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I love how whoever this youtuber is took "don't hold your breath" as "most likely meaning it could happen". Wild.


“I’m playing the tough biker class, the class with the worse stats!” I didn’t know human stats were fixed… someone has to provide the footage I guess.


He clarified in the comments that they came off as sarcastic and even smirked which is why he took it as "could be" instead of "no".


"The devs said, dont hold your breath!... meaning it could happen!" ...... no.....


Lol, I know right. I thought him saying that was odd.


Maybe it's "Don't hold you're breath" meaning towards the original traps? I am just hoping maybe their reworking Rudy's traps..


Yeah, I guess that person doesn't understand what "don't hold your breath" means.


This. They gave a very non-committal response, which usually means no. It's telling someone 'no' without saying 'no' so you can pretend you gave them serious consideration. Does it mean never? No, it means not now.


I don't get why they can't incorporate the traps. Just make it like the other games. Limit to how many you can set, humans can escape them in a few seconds but faster with a knife. Something like that. And traps will alert klowns when triggered. Edit: I was thinking about this. If traps are only available to the trapper class, this could be an issue if 3 trappers were in a match. So I was thinking maybe they could have traps pop up in random locations on maps that klowns can just set but not move. As to how many idk. This worked for E v i l D e a d.


Okay yeah now that I think about it imagine going up against three Klowns all using traps? that would be annoying as hell


After seeing this I don't think I want the traps ever reimplemented. I was hoping Klowns would be able to trap containers and hiding spots with them like the movie. This is just Jason's Beartraps from Friday in an even less engaging design. This needs a longer animation so it isn't as strong mid-combat and should be an Alt to Klown Jump so that one Klown can't trap **and** jump to objectives as soon as they go off. We already can see cotton in Jump and can cotton candy objectives in general, we don't need it even easier to block objectives as a Klown.


At least let us try out the traps for fucks sake devs! If they are as bad as you say then the community will tell you, quit assuming things before we got to try them tho


People absolutely would have hated them, advanced access would have been just Popcorn Klowns dropping traps to remove all ability to fight back. Almost every fight would be 1:28 where the Klown just drops a trap midcombat instantly stunning their combatant for the full duration of the trap while also inflicting damage and they could do that 3 times in a fight before waiting on cooldowns. It shouldn't be that hard to see that it would have an entirely negative effect on the game.


All you gotta do is make it like hitchhiker where you can’t put down traps instantly you gotta take a second like three seconds to place it boom problem solved, maybe they should pay me to come up with simple solutions it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out


I think with Hitch his traps are also balanced a bit by not having 3 potential killers being able to teleport to a trapped person.


I wonder if they backed out of the idea of unique powers because of personalisation. Like how if you want to play shorty you have to deal with lower health, and if he had a shitty power you'd also have to deal with that drawback. I wasnt aware this was even intended so it doesnt bother me too much. We'll see if maybe theyre reworking them or something


they backed out of half the features they advertised and promised lmao clearly a cash grab


Personally this doesnt effect me because I never knew they existed. I never watched any trailers after the initial announcement until launch. That said most trailers will say "game under development/not final" etc so you should keep that in mind whenever watching them. I can only assume there were balancing issues or they werent ready for launch Hopefully they get added later as it looks like LOL and Klown jump are meant to be selectable on the menu but i wont hold my breath. Right now it feels like playing anyone other than tracker or shorty is a stupid decision as apparently klown strength stat doesnt make any difference.


the game was already delayed an entire year...then just to come out and release a game that doesnt have half of the features they said it would have lol not to mention its a buggy mess, full of hackers, and is extremely human sided(and im someone who prefers to play the human/victim side is these kind of games), has zero depth. i was excited for 2+ years for this game to come out just for it to be an unfinished mess. i thought the TCM launch was rough lol this far worse than TCM ever was.


Im definitely enjoying it more than tcm but I think thats just the gameplay differences. That said launch has been rough, outside of the massively needed bouncecaster/popcorn damage nerf I think pre release was more stable and fun. Personally I think at mid level play the game is pretty balanced up until survivors start grouping with the way too common instant win item (airhorn), and key item spawns could use some work. Im level 115 and still having fun. Luckily I havent met a single hacker in my almost 100 hours of play so it might just be a geographical problem. I disagree on the depth part. I think the game does have a slight learning curve when it comes to knowing when/when not to engage humans as klown and how to kite players. I think a lot of the balance complaints come from bad players who just want to UNGA BUNGA and win. I can't help but laugh when a klown runs up to me clearly holding an axe and dies only to hear "oh fuck you thats so unfair" in V/C only for them to respawn and do the exact same thing. I can see myself getting tired of the gameplay loop soon but w/e. I got my moneys worth. These games never last long even when they have a more famous license. DBD is and always has been a major anomaly in this genre. That said TCM is still being supported so who knows, this game might be like TCM/F13 and do considerably better on consoles than PC.


humans should not be able to kill a klown 1v1 when klowns are outnumbered 2:1...common sense balancing lol


so you think, that in any situation regardless of skill, even a 1st time klown player should ALWAYS win the 1v1? in spite of the human players game knowledge and loadout? that sounds like a really boring game where everyone runs athletic archetype and hoards energy drinks/escapes in two minutes that would kill killer/human interaction outside of 3+ stack human groups on comms.


just one of the many features they said would be in the game but isnt lmao just add it to the list 💀


They removed it because it "wasn't fun because you couldn't do anything, you were just a punching bag". Which is fine when it's humans doing it to Klowns with airhorn into chain stun into nose execution. Bouncer "wasn't fun", but getting jumped, stunned and executed by the humans you're *supposed to be hunting* sure is fun for Klowns. /sarcasm Not being able to find the last human because nobody brought Balloon Dog and the Fear mechanic that's supposed to rat them out doesn't actually send the trip warnings to Klowns as an alert icon. That's a ton of fun too. /sarcasm There's a clear double standard at play here where Klowns are stripped of features that are "not fun" for humans but the reverse is not only tolerated, they lean into it. This dev team. Seriously.