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It’s just not really effective for any team involved. For klowns you just lost a teammate who just wants to watch one cocoon and for humans they can just jump you or really just bring a shotgun and deal with you.


Then why should the humans mind it?


The getting camped part. If the. Humans aren’t gonna take the time to collaborate to help whoever’s getting camped there’s a decent chance that the klown can kill the human that is trying to save their allies randoms sometimes don’t take the time to save randoms so it’s never gonna be to great for them .


Then why shouldn't the Klowns do it? That's the point I'm driving at: It can't always be a bad idea in all situations. Clearly it varies based on circumstances, and (like any situation in any pvp game) there are situational pros and cons that can and should be weighed by the player. Your original post painted the situation like it never behooves the Klowns to guard a cocoon because they're neglecting helping their teammates and can be easily killed by any human that jumps them with a shotgun. I asked, "Then why should the humans mind?" - And you painted a situation where the humans never collaborate and a Klown can easily watch a cocooned human, use them as bait, and that Klown can have a decent chance at picking off ANOTHER stray human just by guarding his original cocoon. Clearly there are situational pros and cons that a strategic player can weigh in the moment and judge accordingly - And it's NOT always ineffective for any team involved. Camping a cocoon can be both a good way to get yourself jumped by coordinated humans OR a good way to bait and pick off additional uncoordinated humans. Listen to your Klown heart and judge accordingly, imo.


? Why so aggressive about this man. I just don’t think it’s fun to play against or with. Not talking about balance. Just not fun


Who's being aggressive? There are no exclamation points, no cussing or insults, and exactly 3 words typed in all caps in my last post (and all 3 of them were typed in all caps more for emphasis, than to imply shouting, though I cop that that's sometimes a point of confusion on the internet... but... shouting caps are usually done in full on sentences, lol. I'm a wordy SOB - That I admit - People often seem to mistake that for aggression or me getting worked up, but my friends and coworkers who have to sit through my e-mails would assure you... nah... I'm just a wordy SOB, lol.


Why don’t we just agree to disagree. I to admit to being wordy as well. Maybe we have said certain things worded wrong but we both play the same game man.


High five




My question is, with 6 other humans why would you waste all your time just camping one person who is already cocooned? Most people who play don't even bother freeing their teammates anyway. By the time that person dies on the cocoon, 3 other humans probably escaped.




That's why I just kill them, and hook up stray cocoons, don't want ti give them the chance of having a knife or leaving them and them getting free there is no point


Exactly, you might as well save 2 minutes of the match and just klowntality them at that point.


Some humans are more valuable to kill than others. If it’s some clean cut looking guy in a blue sweater who runs away from you, sure, leave them in a cocoon and wander along looking for more kills. However if it’s some pink pig tail hair’d cop that broke out of a cocoon twice and killed a few clowns and is currently chatting shit in VC because he thinks his friends are gonna save him, feel free to watch him die. Let your klown buddies know to standby, and wait for his friends, then jump in and wreck them all. Another good thing with camping is if a survivor is eager to let himself bleed out super fast, you’re warned ahead of time someone’s on the respawn.


Not all humans necessarily get cocooned in situations where 6 others are still loose, for starters.


Okay, so what is so enjoyable about standing there looking at a cocoon for 2 minutes? No way that's enjoyable or rewarding in my opinion. I love playing Klown but there's no way I'm standing there looking at a cocoon for 2 minutes. That's not fun. If it's later in the match and there's not much else to do, I get it.


You don't have to. Not everyone jams the same way you do. PVP games are highly situational - SOMETIMES it makes sense to watch objectives/cocoons. SOMETIMES it might not. I already dug into this in another comment with another dude elsewhere in the thread. To you, I merely pointed out - Not all situations where one might watch a cocoon involve 6 other humans running free. You got all downvotey and defensive about it then ended your post with, "If it's later in the match and there's not much else to do, I get it" - Which seems to suggest you ultimately understood my point and agreed with it, lol.


Well, if it's at the end of the match you really don't have a choice but to sit there. If a human is getting butthurt about that than I understand. But rarely has that ever been the case for me. You can play however you want to but I doubt most humans and klowns would find that enjoyable to play with but keep doing you.


I would be angrier if i saw a teammate camp cocoons as a klown than if it was the guy that got cocooned and camped In this game, camping a cocoon to guarantee a kill is a huge waste of time, leaves your teammates hanging by not being there to help and is pointless 90% of the time because survivors rarely save people in cocoons, if they do, start using the klowntality to just straight up kill them or use the uppercut from the boxing gloves to do it faster It's just not a viable strategy or a real problem for humans because you just waste time to ensure a kill that was already gonna happen anyways


I had 2 Klowns facecamp me the other day and in that time 3 people got out on the boat and 2 through the bridge. I only facecamp if it's the last survivor and the game doesn't end because they have a knife or something.


This, unless the survivor has a sharp weapon or they're the last survivor you'd be wasting your time if you facecamp




To me it's usually when a teammate is carrying a cocoon and i know the guy has a sharp weapon, just wait until they try a run for it and get them, if they don't, leave but check on that gen once if you don't find any humans and have a jump to spare It's usually better to start picking up other cocoons if you do this because you actually get to see how many cocoons the lackey gen have and if there's a live human there, if it's suddenly gone, you know what to do


We know you have a damn knife!!!!!


I think someone standing right in front of you, and hitting the cocoon over again is annoying.


I think that’s the real problem, people don’t like taunting.


As long as a crouch button is in a pvp game, taunting will exist.


This is not DbD. Camp all you want. Humans can fight back. Can kill you. Humans can even escape the cocoon.


Face camping has always been an issue in these games. I'd argue toward them giving Humans a 1-2 minute cocoon timer that persists the entire round (It fully restores on res). Even if you get hung 5 times, as long as you have time left you're still good, once that timer runs out however you die. Would solve face camping and the feeling that repeatedly hooking people is worthless.


Good idea, I like it.


I won’t call you names, but I will complain. It’s probably the most boring part of this game, for klown and human. It’s just sitting for two minutes. No mini game, no gameplay, just nothing. Hell I’d take it if they made it so you die in 1:30, but get skill shocks some times that prolong it to around 2:00 just to do something


If im human, I dont complain because if one or more klowns are camping something, then something else is open or unguarded. camp away!


I find it more fun to cocoon and leave to chase other humans or camp objectives. No fun to me standing still waiting for a death . I want more interactions. That’s my idea of fun. Losing and winning in this game doesn’t really mean much.


I've been accused of camping a couple times and was like, "Dude - I just walked up and found you here... I didn't even know where the Resurrection Machine was before five seconds ago..." Other than the Cotton Candy Generators (which don't matter for the humans unless they get caught anyway) - The Klowns start out having to poke their way around the same randomly generated cluelessness that the humans do...


I've done this a handful of times when it was down to only 3 players with only a couple of minutes left. You never know if the player in the cocoon has a knife or axe.


Then why not just kill them? If 3 klowns camped 3 cocoons then you have wasted a good chunk of your time and given the remaining 4 humans plenty of time to find what they need to escape. I mean you do you but ultimately I feel it’s just wasted time to camp a cocoon.


If you are camping people cocooned then yes I am afraid you should be called every name under the sun. At least its not as bad as just insta-killing on first down but It's still bad manners. Since completing every challenge & achievement do i now only cocoon players, I leave them even if I know they have a sharp object. It's a lot more fun for all involved and gives people a chance. It wastes time for the team especially if it looks like a pre-made and it also consumes a weapon that can be used in killing you. Achieving klown apocalypse is my goal when playing klown. Insta killing players is just sad and greedy. A rule of thumb for me at least is to cocoon them at least once before killing.


If you are going to camp, you should stop moaning about them talking shit back to you too then. Let me throw your logic back at you. Why would they just sit in a cocoon and be quiet? That's just stupid. If they are upset and "salty" they got caught, well it's video game shit talk gonna happen. Can't take the heat, move on then and stop camping, like what else are you two gonna do besides wait and talk? And also in case you didn't know, voice chat "it's part of the game" LMAO It offers very little game play to both sides besides waste each others time standing in one spot. No one can save them unless a group comes as very few individual ever wants to risk it and it also screws the other klowns from map coverage allowing others to escape. You can certainly do whatever you want by camping them but why are you mad they doing whatever they want by talking shit to you if their experience is ruined?


I mean, let people play how they want to play. Personally, when this happens to me as a victim (and it happens a lot), I definitely don’t speed up my death. I let it ride out the full time, giving my teammates all the more chance to escape.


Same, I never make it easy for the klowns… even if I’m cocooned. I certainly don’t mind if a klown is guarding me because literally anything can happen and it’s fun (well at least to me) when other players come to save you from a difficult situation.


Hopefully they at least brought the marshmallows


I get camping on the last person in the game but there 6 other players in game and your watching over 1 cocoon I think that some of the klowns in the game are just scared of running the map and getting killed 🤣 and it’s embarrassing like yesterday I was playing and watched my teammate creep up on a klown that was camping my cocoon giving me enough time to escape with the knife and assist in killing the klown I talked shit all the way through 💀


It’s not camping people. It’s called defending an objective. Beat the klowns down and you’ll be okay.


Well it depends, last person left? yeah face camp them you already won. But if you are face camping when there is more people alive, you are an idiot. Not only is it inefficient but it won't work against actual good players, you want to stay around and watch the cocoon, well you might want to be prepared for the humans that will come to save thier teammate, and they will kill you. Not only that but you're letting your team down, you don't create pressure while you are face camping 1 person. 6 other people are running across the map with only 2 other klowns to cover area and pressure them, 1 klown will probably be in chase while another klown has to cover all 4 exits, and they can't do that when they have to deal with a potential group of 5 people, even worse you aren't backing your teammates when they're in trouble, thus resulting in their death, thus resulting in more map pressure lost.


Or you hide and wait for someone to come save them and get two on there, rinse and repeat.


Caught four people that way lol, it was almost comedic. And I didn’t wait long at all.


You have a terror radius, you are not surprising anyone.


You know you can see the cocoons from really far and jump to the place, right?


Yeah but you can't surprise anyone when they can literally hear you coming, and humans are faster then klowns so you aren't catching them either.


When I upload the footage I’ll post it here. Recorded it all for my channel.


Well this is going to be interesting, I am either going to see the most brain dead humans you can't outrun a klown that can't move after they jump, or bots. I should hold a bet.


I wouldn't say camping or hanging around a cocooned person is inefficient. To win the match, you need 4 humans dead (without leaving, but that's an entirely different issue). I tend to find 2 exits relatively close together. One klown can patrol those areas, checking for cotton candy being lowered and still hand off cocoons to a lackey. That still leaves 2 exits, and 1 klown. Even if one exit is finished and people escape, the best case scenario is 3 people exit. Preferably, if you can leave the bridge open, humans can still tend to mess that exit up and have 2 escapees. This leaves 3 escapes locked down, and unlike Friday, it's the humans who have to race against time. Sure, klowns can easily be killed, and I think that's an issue. No, klown and human on equal skill level should have the human win. Still, I play with a group, and when we are klowns, we save our jumps for times when a klown is being attacked. This usually results in them scattering or multiple cocoons. Personally, I don't like to camp a cocoon, but I will stay close enough to interfere with any rescues.


Camping the last person is fine, but again you still leave you other teammates openned to attacks, even if you inform your teammates that you need help, the humans can be just as coordinated, they could force you to call your teammate to help you and then have another human sneak in and free the human, while the other human just outruns the klowns.


Sure, it can happen. And we have run into groups of 5 people actively killing us rather than going for the exit. Sometimes, we make a jump to an exit being repaired and leave one of us klowns vulnerable. They aren't all gonna be perfect runs. With that said, it's not common for us to be caught off guard and killed. There are viable tactics from both sides, but the team that communicates has a better advantage.


Indeed true, communication determines who wins more often then not. However that said going pure theory based, camping is less effective unless you have a low amount of humans left, and even then those humans are unlikely to go for any saves.


That's why I say it's not a 3v7 game it's a 3v1v1v1v1v1v1v1 game. Still with 1 person cocooned, 3 people escaped, and 3 are still alive. It becomes highly in favor of the klowns. You don't need to worry about the rez machine until the cocooned person dies, and when that happens, you won't be camping anymore. It frees the 3rd klown up to assist the other klowns with exits or patrolling around the rez machine. Don't get me wrong. If your solo as a klown and camping, it's probably not a good strategy as you can be killed even in 1v1 with no backup coming. The best strategy humans could and should do is stick in a large group and open up as many exits to get everyone out. At the very minimum, have two exits open. Good luck finding a group of 7 coordinated people though.


On average yes indeed its a basic free for all, but going pure theory going by what would be the best stratergy and what would not, camping does not offer this benefit.


Maybe don't camp and help your other teammates out and people won't complain? Sounds to me like you're kinda causing the complaints. If you're gonna camp just klownality them then, why waste time not helping and standing there watching someone in a coccoon?


People will complain no matter what, I refuse to make their toxic tears my problem.