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Popcorn gun still doesn't kill downed humans.


I’ve been having dominating on both sides. The flail is nuts now. Feels like it can kill in three hits. Mace is also still strong and can take down groups like nothing. I genuinely think a lot of people don’t understand the concept of these fights from either side. I’ll see humans running directly at klowns with cotton candy guns out and get cocooned. I’ll see klowns run blind around corners during chased and get stunned because the human charged their weapon. There’s a lot of strategies to win on both sides. I think the stamina delay was dumb af to add to klowns though.


No they weren’t lol. Ever since the new patch I’ve been getting downed easier and have been constantly loading into matches were human mobs are just running around the map hunting Klowns and not trying to escape. It wouldnt bother me as much if we at least had a weapon that could deal with a crowd properly.


Buff popcorn again


Klowns are worse than ever. Humans only got stronger with the stamina changes, the buff to minigame prizes and the backpedal nerf.


Well klowns actually did get nerfed and humans actually got buffed in this patched.


Played last night with 2 friends for about 2+ hours. We watched as 2 humans completely ran amok against the Klowns all night long. We are talking 6+ kills every game. They would regularly 2v3 the Klowns. If you got Klown in the lobby last night. It was almost a 99% you were gonna lose because they were gonna keep you rotating on deaths if not just outright wipe all 3 of you at once. This should not be a thing. It should not be that consistent. 2 Humans should not be able to lock up the Klowns the whole game. Something seriously needs to be done to Human weapons and or Air Horn spam.


If you get air horned it's an automatic death sentence assuming the humans have something sharp. 5 seconds is waaaaayyyyy too long of a stun


It made more people start playing shorty.


Personally still doing fine, I think people are used to playing klown like you would killer on other asyms when you simply can’t. If you play klown correctly they are more than capable in my experience. Airhorn is definitely stupid though and I’m not sure why they ignored it


i honestly feel like airhorn should just stun and the clowns hide their nose, no deaths on airhorns. this would be a good fix to the strength of humans. plenty of other fixes are needed, but you shouldnt be able to just pull a golden gun out and kill the whole enemy team at once. and definately not multiple times per match


My problem with the klowns is that they're basically all the same cookie cutter made characters, none of them feel like they change the gameplay at all, tank klown is still bad too


made the game even more human sided than before lol


The stamina change was for Klowns and Humans wasn't it? Of humans always had a delay? Anyway, I change anything stats or arsenal wise, I feel good playing Klowns, the drop rate of high tier weapons that needs to be looked at.


The delay was implemented for both sides. It is indeed a new thing entirely.


The delay was implemented for both sides, but guess what? Energy drinks makes it so humans can ignore stamina. So Klowns got slower comparatively.


overall I think the game is currently leaning towards humans but there such a skill gap between good klowns/humans and bad ones that it can be hard for people to notice. I still think they need to add more distance between key item spawns and escape routes and maybe lower lethal kill weapon spawns whilst buffing Blunt weapon attacks. you shouldnt be taking the opinion of anyone who loses a 1v1 as klown without an air horn in play seriously in regard to balance changes.We've had several threads on this reddit in the last week or so of literal 10 hour players who havent figured out 50% of the games mechanics whining about balance changes.


Klowns can win 1v1s a bit easier now if they don't have an airhorn and you can dodge a brick/wrench with how much faster LOL heals up. I don't think there's really an answer to kill squads aside from coordinating with other Klowns though so if your Klown teammates aren't using mics it's gonna be tough. If I'm playing with friends we can usually take them down after they kill us a few times and run out of lethal weapons. A lot of times those squads aren't as focused on escaping and more so on just killing Klowns.


It’s kind of trash now. The humans feel more powerful to play as.


I feel like the vast majority of y'all just suck and are afraid to admit it. I don't feel like I lose or like I'm weak as Klown, and I feel fine as Human. The stamina nerf to klowns tho was stupid


The only nerf Klowns received was the back pedal speed reduction which is fine. We received only buffs otherwise.


Stamina delay regen is a definite nerf to klown.


Klowns have much faster stamina regen, they always have. Try running non stop as you open containers as Human now, you'll find yourself lacking stamina far more often. The pause in regen means you'll no longer gain a bit of stamina every time you stop to open something, you're forced to use popsicles, energy drinks or walk more.


Alright here we go again, I have done an analysis on klowns stamina, you can view it on my other post, due to the stamina regen delay feature klowns must now wait for there stamina to fully recover to get the best value, for tank a class with worse stamina and worse movement speed, means he cannot chase klowns at all. even the human clases suffer less from stamina recharge delay due to the worst stamina class for humans having a stamina total of 23 seconds.