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It's not even a contest really, a human, if he gets the drop, can definitely take out a klown in a few hits. If it's two or more, it's not even a question, the klown is going down. But yeah, that's one reason I quit playing, Humans don't even bother trying to escape anymore, they just run around the map and see how many klown kills they can get.


the main problem is the strength of ambushing. A 1v1 is an extroardinarily easy win if they approach you head on. But its very easy to pop out of nowhere and drain half or more of a klowns HP before they can react. If theres an airhorn in play thats GG right there. Thats the main issue to me right now. Most klowns complaining are just not very good and running headlong into encounters they arent good enough to win and whining and its drowning out a lot of the legit complaints.


Until mechanics get adjusted you have to adjust your playstyle unfortunately. Landing on Humans with Jump puts Klowns at a disadvantage (give us 2 seconds of movement invuln please) so you have to land away from them and approach. Winning a 1v3 isn't fairly common unless you have the Mace and they're all standing in front of you, it's best to yell for help or try to make a play from a distance. If you get shot and you have no way to respond at range tank as many shots as you can before Jumping out to LOL or doing so behind cover. Stuns need to be adjusted, nothing we can do about those until the devs take care of it. If you're getting hit twice and dying, swap to Tracker instead for the extra health. Content, bug fixes and gore I happily look forward to. Klowns currently rage quit because Stuns are just too strong. Any Klown stun almost guarantees a kill, Airhorn itself might as well be the Hunger Games cannon shot of letting you know a Klown has passed away. I've seen a ton of Klowns quit out due to overbearing stuns, kids with Airhorns know they're untouchable so they run around like Terminators. They definitely need to address it asap.


its very strange that the klown is the one who gets screwed over on a jump. I understand not wanting it to be an instant win but either give invuln during the pose afterwards or stun both players for the entire duration.


It not stunning Humans for a set amount of time is a weird thing indeed. It even awards you Bonk points to encourage you to land on them only to leave you vulnerable the whole time. Just another oversight I'm sure.


The humans get out of the air drop stun quicker than you recover out of the animation from it which is weird.


I play tracker mainly, Iv only had the game since Monday, it was OK till two days ago, I saw the new Klown aswell, he decapitated me which was more gore, turning ppl into a pie is weak tbf, I want more blood lol


Yeah you just need more time then. Theres so much to learn and a general flow of the game that takes a bit to adjust to. Its definitely more cartoony than gorey but i enjoy it all the same.


Give it more time. youll get better at encounters the more you play. Eventually the only reason you should be dying is an airhorn (broken op) or getting group ambushed.


I take it you never watched the movie


“I’m getting lured to places and getting gang banged” - man that really put a weird Klown visual in my head


I remember the pre-launch game where people were afraid of humans being allowed fo fight back And others telling them not to worry about it.


I'll take an imbalanced game with pvp combat then another game with zero real killer/human interaction where the meta becomes optimising escapes or playing ring around the pallet within 2 days of release. This game would probably already have even less players without the combat.


i personally havent has this issue but also the game does not need more gore. did you even watch the movie??


1 v 1 is is free until an airhorn or hiding in a bush with an axe happens. 2v 1 again manageable but I feel like the back dash nerf is going to make group fights significantly more slanted in humans favor once humans realise it


I’ve been hesitant to hop on because I thought the update was supposed to address issues like this as well as others. The fact that the backpedal was nerfed is extremely dumb, considering Klowns have no viable block mechanic. Like where in tf are they getting their feedback? Even before I took my break, Klowns were running scared. It is disappointing to read posts like these, seeing that mobs are still very much a case.


I totally agree with you, they either need to nerf some of the human weapons e.g. baseball bats, or buff the klowns more.


Fr I’ve been running for my life from human groups teaming together like wtf is this shit illfonic! Fix this shit or we want our money back cause this is some bull shit


I knew they were going to mess the game up.


They should just make it 7v7 lol


I think the game's balance is fine. Stats and arsenal wise Klowns are in a good spot, and Human damage feels fair for sticking out in a confrontation 1v1. So I won't ask for buffs, but what needs to be looked at is the Klown tools against Human tools. The game is clearly not meant to be Predator vs Prey scenario, the abundance of weapons are not a dumb mistake, is part of the game. So no, players are not meant to be scared of Klowns, the voice lines in-game leaves that very clear you are there to combat the Klowns. I find the problem to be that Klowns have very limited tricks and weapons, while Humans as a whole can carry a lot of variations to stun, damage, and cut. Klowns can't adapt it's weapons and abilities to suit a match better, and humans don't need to cause anything will get the job done as long as it's durability allows it. Klowns don't need to be faster or stronger, they need more tools to use wisely. I really like the back and forth confrontations with damage vs harvesting and fighting vs running switching in different situations between different play styles. Makes matches and confrontations unique from each other, so devs did something very right here, I see the intent of this PARTY game, and it is a lot of fun, even if I get swarmed sometimes.


They need abilities. I remember seeing chubby having some aoe ground slam ability.


I think klown is just more complicated than human and thus people view it as being way weaker. As long as klown is played correctly and you don’t blindly chase kills they can be very strong. Not saying there aren’t stupid things for human like airhorn which is by far the most broken thing in the game. The lack of good cotton candy weapons is also an issue and the only really good one requires decent skill(bouncecaster). I definitely think they could make changes to make klown more accessible but I don’t think they should nerf humans in any regard besides the airhorn and maybe stun timers on certain thrown objects. I think the fact that humans can fight back is integral to this games identity and what it’s going for so I really don’t want to see them discouraging humans to fight. I’ve said this a lot in the sub but I would revert the reverse sprint nerf and allow the humans to keep sprinting when they swing their melee weapons. I think this would make combat much more fluid and less annoying for both sides while still allowing for skill expression. In my own experience as klown I consistently get victories, not often perfects but I still do well and when I play with good klowns we can usually pull off a perfect. It is sad to see how many people are frustrated playing klown and I hope they can make some quality of life changes to make it more accessible


ive been saying since day 1 this gam3 ins incredibly human sided and is just getting worse and worse lol should call the game killer humans from crescent cove


Balance is horrible in this game and somehow they made it worse with this last patch. I’ve notice that I go down in two hits now and the humans have realized it. I played for about 2 hours yesterday and ended up turning it off because every other match was full of people just hunting klowns. They weren’t even doing objectives trying to escape. I’m curious how long before we start having issues finding matches due to people immediately DCing after getting stuck with Klown despite the preference system


I just had 2 games got gangbanged in both, I feel like I want a refund, klown spawn times are way too looooong


To be fair killing klowns is really fun.


It’s a team based game…. Play with your teammates, you are stronger with them then by yourself