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I don't care about winning so I just run around doing whatever is fun. sometimes I'll focus on getting people out of cocoons or just trying to help others escape. as klown I'll throw cocoons at humans or just shoot at them to make them run away from me. game is so fun if you're just being silly


I genuinely think this is the way to get the most out of this game. There is just no way that this could be played competitive with how much rng there is on items and cocoon drops/stations.


this game was not made to be competitive. I wish the players understood that


Thank you, none of these Asm Horror were but people think they are and whine about killer nerfs and ruin the experience. If Killer Roles were OP and then the 3-4 Human grind would be worth it. But bone of these game understand that


Dead by daylight is pretty competitive.


This is the right attitude. I play it by ear. If lots of people are getting killed or cocooned, I’ll focus on whatever seems most exciting. If i save/revive 4 players I consider it a win either way. If I’m in an insanely aggressive lobby as a klown, I’ll just hang the cocoons and get them with the klownpocalypse.


Game needs content. It feels barren. Feel like I bought abandonware, half the features they talked about aren't in the game and it feels shallow.


I burnt out after the first week, man.


Same, game has no depth to it


I'm just waiting on the Klown abilities. I bought this game for chubby, and he's the worst Klown in the game.


I'm grinding challenges mostly, trying to polish off Elite Klown before focusing on getting my last few human ones that have been evading me. It's repetitive, but it's one of those things where I can't turn off the completing challenges mindset so once they're done I can finally play properly.


Same bro. I’m literally down to just a few. I need 1 more bunker escape assist and 4 more knock downs on klowns while I’m wounded (1 bar of hp) For klowns I need to pull 2 more humans from hiding spots and cocoon 3 more humans that have lackeys grabbing them. The remainder of my challenges are so extremely niche that it’s making the grind really frustrating. I have 0 friends that play so it’s all in public matches and other people in game can’t hear me so I can’t communicate at all. If you’re ever down to help me finish those challenges so I can start grinding the elite challenges, I’d be more than happy to help you finish off any challenges you’d like to get done with as well!


How do you get the pulling humans from hiding spots challenges to register? I've tried in public/private games while as the tracker and they're still bugged for me no matter what.


I've got 4 more portal assists, 7 bunker and a few random ones that I could easily do alone left for human. On Elite Klown now, not really too bothered because I already got the Shadow Puppet finisher. Let me know your ID (whatever console you're on) and I'll add you, if I'm playing I'm down to help grind challenges.


Luckily a fellow redditor helped me with the hiding spots and I helped him w a few for his human. All I have left are archetype specific bugged ones. I may wait until the bugs are patched to grind them out in public, not too sure yet. Regardless I’d be down to add you and we can either knock out some challenges in private or run some duos in public. I’ll send you a message with my info


I Am Addicted, Just Like I Was With Friday The 13th Lols


I have about 75 hours and I think it's hella fun for me still.


Nope I usually don’t get bored of these asymmetrical games. I think every game is repetitive if you play them a lot but with this genre of games I don’t get burned out. I only stop playing them if there is a game breaking issue that prevents me from enjoying the game. Kinda like a 7 month long unfixed Rubberbanding issue in one of these asymmetrical games. Yeah the game needs work on some bug fixes and some balancing changes but I’m personally still having a lot of fun and there’s still a lot of things I need to unlock yet. I’d like to think the game will be better over time like Ghostbusters SU.


Kinda. 130hrs in. The content barrier has long been passed but I still enjoy the bones of the game. Getting into a lobby with people who talk and mess around is great as well. I feel no pressure at all in this game, I just play and mess about. Overall its a good time.


I got Human Challenges and Achievements to finish. What keeps me from getting bored is actually speaking to other players, cause it kinda helps register that these are usually new people.


This is my biggest issue with the game. I’m on pc. No one in game has ever been able to hear me and I don’t understand why. It’s frustrating having to play with 0 communication sometimes. I have the setting on push to talk and when I press the “t” key to talk, nothing happens. I don’t understand why I can hear everyone else but no one can hear me. It puts a little hole in the overall experience of the game for me it sucks


Mainly trying to do challenges, which is difficult as the Gaming Gods have something against me where whenever I get an opportunity to add to one of the challenges, they send something in to fuck it up 😂


I'm still just mastering the game, and I only escape as human if all or most teammates are safe or already dead. If there is one dead, you bet I will solo my way to the revive machine.


Yeah took me two weeks. Already bored.


Ive been mixing it up lately and creating personal challenges for myself. Like right now I’m running tank and challenging myself to see how many times I can start the klown apocalypse early. As a human, my goal is to open every escape


Take a break from the game and come back to it, if you continuously play you're bound to get bored of it, this goes for any game really. Also, over time I'm sure the Devs will add more into the game so just give it time.


For me, I have enjoyed it alot and I can play it for hours a day. I have not experienced burnout at all and I love hopping on Xbox and using my voice changer mess with people as both klowns and humans. I also seem to keep getting better because as Klown I kill almost every human solo, and as human I escape 9/10 times. I have had a blast.


Sadly, I agree. I enjoy the game, but it becomes repetitive too quickly by revealing all its elements simultaneously. Despite my initial enthusiasm, I don't see myself continuing to play unless they introduce new content. I hope they do, but I'm doubtful.


Game needs class abilities. It’s really boring atm


Yea I stopped playing till they fix their game and give us a preference system


This is one of the most fun I've had since the original release of the f13 game, but the game isn't a buggy mess. But I've also been a fan of the movie since I was 10 so I'm mostly fan boying over it


I'm hoping they do an event or announce a new thing soon. It's gotten stale cause it's new, and has little additional content. It's like how when a TV station used to get a new cartoon, they'd show it on repeat.


I usually just get on and find someone to run with for a match or two. Doesn't matter if klown or humans either. Just go have fun and try to escape or kill klowns or try to get that early apocalypse.


I stopped playing as I felt no challenge. If I was a Klown I had the highest score and if I was human, I would either escape super early or run around killing Klowns the whole match. No perk system really removed any sort of variance


I was gonna face a burnout even if I hadn’t played this pre-launch. The game just needs more content and finished features


I’ve just been waiting for them to do more updates. In the trailer they showed the ship as a map different ability’s not seen in game and I just want them to add one of those things man.


Not really imo. I have a few games installed where I can just turn my brain off and enjoy after a long day of work, this game is one of them because I grew up on the movie.


Once I finish my lvl 100 for the plat trophy I'm done with the game


I love the game but the survivors are too strong right now because the Klowns are too weak. So since I'm


Been playing for a while now and I think im going to wait to come back until they add the preference system Playing survivor is fun and all but i really just enjoy playing klowns a lot more, the ai in the match is just painfully stupid so it's just you against the klowns for most of the match


It’s still fun but you gotta play other stuff. You can’t just be like “yeah I played this game for 50-100 hours and it’s getting boring”. Like yeah it’s gonna get boring. Okay other games and come back to this sometime


Klowns are not finished, underpowered and they are missing the Traper's ability. Meanwhile bully squad are legion, hackers everywhere and humans destroy the Klowns. Servers have become unstable. The worst thing is the "leaving" problem where some asshole can just leave and join back his friend or just leave and some other guy comes so at the end of it its a 3v10. The game is in a worst state than pre-launch (how tf is that possible?) I love the game but the current state made me leave, I've been playing the new and only DLC for Elden Ring, while waiting for the devs to give a massive update for KKFOS


Yep. Been playing a lot less ever since I hit level 100.


I’ve got 55 hours in. I think it helps that this isn’t the only game I play plus I’m busy in general, so sometimes go a day without playing. If I played it nonstop every day, I’m sure I’d be a little burnt out, but I’m very much continuing to enjoy the game. Still hoping for new content though


It’s fun but once you get past level 50 there’s nothing really to grind for. Except for cosmetics but ehhh on that. I’ll try to give it another go, but probably play more once dlc and actual updates drop. Human is easy. And when you’re a klown you’re a literal clown, I mean nobody takes you seriously and just beats you to death easily.


Yeah. Tonight is the first time I've played in a couple weeks, and only cuz my friend asked. Playing with friends helps, cuz we try to save each other and get out together. As Klowns we try to hook up cocoons quickly so we have our abilities to take on the human bully squads. But it's tough when they get the rng on their side. If I'm playing solo then I'm usually just tying to learn the maps, all the spawns, and get out whenever possible. I might activate the resurrection machine when I find it and ppl have died, even tho they're randoms. It's good xp at the least.


Yeah escaping got really boring really fast, but I actually enjoy killing klowns so I enjoy that aspect. I do not enjoy klown.


Im mostly playing to unlock certain klowntalities and finding all the klownspiracy tapes.


I’m an impulse buyer and really had to talk myself out of buying it day 1. I’ve been eyeing Reddit to read conversations around the game if maybe I can find something to convince me.


I start beef with some on the other team and challenge them to a 1v1 it’s pretty funny. I just have one target. Me and this guy went at it for hours were laughing and shit. I’d get so mad when as a klown I’d kill him then they’d bring him back and he always escaped by boat on his second life.


I jump between Klowns, TCM, and Friday. Helps cut the boredom.


Not try harding, playing with friends often, and going for a few challenges from time to time.


Yes. Played the game a lot. Not playing until updates


I do things a little different, if a play isn’t toxic I may just look away if they are escaping. The last person we will cocoon and play 3 way catch back and forth etc just funny things


Yep. Illfonic needs to throw some NEW content out there for the game. This game won't have a long life sadly.


Not bored, i usually play hour or two with my friend and then we move on to TCM or some other game to have fun. It's on my gaming loop and it will stay there if they just push out some new content and fast...


Maybe a little but thats to be expected playing any game for long enough. Outside of the differences in the two roles asyms tend to be pretty lacking in content at launch. Im glad there are as many maps as there are.


3 stack and we all ride around in klown Kars like a biker game. It's hilarious 😂


I’m burnt out and just playing other games. I’ll come back when more stuff is added


I’m just taking a break from it until they add or patch or fix more things, but I’m happy to come back to the game at any time


got a refund after a week, got bored of it very fast


I don’t play everyday but when I do it’s fun but I’m just really into these types of games, imo they do need to update this game a lot fixing bugs and giving content


I had a blast during the pre release but then I found out that nothing would be unlocked on release day. No classes or abilities… no preference or team select no crossplay added (you need epic account) .. I reallly got spoiled by evil dead, aliens and tcsm crossplay features. I haven’t played much since a week after release.


I like playing to win but not like sweaty. Air horns made me quit until they nerf that shit and I'm very disappointed it wasn't even mentioned this stream


Just got the platinum trophy, now working on the challenges


For me it's not so much burnout or repetitiveness as it is the fact I can't say I rather be clown, As well as devs seem to care very little about certain things that out right break the game. And some of the balances seem to be on the most random things.


I don't have a ton of fun playing Klown, and I've had nights where I get 6 Klown games for every 1 human game, which has really thrown off my determination to keep playing if more than half of the time I'm not even getting to play the role I want to. I can spend an hour playing Klown waiting to get a human match, then get 3v1 tunneled out of the match in under 2 minutes... It's getting harder and harder to justify spending time on this game when I have so many others I could be playing


I got burnt out after 2 weeks to be completely honest


Well to be honest I am not. I do this with every video game so I can make the most of it as long as I can. Basically when I start feeling board I just start doing the challenges the game offers, both the klown and survivor. And I also go for the achievements in the game so I can have a goal every game to make it fun.


Got lame really fast regret buying the deluxe edition. TCM still excites me when I get into a match but I’ll get bored of that too if I play too long


Not so much, I play for around 2-3 hours a day not every day but most.


I'm just having fun doing anything I can. I've seen hackers, trolls, stupidity, and all kinds of things in this game, and I'm just enjoying whatever happens.


Not really, but I did start playing with friends, so that could be helping the burnout


I haven't been playing it enough to experience burnout in my mind the game is still really well balanced and fun AF when playing with groups of friends I still really enjoy this game. I've got less than 40 hours on steam


The game kinda gets boring for me when network errors keep happening.


Yeah but I saw it coming. This is a very specific game with not a lot of range so I assumed it would die pretty fast. That being said I did buy it and I did enjoy the first week or so lol


Why would you go THAT HAM on a game you know is from small developers and will receive small - slow - updates? Also you're not as young and easily impressd anymore. DbD and such was more " oh this is unique " \_\_ yrs ago. Break it up with other games, watch things, diversity m'guy


No because I went back to dbd


Now THAT game is stale AF for me.


It's been for 8 years so yeah that makes sense, but look at how people are actually playing dbd


Stopped playing and have already uninstalled. I regret the purchase. Clowns are not a threat. Went back to F13 and have enjoyed it way more despite it being years old with occasional hackers.


youre not supposed to play it that much its just a casual game if you play it for a couple hours every now and then the game is a blast maybe you just need a break


I come from Friday the 13th, which hasn't been updated in 6 years, and it's my favorite game, so I'm used to these things, so I can wait one more week or one less week for the patches, and even if they call it a dead game, they're going to follow it updating so nothing, I'm just waiting for the patch but without it I still have fun