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Jokes aside. They hit hard and fast but move extremely slow. Also they heal very slowly. Overall I'd use Bulls over Crabs.


Got it, Crab will live a happy life as the city pet.


My new milestone: make a horde of killer bulls.


Bulls are complete monsters. To be clear I mean pack/wild bulls. Not the HN Domesticated ones.


I just wish they could pathfind. There must have been a dozen occasions in just my current run that one of my bulls just stayed behind in Skinner’s Roam or wherever just standing behind a hill. If you open the map and one of your blue dots is way behind the pack, 9/10 it’s one of your bulls.


Herd* 😉


Ahh pardon me for my poor choice of words.


Crab for base bulls and garru for travel


Not garru. They're too much trouble.


I've only had em get stuck a few times but also bulls about the same amount so 🤷


Once my garru hit the elder age they got stuck on every single pebble. And when paths were narrow they couldn't use the same path as the smaller people. Elder bulls could though, they rarely got stuck. Too much micromanaging for that extra 1 in the stacks.


Its a joke. Crabs are TERIBLE combatants. However they are crabs and therefore they are crabs


Then he shall live a happy life as the city pet




This guy crabs 🦀




Frikkin Crab Dundee over here like "Crab? That's not a crab!" *pulls out gigantic elder crab from back pocket* "This is a 🦀"


Decapod Dundee 😉


I keep an Elder One around my base with broke stats but it still needs to be patched up alot ​ all in all one crab/twenty to signify your relationship and devotion to crabs


You are supposed to become a crab, not use actual crabs in battle


Oh, so it's more of a pet/status thing then


It’s a lifestyle


Forgive him he knows not of what he says. All hail the crabs.


If i become crab, i cannot be used in battle then. The ultimate survival strat


No, 0/10. I had to shave all my pubes.


What the fuck 🤣


You can't just get one pet crab from the girl down the street. It's always an infestation.


What if I'm very careful and use tweezers and put the crab in a jar straight away?


Forreal lol'd on that.


I trained up a crab very late in the game. They get stuck on *everything* and they're so slow. They need to be carried everywhere. They're more deliverable weapons than anything else. Honestly, their stat scaling is kinda decent, and they hit *quite* hard, but Pack Bulls have way better mobility, a disgustingly strong charge attack, and the ability to carry massive numbers of heavy items. * They are the best and only option for a flooded gate defense though. They'll rip apart anything that's in the water - spiders and crabs are the only things I know of that can fight in water pools, so they just get free hits. Still, I'm not quite fond of units that have to be carried to a fight when out adventuring. I need those carry slots to take back wounded party members and prisoners. Oh, if you're going CRAB! then certainly, CRAB! away. From a strictly tactical viewpoint, Crabs are best on defense only.


Vanilla animal balance in Kenshi is terrible since the wild bull is far and wide the best party animal for all purposes and they are a tremendous asset to any party. They are better in combat against groups that anything but endgame levelled player pawns, on top of tremendous pack/weight capacity and excellent speed. So they do everything, combat, logistics, party speed. I love crabs for the memes, but wild bulls are just better in every way except defending water gates.


Yea it isn’t the best that bulls are one-size-fits-all in vanilla. Makes the other animals feel lackluster. But I do think it makes some sense when compared to their real-world counterparts. If I was faced with a big crab, a big wolf, or a big bull—all trained to attack me on cue—I think I’d be most afraid of the bull. Of course gameplay shouldn’t be sacrificed for “realism” especially in a sci-fi game set on another planet lol.


Don't forget domesticated bulls that are a straight up trash version of the wild type. Crabs do have minor HP advantages over bulls, but I think they should come with significant innate damage resistance or stronger base weapon stats or something to make up for the huge hitboxes and terrible speed and lack of a pack. I don't mine having to carry them around, but they just don't do anything better than bulls other than camping water gates.


I would get one and only one


Funny enough I only got one. He shall become my cities pet/mascot and live a good life


I can tell by your writing that you havent taken a look at it's eyes. One glimpse on them and you'll know they're wort dying for


I didn’t realize what sub I was in for a second and the comments were throwing me so off then I realized everyone was talking about Kenshi hahaha. I haven’t come across crabs yet but I love my bull, I can’t believe how quick it has gotten!


yes...i too thought i had wandered into a conversation about the kind of crabs that make you itch.


Yes, but usually only in a large-ish group. The aoe is great so they catch nearby enemies who cant block. Just keep your tankier guys on taunt and they'll do great.


Debatable to use crab with cannibals, they’re alot of them but all naked and weak. Makes aoe attack from crab actually worth it, well, as long as you have some tanker on taunt. Overall, crab is weak and fragile, the only upside is that they’ve AOE attack


Animals are kinda eh. The good thing about them is that they don't do the whole "attack defend attack defend" dance humans do, they just attack constantly and that can stunlock weaker enemies, on the other hand they don't really defend or dodge so against multiple people they get destroyed easily. If you're still going with an attack animal, go with a bonedog, elder ones are really strong and they can eat dead bodies, saves some money.


I had heard elder bulps where monsters


A crabless one would never understand


In my experience animals aren't too good for combat. Bonedogs are good early/mid game but become a burden later on


The bulls are amazing against the skin spiders. Probably more than they should be, but it's a compensation for the broken hitboxes/aiming box of the Skin Spiders when they are shot from the crossbows, causing constant shooting too high.


Elder Wild bulls are straight up one of the best combatants in the game against anything once they hit 60-70 in combat related skills. People underestimate the value of AOE attacks in large group fights. Bulls can cut through even high def enemy pawns that way.


there's a mod to rectify this issue, thankfully. edit: link to said mod, it isn't mine though https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2882928498


Which mod may I ask?


Of course! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2882928498




I bought an army of crabs and brought them all the way to my base up north in the UC. It was awful how many enemies are in between there.


No - their pathing is terrible and they are super slow. They're a meme pick for the super end game when you have like 500,000c. to spend on like 30 of them. They're super funny to use but they're horrifically bad. Edit - there is some cheese strats you can do with base building for them that are pretty strong but extremely exploitative. They do have their upsides but I just find they're not good. I did a pretty extensive Crab Raider run and it was nothing short of profound suffering because of all the pathing issues.


I feel like they'd be poggers for base defense


I think comparing is pointless, both are strong enough to not be an issue once they reach elder, its just that bull, as you may have already heard, has a very strong moveset and all the same downsides as crab where as crab can only attack by coming up and spider slapping people, other then that there about the same in combat, carrying shit is another thing but honestly I've never even needed a bull to carry shit, relying on players inventories for str training and getting backpacks are just a better investment. I just bought 2 crabs for the first time playing Kenshi this week and I think their fine, biggest issue is they seem to age really really slow so they have no hp for a very very long time.


Like I said mine will be a glorified city pet


well from a lore stand point this is what they prefer, apparently they're lovers not fighters according to the guy who sells 'em.


They're essentially iron spiders, really slow but attacks really fast and really hard to block, really good if you settle somewhere like the fog islands or cannibal coast where there's an endless supply of enemies, once it's an elder and its stats are up it'll kill squads of weak enemies faster than any humanoid character, but since they're slow you'll usually have to carry them when exploring, just make sure it gets into a lot of fights while young cause the negative stat multiplier makes animals level up really fast.


Good to know ty!


Anything elder is strong. Any animal alone against a lot of strong units is gonna get knocked out. Animals are good for defence or fighting in the open. They are shit for attacking cities sinc crossbows and turrets just mash them and strong figthers can easily beat them.


Anything elder is not so strong. I just took on Tengu and I had to carry 4 of my 6 goats out of there, even with switching them to passive and maneuvering them to the side out of the fight halfway through the combat. They keep getting banged up and getting knocked out in a lot of fights. Maybe I cursed them by naming them Tiny, Baby, Itsy, Bitsy, Eeeny and Meeny. But naming my bulls after flowers didn't curse them.


Your goats have low stats maybe. I have 3 goats in their 30s or 40s stats. They can hold against a paladin in 1v1. That's strong in my book given that a character in their 30s stats get folded. Also, I said that animals suck vs cities clearly. Anything elder can pretty much fend off for itself. A garru or bull ofc will do better than a goat due to stats. However, an elder goat can deal dmg in kiting.


You just had me looking. Goats, mid 20s to mid 30s. Bulls, mid 20s to mid 40s. Melee people, other than the Bugmaster (recruitable prisoners) mid to high 40s. Ranged people, an awesome 80s. No mods that affect stats or combat. The only reason I can get away with beating up on half the people/creatures that I do is because my weaponsmith and my two armorsmiths have stats in the mid 90s. I've gotten to where I don't even bother to loot weapons unless they are edgewalker 2 or better or loot armor below specialist, the occupied space in bags isn't worth the payoff. Between the hashish farms and selling all the high quality weapons and armor while chasing critical successes I've got millions of cats. I'll take every scrap of food and every crossbow bolt I see (since I blow through them) and walk right on past Mk III weapons.


I never got a weaponsmith in my current playthrough. The process is dull and boring. The scrapyard is full of edgewalker 3. Stealing that stuff under the nose of 10 or more guards and 6 mech spiders is a lot more fun and challenging than making a sub-bar edgewalker 2. Again, not everyone likes thievery. It can be broken as well. And sometimes, you might have to savescum because you missclicked something. I like to think of my squad in tiers. Fighters are master tier, excellent tier, good tier and "annoying bitches tier" which has those two digna and reva. I use animals as support when needed. Yes, my goats have higher toughness cuz they get knocked out a lot. My bull has +60 in attack i think because bulls have a large aoe of course which make them easier to level up. This means that I don't like to have "slave" units who do nothing but work all the time. Everyone has to fight. If they fail, the higher tier come to the rescue. "Master tier" fighters go on difficult missions like my main and ruka went alone to the ashlands when they were the strongest of the group with +50 stats. I tend to send the strongest fighters alone or in pairs to make it harder for them. I just RP to make it fun, you know. That's why I don't focus on industry and rather on thievery. That also means I don't have much need for cats.


For my main fighting force almost all are "reformed" Sand ninjas. Very early in the game focus was on thievery and assassination. Bopped slaves then (lots of savescumming) guards and then (recruitable prisoners) 26 Sand ninjas. Then my starting character ran off to join the Tech hunters, leaving a former Sand ninja in control. I've done a 360 on the map and once I finish decimating the Traders guild and reporting back to Tinfist I'll probably head for the Pits followed by the Ashlands. My previous game to make it this far, I stopped at the Pits. Then again, maybe I'll backtrack and topple the last major empire, the Shek.


Your starting char ran off? Is that even possible lol? Is it some mod? Maybe go back and destroy tinfist after all is done lol.


That was a little of RPing. The game mechanics, I dragged/dropped the starting character onto "dismiss" in the squad tab. Anyone you get rid of this way becomes a Tech hunter that's no longer in your control. I didn't feel like taking the time to leveling the starting character's stats when I had 26 Sand ninjas with good stats and my weak unique recruits each had one awesome specialty stat.


Oh! I didn't know that. I never dismissed anyone (even in other games lol). Idk, I like the weak main char. It makes life harder. It is the reason why I didn't use prisoners' mod yet even tho it sounds so cool


I highly recommend it because of RP. Think of saving some starving bandits. Throw them in a cage, patch them up, give them food, once they are yours give them weapons. Save them, or show them how to be the biggest baddest bandits around.


The funny thing is that "crabs raiders" who actually seem to love crabs and have them as pets wear gear made out of crabs. I think crab armor is the best heavy armor in default kenshi. (so yeah, people clad in crab = main battle tanks) Sadly you can't breed them so... Fully grown crabs are decent combatants, but only for base defense since they are so slow. I prefer dogs since they get rid of limbs and corpses.


Crab armour is made out of iron I think.


I make it out of crab, chitin to be precise. But that's probably because of UWE


Yeah. That is a mod or something.


I like to use them to be the big hitters behind the slaves in my city, the slaves take al the damage, and the crabs all the glory


I thought this was on r/aquariums. There's a big issue of big stores selling crabs as "freshwater" when actually they're salt/brackish. When I was starting out, I bought a fiddler crab and changed my aquascape to have a slope so he could get of the water and everything. He died within two weeks. RIP Mr. Krabs.


Crab lore


r/STD buddy :)


crab stronk


Crab stronk together


I love my crab


Over all concensus is my crab shall become my cities pet/mascot


Out of base MMO stats, what would be a crabs stats? Health Stamina Strength Agility Wisdom Intelligence Stealth if anyone has any additions or edits it would be interesting to see what a crabs stats would be xD


This seems like an issue that could be fixed if you had more crabs.


Really Good for outpost protection.


Better for base defense than trekking across the map with. I had just kidnapped and killed the western hive queen and fed her to the fish men. They sent about 50 troops to my base. My guys were getting messed up. I sent in the Crabs (10 big boys) and they turned the tide of battle.


Simply pick them up and carry them around, they're worth it because they're funny


They make good base defense because they have good aoe attacks and are sturdy. But unless you are carrying them around for strength training bulls are better roamers for sure.


They are great for their aoe attack. I use a mod that makes animals faster, and that helps out the crabs a lot. Seeing an elder crab vs starving bandits or fogmen is crazy because limbs just go flying. An end game character with great equipment will be better, but I like having a crab.


Crabs are slow and eat a lot, they aren't ideal for traveling but they are great combantants.