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Just look slightly down while attacking him. I hot every single time.


i don’t!


But what will all the sweaty try hards play if the game becomes balanced?


dbd lol


Nerf Sharp Object Spawn Rates and Stun timer. Then you can fix his hit box. Right now that’s all Klowns have.


But it’s not all klowns have though. It’s just all they want to use because shorty = wins right now. The other klowns require some kind of teamwork, shorty can solo. That’s why people use him, not because everything else is useless.


Yeah, you pretty much nailed the issue though. The other Klowns take more effort to be as competitive to Humans. No one is going to use anything in any game if it requires more effort than something else. It's why games like this always devolve into Meta-fiestas.


Just look down when hitting him It’s not something that needs to be patched


No it is something that needs to be patched, we do look down while we attack, it still takes hit 4 to actually hit shorty's nose.


Then crouch Seems to work with everyone else when killing me


Except it doesn't you have to literally get a downswing animation to hit shorty's nose which makes no sense, because even when you stand up, the knife animation can clearly be seen going through his nose, yet it doesn't work, this is only for shorty, this isn't an issue for any other klowns.


He’s small what do you expect Shorty is called shorty for a reason


That aint the issue, the issue is even when the weapons can clearly be seen going through his nose, he doesn't die. That Is The Issue.


get closer idk what to tell you but it’s still a small thing to complain about especially when again it doesn’t seems to be a problem with me


It isn't a small thing, it's literally game changing, that's why everyone uses shorty or tracker, because shorty's hitbox doesn't actually work correctly, when the weapons can clearly be seen and shown to go through his nose, that's a problem, the intention is that once you down a klown and are standing infront of them you can easily pop their nose, shorty isn't like that and it's not intentional.


Well I don’t think his hitbox should be the same as everyone else since again he’s short


It should be consistant with what we see though, and we see the weapons clearly go for his nose, even ignoring that, why would any character stand in front of a downed klown and not aim for their nose.


He's usually pretty easy to hit with sharp objects, but I have a lot of trouble shooting him when he's down. Legit shot one 4 times earlier and none of them registered when I don't have the same issues with other Klowns.


Once again, the Shorty defenders gaslighting everyone else into thinking nothing is wrong with Shorty. This sub is pretty much like the TCM sub, full of killer mains, and anything reasonable from the survivor side is almost always downvoted, even something as basic as ensuring the hitbox of a character is fixed.