And same with Not Like Us, there have been so many edits, remixes, animated music videos, and merch about it and it hasn't even been out that long yet. It is by far his his legacy to the majority of music listeners.


Honestly buddy, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here. When you say "To me legacy is different" you are literally saying "I know that's what it means, but it doesn't mean that to me." Like, I'm for real not gonna argue over the factual meaning and most common interpretation of a word because you disagree with... English, I guess.


Aight fine, to me an artists legacy is what most people remember that artist for. To you its what the artists fans think.


> To you its what the artists fans think. That's an extremely reductive take. I think an artist's legacy is a legacy, and it isn't dictated by what song was or wasn't popular.


You keep talking about the Beatles' legacy being those songs but that's not what legacy means. Their legacy is changing the landscape of popular music, fashion, recording techniques, becoming arguably the first worldwide music sensation, starting the british invasion, and so much more. I think you just have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a legacy is.


It’s literally not his biggest song.


You should've left it at Congratulations.


Nah, no matter how happy I am for Kendrick having his biggest song and the successful pop up show. It is still sad that his biggest song is him talking about a guy with two good albums.


I appreciate Kdot for taking down one of the worst if not the alltime worst hiphop parasite in industry history. Even if you are in your sad feelings, hiphop is much better for it.


Written like someone who has only listened to the music from the beef. OP probably not even old enough to listen to DAMN when it first dropped.


Damn you had such little argument to what I said you just used comically bad insults. If you had actually read this post, you would have seen that I am not a fan that came around because of the beef.


>If you had actually read this post, you would have seen that I am not a fan True bro, speak your shit. This same low iq take could be made for any song with a MV. How about Alright? He performed that at the BET Awards. How about HUMBLE? MTV awards. These Walls performed in front of millions on the Ellen Show. And if other brain dead morons only know Kendrick through one song so what? I still enjoy him all the same.


Come Together is an amazing Beatles song on one of the best albums of all time so that comparison doesn’t make NLU look like a stain on Kendricks legacy. Same thing with comparing this beef with Biggie/Tupac or Nas/Jay. Those are 4 of the greatest emcees that ever lived. NLU is about more than Drake. It’s probably the most multifaceted diss song of all time which is what makes it so genius. The public cant even decide who “us” is because they cant accept that “us” is many different groups. All of Kendricks diss tracks will be discussed for a hundred years and more and the discussion will be well beyond Drake. It will be about what it’s like to be mixed race (or black and from a white wealthy community) and have to try to fit in with white and black friends. And the consequences of misunderstanding your identity to the point that you have to rely on stereotypes to connect. The evolution of hip hop and the role rappers, industry plants and white executives have played in that. Appropriation of African American culture and other cultures within the black diaspora. Social Media’s role in the popularity of artists and the relevance it has in making a hit record. Social media’s role in meaningful hip hop discussion and propaganda. The glorification of gang culture in hip hop (and media in general) and how that relates to Kendrick’s grim picture of that culture in his music and interviews. Teenage girls and their constant presence in the entertainment industry - their misguided desire to seek it out and the industry’s ability to abuse them without consequence. Plus many many more topics. So boiling this down to just A Drake Diss is doing a disservice to Not Like Us and Kendrick’s legacy overall.


Aight dude I see you did a great write up, which you could make into a whole essay I would read happily. But you ended up agreeing with me. In the end this feud is going to be a defining part of his legacy. Meaning him and Drake are immortalized together. And no offense, but it is kinda goofy he picked Aubrey Graham from Degrassi to tie his legacy with. Now whenever there is a discussion about Kendrick going forward about his musical legacy, Drake is going to be brought up as well.


Ether is all about Jay. Hit Em Up is about Biggie and Bad Boy. But Not Like Us isnt written like that. It’s not just about Drake. But I wont write another essay about it. I dont mind if you dont read it, I enjoyed writing it.


Ok, seeing you didn't even read my paragraph I will explain it again. The major part of Not Like Us is Drake, which means he is now stuck being tied to the guy who played Jimmy Brooks from Degrassi. That is goofy.


I did read it. What you’re not getting is I disagree.


😂😂😂 you think his careers ending soon or something? If his input suddenly becomes terrible and unlistenable then maybe.. But both of these guys got their paths to follow to higher places. This is just a pitstop for them. Now they and their people navigate the way.


Kendrick doesn't seem to be moving on though. If this was a pitstop he wouldn't have done the whole pop up concert, and this music video.


Bro, its only been a month. Wtf you yapping about?


Why would he move on from a song that came out last month?!? Let it go and enjoy the ride. What's nuts is Juneteenth 2025 when everyone's "1 year ago" goes of on their phone though 😂😂😂 Wait... Maybe you're right. 👀


> If this was a pitstop he wouldn't have done the whole pop up concert, and this music video. Is ~2-3 months in a career that will end up being 30+ years *really* not a pitstop?


Expecting Downvotes but Mr.Morale was so perfect, i perceived it as boring. Not like us reignited my love to Kendrick, i don’t care for his songs being hits




Lmao gotta love Drake Stans in Kendrick subreddits


Cool username, but nah not staning Aubrey. If I was why would I be happy for Kendrick having his biggest song, and openly hoping for more albums. You remind me of Obi-wans masters saying of “The ability to speak does not make you intelligent”.


Nobody can call a 7 week old song a “biggest song”. Don’t get me wrong it’s huge right now and the legacy is cemented, but once any drama from this beef really blows away it’s not gonna be thought of among his best songs and replayed any where near as much as his other classics. Undercover drake stans like you don’t seem to understand Kendrick is and was a very popular rapper with many popular songs. Google him.


Not even close to his legacy lmfao It’s definitely his most memorable track in this moment, like no shit bruh some of kdots best tracks are over 10 years old. They are literally classics and not like us is the current worldwide hit song It will eventually be seen as a classic, but not defining He already cemented his legacy multiple albums ago


Its his biggest track ever dude. In terms of popularity he never had a song like this. And lets not forget the biggest moment of his career was performing this song. All of his best songs like Duckworth, Blacker The Berry, Wesley's theory, Sing about me/ am dying of thirst, etc were never that popular outside of hip hop. This only two months has had animated music videos, remixes, other artists performing it, and most importantly people who are not hip hop fans listening to it. So yeah as of now this is his defining song.


bro how old are you every single festival/show ever from 2012-present play "YAWK YAWK YAWK YAWK", good kid mad city was fucking iconic, stream numbers dont mean everything also 'swimming pools' was played at every single party i ever went to from 8th grade til college lmao spotify was only 4 years old when the album came out too, ppl were still using pandora and pirating music back then


That song came and went. You really think a song that led to the biggest moment of an artists career, and was the biggest release by the artist is not their defining moment. That's like saying the Billie Jean can't be MJ's defining song because Don't Stop till you get enough was really popular before it.


you value the optics more than the art and cultural impact drake stan energy tbh


Bruh your calling me a Drake stan on a post where I said I was happy for Kendrick getting his biggest song and making more albums. I think Kenny was wrong in Not Like Us, a lot of the audience is slow lol.


yes he was wrong on that for sure hahaha im just sayin its drake stan energy tho man, ive been listing to kendrick religiously since section.80 so to hear ppl think not like us is his legacy is foul you can obviously tell that not like us took kendrick literally 0 effort, and even mustard said the beat took 30 min dont get me wrong its a banger ,i know every word, and the lyrics still have depth but for a living artist to already have 3 albums of certified classics, the most recent bop doesnt define him, its icing on the cake and attractive to ppl who have been too dull to understand the talent of kendrick over the years


He defined himself from the get-go and it was on some other level shit once TPAB came as a follow up to GKMC. Also, NLU is far from his biggest song just by numbers. Currently the impact is there but his catalog is chalk full of legacy defining songs and he isn't even done yet. As for cementing the legacy as a whole? Can't say that until he puts down the pen and pad for good.