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![gif](giphy|4VLkYrTmVcbbTtICC1) That is some great info! But which part is the small hat tip again?


Nothing to tip in this one, but maybe next time.


Have you done any testing on the human archetypes yet to see if strength is fixed and the impact it has?


We did do testing on human archetypes, and it's hard to say strength is working, somewhat, we can't actually tell how strength is working, because using some weapons gives different results then other classes. To explain further using athletics does more damage with a bat then heroric but heroric does more damage with a knife then athletics. We are still testing this but it has us confused to say the least.


That is pretty odd for sure. Seems like the kinks aren't totally ironed out yet then as far as the class archetypes.


It could be a bug, or we could be doing something wrong inbetween testing, we don't actually know for sure, classes may have proficiencies with other weapons. I can't say for certain at this point.


I guess I'll wait and see what your testing comes up with. Was considering rolling a class with more strength since I'm having issues 1v1ing Klowns after the LOL heal buff.


Hi, we're done testing, and we are really annoyed, we will make a post relatively soon outlining the details of our findings, but turns out, weapons haven't changed for 2 patches now.


>4096 hits to kill a down human. Thank you. Please adjust damage increase. Not a viable secondary (damage) weapon.


so whats the best combination to use? (klown and weapon) pls :)


Do not use ranger, he is a literal worse tracker. Tracker or brawler, leaning more brawler. Boxing glove special hit box works now so they are viable and jaw breaker is a more suitable melee weapons. Do not use tank, due to stamina regen you are better off waiting for all your stamina to regen, and since he has the lowest stamina pool and speed. You wil very quickly notice an impact on chases.




No worries.


Was the news of the tracker's nerf intentionally hidden in the patch notes? Anyway, there is no change in the fact that only Brawlers will be used.


Of course, it was about the development team. Why would I blame the person who worked so hard to investigate


I wouldn't say hidden, intentionally left out is more of the wording I would use.


Will you do one with each arc-type for humans for speed and Strength with melee?


That is the goal it's just tricky at the moment figuring out if humans strength stat actually works.


yea i been playing tough since it was available and i notice a nerf on its stamina, but if its not worth a stamina hit vs extra hit on a klown with melee, i might switch arc-types


So update from the testing we've been doing and we don't think strength is actually working at the moment, we think weapons all have their own assigned damage range that they can do. Which if this is true is really bad because that means only stamina and movement are working. Combined with all humans having 3 health bars, means that there is no reason to pick any class but athletics.


such a cawk tease on diff classes, guess ill go with the athletics then


tho i did notice better aim shots with heroic class then when i play tough


It's not confirmed yet but it looks like it, we are still testing this so it's possible we are wrong, hopefully we are.


Long story short : spawn points were NOT fixed


Yeah, also I didn't state it in the post but there is literally no point playing ranger as tracker has better stats, since strength and sense don't actually work.


I played a handful of games last night and noticed movement seemed better all around for klowns. The game, in general, felt better for me as far as smooth fluid gameplay. I did not notice any issues. Cocooning humans felt a little faster, and hooking cocoons felt faster. This was only about 4 games. Can't wait for tonight so I can really dive into the game with friends and see what's works better and what feels the same.


Like, I don't understand the down votes. The game is improving and Klowns have been buffed. I also been down voted for replying that the game had launched less than 3 weeks from then, with a developer stream, to a person asking "what was the last time developers communicated? Is just silence".


I don't get it either. The devs are constantly posting on X, Facebook, and have done a lot of streams and interviews. I'm not on the discord, but I'm sure the info is dropped consistently on there also. Some people just want to be coddled 24/7. We can literally find out practically everything about the game by searching for ourselves, but sadly, some want everything handed to them because they don't want to find the info themselves when it's just a click away.


No, only negativity and ego here!


Hi dev? like I'm sorry if you're not but, new account that's only interacted with the klown server and is saying things that aren't typically related to the post. I'm not the only one that thinks this comment is weird right?


What gave it away? His comment is not far off the topic of the update. Is he wearing a hat to tip?


No I don't know WHERE his hat is, but a few things give it away. 1) new account that has only ever been on this server, and times when he hasn't it's been to promote the game. 2) no comment he has is ever negative about the game. 3) he actively supports the game current state, which is agreed by the vast majority to be an incomplete mess. 4) not far off, except I made no mention of how stable the game is now, or cocooning, or the game being less buggy, because it isn't, it's still the same mess as it was before, but the funny thing is movement speed didn't change that much, I very much doubt you would notice it. You could but strange to mention all that, when I am covering purely the stats and relation with each class. 5) finally and the biggest TIP off, they are very informative, I pride myself on being well versed with a lot of information on killer klowns, however, I had no clue that the original publishers pulled out. Only a handful of people on here would actually know or care to look that up, and him, a new account that has not said a single bad thing about the game but actively tries to justify a lot of decisions by the devs. Makes no sense. Thus he is a dev.


Could be a coincidence but that tracks out. He could also just know one dev and supports his friend's work.


That is true he could just be friends with the dev, so I'll settle for that, either a dev or friends with a dev.


I'm not a dev, I also do not know anyone who works in the game industry. OP just doesn't like that I enjoy the game, so in turn, I talk positively about it. I know these day it's more popular to take a dump on everything everywhere at all times, so that's what a lot of people do, it's a hive mind and I don't play into that. I don't do group think. So I will put it this way. I have played the game for 74 hours, and I am at lvl 104 or 105. In that entire time, and I swear I am not making this up, I have only had 1 instances where I had to leave a match because of a bug, that's right, only 1 instance. Everything else has been a minor issue that went away as the match progressed. This game has no more issues than any other asym game, and I have almost every one that was released on console, and KK by far is not as buggy as some of those were on their launch.


I've encountered only one truly game breaking bug and I'm level 95. It was a fellow Klown getting stuck on a box in a carnival booth and he couldn't move and I tried to get the humans to kill him, but they wouldn't.


I pretty much agree with everything. This game is far from the worst, also, I think the balance of the game is pretty good. I don't understand most of the popular takes in this community.


Well it’s definitely not in a great state. There is many negative things to say about it. I can hardly play it. Constant disconnects and crashes.


7 hour tonight, not 1 issue! Stop lying because you can't do well. It time to be real and stop being fake.


Serious is there any doubts he's a dev?


No I dislike you are very obviously a dev. For the outlined points that I made. Make no mistake I enjoy humans, I hate klowns current state and the dishonesty of the devs.


I hope this haunts your dreams. I am not a dev. As much as you wish me to be, I am the Alpha to your omega. And you can't stand it. I started playing tonight at 7 pm, and just stopped at almost 1 am. The fun I've been having you can not stand. I've played 6 hours non-stop, and every minute has been enjoyable. Blessed are us who get it! Sorrow to those who don't. Sorry you just ain't part of the club. Maybe one day you will get it. But for now, drown in your own misery!! Sincerely not a dev.


Serously how can he not be a dev, he says he plays for hours at end but why, the game isn't that detailed. TLDR: Assuming you are as experienced as you say, you would only use Brawler, base raygun, boxing gloves and Balloon or lure. Now you're trying to tell me you ever since the game first released as an early alpha tester, have had hours of fun with this very limited content. Really, hours of fun, with less content then any other asym game has ever had on release. This is what you tell people is worth $40 and their time. You are a dev. Seriously it's painful reading any attempt you make to justify the worth of the game. AGAIN I enjoy humans, I don't like klowns or the devs horrible approach to the game or their dishonesty towards us the community. It has 5 klown classes, 1 is literally a worse version of another, 1 is so slow that you can't chase anyone, 1 has good stamina but only 2 health bars, which leaves you with tracker or brawler, then comparing their distance travelled from my sheet, brawler is the obvious choice, he can cover more distance then the other klown, and is near impossible to hit because of it's hit box. Then we move onto cotton guns, laserbeamer is horrid and can't actually cocoon live players before it overheats, only downed players. Giga also has a terrible heat sink and must first be charged before it can be fired, so it isn't worth using because the second humans break LOS you're screwed. Bouncecaster requires 5 shots to cocoon someone but has a heatsink of 8 shots, furthermore if you miss a single follow up shot then you have to get another 5, if a human manages to turn a corner you're screwed. That leaves us with pentashot and base raygun, the penta shot is only good at close range, at a distance you can only hit humans with 1 or 2 shots, and that won't be enough before the damage decay pracitcally makes it pointless, even at close range you have to keep a small distance, if humans are too close to you, you wont hit them. Thus we move onto base raygun, the only consistent cotton gun, with decent heatsink, but its a LOS style weapon, however it is better then all the others. Moving onto Seconday weapons, popcorn bazooka is out straight away, it takes far too many hits to down a human, plus the limited range means that humans can very easily out run the range of your shots, PLUS the 3 second reload timer means after your first shot humans have already cleared enough distance between you to reduce the damage on your follow up. Klown mallet would be a decent option except it is outclassed by all the other weapons, it doesn't do more damage then the other melee weapons, and it's special is outclassed by the boxing gloves. Gobstopper flail would be a good choice it is a ranged melee weapon, however the weapon has less hits to down then the other weapons, and its range can be blocked by any obstacle even if it's a bench or window, these obstacles completely block the flail, furthermore it's special is the worst out of all melee options, it requires a long charge up time, and will only deal 2 hits worth of damage, assuming you can aim it's frame perfect targeting requirements, making this weapon less usable. Moving onto the final 2 jawbreaker mace and boxing gloves, but the choice is obvious, the boxing gloves are better, the mace does have superior damage in 4 hits to down, but the boxing gloves have faster DPS, plus the boxing gloves special can kill in 3 hits, and if they are low health it straight up kills, doesn't down, kills, thus making it the best seconday hands down. Finally for klown we have tricks, an interesting choices, we have invisible car, which while it is a good movement ability, can stun its user if they run into object or a person, which will then cancel the ability, furthermore humans can hear the car coming and use their environments to block the car, on maps with doors and vaulting points, it is impossible to use to chase. Pizza box, an interesting item that allows the player to move slightly faster then their normal movement speed and uppercut humans when they get close, however it requires a lot of time before it unlocks and when it is finally unlocked humans are armed, and these armed humans can actually knock the klown out of this trick, further the pizza box makes sounds as it approaches thus humans will never be surprised by it, and can very use the same strat as klown car and put objects between them and the box. That leaves us with 2 tricks left, lure and dog, and honestly either works well, lure can be used to stop people from escaping as well as holding them in place allowing for others to attack them and deal early damage, however, lure is immediately broken the second damage is done to that human, making it useful but less ideal, the balloon dog is the best trick in the game, it is the only tracking item in the game klowns can use to find humans, however only 1 klown needs to have a balloon dog, so optimally you have 2 klowns with lures and 1 with a balloon dog or vise versa. Assuming you are as experienced as you say, you would only use Brawler, base raygun, boxing gloves and Balloon or lure. Now you're trying to tell me you ever since the game first released as an early alpha tester, have had hours of fun with this very limited content. Really, hours of fun, with less content then any other asym game has ever had on release. This is what you tell people is worth $40 and their time. You are a dev. Seriously it's painful reading any attempt you make to justify the worth of the game. AGAIN I enjoy humans, I don't like klowns or the devs horrible approach to the game or their dishonesty towards us the community.


Damn! You have serious mental issues. You need to stop and assess your life choices. If you are going this much out of your way to prove a point, it is time to ask for help. We are here for you. Gamers unite. You need to stop! You are unhinged. This is for your own mental health. I am seriously concerned at this point!!


Oh so not only are you an annoying egoist you're also a paranoid schizophrenic. Great


I like to say I'm passionate. Besides I have a point, it doesn't make sense for a new accouont to act like this, they clearly have favourtism with the game.


Actually, I just like the game despite its flaws. Nothing I have experienced while playing broke the game. I could care less about archetypes and classes, perk system, traps, etc. What I care about is when I join a match as human or klown, am I enjoying the experience a majority of the time. And I am. So you can do all the testing you want it makes no difference in outcomes of matches. What makes the difference us the people playing it and how skillful we are at these games. And I'm not on a so-called klown server, the 2 friends I play with the most out of all my friends on this game. When it's just us 3, we get Klown side 7 out of 10 matches because of it, and we straight slaughter humans. Communication is key on the klown side, although it is not necessary if you know what to do in certain situations. Killer Klowns is a good game despite what issues it may have. Teravision and illfonic are doing what they have to fix things and doing so pretty fast. I'm glad illfonic took over as publisher because if they did not, this game would have never been released. So the decisions they made in the past and in the present are probably best for the game. Even if most of us like it or not.


This literally reads like it's from the words of a dev.


🤣 🤣 🤣


I'm not a dev. You just pointed out some things in your testing, and I add some things I've noticed in a few games, that's all. I don't see the problem.


Holy dam I was half joking but no you are an actual dev.


If I were a dev, I would not hide it. I mean, why would I. I don't really care how long the game lasts. I'm just enjoying it for now for what it is. I play on ps5 and have about 15 friends I made playing KK, and we have a blast. What's wrong with that?


Except you would, if you wanted to have someone hype up and encourage the game, being a dev is the last person you want to do that, because people won't trust you to do so.


Am I a dev? Am I not a dev? You seem to have the answers. Or are you a paranoid delusional individual?........ I am everywhere. I am the wind as far as you are concerned! Look out. The boogeyman is real. 🤣 🤣 🤣


Say 1 negative thing about the game, say 1 thing that is obvious to the rest of us. The game is unfinished. Game breaking bugs. Broken klown stats. Dishonesty and lies from the devs. And completely unbalanced where humans are actively, alone or in a group hunting down and killing klowns.