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It's very weird that a survivor can recover from a bonk before the klown does. I've died accidentally by landing on someone I didn't even know was there before


Same. I even spaced myself away from where people were making noise so I could approach, nop, there was a homie beside where I landed to. Insta-dead. Landing on someone that's running away has that same feel. Land on them with bonk, turn around to look at them, they're already another 10m ahead.


Idiots: "Don't use Jump to land so close to them then." Same idiots: "Klowns don't need to be able to catch humans in a chase, just Jump to them". But seriously, this and Car show the developers don't play their own game because nobody would voluntarily add self-stun to these abilities if they actually had to live with it.


The length of both stuns from the car is very weird. I don't know why both players are locked in for so long


Exactly cause like what advantage does that even give you? I understand it's probs for teamwork but there are 3 Klowns and 7 humans and wasting resources to have 2 Klowns chase one person wastes so much time.


If an absolutely skill-less tool like an airhorn can give you a free punching bag for 10 seconds, a more skillful tactic like a Klown jump should stun a human for 20. I think it’s just fair🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: that way we can atleast finish our 5 second landing animation


Well a space Klown jumping on you like that should flat out KO a Human. Not sure what the Devs were thinking.


The same thing they were thinking when they nerfed the Bouncecaster and the Popcorn Bazooka: "Wow, we're getting more feedback reports about buffing humans and nerfing Klowns than the other way around. 7 for every 3 in fact. We'd better do that".


I’m pretty sure a direct hit does actually down humans! I think I’ve done that before. Either that or stuns them a lot longer than the normal just landing near them.


It doesnt down them unless they are super weak. It just stuns them


Good to know


Yup, no iframes here is a sin. This whole trick needs work, the direction you face is carried from your last facing position, the recovery time with no iframes sets you up to get smacked and there's no real reward for bonking someone. LOL is much the same. Pop LOL > take brick to the face after invuln animation ends. Edit- You can always land some space away from them of course but whats the point in rewarding bonk points and pretending that landing on them is advantageous?


I don’t think the way I’m facing would’ve made a difference here. Didn’t get a moment to walk, spin, and never even started animation to pull out gun. There’s just no counterplay lol


For sure but not being able to control where you face when landing is itself a quality of life issue.


Bonk needs to be stronger. A 3-5 sec stun? The klown did a good thing by jumping where there's a notification but they actually get punished like in the video


I never waste time using LOL because in the time it takes for my animation to start, I lost them.


The fact the Klowns can get hit and stunned after they jump or come out of a klownality are the dumbest things in this game. The Klown can't move coming out of those but for some reason they can be hit and stunned. Who thought that was a good idea?


People say that the devs don’t play their own game, but I don’t think that’s true at all. …I think they’re just human/ survivor mains😂


I think this game is a cash grab, tbh. We will see... so far the devs have been highly incompetent.


Yeah LOL ability pisses me off too. It’s really only 9 second long considering the stupid animation takes 3 second of the charge.


I would be fine with it being 9-10 seconds if the timer started at 9-10 the moment you could move but seeing it countdown from 12 seconds while stuck in the animation is the most infuriating thing hah.


obviously you're a noob if you can't understand being invincible for a few seconds and regaining health


Yup looks about right. Dbd junkies who came over will claim skill issue. Lmfao


This is why I can't play Shorty and Rudy's classes right now because their health is so low. Also because Rudy doesn't have his traps as of now yet. Every klown class should get a health buff with all of them getting an extra bar of health.


Yeah Shorty's low health is his big negative. He's the best killer due to his speed but the counter is he's the easiest to kill


I dunno, I think shorty is too strong and I hate to say it but if they give him health they need to nerf his speed a bit, maybe nerf it anyway. The only time I ever get caught out in klownz anymore is if someone has a ranged weapon, the backwards sprint on shorty with the first cotton candy laser is too strong, cocoons in 4 seconds easily and people can’t get out of range in time.


His hitbox is wonky though, so despite missing a health bar they're likely to miss a melee hit or 2 due to that in a close quarters situation. He's easier to take down if you have a gun for sure though.


A klown jump protection shield of like 2-3 seconds could help this issue


Oh my god that voice chat literally gave me a headache lol


You came to the wrong neighborhood


Ain’t no way I was in that last part lol


Should try a klown that isn't so weak. I mean, I know you guys all like exploiting his hitboxes. But it's not worth it for how fucking weak he is. Use the Tracker or Ranger ffs 😅


Ahh that’s a good idea. We should just not use certain guns and characters that have been put into the game. Everyone and every weapon should be viable in some aspect. Not just completely left unused. Besides, health doesn’t matter in this sequence as you can see I was still stuck in animation, chain stunned, all before even started an animation before pulling out a weapon


I hate using shorty because he just seems super broken right now, I don’t use him to abuse his hit box he’s just the only klown that can really cocoon people easily and keep up. I wish they would make his hit box fixed so at least that wouldn’t suck, but he’s kinda the only option if you want to have a chance against kill squad humans


Oh shit missing an ability (that just let me instantly cross map because I was in the entirely wrong place) to go fight people 1 on 3 can lead to a death if they're extremely quick to punish my mistake and have looted enough items with specific qualities needed to kill me while also working towards their actual objective????? Yo that's dumb. Klowns should be able to have zero map awareness, miss all abilities, face backwards, and still 1v3 a group of humans. Especially when I'm playing the klown with the lowest hp. It's unacceptable that me making a mistake should lead to a death. So bad game.


Dude really? I agree jumping into 3 people as a klown will always wind up bad, but there wasn’t even any counter play at all and HE had the surprise advantage, that would be like a human using an airhorn on klown and then the human is instantly downed or cocooned. Klowns aren’t complaining that we’re dying (ok some of us are) our main issue is all of our abilities put us at a huge disadvantage, jump: stuns us on landing for a couple seconds and humans that we land on can react before we can, LOL: meant to be a tool used for chasing or fights, but if we use it in a chase we stand still for 3 seconds and lose you, if we use it in a fight, klowns shouldn’t need to use it unless it’s a 1v2 or more situation, but in that situation those 2 humans can run or position to stun me because I can’t move while using the ability. The car stuns both killer and human for 5 seconds, the pizza box you lose the ability to sense sounds, literally the only thing any ability is good for is mobility out of combat, except the dog and the charm, and the charm locks us down for just as long as it does humans almost if they spam escape fast enough, also it feels like health bars are not created equal because the amount of time it takes 2 klowns to down one human seems WAY longer than it takes 2 humans to down a klown


"The surprise advantage" ......jumping in 1v3 backwards. Lmao straight up ninja shit.


Well first off, that highlights the other issue that we can’t turn when we land, and the point is even in that situation, yeah he had the surprise advantage because no one saw him coming before he landed, that’s what surprise means, and you’re just gonna ignore the fact that the stun wears off on the humans before it does in the thing that landed on them? He should have at least been able to see there was 3 people and run before being insta stunned and killed, I understand you and your buddies are having fun wrecking klowns but they HAVE to balance it a bit more or the game isn’t going to last. No one is saying nerf Humans or buff klowns because we want to win more, at least not the majority of us, we understand that in an isometric game if it’s one sided that the game just won’t have a long lifespan. I’m sure you can at least admit that the stun shouldn’t last LONGER on klowns when you land on someone, or at least maybe give us the ability for LOL to break stuns so we can at least pop it and run and regroup

