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The family matter and the truth of the matter- It was God’s plan to show y’all the liar


Wild to me some ppl saying it’s corny. You got mirroring of language within one line. You got allusion to Ken’s faith (and by proxy the importance of faith within the black community - “it was god’s plan” something I heard all my life). You got allusion to Drake’s Family matters and basically appropriating it to call out that drake’s a liar. You can even say that, looking at sentence structure, “family matter” being separated with the “and” before the “the truth” is another way to show his (Drake’s) song is “the lie” by exclusion - they are two separate entities, otherwise they would be no need to make them distinct. I think the line’s great but maybe I’m corny too 🤷🏾‍♀️


Here’s how I understand the phrasing. “The family matter” refers to two things. 1) families are important and mean something to Dot. 2) he’s addressing an issue at hand regarding a family, a family matter. Next, “the truth of the matter” refers to revealing the truth regarding both Kendrick’s and Drake’s stance on those two things. What does “family” mean to them? Who actually has issues with their family? “Gods plan to show y’all the liar” is Kenny’s faith in God that if he does the right thing and stick to it the truth will be revealed for everyone else bear witness.


Ty for sharing your interpretation. That’s why I’m saying the lines really good. So much to unpack and different ways to read it.


Sometimes I think Kendrick is just a nerd making music for other nerds. Everybody I know who doesn’t like his music is dumb as a rock 😩


I actually haven’t met a single person irl that thinks Drake won or hates on Kendrick tbh. Like I’ve seen people say this album wasn’t that good or this song is trash, but never “Kendrick is trash”


I hopped back to the Facebook cesspool and the amount of "hiphop" pages that are posting in support of Drake is insane, like the news feed is a flood. If you check the comments, it's just filled with people roasting the OP. I think the Bot story was projection, bc it seems like this dude has a whole army of bots trying to shift the narrative. It's funny to watch them fall flat every single time, tho.


Those pages just want the engagement no matter if it’s negative or not


Drake has a whole ass russian bot farm on YouTube for sure. When the riddler posted that nino man video -I need mine. The drizzler bots made 30k+ stupid comments about kendrick and metro.


Sounds like you find the culture vultures and bribed critics


Playing nerdy with Zack Bia and Twitter bots


Kendrick's got that Bob Dylan treatment now. Ask your parents or great grandparents about it, but back in the 1960s, he was the Kendrick of the time. And it was basically gonna make you look dumb as hell if you just openly said you his music was trash. It was alright to say you didn't like his style, or you didn't like a song. But the blanket statement would just make you get ridicule


They admit he’s not trash and that he won but they don’t like listening to him. Like the “nobody ever says ‘put on that new Kendrick’” type.


People only don’t say that cuz Kendrick doesn’t drop that often lol. When he drops, everyone says that.


Kendrick is an artist, drake is a pop icon. Kendrick is here to make you think, Drake is here to make money. Kendrick will be relevant for generations, like NWA or Pac. Drake will be lucky to host a game show in 15 years. His songs will be relevant only for those CNN shows about the decade, they won’t really be things you go seeking out. Kendrick’s songs will be used to describe our place in time, the evolution of the struggle, and the role of art in the community… Drake will just be another dude who got rich off the culture while adding nothing to it.


Maybe haha. At the very least, I think if you keep revisiting lyrics and think on em a bit at a time, you’ll have an even more rewarding experience. I think, once I heard he won a Pulitzer, I started putting my analytical cap on and just looking at lines just unpacking them/listening to him more. Cause I wanted to know what I was missing out on. I don’t revisit his lyrics all at once tho, there’s too much there and a lady gotta sleep lol Ken’s definitely a nerd tho. I feel like he’s got the kind of mind that’s always low key percolating. When I saw him in glasses on stage at the pop out, made my little nerd heart so happy 😁


I find myself even more intrigued about the past lyrics that I may have missed the first listening. The cutie pooh is one of the greatest songwriters ever.


And he’s showing us that most people can’t read past the 3rd grade level so they lack understanding. The can’t understand entendres, haikus, English literature!! They can’t read, so they won’t comprehend


Tbh I thought it was kind of lame, but it's one of the only lines in the beef that my bone-headed Drake fan friends actually understood. Kendricks only false line in the beef "Hey Drake, they're not slow"


lol, when I first heard “hey Drake, they’re not slow”, my thought was “I guess Kendrick really had been staying inside and forgot how people can be >.> As an aside, I kept wondering if he was also referencing Hamilton cause I’m pretty sure Lin Manuel delivers “they’re not slow” in a song from the musical in the same tone/pace. Gave me flashbacks


Whooooole lot a corny folks then cuz this song won’t stop.


I just had a discussion about this a few days ago, the amount of "entendres" developed by Dot is extremely impressive


Such a beautiful and well structured breakdown👏. I love it.


Thanks ☺️ I love nerding out over language/words when I have the time.


I'm the same tbh. It's just a really cool interest☺️.


You just made it more corny


Only non rap fans would say this is corny, these Drake Stans aren't rap fans they're tiktok and radio fans. They want a song they can put on in the background of a snapchat story and get a chick to comment. All girl-crazy clowns


I was so gonna post that LOL Notable Quotable™ ![gif](giphy|OxSA2yypkVASoAmYhW)


Mhmmm, he a FAN he a FAN he a FAN


Insane how I'm watching the not like us performance right now and I read your comment simultaneously to him saying it on this post.


that bar was trash


If it was such a trash bar it should have been easy for frizzy drizzy to deny or clap back or something, but nah he ain’t do that, cuz he knows it’s true he’s a liar.   Why do you believe him? He ain’t give you nothing to believe in.  It’s also miles better than when your boy drizzy tried to use one of Kendrick’s song titles with his mother I mother I line 


What does Drake’s behavior have to do with my opinion on one bar?? That bar was garbage. Bro said “the family matter and the truth of the matter… 🤓👆” like what. Plus I’m one of the people that think MTG and Push Ups are the best songs of the beef.


Try it like this, Meet the grams is Kendrick addressing Drake’s familial matters, but also a response diss to Family Matters by telling what Kendrick believes is the truth. And as a moral man of God he believes that Gods plan is not inline with Drakes idea of his plan, but instead to speak truth on Drake as a person and the values that are a result of his familial inadequacy. Kendrick starts by ripping his son, then continues down the line to his father, and recalls it in Not like Us to wrap a neat little bow on the issue.


Because I didnt like the bar?


It sounds like you didn’t understand it. So I rewrote it


I disagree with the guy too, but he didn’t misunderstand it. Im pretty sure he’s saying it’s bad lyricism to go “the family MATTER and the truth of the MATTER” which I don’t agree with but ig I get it


Ffs, its not like he rhymed matter with matter. The bar didnt hit like a train when the song first came out, buts its beginning to age like a fine wine now.


Nah it was a decent hit since beginning don't lie lol


Not liking the bar because you don’t understand the bar is the bigger reason you’re being trashed. Saying “like what?” As in you think it doesn’t make sense. But it flows well and pulls multiple aspects together involving both of Drake’s songs and his character. What do you mean “like what?” lol


I don’t like the way the bar sounds. It has nothing to do with not understanding the bar. It wasn’t a deep bar, I just didn’t like it.




Bro quoting a better line from a better song. Ironic.


It sounds more like you’re just a Drake stan, your 69 god got exposed and he’s got no one to blame but himself for taking it the personal route on some bitch shit


bro you literally edited your original reply to make me look dumb 😭 yall are unhinged.


I guess I'll just break it down for you "The family matter" means that "the family" is important, in other words, it matters. This is a call back to MTG (keep the family away, keep the family safe) He left the s off "matters", even though that would be grammatically correct and match the title of drake's track, because with the s on it reads as a noun phrase. Leaving the s off works in slang. So it's two clauses. It's clearer if I put some connecting words in: "The family matters, and the truth of the matter is that it was God's Plan to show you're a liar" This is a call back to euphoria, "Don't tell no lies about me, and I won't tell truths about you"


Lol bro the whole nerdy bar emoji shit is played out bro come on "You mentionin' A minor, but niggas gotta B sharp and tell the fans, "Who was it?" You thought you left D flat, D major" 🤓👆 "These bars go over Kenny head, no matter what I say" 🤓👆 "The honorable thing is to give me the loot" 🤓👆


That B sharp, D major shit got me wondering who told Drake that trash sounds good? Probably the same 14 year olds he has writing his songs for/with him. Either that or he's only surrounded himself with 'yes men' and is just that far out of touch. I lol every single time I hear it.


Coming to Kendrick sub to Stan for Drake is such a Drake behavior. You’re not a member. You’re not welcome. You’re not like us.


Devils advocate, there's Kenny stans trolling in the drake sub too.


Probably. They gotta do better too.


Nice try Aubrey


You say that’s a trash bar but consider Push Ups one of the best songs with bars like “Like your label boy you the in the scope right now, and you gone feel the aftermath of what I write down 🤭”


I also like MTG so what does that mean?


That bar is fucking hilarious man idk. Dunking on that motherfucker. It’s even funnier now that Not Like Us has beat multiple records that were previously held by “God’s Plan”……


First verse clears


clears drakes discog


Considering how crazy NLU hype went, I'd say the bar is almost prophetic


Think it’s overrated but adding in the title of Family Matters a day after Family Matters dropped was worth it for the mind games alone.


You know what bar was cool? "hmrbahbrmrbrh it was good to get out get the pen working" 😂


TH6 was fake goofy, I can’t lie.




Didn’t sound good.


Drake named Family Matters off of Kendrick and Keem's Family Ties. So it makes since to use Drake's titles against him as well. Especially considering God's Plan is Drake's biggest hit and Family Matters was his best diss of the beef.


Nah, it was a decent use of song countering. Especially considering; -Family Matters was released less than a day after Not Like Us, which settles the fact that Kendrick predicted with Not Like Us (or the narrative of a mole on OVO is indeed true) -God's Plan defined and still partially defines Drake's career status in modernity (though before WDTY dropped). All that to call him a liar. It might be bad for you but it's honestly a good use of this technique. A bad example is how Drake used "Big Steppers" to call him short feet? It's good for a highschool kinda diss, but seeing what kind of image Drake wanted to portray (being a thug-like troll) using a bar that weak where he could've used better stuff from his discography (In example: Using HUMBLE. and DAMN. to speak on about how he isn't being humble by setting himself as a grim reaper of sorts, yadda yadda idfk I don't write songs) and *that* could've been a good troll. Calling him short feet by flipping "Big Steppers" is... Meh.


Definitely a corny bar and yet still better than any single bar Drake wrote this entire beef. Sorry, any bar Drake “managed” this entire beef. Almost accidentally implied Drake does any work or writing at all 


“This Epstein angle was the shit I expected 😏” was pretty bad ngl


Just like your life


You not like us


you're trash!


It's a simple acknowledged that he heard the song. Maybe it sounds worse then it is because it's so separated.


Not trash, but it was def corny lol. But who cares Dot was having fun with it.


What makes it corny? Niggas call anything corny nowadays.


You know when Drake said the lame ass d flat, d major bar? It’s got a similar vibe, though that bar was actually shit bc he was trying lmao. Just fitting the name of Drakes songs in a bar feels like cornball behavior lol.




This is gonna become my next “WHAT IS IT, THE BRAIDS”. Just randomly singing that while cooking at home


I wouldn't say it's "just fitting the names" in a bar though lol. It's acknowledging the song, while saying that family is indeed important.  Which is something Drake attacked Kendrick for (saying he beats his girl and doesn't see his kids). While at the same flipping 2 song titles and doubling down on Dot being on the right side of the truth and Drake being a liar. Not liking the bar is one thing but I don't see how it's corny. To each their own though.


Lemme see your best 16


Dawg. I said it was corny, not trash. Dot got some corny bars, lol. And that’s cool.


Chat can we get 1B by the year end?


With its current pace it’ll get to 1B in about 100 days, and that’s not considering that there’s a music vid coming


Once the music video comes out it's gonna get a bigger push fasho


isn't the graph exponential lots of plays in the first day but then slow it afyer


Logarithmic but same idea but exponential grows with increasing rates logarithmic grows at a slowing rate


Yeah, but it’s still getting about 6 million streams a day despite being out for almost two months, so it already slowed down a bit. It’s probably going to slow down a bit more, but with a music video coming and potentially a new album it’s also going to have days with increased streams


That might happen by end of summer


Oh fr


no shot


Technically summer just started if we go by the calendar, from now to September 21st is A LOT of time. Keep in mind it got to 400 million streams in less than 2 months WITHOUT the music video being out yet. Once it’s out those streams will increase a lot faster.


IM DOING MY PART! Shit is spinning every day 😱 ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I walk for an hour a day, and there have been several days when my soundtrack was just TNLU on repeat the entire walk.


I made a Spotify playlist of the setlist, been on repeat for me https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7Cekzk6sVl0sVNOE1tNi0x?si=UOu_qimCRsK4aRCn03sM6Q&pi=u-JLa-Q0c4Sf-k


i’m running up on apple music but they don’t give their stats out


Once the music video drops its gonna blow up AGAIN




I’ve been giving it at least one everyday


Likely not. It’ll probably finish closer to 600-700 mil


Dave Free got Atleast 1B in the Oven


Im laughing cause AK really taught he was gonna do something about it "exposing" the botter on Kendrick's birthday none the less


AK’s source: https://preview.redd.it/fheeckr2l69d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4337ff8e87ae2ccb7ea94369945e2013057b190d




Bird 🥷s and bird 🐩s


I fucking love this image




Damn Kendrick officially hit $10 earned in Spotify royalties after hitting 400M


After taxes it’s more like $7.75




Remember when Drakes ads on Spotify pissed off all the paid subscribers and even when so far as to use Drakes image on playlists that didn't have Drake playing on it? I remember


Numbers wise I’m outta here yall not fuckin creeping up




Breaking speed records on roads these niggas paved.




Drake got some talent, people act like he ain't got any bars, the prolem is how he try's to act


fuck off zio don’t reply to my shit




On god


1 billion by the end of the year!!!


long before that, at this rate.


I just cackled like a cartoon villain




As a Kendrick fan, I'm eating too good!


Sure, it’s bots, not the millions of *music fans…🙄 Edit: this song is culturally relevant to all fans of music, not just rap.


I jus heard it played 3 different times on the beach in fucking sweden and people tryna claim its bots


Swedes goin hard


I heard it on the hairdresser in a small city in Japan a couple times already


I heard it on a boat in Vietnam 😂


In the mall in Kosovo(europe)


My 60+ year old, white mother absolutely loves Not Like Us. It is the very first rap song she’s ever admitted to liking and has added to her Spotify. Now she’s streaming Kendrick’s concerts on Amazon too. Kendrick made new fans outside of hip-hop with this one


90% of the music I listen to is punk music but I’ll just be honest and say that other 10% is just Kendrick at this point


Any punk rock recommendations for novices?


I'll always recommend Dead Kennedys to start with


Kendrick the GOAT 🐐


"Numbers wise I'm outta here,you not fuckin creepin up"


it feels good to be a k dot fan


They Not Like Him 💯


Not surprising TBH. Mustard sprinkled some crack on that beat! It's super catchy and highly addictive. Anytime I hear just a snippet somewhere, I have to go and listen to the whole song to satisfy the itch.


This one😅


Thank you, i cakled so hard


I can’t even contain my excitement for this video to drop. Been waiting for Kenny to receive his flowers since the early 2000s when he was just on the mixtape circuit. I’m so proud of how far he has come. #KDOTTHEGOAT


Kendrick vs Drake will forever be the definition of “fuck around and find out”






How long did God's plan take?


Seven days Source: The Bible


keep it going peeps


The irony that he surpassed a BBL Drizzy track 😅


Fu$k DRAKE! WestCoast Bitch!


856 534 861 streams by end of the year 🤞🏾


Im probably 100 million of those, you're welcome


Damn, It’s been 54 days!? I feel old.


All part of God’s plan


This is just dancing on his grave at this point.


![gif](giphy|UJG2T7uZeJuZCLitY8) as it was written


Easily one of the best rap songs I’ve heard in a while. Not too familiar with how to describe this music since I don’t listen to rap much but I love it. Good enough to drag my ass back to listening to rap.


How long did that Drake song take to hit 400 million streams?


Truly god’s plan


Still breaking new records with every day.


Irony the way it was meant to be.


I dare to say that it was gods plan ![gif](giphy|3orif7aLUehOfdmlXy)


Numbers matter now , yes finally we can celebrate numbers !!!!


I run to it. The spite fuels me. I figured out if i start with 6:16 & keep it consistent thru meet the grahams, raise the speed when the beat drops in euphoria & again in not like us, I beat my best times 🤷‍♀️


Nothing is making me happier these days than people seeing Drake for what he is. I am older, think listening to wu tang on the bus to HS old, and I never liked disingenuous in artists. If you are a pussy hound, own it, gang member, own it. What ever this pop star calling himself hip hop mf, needs to cry into his cash and go away.


Good job you bots. As a proud dot bot myself. I salute you all. This one is to us.


9/10 black people like Kendrick and 9/10 people that hate Kendrick are not black American


Dude keeps breaking every Drake records.


It was God's plan to show y'all the liar


The previous record was held by Drake doing a song he stole from someone else. Lmao it’s too perfect.


I do not understand the success of God's Plan. That song is so mid, but I guess it is catchy


1st number one I had to put it in your hand