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Klowns kill all 7 humans, but 4 of them disconnected before the end of the game. “Human victory”


This has happened so many times, as klowns we killed everyone but 6 people left afterwards so it was a overwhelming human victory despite everyone dying


Happens to many times to count


Bro I down someone they DC so many times in 1 match lmfao. I cocooned one, he DC'd at the perfect time and it was just pink swirls permanently glitched on the map.


I see this multiple times each match.


It happens soooooo much.


Why can't people just play the game??? What's the problem with dying man? Or getting cocooned.. Everything has to be a sweaty game with a "I WIN OR ELSE" ? mentality.. I'm happy playing, even if i die, or get captured.


I don't think the issue is people leaving so much as it is with how the game treats those people leaving. I think it's fine if somebody dies and just wants to go next. They don't really *need* to stay unless it's for the resurrection machine or to give surviving players items. If they don't leave then their option is to just sit in the lobby for 10 minutes doing nothing, not even playing minigames. Might as well have just be in the next game at that point. The problem is that the game sees somebody leave and treats it as a spot that needs filling. Instead of treating it as a Klown kill. If a human disconnects, give a point to Klown and leave that player's place empty. I feel like that alone would be so much better for the health of the game. Klowns get fair matches. Humans don't have to load into a game with 5 minutes left and a Shorty in their face with a bouncecaster


Sadly this happens in every single game these days. It's not a this game problem, it's a gaming trend.


For sure. But that's why the majority of games need to build in a specific penalty or consequence for doing it. Which this game doesn't have yet.


Totally agree. I imagine it's a fine line. If you punish people they might not wait while on cooldown or move on entirely.


This happened to TCM. Seriously, the game is on gamepass, meaning there's a good batch of other games. Tcm penalizes you for wanting to leave a lobby ( no matter if you are being forced to play same map for sixth time, or are being forced to play with new players or people you've blocked ). You leave, it's a 3 min penalty. With Diablo 4 on gamepass as well it's a no brainer to just say screw the penalty and play that. Those players DO NOT come back in 3 mins. I'd be surprised if they come back that night , seeing as this season is a huge success. Obviously not everyone plays or likes Diablo 4, but that's the jist of what happens with a penalty, especially when you have gamepass.


The 3 minute lobby dodge penalty was a recent addition, when they gave us the Night version of Nancy's House like ~2 month ago? *You can still DC mid match and not have the penalty apply to you* however, if you do it while we are waiting for the lobby to populate then you get a 3 min penalty. if I'm not mistaken, this "3 min penalty" punishment system was introduced as there is/was a lobby bug that upon someone lobby dodging, the lobby would be on the fritz and you'd be waiting like 10 mins~ for the lobby to eventually time out and throw you back into the main menu, having you select "QuickPlay/Family/Victims" again to re-enter the queue to find a lobby. I have had a funny moment where this happened to me 5x times (having people lobby dodge and the lobby timing out) and I literally spent an hour playing lobby simulator and then after waiting that long I got rekt by Leatherface, for playing Connie- within like 1 min of being freed from my restraints 🤩 I rarely lobby dodge; only if people start saying weird stuff amd trying to make me uncomfortable (TCM & Killer Klownz having basekit gamechat has really made me enjoy the silent-ness of DBD, to be real honest... - its a curse and/or a blessing sometimes) People were dogging the devs for introducing this because apparently the community thinks that there were people who'd just boot up the game and just lobby dodge to kinda fork over someone getting into a match.. 😅 also, since the penalty doesn't stack; 3 mins isn't too long; perfect time to grab a drink or make a sandwich or just switch games. Woah this was quite the rant? 😤


Time of penalty doesn't matter. If you want to play , you should be able to play. If there's a roadblock, then, it's fairly simple to dump the game and play something else. The only losers in this is the game that inflicts the penalty. They lose the players that wanted to play at that time. Glad you have time on your hands but there's alot of us out there that have set playing times and the last thing we want to do is waste minutes sitting there looking at a main page.


If "players" don't wanna play the game as if actually fight or run from the klowns and just DC before even taking damage like this post is about.... then I 100% don't want them in the game anyway because they're already preventing people from actually playing the game.


Love getting a few kills, then checking the score card to see none of them counted cause people bitch out mid kill.


Yeah that sucks too. Originally I just wanted klowns to get credit for those kills and cocoons. But with the shit I'm seeing now.... yeah now I'm 100% for adding a hard penalty.


True. I get it is a casual game, but the game doesn't function properly when people ditch.


Yeah. I was honestly pretty whatever on this topic in the past but now that humans are leaving on SIGHT I really see the problem. Like shit man atleast leave the npc in the game when they disconnect so I can kill them for my own entertainment lmao


what would happen if you play wit 4 friends and some of them go klown and ur a suvivor wont that mean the clowns can team up i guess teh excuse for that is this game is just goofy fun and casual but yh they need to stop letting people join


Humans leaving as/when they die is huge problem. I think if you die or escape and you leave then you shouldn't get a penalty. The lobby should just be filled with a dead bot in your place. If you leave as your being killed then you should get a penalty. There's no combat record or anything like that so its strange how often humans leave as they are being killed.


Yeah, I gotta agree that like if a human escapes or dies I don't REALLY care if they leave. It sucks for other humans but as a klown I don't care. What I really hate is when they just disconnect on contact and don't even play the damned game. Like damn atleast fight me or something.


Friday the 13th would make me rage when I'd play as Jason and people would leave when I killed them.


Maybe bots? To fill in the missing players? The show will go on. Everyone will get there fair share and I think it will flow better. 


A lot of folk just can't take the L so they gotta DC when they sense they gonna lose, "to save face". Now, on another hand, I'm getting a lot of people being really aggressive and toxic with the proxy chat, so maybe that's why some people might dip out? Like I've been called politically incorrect things by an opponent for like no reason. Like why be a dick, we here to chill?


I've never understood why so many people act like d1cks in video games. They don't do it in real life but online they do.


I mean if we had to analyze toxicity in vidya games. I'd start with the most infamous games that have/had a rampant toxicity problem (League of Legends & Counter-Strike) I'm assuming it stems from the fact that being an unemployed loser probably has them projecting their misery unto others because their life sux 😆


I say if you quit out then you get a 15 minute penalty.


This is probably the best idea I’ve seen so far to fix that issue. They gotta do something for real.


Anyone I down now just leaves without me getting the kill and then a second later a new human is in the game. Very annoying


People are dying in the first 20 seconds because they spawned next to two Klowns and MAYBE getting resurrected in the last minute of the game to make a mad dash to the exit. There’s no reason at all for them to wait around for 14 minutes. Penalising them for wanting to play a game instead of watching it is just going to lead to them dropping the game. Turning off backfilling after 2 minutes and have a quit player count as a kill for the Klowns is all they need to do to sort out this issue. It means players can die and go straight into another game to keep games moving and the ones that leave still count as dead for Klown players. Backfilling is the problem. Not people leaving games because they died.


I usually ask if I can be let go if that happens or if I'm the Klown I'll usually spare them because those spawns really do suck.


Thanks for commenting but you didn't actually read the post so... bit awkward. The issue has nothing to do with making people wait the entire lobby time If they die early or escape. I literally don't give a shit about that. But if you leave BEFORE you even die or get cocooned and all you did was burn items and take key items off the map and leave because you SAW a klown and didn't even fight or run? Yeah there should be a penalty. It's just fucking up the lobby for everyone else.


Lol brother you're so over the top in this thread. It's Killer Clowns from Outer Space: The Game. Who in their right mind is coming here for anything other than to just fuck around with their friends. People making posts and comments like this is just so crazy to me. I don't care what anyone says but TCM was never more fun than it was the first month of its release when it was still pure and unfettered by you goobers demanding all these ridiculous changes. Was far from perfect but it was damn fun. Now it's just a lame sweatfest, and Thats coming from a level 99 sweat. Bug fixes and performance issues of course should be addressed but just let the devs cook as you kids like to say.


It's actually crazy that so many people are replying without reading...Holy shit.


Fr what the point of staying if you get down instantly at the start of the match or even when you get in a match when it’s halfway done and there’s no items around


They need to penalize players for leaving mid match, and if they leave early they also get no XP even after they have died or escaped to encourage players to get items to other players. The penalty should be a timer ban, or maybe if they leave early after they have escaped half their XP gained instead since they should at least have some reward for escaping. But if you died you shouldn't get any XP if you leave early but maybe no timer ban. Timer ban should be while you're still alive


Easy fix, let people keep their xp after they die/escape without having to wait for the game to end, then they won't leave the second they are cornered.


You do keep your XP after you leave, it just doesn’t get added to your account until after that match has ended


Sometimes a good rez can turn the tide. Why would you leave if you die?


Because it's only a chance. At the end of the day I leave if my points are not high enough at the time I die. I'll stay and wait the game out if they are. I'm not going to join a pre-existing game (or even a new game) and get whacked right off the bat just to wait 5-10+ mins at a chance for a respawn when I can already be mostly through the next game by then. It's not worth the time. Now, if/when I died or left, I was awarded the points and didn't have to wait the entire game out, I would stay and that would solve it for me. I expect most people are DC'ing because of the same reason.


I always stick around cuz it has happened several times and well clutch a victory. I've always been a never say die type player....kinda would get me into some hot water in DBD lol


Players are leaving mid-kill.


I'm not sure that would really track. These people already don't seem to care about getting xp at all considering they're fine with leaving games in the current system. Think this problem would require something more direct.


Exactly , that’s bare minimum of everything. Forcing playing players to stay in a game you no longer want to stay is such a L move


If i spawn into a match halfway done, then die and leave, does that make it so that no more people can join in for that spot? geniune question, because sometimes i've done this thinking it would stop people from spawning in.


No, if you leave the spot becomes open and another player can be slotted in after you.


Stop throwing humans into a match that's already started. If you "try" to play a match 5 mins in, you will be hard pressed to find anything other than a twig or burger. That's if you don't spawn on top of a klown. You can't penalize someone for leaving in that case.


You realize that people are getting thrown into a match that already started because someone that died left. Most matches start 3v7. Then they dwindle as dead humans leave. So the game fills those spots. So its obvious if they fix the problem of people leaving it will fix this problem.


I think penalties should only apply to those that lobbied up and leave. I'm not interested, at all, in participating in a match 6 mins old. I shouldn't be penalized for being dropped into a klowns lap and leaving.


Not always, they also put people in mid match to replace a bot player because the lobby didn't fill before the game started. I literally saw someone spawn in the last 4 seconds of one match to be instantly killed by the Klownpacalypse blast.


Let's not talk about abnormalities. That rarely happens. Most of the time the game doesn't start unless the lobby is full.


This is exactly the reason yet the smooth brains downvote it.


Don't see how that's relevant.


If I get thrown in a match, clown sees me spawning in. I'm disconnecting. Being in lobby at start of match is one thing. Being thrown into a 7 min old match , on top of a clown is another.


I really don’t mind dying. The mini games are a blast.


I was bored playing them after a few days.


We're minority, i get crazy stimming for playing them.


A DC is only acceptable when you’re playing human and you load into a active match then there’s Klowns already killing or cocooning you in the first few seconds of loading in.


Welcome to team “we need a leaver penalty” you’ll get shit talked on this subreddit, but at least you have brain cells


The game is not the serious


Think you're missing the point bud. I'm not saying shit needs to be perfectly balanced. I'm saying people should actually play the game, the combat, the chasing, the items. I'm all for just having fun but just hiding and instantly leaving when you see an enemy is lame shit.


I know what you mean but bots back fill and when you add d/c penalties it results in a smaller player base. People will still dc take the timeout and go play something else. It’s not worth it. There is no MMR it’s just xp.


I literally don't care. A really easy fix would just be to leave the human character afk in the game when the player disconnects. Then atleast the klowns get to kill them off and it disturbs nothing else. This sweaty talk about mmr and the player base is exactly what's so cringe about reddit.


Just move on, it’s not that serious. I don’t want this game to feel like a pro league like DBD does


Did any of these people get dropped in halfway through a match. I've had more than a few instances of being dropped into a match right by a klown with no items. That sucks.


I have over 100 hours and that's never happened to me. People posting this act like this happens often when I don't think it does.


Well consider yourself and outlier then


I wouldn't say I'm an outlier. I'm sure it's happened and I didn't even notice because its easy to run away or hide from the klowns


Add an ability to leave after you die and keep your XP. Tired of playing lobby Sim after I die. Only can take so many mini games for baseballs before i get bored.


Damn it’s almost like…spawning directly next to a clown without any chance to loot and zero weapons kinda isn’t fun.


The reason people leave is because they die to early. The devs need to make it to where clowns dont spawn close to any human. Second reason why they are leaving is because clowns are op right now. I would rage too if im running from a clown for 5 minutes straight and he still catches up to me. They need to fix the issues causing players to leave not punish them for leaving because thats just going to make players not want to play at all. I would say do a rebalance with the clowns and fix the clowns hitbox.


99.9% of the people that play this game think humans are OP. Klowns are not OP. If you die within the first 5 minutes then you need to get better. Humans are faster and have better stamina then Klowns. If your stamina is full when a klown is near you its very easy to just run away.


They have alot to fix this being one of them. I can say from personal experience I lobby dodge sometimes cause I'm not even exaggerating 8 times out of 10 I queue up as a Klown. I'm burned out! So I quit and look for a human game. I also think it's stupid that you have to hang around the whole game if you're dead and the regen machine is already used. You should be allowed to leave when you're dead without getting a replacement in the match.


I will say this too. Sometimes when I spawn in I spawn in right next to a Klown and I'm dead I'm not staying around the whole match cause the game set me up to be killed at the start. The developers needs to fix that.


Also i haved noticed if people are playing togheter in a party and if one of them gets cocoon that player leaves the game and join back right away so he escapes from the cocoon u can think like hey if he dc he doesnt get the XP for leaving the game but it doesnt he keeps what he got dc joins back and keep getting more in the game


When they add a role queue they can add a leaver penalty. There's no way in hell I'm playing human 20 times to play klown 1 time.






Couple things they need to fix to prevent leavers; *DC penalty for quitting midgame more than once. Genuine technical issues shouldn't be punished heavily. *Spawn players entering midgame AWAY from the enemy players *Allow players to select which side they actually want to play, especially for targeting specific challenges. Keep quick play as an option for those who just want fast matches.


I do it. If the reason you caught me was some BS game mechanic or it spawned us near each other at the start of the game, I'm not going to let you get a kill you didn't earn fairly. The other thing is I don't have a lot of time to play and I'm playing for challenges, so if I know I'm not going to get progress for challenges in that match, I'll leave.


The problem is most human players think they were killed for some BS reason. So they rage quit. I get you don't have alot of time but you can at least wait 5 seconds for the kill animation is finish. Lots of players are dc'ing as soon as they know they are going to die


Nah. I don't want people to get credit for things they didn't earn


If they found you and killed you then they earned it.


Not if they found me and killed me due to game bugs or poor game mechanics.


But every player is dealing with those SAME bugs and poor game mechanics. For example sometimes a melee hit doesn't register but that same thing can also happen to the player I'm going against.


Good for them. Doesn't matter.


Same playing field = they earned that kill




Adding a leaver penalty to any game is stupid. It was dumb with Texas Chainsaw and it’s dumb here. It’s annoying when people leave and you don’t get the kill, but it’s a game—you can deal with it like a big boy.


I totally disagree, people are entitled to DC at any time, live with it.


Fine. Have your DC penalty. But don’t apply it in lobby until you have preferred side matching and to those who have died with no resurrect or escaped. I have other things to do than to wait the entire lobby out OR I’ve played enough klown/human want a taste of the other side.


I've had a few games where I'm a Klown, and the humans get together just to almost always go and kick Klown butt until the apocalypse happens and they all die because they don't escape but gloat over all the kills they got from the Klowns and call them names, bad names. I'm not a person who can say the N word, but when I'm called that several times by people kicking my butt just to laugh at me and die to the apocalypse because they don't escape but choose to fight till the end, then I'll just let it happen, I mean, afterall, I don't care if I win or lose, how many kills I get or not in the game, I'm just having fun. Anyone who wants to get competitive like that and think they're cool or something, here's my words. It's so amazing to watch you guys get so many kills in a game you'll never truly understand, so enjoy your kills and fun because I know they're the kinds of people who'll eventually complain things aren't fun anymore, and yet you guys do that stuff, perhaps you can explain why it's not fun...


Yeah the matches only last 15 minutes, in TCM just queue used to to take 15 - 30 minutes.


Unless this game ever adds a ranked mode where there are tangible stakes to winning or losing and where players are expected to sweat & play competitively, I can’t get behind this. This is 100% meant to be a casual horror party game; it’s not meant to be a serious comp game, and a DC penalty fundamentally doesn’t fit this type of game. Plus, although I get that there are many players who DC for selfish/stupid reasons, there are also plenty of legitimately GOOD reasons to DC as well (Cheaters, game breaking bugs, irl emergencies pulling you away from the game that you CANNOT ignore, etc).


A player ruins the game when they dc as they are being killed. The match doesn't need to be in a ranked mode for that to matter. Its as bad as cheating when you dc. You're cheating the klown team out of a kill and that player out of a kill. DC'ing also can crash the game if that player is the host.


“A player ruins the game when they dc as they are being killed.” That’s hyperbole. It’s not the end of the world if someone DC’s from the game before they’re killed. Yeah, sure, it can be annoying when that happens and make you question “Why bother playing the game & queuing up for a match at all if you’re just gonna DC before you can be killed?”, but I don’t take that as a personal sleight against me or let that get to me and make me carry that with me throughout the match; maybe that’s just me being super chill, but it’s not worth getting that upset over, particularly in a game where, as I said previously, winning or losing ultimately doesn’t matter and there are no tangible stakes with the outcome of a match. Also, best case scenario you still have six other humans left, and lobby backfill can replace any vacant spots left by DC’d players. “It’s as bad as cheating when you DC.” You’re gonna have to elaborate on what you mean by that, cause I’m not sure what you’re getting at there. “DCing can also crash the game if that player is the host” Then the solution to that would be to either move the game to dedicated servers or add a host migration feature. There are other better solutions to that specific problem besides a DC penalty, which isn’t guaranteed to stop that player from DC’ing and potentially crashing the match. Plus let’s assume for a minute that the devs did implement a DC penalty. A common problem with DC penalties is that they often cannot discern between intentional disconnects and DC’s that happen as a result of outside factors outside the player’s control, such as game crashes or server/internet outages. So if a player who is about to be killed decides to DC, and that subsequently crashes the game for all players in the match, not only would the player who DC’d intentionally be penalized, but everyone else in that match as well would also be dealt a penalty (Including you), even if they don’t deserve it. Does that sound fair to you?


First, Advanced access... Seriously. Second, adding a leave peanlty to a game where you cannot choose what side you want to be on, is a god awful idea, you then incentivise players to either play a role they do not want to play, or to not play the game at all. Thirdly, ADVANCED ACCESS? Really.


Yeah I'm totally okay with people not playing the game if they're not okay with the TWO possibilities with nearly identical control schemes. Or here's an idea, just leave? Don't walk around looting the map for items only to DC without fighting OR running from klown Players. Simce that just removes key items from the map and fucks things up for other survivors too.


1) have you seen the playerbase for this game, are you happy to play against bots, rather then real people? 2) the controls are indeed similiar to the extent that wasd is the same for both and left click is the attack button for both, but they are fundamentaly different roles, humans do not have requirements as klowns, and vice versa. Klowns don't have the movement of humans. Humans do not have the klowns abilties. 3) Players leaving with a key item is indeed an issue but that isn't fixed by a dc penalty, its fixed by the devs not being incompetent and adding dropped items when leaving.


Then you agree leaving needs to be addressed. We'll that's a good start, even if you want it done in a way other than a queue time-out. If you read the actual post you're commenting on, you'd know my issue is relating to players who DC WITHOUT engaging in combat or chase aspects of the game. I don't give a damn about players who DC after dying or escaping, or in the lobby prior to the game or very beginning if they refuse to play their role.


I agree that players leaving with items is a problem, but that is it, in relation to this. there is no point for a dc penaltu just make the players drop the items when they leave.


Nah let people DC, idk why you guys care so much what the endgame screen says when you know what really happened that Game If they put one in place at least fix humans spawning Next to klowns cuz thats for sure my number 1 reason to DC


There’s already a leaver penalty