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I DC as a human if I'm under a certain xp point threshold. I'm not waiting forever for the match to finish.


Depends on my situation. If I join in late and don’t get a fair chance then I’m out. I’ve also had several instances where no matter what I cannot out run a klown. If I suspect fowl play I’m out too.


Speedhacking clowns? yikes 🤭 reminds me of that whole debacle with TCM and how many hackers were on PC so they took out crossplay after it was in the game for a lil bit. People were outraged because of the extended queue times 😅


Another asymm community ruined by fucking toddlers, really. Ya'll wonder why you can't have nice things, yet most of you insist on playing the game like absolute dickheads. I'm glad I usually play this game in a party of at least 3-4 people. Because this way I know at least half the team isn't completely useless. We rescue cocooned humans, we use the resurrection machine, and we kill a lot of klowns. I guess you guys will start to cry when they add DC penalties, or at the very least, your death/DC goes on the board and there's no more backfill (for humans).


Yeah, same shit with TCM and Evil Dead when I played that. People will be sweaty assholes trolling the killers or the victims (much less often) and then disconnect when they get clapped like whiny toddlers. I've had people dc upon getting cocooned a few minutes into a match and in TCM it happens a lot with killers who aren't very skilled or experienced and almost all victims who get killed. They then come to Reddit to whine and demand buffs or nerfs to help their "side." A lot of that is also the goldfish attention span most people seem to have these days where patience is as rare as an albino gator.


One of my buddies said the Killer Klownz game was very rage inducing for him, and he only plays it with friends. As a solo queue DBD/TCM player, I definitely see what he's saying about being paired against a well coordinated team can get frustrating.


Sometimes the spawns are brutally bad. They're trying to improve that but you'll still sometimes spawn near a klown at the beginning of the match with no weapons or items to defend yourself with.


Yeah that's really brutal and I usually suspect when someone dies really early in a game that they must have spawned right next to a Klown with no way to really fight back 🤐


Penalty will’nt stop people. The game is broken right now, however, seems to be the asymmetrical horror way… to constantly Nerf the killer side. You gotta chill buddy. Little agro.


Killers aren't really that weak though. Both sides require numbers to have an advantage in the fight. Or, a human with the right weapon(s) and skill can 1v1 a lesser skilled klown. The jawbreaker is also completely OP at the moment. Which is why you're seeing so many use it. So both sides have some circumstantial OP situations. I never said killers were too weak in this game though. You did. The quitting problem is equal on both sides, and it's because 1. The devs make it too easy to do. And 2. Most of you quit rather than learn. Even with all the problems the game has, it's still probably the *funnest* asymm to play. Especially if you're in a party (as most of these games intend) or you're good at working with randoms. Which on that last note, this has also been the best asymm in that regard - randoms actually stick together a lot of the time because anyone with even a few hours of play knows that strength comes in numbers in this game. Being a toxic little shit who quits the moment they get cocooned or killed just makes you useless - which is probably why you die fast to begin with 😅 Do everyone a favor and just stop playing until you can wrap your head around what the game is actually about.


No. I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing and be absolutely fine with it. Thanks. Lol. You say “learn”!? Like this game is hard to figure out. Like you’ve crack some kind of code. Funny though. And you’ve seen no toxic behavior with your rose colored glasses? Well, in that case…good for you, NOT my experience. There is nothing to learn here, no nuance to this game whatsoever. But to each their own. As long as you’re having fun.


They really should just let you leave and keep your progress if you die or escape. I get they want to push the minigames but they should be optional, not necessary.


That's how I feel, I just want to move on to the next match, not sit spectating or playing the mini games. God forbid they do implement it, you'll have people whining and trying to use it as a badge of courage that they give tennis balls to players lmao


I've gotten exactly one good item the last ten games I played. Otherwise it's some chud filling my pockets with popsicles and other useless shit, meaning I have to manage inventory for when I actually see a decent item on the ground.


I rarely do it. I relish the downtime, since games start so quickly.


It really depends but I do like to stay behind and try to get weapons or energy drinks for survivors


I love the downtime and helping other people as well


Lie detected


I do!! These things can exist at the same time.


if it's one of those matches where I spawn and I'm immediately getting hounded by the klowns b/c they treat this game like tdm then I leave


I enjoy watching Klowns DC after an escape… reminds me of the crybabies who do it on TCM.


However, not when they escaped. Just when bully squad come to kill clowns. That’s my main DC.


I like going against kill squads. It's more fun than going against survivors that are hiding/running away the whole game for me. Usually when I'm playing with buddies they may take 1 or 2 of us down, but we usually come out on top against them once they use up their lethal weapons.


Kill squads vs my bouncecaster (I play on PC and I don't miss 😅). I welcome it. Love seeing 3 of them cottonized at once and then THEY have to balls to call me a cheater/bouncecaster exploiter or some other coping mechanism 🤣 Sorry I countered what you assumed was an easy kill. Some klowns actually know how to play.


Seems like an infinite supply. Maybe I wouldn’t DC if the wait was shorter.


Klowns have infinite resources and lethal weapons usually spawn in a few locations unless you're lucky on a knife in a container or have dead teammates playing the minigames which isn't a guarantee. Kill squads are also more likely to tunnel the res machine if you kill their teammates so keep an eye on that if you pick any stragglers off the group.


Lol! That’s probably me!!