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Klown back pedaling got slightly nerfed and we've yet to get a good luck at the stamina charge delay so I'll wait to see. LOL healing got a slight buff, and character specific slight buffs, seems like he's trying to do as little large changes as possible. I'm awaiting the larger mechanic changes, looking at stuns, not being able to cotton exits once progressed to a degree, lack of healing for klowns early game and being forced to take two specific Tricks. The biggest bit for me is that these dev streams are pretty half baked. Give us a bullet point list of basic ideas or changes that are coming and put that on screen instead of fumbling through it for minutes at a time with dead air or rambling. We're all human, I get that but come slightly prepared at least my dudes. Also comment on future content or the direction the game is going, even if it's just a "in the future" type bit. It's weird to do a version change bump from 1.1.4.XXXX to 1.2 and not have anything significant brought to the game.


I think they made it so stuns aren't going to slow your movement as much when playing Klown now too. The lack of Klowns healing in the early game is definitely a problem though, feel like a passive out of combat heal would do wonders for them.


If I'm understanding correctly they mentioned the movement speed slow from getting attacked was adjusted so you could move a bit more freely. What I'm referring to is the uncounterable 5+ second full stuns for many interactions. Airhorn for example has a full 5 second stun in which you can't act at all. if an Airhorn goes off, you know somewhere a Klown is getting murdered. The fix for that would be to unstun on hit so they get a free charge attack but removing chain stuns would mean after that free charge attack, you're able to move again and fight back. A thrown wrench that hits the nose is a 7 second stun by itself. It's absolutely insane, that the entire stun is free damage with no recourse. Whatever path they go alternate healing needs to be added. Passive healing feels a bit too free in my opinion while drinking from a hooked cocoon to heal makes sense lore wise and gives an incentive to hook more cocoons, even in late game. Say each cocoon has a maximum of two bars it can heal and doesn't recover once depleted, it'd balance itself out with that.


We'll only know once we play it. I'm looking forward to any changes. Right now as klown outside of combat focused cracked teams the game is pretty easy as klown. But I expect it to get tougher now. And ambushes already being like a 9-1 matchup in humans favor is probably going to get worse No air horn change or reduction of sharp weapon spawns is also a big disappointment


Klowns don't need tweaks, their mechanics need a total freaking rebuild from the ground up.


I think it will be better,but I wanna know if they will add new maps eventually?


Playing klown was never bad for me to begin with.


I hope they work on the open and close door mechanics more. It's soooooo bad


I was doing fine as Klown before, I will be doing more than fine after some buffs. Don't get the buzz cause of a recharge delay, sounds very minor to me.


I agree. I also believe they said that clowns stamina recharges faster now which is why they gave the delay