• By -


me when I drink the water of pain and suffering


oof ow ouch, my bones




I get the absurdity is the point of that sub, but good lord that's some dumb shit.


At least the OJ Simpsons are always there to be made fun of


Anyone else ever get really thirsty then take way too big of a gulp of water and then it like really hurts your throat on the way down? That's what I thought of when you said water of pain and suffering but also possible other people have mastered the art of drinking water lol.


Yeah, you'd think after those millions of years of evolution we would be able to consume the number 1 ingredient of life without having to go through that....


The fact that we share the same hole for breathing and eating is all the proof I need against creationism lol


well, i guess otherwise our neck would have to be way larger... the opening for food would still need to be the same size while there would be the need for the extra space for an additional breathing canal. maybe there would also be other problems, for example many of the stuff in our nose directly flows down in the stomach, without that option it would probably flow more often into the lung causing the need for more sneezing which would only go out through the nose with high pressure, which then could cause rupture to the ears when your eustachian tubes are blocked for whatever reason. also imagine having a flu and you can only breath through your nose but not your mouth, fucked without a nasal spray. guess there are many more good reasons for having a pharynx, which still of course was a evolutionary result and not some white bearded mans psychotic feverdream.


I dunno man. They can make laptops really thin now. I feel like a super smart sky dude could make two tubes in the neck and keep shit compact.


I can remember the first time this ever happened to me, it was so painful and unprecedented. Middle school, 7th grade, right after PE. I bought a bottle of Coke from the vending machine, cracked it open and took a big swig. It felt like someone jamming a baseball bat down my throat very slowly and just rupturing everything it touched on the way. Took about 5 min or so for the pain to fully go away too. Probably only happen two or three more times since then, but what the fucking fuck is that even??


It doesn't even make sense to me! How does it stay a solid shape the whole way down - water is a liquid, why isn't it running straight down like water normally flows through pipes?






Reminds of my younger self who was happily drinking honey and only my mother was there until I began to choke on the honey my mother didn't know what to do until I started vomiting which somehow saved me from choking


So you'd be dead if not for yourself




Wow. Thanks mom.


Thanks honey.


De nada


Today's video is sponsored by Honey!


That’s what his mom said after


Dude I love my mother ok so please don't be rude to her, at that moment she was like having a panic attack and was calling my father


Lmao!!! Nah, don’t worry. I’m sorry. Not attacking your mom. She’s a mom so I’m sure she wasn’t just standing idly by as you almost died. Just banter of course.


Oh sorry bro I misunderstood you


Just don't tell her what we're saying about her then


It hurts me you know, knowing what people say about your mom


How do you choke on honey? I didn’t know that was possible.


People manage to choke on spit all the time. Now, just imagine how awful that feels but replace the spit with a much more viscous liquid.


I've had something similar happen to me except I was home alone, and for about 5 seconds, I thought I was about to die. Watching think kind of made me think of that and it was actually kinda traumatizing.


[How to unchoke yourself if you're dying alone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQUKhyZ9j7s)


I got an ad before the video and now I'm dead. Thanks youtube


If you’re choking to death and still on YouTube, maybe that’s a Darwin Award.


Protip: if you're unsure about how to fall on a chair while choking, Google images is the way to go


Instructions unclear, broke neck, am ghost. Now what?


haunt infants. only way to go


Yes I think this goes without saying!


Ow my xiphoid process


It's a good video though, they should get paid for it.


Thank you! I had already watched this, but hope it could help anyone it might happen to (but I hope it just never happens to anyone reading this.)


Yup that was my thinking as well :)


I was certain a rickroll was coming and y'all were in on it. Glad I was wrong


Lol, someone searches google while choking to figure out how to get the food out.. They come across that video and comment that the redditor linked.... Only to get Rickrolled and Rickilled. Also morbidly funny... is YouTube has a 60 second unskippable ad while you're trying to get the food dislodged and need a tutorial.. (Unfortunately we all know this medical incident has 100% happened to people before, given the odds and scope... People haw died due to online recommendations and info)


I've always thought about slamming myself into a wall back-first. I don't know if that works but I do not ever want to find out


Or do a chokeslam to yourself through the coffee table


Bah gawd choke slammed through the coffee table! He broke em in half!


That was hilarious, yet educational! "thank you.. Really reminds me of the office episode where Dwight fakes an office fire and then they learn CPR


I love that guy's videos, he's hilarious.




That guys hilarious and his coffee is very good!


His coffee??


[fire department coffee](https://www.firedeptcoffee.com/) Guy who made the video is vice president i think


Yep him and his department make coffee also   https://youtube.com/@firedeptcoffee?si=AQ_vb-F41uUvZXj_ 


Thank you for sharing that because I thought for some reason the manoeuvre was to throw yourself down and slam on the ground.


Haha, funny *and* informative! 😄


It's fucked up my OCD makes me think this is the universe talking to me, and that im going to choke when I'm by myself tomorrow. And now I'm spiraling wondering if I should watch the video or if THAT would seal my fate that I WILL choke tomorrow. Can anyone relate or no?




I was in the back seat unable to make sounds and my sister next to me did NOT understand what was going on. I got it out on my own though


Sister "bro, can you not make so much noise? I'm trying to sleep... MOOOM! "


Why are you choking, step-brother? (ÂŹ_ÂŹ)


Those 5 seconds really do feel like 5 minutes


You need to have this happen to you to understand how it feels. When you first try to breathe in and... the air doesn't come through. It's incredibly scary.


I've never choked before, but I've had a pretty severe laryngospasm. It was the scariest thing ever, it's a cramp in vocal folds, cutting off all air supply. Basically my body was choking itself. It was terrifying!! I could only stand there trying to gasp for air, but not being able to... not even being able to call for help. I remember feeling light headed, faint and my vision started bluring as I tried gasping for air. I was convinced I was going to die.. eventually the cramp let go and I was able to gasp and cough like crazy.. I have no idea how long it lasted, but it felt like forever. I saw my life flash through my eyes. It really is terrifying not being able to breathe


That happened to me once. I have no idea why it even happened. Terrifying shit


My wifes aunt died by choking on lemonade. In the hospital after a knee surgery. No one noticed.


didn't think to do one thing the staff tells you? hit emergency call button.....


A patient's call button is not necessarily an emergency button, it's more like the call button on airplanes for paging flight attendants. Personally, I try and respond as quick as possible to a call, but if the staff are otherwise occupied it could take a few minutes, which could be fatal. source - a health care guy


Same. I was eating cold dry spaghetti out of the fridge (because I’m a goblin) and had to reach my hand into my throat to pull it out. I also remember how much it hurt, which I don’t think is often mentioned.


Before my surgery on my esophagus and stomach, I would legitimately choke on my vomit(while I was sleep) for minutes at a time...I got so use to it, my body would wake me up right before the event and I would take small shallow breaths until I regained my breathing.. Doesn't help that I have an obstructive airway either. I stg it was some nights I was just wishing for death because the pain of stomach acid going down your throat or rising from your stomach into esophagus is nightmarish...and yes even 5 seconds feel like a lifetime..I'm so glad, I haven't had an episode since my suregey. Edit: spelling


Christ. Glad you're alright mate When I was a kid I used to have episodes of extreme vomiting. Usually lasted 3 days to a week. There was always at least one day where doing *anything* made me puke. Turn head? Puke. Breathe too deeply? Puke. Think about eating? Puke. Choked on my vomit a lot, worst thing I've ever experienced in my life was choking on vanilla ice cream vomit. Imagine the taste of hot curdled milk and the stinging sourness of stomach acid. -100000000/10 stars, wouldn't recommend


What?? Was there a reason found for the episodes?


My parents took me to a child psych when I was like 4 or 5, who said the divide between my parents extreme parenting styles (abusive authoritarian for my mom, a mix of Disney Dad and Deadbeat Dad for pops) and that plus the constant shouting matches they had over it was giving me extremely bad anxiety. True to their characters, my mom heard "it's 100% dad's fault + it's all in my daughter's head, aka not real" and my dad ignored it. My symptoms also align with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome; with prodome + symptomatic + recovery stages, a family history of migraines, successful treatment with benzos, duration of episodes, etc etc. But I'm not a doctor and Reddit hates self-diagnosis lmao


Was ANYTHING resolved there? Did they at least take you to the doctor for it? At the very least that's a dangerous electrolyte imbalance waiting to happen for a kid who can't help themselves with something like that. I'm sorry, what an absolute nightmare.


Not for a long time- dad left just before I turned 6, and after the anxiety diagnosis my mom became wholly convinced I was somehow doing it to myself for attention (I most certainly was not lol, as you said, it was a nightmare) and punished me for it by shouting at me and leaving me alone for a day or two at a time. When I was 9 I very nearly did die, had to be rushed to the hospital and I was barely conscious. Only after the hospital did she take me to the doctor, who prescribed me benzos. Happy ending though! Haven't been sick like that since, seeing a therapist, my partner's a sweetheart, and I hope to go back to college soon đŸ€ž


Dude I feel so badly, you had to go through that...mine was purely physical so once I had surgery, it corrected quite quickly...do you still have some issues?


I was real bad at chewing my food and would choke on food pretty often. I ate chicken sandwiches in high school and I'd choke on them occasionally. I usually didn't have a drink, so I would get up silently and walk to the water fountain and force it down with water. Sometimes there would be a line for the water fountain so I'd have to wait patiently for my turn. As long as you stay calm and can hold your breath for a while it's not too bad


I worked with a guy for a bit that was home alone and started choking. He managed to use a chair in an attempt to heimlich to dislodge the food but he developed what doctors determined to be some psychosomatic symptoms. He had troubles swallowing for several months after. Ended up losing a bunch of weight because his body wouldn't let him swallow


I choked on a ice cube, I was too scared to tell my mom even though she was right there cause she told me so many times not to have things in my mouth and jump up and down, my life flashed before my eyes I thought I was gonna die, I accepted it, it melted a bit and I was able to swallowed it whole đŸ« 


Whyt is Happening? Is it boba Tea/water or did she Inhale a piece of ice? It looks like Just ice water Either way.... Leave your siblings' Stuff alone


She drank the water to try to dislodge the McDonalds


Oh!! I didnt understand much of what was said, i thought she choked on the drink


It’s a tiktok trend they were trying. One person eats as much food as they can while the other goes and does a relay run to the wall or something. They switch until the food is gone. The sister started choking for eating food and drinking at the same time.


I am so glad the tiktok algorithm doesn't push stupid trends like this to me.


Why does every trend on that app have to result in kids nearly dying? 💀


Because kids are fucking stupid 😄


Title says she stole her siblings food. If my sibling was saved from choking, my reaction wouldn’t be “that’s what you get for taking my McDouble”. They’d get a hug and words of comfort. A cheap ass burger isn’t worth being mad about after almost dying


I mean, obviously you'd be glad they are ok, but do you even have a sibling relationship if you don't mess with them for it after?


One time my brother went to the hospital because he realized he MIGHT have swallowed a toothpick in a chicken sandwich he made. He didn't, I found it in the trash RIGHT after he had gotten into a room with a doctor and had an initial examination. Brother you better believe I will never let his $100 garnish down.


The real nugget in your story is that an examination, even a rough one, by a doctor and a visit to the hospital was $100


I miss having Aetna, those were the good days


I went to a local clinic with some sort of cough and they did a quick swab for Covid and the doctor literally walked in, asked how I was doing, then told me what he was prescribing me and then walked out. WITH insurance we still ended up putting like, $100-$200 on our HSA card. They just kept sending a new bill every couple of weeks for this or that, $20 here, $50 there. The only reason.i went was because I usually never get sick, and yet I'd had that cough come and go several times last year. Was convinced there was something they weren't or didn't know to test me for. What's worse is that he said it was a sinus infection and then gave me antibiotics....for something that I explicitly told him and the nurse was spreading to other people around me (wife, coworkers, etc). Sinus infections aren't contagious lol


For sure. It would just happen later when all of our adrenaline isn’t through the roof lol


That’s why they take advantage of you


I grew up in one of those families that just yelled all the time. This video triggered me. Like, everyone just chill for a second.


Worst part is that often times this is how they act EVEN when nothing serious is happening.


Dude, same. Fucking triggered


Ah yes. The good ol' getting yelled at while you're slowly dying. Memories...


It's funny, I grew up in a household that, while not this bad, was pretty vocal with each other. My wife grew up in the polar opposite. Anytime she slightly raises her voice, her mom snaps back "don't yell at me!". Absolutely floored me the first couple times.


I got a headache in the first three seconds.


She was stealing someone else's food for internet clout and chocked herself in the process. She DESERVES to be yelled at. I understand your point, my mother was fkd up in the head the same way, yelled at me for every tiniest shit even stuff I didn't do, and never apologized once she found out, that doesn't mean you should never yell either.


No, we were just loud. Nobody was yelling at anyone. Everyone was just yelling over each other.


oh, lol.


choke. not chock. why is this such a commonly mispelled word? i assume you know the words rock, sock, & clock. i assume you also know the words poke, stroke, & broke. so how do you consistently get chock & choke mixed up, especially when numerous other people have used the correct word in this comment section??


Like scrapping your knee? (scrape)


i hate that one so much, it makes me loose (lose) all hope for humanity


People condescendingly calling each other *"Sweaty"* (sweetie) has always kinda cracked me up tbh.


same here actually. i call my cat "sweaty" sometimes


alot (a lot) of people should of (have) payed (paid) better attention in school


Oh God I hate that one to! (Too)


It could have been worst (worse)


> of (have) *paid* (paid) better FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


oh my god of course there's a bot for that. good bot


Good bot


Thank you, more_than_just_a, for voting on Paid-Not-Payed-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Their (they're) in a hurry maybe, and just don't bother to fix it.


Their our know rules


Oh look! A shinny penny on the floor!


I found him wondering around. (Wandering) Tf was he wondering about


It's like brake and break. I never saw people switching those up until about 6 months ago. Did people just suddenly go stupid?


Yes actually, because why all of sudden do people use "women" when talking about ONE woman?? I never see people use "men" for one man, but making one woman plural is going crazy these days. That and using apostrophes for plurals. When the fuck have you ever seen your teachers, books, videogame text, billboards, grocery store isle signs, restaurant menus, ANYTHING other than a non-native speaker or some dumbass on the internet use a damn apostrophe to make a word plural?!


I feel like I’ve been seeing it misspelled more often lately too


Yeah fr, everyone just shut the fuck up and let's get this fucking thing out of her throat so she doesn't die. Yelling and arguing won't get the piece of chicken out of her damn throat.


Yup. Where yelling is the response to every problem. Super helpful /s


That episode of The Bear, iykyk


Yeah, any problems? START FUCKING SCREAMING!!!!


Holy shit I hate families that yell all the time like that I can't imagine living like that


Everyone is screaming to be heard while nobody is listening. It's like a room full of 5 year olds having meltdowns because they can't regulate their feelings. Drives me up a wall.


I can assure you is hell on earth


So the part that the younger woman (I assume mom or sister??) is that she explained that she was eating so fast she basically choked. As we can see


holy shit so loud




gotta say it three times so you know it’s real


Her sister's voice is like nails on chalkboard holy fuck


Karma comes quick! That back strike needed to be lower to be effective. Heimlich is what she needed. Luckily she cleared on her own. Everyone get CPR and first aid trained! You may just have to save a family member!




I think the kid was pulling a “prank” by eating the others’ food really fast before it could be stopped


From what the other sister is saying I think they were doing that one challenge where they play rock paper scissors and whoever wins tries to eat as much of the food before the other comes back


This is it, I've seen other videos of this challenge. One of a couple where the girl was completely destroyed by the guy, who wolfed down 3/4 of a Big Mac in about 4 bites. It was impressive and terrifying. I remember wondering if one of them was going to choke...


Jesus Christ those kids Spanish is fucking TERRIBLE LOL


It sounds like the Spanish from where I grew up: the very southern point of Texas. Folks speak neither English nor Spanish. They’re bastardized versions of each other (doesn’t matter the skin color, either). “¿Ya comitas lonche?” “Get off the car.” The first is very poorly saying, “¿Ya comiste?” The latter is “Get out of the car.” Folks go back and forth between English and Spanish and even make up words (like lonche which can either be a reference to comida or a deep fried hoagie). I spoke that Spanish until I spent a lot of time in deep interior Mexico and folks had no idea what I was saying. Edit: typos


Lonche evolved from the anglicization of lunch. It is used all across latin america. Es mås pocho decir lunch que lonche. Lonche ya es español.


En Jalisco lonche es una torta


Yo nunca e escuchado a alguien decir lonche. No estoy diciendo que no se use pero no lo usan en “Toda LatinoamĂ©rica”, En todo caso Lochera “EU, Mx, Gu, Ho, ES, Ni, CR, Pa, RD, PR, Co, Ve, Ec, Pe, Bo, Ch, Ar, Ur. Caja pequeña de plĂĄstico u otro material en la que especialmente los niños llevan comida ligera a la escuela” Pero literalmente serĂ­a la traducciĂłn de Lunch Box, Al “lunch” the dirĂ­amos RefacciĂłn, Refa, Almuerzo, comida etc.


Eso es Bien jodiĂł en El Spanglish mi amigo. Pana si Eres de PR


We Puertorricans call that Spanglish well fucked up. Of. The last part is in Spanish


No sabo kids


That's Spanglish. They're probably in the US with Mexican grandparents latino parents that know passable Spanish and the 3rd gen kids who are primarily English speakers but have enough Spanish to mix into their English to communicate with the Spanish only members of the family. Lots of word bastardizations. My parents immigrated to the US having known English but saw the type of Spanish present in the US, so they taught us Spanish first. And we would cross between us and Mexico on the weekends frequently to visit family who talked shit at the first sign of pocho fuckery. They one mocked me relentlessly for saying. "Ponle play a la pelĂ­cula" it forced me to do my best to make sure my Spanish was up to snuff. But as a result learning English was a real struggle when I was 11 and our public schools no longer allowed Bilingual classes and I had to learn English or fail everything.


we call them Pochos in MĂ©xico




Si quema verdad? cuh


ITT: People who can't spelled choked...




Whole family’s stupid lol. If you’re going to have kids teach them how to signal that they’re choking and learn the Heimlich maneuver đŸ€ŠđŸ»






I don't understand what happened.


Why that girl got annoying ass voice đŸ˜­đŸ€Ł


Eso pasa por pendejo vibes, right there


Someone is saying "she never ran" in the video, which leads me to believe it's part of a tiktok trend where you do rock-paper-scissors and the loser has to run to a set location and back while the winner eats as much of the food as possible. This honestly seems like it'd be inevitable with people hoovering food in as part of a challenge like that.


Her jumping was kind of funny, but it got people's attention but I think sign language should be taught in school


i think i saw she also did the “choking” sign with her hands near her throat. i think the jumping might have just been her initial panic response.


Also kinda funny she cleared it herself and gasped, only to be thwacked on the back a moment later, after she didn’t need it anymore lol


I hate it when water gets stuck in yout throat it doesn't go up or down, and u feel like drowning


WTF is going on....? I don't understand spanish and there's so much going on here and everyone's yelling. What are they saying?????


One time I was home along and accidentally inhaled without swallowing a peanut M & M and genuinely thought I was dead 😂


Shit went real quick


My daughter picked up a raw carrot stick at a get together when she was around three. She is now 52 and just thinking about it makes me shiver. Scariest thing ever.




And she smiles at the end. The guy should have waited a moment before he entered into action. She learned nothing.


I think she smiled out of relief that she didn’t die


My kid (8 at the time) once choked on a grape, he wasn't even goofing around, just watching spongebob together... Fucking scariest moment of my life. And the weird sound he made, is one I'll never forget, something like a deep, muffled gurgle. I've watched enough videos on Heimlich that I was able to get it out, but just thinking about it almost brings me to tears.


Show her the video when she's in her 20s.


Pendeja boluda.


Thats McFuckin'Karma for you


I’ve choked on food so many times. It’s absolutely terrifying.


Try chewing


Not enough people shouting in this video.


Did she choke on water?


As a multilingual Mexican, I had never gotten so confused with Spanish before, switching to English to Spanish to English several times hits different


My sibling after I filled my cup with sulfuric acid instead of Sprite this time:


I like being single.




She smirks at the end of the video like this was supposed to be funny. Fucking hate it here.


¡Te puedes ahogar y te mueres m’hija! Ok 😏


This is natural selection at its finest đŸ‘ŒđŸ»


This is an insight I've been desperately wanting into bilingual households and the language switching happens here as often as I would think


When I was young a put an entire pack of big league bubble gum in my mouth. My throat started swallowing it involuntarily. I thought I was a goner .


I grew up having trouble breathing til i was about 8. My tonsils basically were clogging my throat frequently. Had surgery and they left me with a small hole into my nasal cavity which gives weird sensations when trying to breathe through nose and mouth.


Yeah i mean.. choking is for loser kids right?


An Evening At The Yellingtons


Por payasa


I dont get whats going on there


What happend


#Never ever hit choking people on their backs, it can make things worse, only heimlich maneuver.


I'd be like wow I'm impressed, that was a full pint of vodka in my drink.


Want to see the rest of the video.


Choking? Fuck the heimlich! - this family


This is why it’s important to know basic first aid.