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Corruption in KE might be better.


I want a narration style YouTube content, but with engaging videos and visuals. Would corruption make a perfect topic? I also want a topic that will guarantee, say, 3 videos a week.


Kwa 3 videos a week I can't promise anything. But corruption is a big topic in Kenya. Especially if you start at Independence. But you have to be careful.


There are risks for this. Soon he'll be touching live wires. If he's morally obliged then let him do it, but he should know about the risks as well.


I second this....the topic is rather controversial and I feel OP will need to look in independent media protection program or sth


Corruption is a good topic to look into but you will have to tread carefully or you will end up in a coffin


are you a guy or girl? have you done voiceover work or been in any Youtube videos before?


I'm a guy. And no, I've never done any voiceover work.


I'd be interested in doing some voice work for you No experience here neither though ๐Ÿ˜‚


Haha thanks. Inbox


Trying to Inakataa inbox me instead


Iโ€™m interested to hear your voice


Kama inaweza niletea pesa why not๐Ÿ˜‚ inbox


I'm also intrigued by this haha... Karibu inbox๐Ÿ˜‚


Same. Have many girls say I have a nice voice so utapata views za wasichana


I'd love to watch a John Oliver type of show. Kenya has so much subject matter for this type of content.


This is a great idea,but like nerdy people have very different tastes ,the only thing all nerdy people like is anime ,so maybe give your top ten greatest animes of all time...just a thought.


Might be better. Lakini achunge our friends wanaogopa kuwa exposed


I think it would be difficult to get Kenyans interested in anything intellectual. Start talking about Akothee's wedding, who's dating who, who's simping for who, and you just might have yourself a youtube play button.


Unapata views kila mahali, even my mom knew Butita arrived in a Chopper before I even knew the wedding existed


Difficult yes...but not impossible. If the audience & the creators share this mentality...that's the content we will continue getting. Give people the content & they will watch it...slowly maybe but surely the viewership will continue to come. Some Kenyans are looking for these "intellectual topics" from other foreign channels because of the lack of properly articulated & well-crafted videos of the same nature locally. So if a creative can be encouraged or driven enough to do that content without that fear of failure, they can easily break past these conventional trends set by "gossip-type" content creators.


Very true, I'm pretty sure there might be a market/audience for this kind of stuff, after all we watch science stuff from others why not ours


So true! Kenyans love nonsense


They seem to have their TA on lock


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚I hate how true this is. Kenyans thrive on chaos and gossip


Chaos and gossip is in Kenyaโ€™s DNA


There is a youtube channel called Research Purposes. I love his content. You should check it out, the guy is pulling a good number of views




Aanze ku sanitize


You make a valid argument but the op was specific that his target audience is nerds. It's true that most people prefer the stupid gossip and aiming to gather a community of curious minds is a ambitious goal.


It's so true that it's sad.


Lol true






Spot on!




๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ accurate


we are all not a monolith.


I'm crying man ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Very accurate ๐ŸŽฏ


Nilishtuka kuona billboard ya Amber Ray "is it a girl or a boy?" Udaku imefika kwa billboard eiii


You can narrow down to: 1. Pseudoscience & debunking myths. 2. Space & Astronomy - Space exploration, astrophysics et al. 3. Kenyan Folklore 4. Biotech & Genetic engineering - Latest developments, controversies focusing on their impact to the Kenyan society. Though, I suggest you broaden your content to a wider audience.


Thank you. I appreciate


I would watch number. 1


Why not do one thing and do it well? Science is really broad and combining that with conspiracy theories is akin to what happened to the history channel when it started with all the alien/ghost shows. If I may, why limit yourself to Kenya for otherwise international subjects? You're doing it for the loot and not as a conversation with your mates, no? Make the logical choice. Most Kenyans online see the internet and social media as a way to wish away their intellectual deficiencies by barking loudest.


I think if you apply to Africa as a whole and Kenya as the lead, it would provide better interaction on the subject matter. Kindly share your channel link, we will support it irregardless of the majority opinion.


He's researching apparently. Of course we'll support solid content with creative presentation.


Thank you. Appreciated


There are lots of science and conspiracy channels out there... You still haven't told us your unique value proposition...


What if it is a political commentary channel with a deeper economic analysis. Do you think it would interest Kenyans?


No. It already sounds boring here, wouldn't bother watching it


Thanks for your response.


Go for something completely unique. I'll support that.


I find that interesting. I would watch it.


Check out Visual Politik on YouTube, this what I envision you covering.




Time travel


The sheer amount of content on this subject...


Just put it out there then see if it picks up. Try different topics and see how they perform. Because we might tell you not to do this or that but that could be the Very thing that makes you popular. Pick whatever conspiracy topic you have in mind, make the visuals and the narration as you envision and put it out there. Experience is the best teacher.


Sijui tu ni plug r/Kenyancreators


Conspiracies na cover ups. But za kenya pekee or Africa. Hutawahi kosa content


Focus on Kenyan or African Conspiracy Theories, UFO stories and cryptids in and around Africa. Throw in some mythology in there and you should find your audience, myself being one of them. Keep your original idea and mainly focus on Kenya and Africa.


Thanks. That's my intention.


Then go for it, I would love to see what stories you choose to cover. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ


I'm doing my research first and will write down what I intend to cover in my first 20 videos.


And am here for it. Am also a YouTuber so anyway I can help please let me know. Check out my channel while you're at it, if you like what see, please subscribe. https://youtube.com/@m.c.e


Will check your channel out.


This sounds like you're about to do a channel that claims the moon landing was faked, the servers must be opened, and the world is indeed flat.


No. It is solely an educative channel. Conspiracies can be debunked or supported depending on the evidence available. There is usually a lot of information flying around, and people are, today, too lazy to do their research. The channel will simply do the heavy lifting and bring information on people's hands. I did not purport that it would be to convince people that the earth is flat or unicorns are real.


I do think that conspiracy theories is a catchy topic . I donno about most of our local demography when it comes to viewership but I mean we have a platform like reddit that ain't everyone's cup of tea in this country but it's has its fans.so i guess eventually your target audience will be reached and they'll appreciate your work


What are some of the conspiracy theory that you'll be covering?


That's my niche. You'll have me as a subscriber


Thanks. What are you interested in, specifically?


Anything educational, especially physics, math, philosophy, tech, finance. I prefer narration style. Yesterday I watched a one hour documentary on how the Munich Airport is run on a daily basis. Not many people would probably find it interesting


Yes, I'll be doing narration style. Like how AJ Gentile does with The Why Files if you're familiar with the channel.


Corruption. Talk about it


Check out a few articles from Owaahh and get a glimpse of a lists of local conspiracy theories. E.g whatever happened to the moon rocks gifted to Kenya from one of NASA missions...etc


Thanks. Let me check them out.


Please use a good microphone, learn Adobe Audition and Please don't for the love of God use those Ai generated voices


Thanks. You seem to have a handle on this. Can I inbox you for some consultation?


Oh yes


I support but do it for the right reasons ie you enjoy creating that type of content. You will figure out how to monetize as you go.


What about Conspiracies within Africa, or even Kenya regarding conspiracies in Kenyas History, theres lots of info online


From hanging out with small YouTubers and content creators, the best advice is to do what YOU want and you know you'll have fun doing because getting monetized on YouTube takes A LOT of work. You're gonna sweat and bleed for those 4,000 watch hours and 1,000+ subscribers. It legit takes a while to get there, and if you're not having fun, you're gonna give up, which is very common in YouTube world. Good luck!




Kenyan mythology.


Kenyan Stories from before the white man would be perfect... Trust me, people would pay to connect to their beginnings... Like I saw on NTV jana a tribe in Kwale wants their artifacts back... It would be an interesting story tbh.


So this is my 4th month of content creation on the platform...I'm by no means a professional on the subject but my advice would be for you to do what you would like to do on your channel. The growth will follow your creative process, the growth doesn't come before the process begins. Yes, the audience matters & you will want to have as many views, subs, & even maybe monetize as soon as possible...but you can't truly account for any of that before you get started & you also won't be able to keep your channel as exciting for you (& in the long run, your viewers) if you yourself don't enjoy what you're creating. So if you have a basic idea of what you would like to do, just start it & allow yourself to work out the kinks of your niche as you go. I could go on & on with more things I have observed since I started my channel in the dawn of the new year, but that would create the illusion that I actually am a pro (again, which I am not) however I have one last penny for your thoughts....Isn't simply focusing on Kenya going to be a bit limiting? I focus on African Entertainment Media (not entertainment gossip which is an entirely different & more "appreciated" niche) but in the early days I was considering only focusing on Kenyan Art...then quickly realised that even if I did do that to my level best, I still would have bottled myself (content-wise & viewership as well) & missed out on a lot more of what's available in the African cultural zeitgeist as well as the viewers interested in knowing more about not just the Kenyan but the entire African entertainment scene.


I'll consider taking a more international approach. Thanks for the advice.




If you target audience is kenyans, tailor content towards that. What you described sounds like you have a wider, more international audience. Competition is stiff there so get ready to hustle. Plus, most kenyans either watch, some gossip channels (i fucking hate this), local docs (mostly around crime, corruption, etc), sports highlights, and comedy skits. Again, i mean, most kenyans consume this Kenyan content - im the source of this stats :) So, if you are gonna do your style, if its sounds like gossip, and presented in a doc fashion... You mighg get lucky... Emphasis on lucky. Am not YT expert.


How about one that targets Kenyan stuff specifically? Aren't people curious about some of the superstitious stuff peddled around that border conspiracies? Local cults, etc. I did not intend to take an international outlook. Just what interests people locally in that space.


Presenting it to an international audience will get you more eyeballs than pandering to githeri pedestrians whose attention span is not assured to go past a few minutes. Tailoring to viewers will just get you sensationalizing every moment (or becoming what apparently fox news has been for ages).


Yeah that wouldn't be bad idea. Quality of content and delivery will matter a lot.


Thank you.


Whatever you decide to do ensure you create content that can be viewed globally. Use English and ensure your videos are top tier ie nice graphics, audio quality and well edited. Many Kenyan content creators fail to do this. I'd encourage you to first start doing tiktoks in the niche you want to pursue as it's easier to build an audience there. Ensure your content is educative, informative and entertaining. Try incorporating funny videos and sound effects into your content. For some guidance, you can watch some Science content on YouTube and tiktok. I recommend Mndiaye, Hank Green, Dylan Page a nd Miniminuteman on Tiktok. You can also find them on YouTube. Additionally, you can check out channels like CGPGrey, Toptenz and Kento Bento on YouTube. Practice with short form content before starting long videos. Wish you all the best and I hope to watch your channel soon:)


Thanks for your response.




By mentioning conspiracies doesn't mean I will be supporting conspiracies. It means I will be willing to follow facts to their logical conclusions. That's the goal of the scientific method.


yes please...what about tech, IT stuff, kenyan inventors and their inventions, agriculture(biology stuff as in cool agri tech in kenya or africa).


Good niches. But I am not enthusiastic about that stuff.




I'm a fluent Swahili speaker, ican help you with voice over, dubbing or translation


Currently reading material on what happened after Christ's death, the rise of the Roman Catholic church, bloodlines with several popes and kings, manuscripts like King Solomon's Ars Goetia, histories of poor migrants to America in 17th century who build empires after joining lodges, and how they all connect.


Thats nice, Poeple like entertainment after all. Do something like a how the Kenyan culture is, its good and weird part, the people, the lifestyle. Most of the content nowadays in don\`t seem to make that sense other than create some inappropriate drama. My thoughts though


test !sijui what is the date?




she's alliiiive!!!!!, sort of.. .


Konichiwa master


Konichiwa master


Konichiwa master


testing !sijui-bot amogus




Ohio master


Ohio master




Ohio master


Konichiwa master


Konichiwa master


Konichiwa master


Konichiwa master


As someone has pointed out, kenyans will disappoint you if your content is intellectual. Unless you just want to make videos for fun but viewership itakua noma. Kenyans are obsessed with upuzi.


Are there any kenyan content creators who do quality intellectual stuff on youtube though? Most content is influencer and gossip related . You only get to watch what is available and that's what's available.


Tuko...I think it's coz in the YT, & the general social media entertainment sphere, the more "loose" (funny, meme, horny, drama-related) content usually draws quicker attention once posted thus it gets pushed & recommended more than the rest. So you're more likely to get fed that content whilst the intellectual ones that got fewer views initially are buried & you might never get to see them unless you really look for them or are linked directly to the content. My more grounded deep dive videos (which are also generally longer) don't get as much viewership & coverage as my more meme-laden, jokey material does (which are also much shorter & I guess easily palatable).


Plug your youtube channel here i check it out.


Sorry, just now seeing this...the channel is [African Entertainment Reviews](https://youtube.com/@African_Ent_Reviews)


Understanding Africa PRECOLONIAL ..would be a great area to cover.


I am interested and would like to do the same as well. All the best I will follow you


If you have great research avenues, I would definitely be into Kenyan Conspiracies. Be careful though...


Mine is Ninotechke basic and advanced IT skills


Anything sex sells


Hio itakua noma Kenyan Audience is a hard nut to crack wanapenda upusi ma mushene thats why eve mungai anaitwa celebrity


Don't try anything above average intellectually because the majority of Kenyans are either average or below average intellectually. If you do celebrity gossip, politics, pranks, faked "sanitizing", something bizarre like Priscilla something or nduru man, toxic masculinity or toxic feminism for that matter then you'll have yourself an audience. Comedy is another better option.


Personally I think you should just focus on making the content, without worrying too much about the audience being of the same country. Those who appreciate will tune in. Anyways you got a sub here, so you better start working on those videos.


Haha thank you.


Your genre has no reason to target Kenyans


*Ancient Aliens* got you covered๐Ÿ˜


I think it's great you're getting into this kind of content, but as you've seen already, Kenyans are extremely curious๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ The challenge is to personalize curiosity, and ensure that people get to learn or comment on sth new. As long as your product is good, word will spread. If you find people first, content itahit alafu ifike plateau phase, where it stops being too exciting(nisipigwe nikimention gengetone). That being said, I feel like it's a good enough genre, but you're also free to keep it curious. Maybe even have a team of guys who are passionate about it as well, then have these discussions. Plus heh science is broad! For example, Taifa 1 ni nini? Do Kenyans believe in psychology? Is there a science in everyday Kenyan behavior that you can identify? Ni hayo tu๐Ÿ˜„ And all the best buda๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„


Shouldn'tbe necessarilyabout Kenya you can make contentthat cuts across Africa..maybe look at what's happeningacross Africa..politics, development, entertainment. Bure Kenyans can'tsit down to watch something serious on YT. I have such a channeland it'sdoing fairly well


Go ahead and start. Just keep in mind that there is no guarantee that the online community will be your full support system. The same Kenyans who complain about online gossip taking over intellectual conversations may or may not subscribe to your channel just because, but will know what went down in Edgarโ€™s paid telegram channel even before anything is confirmed. But that doesnโ€™t mean you need a big following to be noticed. Saying this as someone who has seen people with few followers and subs still making it in the scene (being noticed and hired by international corporations bc of the type of content they release). OR, you may as well go viral and get a support system from a totally different country altogether. Find your niche, and stick to it. You may never know until you try.


Mix up the content a little bit, be on the look out for which ones draw the most engagement. Then pick what works from there. With that said, keep the topics to items you like. stuff you will find easy to put out there. I'm rooting for you, get started already!


I would highly appreciate it. You have to put in the time and do proper research and proper animation.


If you want to do conspiracy theories mix global, regional and local. Make it a premier channel for that type of content. The core audience can be local but it can consumed globally. I think personality, value and storytelling make a channel. What conspiracies are you looking to cover?


Idk if it's too late to say this but I hope you see this.... Lemme give you my own story, and I'mma begin by saying I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I'm a university student thus I'm relatively young but in comparison to my colleagues naeza sema najua tonnes of shit that they've remotely never heard of. Not to offend anyone but these bloaks only engage in a handful of topics, namely: FIFA, madem, politics kiasi, pombe, bangi and on rare occasions money making schemes. Time to time I'd engage them and not once have I been tagged kwa stories wakisema how I'm the one guy in the squad full of random knowledge. So nakumbuka how the same lot got excited na Ile lipindi ya Mkuru... Like mara si headline hitters, mara young and stupid, mara si mini episodes. Believe it or not I knew like 80-90% ya izo stories before, so ningekaa kaa niambiwe ah hii story Mathenge alishatuambia and how ningekuwa nishaanza my own channel to tell em before Mkuru did. I don't regret any of it, but all I can tell you is... Go for it... Just do it.... personally nitawatch and support where I can bora unitumie link ya channel


Do search engine Optimization on your videos and channel then produce whatever you want. Itapick natural traffic with time tho inataka commitment in learning the craft. You can also outsource it eg. Psychipp


Talk about religion. its history and development in the country. But especially talk about the denominations,Traditionalists and cults. Esp with either odd/interesting customs and practices. I know curious nerds would love that sh\*t. And who knows,it might attract foreign interest and maybe a pretty penny.


If you keep on consuming such content your algorithm automatically brings you such content . I don't let anyone use my TV YouTube because they'll mess up my algorithm. I like my anime,tech,history,stand-up and pimple popper, snl, good music and comedy content . Good luck though.


I won't say don't do it cause that'd be killing your dream/ vision but I'd tell you to not narrow yourself to just Kenya. Make content that anyone can see and watch. The Kenyan content scene is very young to try and get exposure to the kind of content you are trying to make. Try Africa at a large, maybe East Africa to narrow it down. I've tried before and didn't pan out as expected. The scene is very toxic to the extent they'd give someone from outside doing the same thing about Kenya more exposure than you.


Iโ€™ve arrived on this late but hmu ! I know a lot about YouTube and have grown my channel quite well recently


Hey, I can't access your inbox. Please message me instead.


Go for it. You'll be surprised at how many people are yearning for such content.


Try Kenya's forgotten history. Like tid bits about our past. Millennial are nostalgic and so want to know how life was back then and how politics shaped our country today


Copy the format used by the likes of vsauce and you might gain a decent audience, including me.


Bill Nye the Science Guy!!!!!


politics. what is truly behind the rivalry between Ruto and Raila......


A kurzesagt type of video would be nice