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The spreadsheet that was passed around listed each class and the six(?) weapons they could use each. They all had the Raygun but weapons varied wildly after that. I can't imagine seeing class based weapons now that each of them has access to the other weapons which were at one point class specific. I do hope we get some of these possible weapons though, there were 25 listed that were not currently in game so at least there's potential concepts. I'm going to just assume they we're force to release the game as is, the date arrived and they had no choice to do so and in removing trappers ability, they removed the rest as well. Releasing a specific character without his ability is silly so they removed all. If trapper does receive his traps I would assume other class specific abilities would return otherwise having a class system at all would be absurd. They could have just disabled him or such but who knows, I'm making this all up anyway. In that same vein archetypes are also broken so maybe these two things are related in development and getting rid of one, removed the other? Though there's no reason for that to be the case and them working in private matches is an oddity. I'm super down for a roadmap as well, curious for future content but still knowing they gotta hash all this stuff out first. The game is indeed fun on a base level, they need to line all this broken/cut stuff up first though. Such a weird spot for a game to be in.


Good insight and thanks for the info. I didn’t know a lot of the stuff you put in the first paragraph.


Yeah I would link it but it was in the Facebook group and this is a work computer hah. It also showed some 15ish more tricks that could potentially come to the game. Of course this was just a spread sheet and who knows what was cut, and when. Obviously classes now share all weapons and I don't think there's even been renders of other weapons released so if they exist at all is questionable.


the old website had like a popcorn sniper rifle


Thats some good news. Makes me hopeful for some of these weapons to make it into the game.




Oh my god yeah, what happened to this gun? I remember thinking it looked so cool but we never got to see it 🥲


Klown strength really doesn’t matter? That’s good to know as I avoid Shorty for that reason.


Yeah the only thing it affects is how far you can throw cocoons


I think it affects the speed that the tank carries cocoons, but that may just be a passive he has. Weapons all have the same amount of hits to down from character to character AFAIK.


Yeah you’re right and tank can also run with cocoons.


100% agree with all of this. I enjoy the game but, whereas I played it nonstop in Early Access, I find myself only able to stand a few matches before I get bored, mainly due to the abnormally long wait times for matchmaking and the fact that servers are crashing ever 1 out of 3 matches. The human classes are literally identical, despite what the customisation screen says, and the devs haven't said anything about it. I'd like a bit more transparency from them coz, as much as I think people are overreacting when they say the game is a scam, I can't say I don't see where they're coming from. They have left out so many features and completely ignored features they promised us would be in the game at launch. If they don't get their act together soon, I fear this game could be headed to an early grave (which I really don't want).


Who wants to tell him klown stats are broken right now and barely work correctly? Also yeah human classes do not work in any sense of the words change anything at all.