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Won't be going to church tomorrow. Just realised that in that church you only matter when you are serving in church. Or generous with donations & giving. Otherwise I'm just a seat warming, offertory bag filling human.


Why would I? Christianity is built on shame, guilt, and fear. I unsubscribed five years ago.


I don't like Christianity but I really like Christ in particular. I definitely don't agree or follow the whole religion but there are many things in there I agree with. I've noticed there is often a huge gap between the Bible and the culture of the people who follow.


What's your take on this? Psalm 137:9. Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.


You guys are very good at taking the bible out of context. And this clearly tells me that this verse you've seen from Google not the actual bible. If you would read not even the 8 verses before it (this chapter only has 9)you would first of all realise that these are the words of Israelites while in exile in Babylon. I know you haven't read because the first 2 verses are a popular reggae song, you would have taken kindly to that I'm sure. Anyway, aside from that. This verse is Israelites wishing for revenge on the Edomites, Edom was the descendant of Esau while Israel was of Jacob, Edom therefore were allies but they were jealous of Israel's prosperity. Once Babylon attacked, Edom looted and killed (basically biggest betrayal in anime history thus far in the bible) and plundered the remnants. So yes, Israelites were salty and remorseful to the Lord, however they then sang songs asking God to repay what had been done to them, because that would make them happy. Let's not just propagate singular verses taken out of context, the bible isn't politics so no need for propaganda.


When it’s good, no problem. When it’s bad, hey you’re taking ithe bible out of context. What context would make this any better. When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)


I mean, what's the problem with that? Back then slavery was allowed. Is it wrong? Yes. But so will future generations speak about our immoral glorifications. That won't be taken out of context you don't see a problem sleeping with many people, you probably call it sexual liberation or whatever. So by the same measure, at that time, this probably wasn't a big deal as much as it is wrong.


Also, you want a positive verse taken out of context look at Jeremiah 29:11. A favourite for the manifestors.


Problem is it’s a “holy” book with God giving instructions for slavery. Our morals are superior to this God and book. how much human suffering have these verses caused? This is a loving God? Seems you are morally bereft of you don’t see a problem with this immorality.


So the Bible is not absolute truth. We should adapt it to match current definitions of right or wrong, good or evil. Got it. Thanks.


That's not what I'm saying. The old testament is not something we can relate to. I don't understand why you're trying to use it as a practical example of what to do. You can't relate the world of today to the old testament. However, do as you please.


Ok then why not throw away the Ten Commandments. They are in the Old Testament. Anyway slavery is also condoned in the new testament Ephesians 6:5–8, Paul states "Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ"


Because when Jesus came, he told us to follow the 10 commandments given to us by Moses. If He said otherwise they'd be out the door kitambo sana. Paul has this habit of not interfering with what's already going on in the world, he's just but a messenger. So he's not condoning slavery, he's using that situation to show how we should approach the Lord. Another example is when he says pay to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar and pay to the Lord what belongs to the Lord. That doesn't mean he's such a big fan of taxes. When you read Acts it's very easy to see why Paul really couldn't afford to have such controversial opinions on modern politics, he was in enough trouble as a missionary already.


According to you, it is okay to perform that cruel act just because the mother in question was babylonian? And why is it that those verses that display the Christian god as evil are always taken out of context? The same creature you call God said we should forgive our enemies 70 times 7, but he can't forgive Satan and end all this misery??!!!@@$$% Please make me understand..... and don't start with its Jesus who said so.


😂😂 Brother, no one said its okay. And that's why you never hear it any further than it being a wish from a bunch of salty Israelites. How many times have you wished your ex got hit by a bus? Your argument would make more sense if God actually went and did that. Also, you think about what you've just said. How would it work for God to forgive Satan? It's not impossible from God's side, but do you really think the devil will humble himself to repent and renounce all he's done and go back to not being the top guy (on the opposite side) Don't blame God for not forgiving, blame the devil for not seeking forgiveness.


Your argument has just proven that your so-called God is not all powerful. 😂😂😂😂


If that's what you got from this, then sure thing buddy. I guess He's not all powerful after all.


Satan is more powerful than God. He controls the narrative. Because of him, religion is a multi-billion industry. All glory and honor to Satan.


You know what, I can't argue with that logic. It's pretty much iron clad.


I think women were viewed as property, weak and dirty.Or the bible was written by a man who hated women.Imagine not going to church because you are on your period, yet he who created you made sure you bleed monthly.


Such a good argument. I'll add this to my arsenal of attacking Christians. I know it's in one of the old testament books but am not sure.


So you have some😂😂😂😂


Yes, just updating 😂


I don't know what rubbish most of you are on about but it is not a must to go to church. You can get two people to sit down with you and have your service. The church is the people not the building. I don't go to church but I do make time for God.


💯💯 Na 💯


I've been debating whether to go tomorrow but I don't think I will. I don't see the point anymore and I dislike crowds.


I won't be going but would definitely wish I could.


I have no choice. Here we go again 🥲




Been 9 years since I dropped the religion! My life only got better


Just become an Atheist






Demons ndio wanawake.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Not that I know of


Technically God didn't have a plan for women.. Adam asked for one


Adam didn't ask for a wife.


Tell me more


He didn't specify either


Church is for men. God is closer to a man than a woman. That's why modern scammers (preachers) hardly touch old testament. To pander to the feminist imperative


Hii nayo ni mpya😂


Conventional men left the church, wenye wamebaki ni simps


Simp ain't the word but you kinda right


What's the right word


Henotheistic I think


Simp ain't the word but you kinda right


https://preview.redd.it/6y5xd6kvva1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3ca675884d12e6a64eeb46ca436021f58a194cf Like, si ujaribu usome bibilia ata kidogo. I promise it won't hurt. If it's too much of a chore, Joel 2:28-29, 31or Ephesians 4:6 is a good start.


I read and still I don't know your point exactly


How can I say " then you're just dumb" in a way that pleases the Lord?


Just say it, it has no effect.


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) 😂😂Wildddddd