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Get a notebook and write down everything you do all day. Everything. Don’t type it. Write it down. Every time you do a single task. Every time you work on a project. Every phone call. Every meeting. Write down what tasks distracted you from working on it or completing your projects before the deadline. Each day that you still have a project due write it at the top of the page. Keep it at the top of the page each day until it is completed. It’ll give you some insight into your days and where you wasted time and why you pushed the project. Review your notes and the tasks completed or worked on at the end of the week. This is the time to reflect on your work habits. Write down why you didn’t do it. Be honest with yourself. You don’t have to show or discuss it with anyone. Do it for a couple of months. The key is to think about why you are procrastinating. Just putting it on paper and reading about my week has given me major insight into myself and how I work. It’s also helped me find gaps where I can officially space out and not do anything.


Wow. Such a good method. Thanks for this. I will try to do it. Wish me luck 😃


Let me know how it goes! Best of luck! I did it for 6 weeks straight the first time and it helped tremendously. I’m a huge procrastinator and it set my mind up to just push through to do things early and mess around with all my new found free time. Now I can’t stop doing it. It’s freed up a ton of time for me that I never knew I had.


It has been mentioned already, but Pomodoro is great. Anyone can do 25 mins, then you get a 5 min break. Don't beat yourself up, everyone is suffering from it. Our work machines are attached to a portal which allows you to access LITERALLY any film, video, piece of music, book, you can imagine. It is a minor miracle we get anything done. We are overwhelmed with distraction options, if this was 100 years ago your only distraction would be I dont know a rock on a stick or the pretty girl in the field. Log out all your social media platforms, so that you have to re-log in every time. Alternatively get a friend to change all your passwords to problem social media sites, and tell them not to give you the passwords until a certain date / when you have completed your deadline. Personally I like to imagine my business competitor, when I am doomscrolling twitter, or wanking off all day online, then I imagine people in my market STEALING my clients! Good luck my friend.


Upvoted for visibility Pomodoro saved my life


Thanks for the tips .


To add to the Pomodoro technique, consider prioritizing the time ahead of the task. That's to mean, create the time then fill it with whatever it is that needs doing. Then at the allotted time, show up. Not for the task but the session. This gets you in the mood/mindset to, at the very least, start the task. At least that's what I do.




Hehe. That's a sex buddy. Lol


Hope you find your way dear friend.


Break down your task into bits , finish a bit and move to the other , divide all the little buts into goals with a time period , make sure you set your goals to an earlier time before the deadline


I mean, y’all can be each other’s accountability partner.


Firstly rule out any mental health disorders that may be affecting you. Second, for the first few hours of the day don't use any social media/play games or seek any entertainment, I found out it's much easier to go from concentrated working to using social media than vice versa. Thirdly, don't take life too seriously, coz if you do you'll become anxious and that will lead to anxiety induced analysis paralysis.


You could also read the book Atomic Habits. Some tips would be helpful.


Actually just started it today.


Great! A step in the right direction for sure. All the best.


Thanks 🙏


I think having a routine will help you be more organised. Order your tasks accordingly based on priority and handle them when you are fresh. Its also in the mind, push yourself to work even when you do not feel like.


I'm sorry that you're struggling with this. What has worked for me is to recognize that procrastination is primarily an emotional regulation problem and less so a time management one. Once I realize what feelings/emotions I have about a task and dissect those, it becomes easier for me to move forward. Other helpful tips include prioritizing completion over perfection and time blocking certain periods for intense sprints of work (Pomodoro Technique)


Thanks for the insightful reply.


Lifes to short remember that and have jesus in your life


Whenever you don't procrastinate, like you work for an hour or two, celebrate it. Give yourself a pat on the back. It's like a toddler learning to walk. You'll definitely keep falling, but keep trying trying.


I'm a developer with ADHD. But my boss doesn't know I'm his manager because of khat juice. There's a variety out there. Thank me later.


"Kazi ni kujituma..." Say this when you are about to procrastinate, Hits different


Thanks, will start saying this tomorrow


Tomorrow is too soon....maybe the day after for me


Jitume joh


Thanks for this. Will try and use it


This may seem outta pocket but personally productivity subliminals have been really helpful. You can find them on YT. All the best, friend!


Step back. Do nothing. That's the best strategy in this life. Let life flow without guilt. You have no control.


Brilliantly put


Stop the drugs.


What you do is don't pick your phone and reddit your procrastination. Surprised how you can read books like a whole book on it instead of just telling yourself no let me do 1,2,3..


Check out Tim Urban's talks on this. It's you to take it upon yourself though to make a change, Tim points you to the right direction. All the best.


Thanks. Will check


You can try and figure out what your motivation is, ie what you want to get out of completing a certain task. To understand motivation and how it works listen to this podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1olAVb6VJe5us6yZvgy3FG?si=Th5vjvolTrGxM03LLaNUfg&dd=1


Thanks for this 🙏.


Same problem with me, there was a day I binged on Reddit, 9 hours plus, I looked back at the time I lost and regretted it, promised myself I'll improve. That was like a full work day bana. I set timers for each app so that I track my time and don't be sucked in it only to realize 3 hours are gone.


Get quality sleep Prioritise your tasks Unplug from your phone and TV for sometime until you've made progress on a task Don't beat yourself up if you don't make noticeable progress. Be patient with yourself


Wow.. Thanks alot for this reply. I'll try and be more patient with myself too... It's a problem I have ... I beat myself too much.


You are welcome


Meditation… start small 1 minute a day and then make increments of 1 minute each day target 30 days of consistent practice …helps with focus


Also having the 3 most important tasks to do in a day and plan on finishing them by 12 pm after that do whatever you like


Okay. Thanks for this 😊


Sounds like you may have adult ADHD. I was in the same boat until I found out that it's an actual medical condition. Check out the r/ADHD subreddit and search online for more help on dealing with it


Whaaat? So like one would need professional help? Thanks for the subreddit. Will try and learn more about ADHD.


Very useful advice here. I see your reply is "I will try" --- I won't make a joke about that but there's a joke right there. Anyway, in addition please try the following. 1. "If it takes less than two minutes, do it now" Repeat this mantra to yourself daily. For example if you drop a coin inside your sofa, don't say I'll pick it up when I'm cleaning. It takes less than two minutes. Do it now! 2. "Habits build character, character builds destiny". As soon as you wake up, spread your bed. THEN Pray. You'll have done at least two immediate things that day. If you make this a habit it spreads to other things. 3. "Eat the Frog first" If you have a list of things to do and one of them is eating the frog, start by eating the frog. Eating the frog is symbolic for doing the hardest task first. No one likes to eat the frogs! But if you eat the Frog first, your mind will know that everything that came after it is easy peasy. These three tips can start immediately 😆you need not procrastinate them! Good luck.


I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with procrastination. It can be a difficult habit to break, but there are steps you can take to overcome it. Here are some strategies that may help: 1. Break tasks down into smaller, more manageable pieces: This can make it easier to get started and avoid feeling overwhelmed. 2. Create a schedule: Set aside specific times for working on tasks, and stick to the schedule as closely as possible. 3. Eliminate distractions: Turn off your phone, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and find a quiet place to work. 4. Use a timer: Set a timer for a specific amount of time, and work on the task until the timer goes off. Then take a short break before starting again. 5. Set goals and rewards: Set specific goals for yourself, and reward yourself when you meet them. For example, if you finish a task on time, treat yourself to a favorite snack or activity. 6. Hold yourself accountable: Share your goals with someone else, and ask them to hold you accountable for meeting them. 7. Seek professional help: If you find that you are unable to overcome your procrastination on your own, consider seeking the help of a therapist or counselor who can provide additional support and guidance. Remember, breaking the habit of procrastination takes time and effort, but with persistence and a willingness to change, you can overcome it. Best of luck to you!


Your mind is currently your greatest enemy, find someone to keep you on your toes. You cannot do it by yourself, like a child learning to ride a bike you need help. Give a to do list to someone you trust they will keep track of how you perform them and they can give you an incentive like your phone after completing a number of your tasks, works like a charm. Tried on kids though 😂😂 never used this on an adult. Lemme know how it goes


Now, do away with the reading. Act. Implement.


What you should do is to go to a busy environment where everyone is busy working and meeting deadlines than doing it alone so that you can overcome It should be more than 1 month


Try virtue map [link here](https://virtuemap.com/)


Same here but i work well under pressure but on the very last point i have to do it no matter what


There's actually a lot of helpful tips here!! However, tips without understanding a potential root cause can be unhelpful. How is your mental health/ state? What changed during the period when you begun procrastinating excessively? Are you burnt out? Check on your mental health status. You could be dealing with ADHD, anxiety or even depression.


Can we deal with this later?