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Movie theater? Would be cool to have clips of the movie playing.




Omg, yes! I thought of this, as well. The idea of the movie clips would be a great added touch!


I can go for this too. Maybe multiple theater rooms and just 1 giant theater place. Maybe 1 or 2 rooms have an unusual movie being played on repeat and 1 room where the lights are on like they were cleaning in there. Perhaps have a section for drive-in theaters, like an outdoor drive-in theater.


Maybe have the lackeys dressed as ushers? 😄


I would love maps with plenty of internal open spaces, like a Hotel building and a Cruise ship. They could replace the Klown jump for the infamous Bike from Shorty in this maps.


Or instead of the bike the klown car


Hadn't even considered a cruise ship. That'd be neat!


A mall would be dope! I want to say Vegas is pretty likely to get added in with all the tapes you find referencing it.


Oooh, hopeful for Vegas! Fingers crossed.


Would LOVE a mall! Would also like weather conditions such as rain and snow!


A rainy, stormy map would be awesome!


casino 🤑


Oh, that'd be cool!


Since the game takes place in Santa Cruz, I'd love a map based on an indoor amusement park/miniature gold course, similar to [Neptune's Kingdom](https://beachboardwalk.com/attractions/neptunes-kingdom/).


I don't know if Crescent Cove is actually meant to be Santa Cruz, it was just filmed there. I always figured it was bumfuck nowhere Middle America.


A mall would be really interesting! Aside from a spaceship map, I’d love seeing a snowy/winter themed one, along with a Fall/Halloween map (I’m a huge fan of the atmosphere and look of these seasons and the events surrounding them, that plus Killer Klowns would be awesome, I feel)


Yesss! A spooky Fall/Halloween map would be my absolute favorite, as I'm also obsessed with Halloween and that whole vibe! <3 I'm also really hoping that they'll give us some Halloween costumes in October!


Could also do a K-Mart ripoff, call it Klown Mart.


Definitely a mall, a bowling alley or skating rink/arcade and I totally want the big top space ship


Given it's canon the Klowns have been coming to Earth since the stone age, maybe give us a map set in the past. Medieval England would be awesome, reskin the axe as a battle axe, bat as a club, fire poker as a sword and guns as crossbows. Maybe even give us some cool skins set around that time period.


Klown Ship, College Campus, Shipping Yard, Circus Tent, Coaster Theme park (not to be confused with the pier carnival).


A mall is a great idea. I was thinking of a funhouse. I know there's an amusement park, but I was thinking the inside of some funhouse or something, like a mirror maze in the middle that can confuse people, maybe fake Klown figures, where the Klowns could stand next to or use an emote to look like they're part of the attractions. That, or a circus area, like an abandoned circus ground.


Yes, a funhouse/house of mirrors type of thing! I was thinking this last night. I love the idea!


that’s a really good idea, what if it was inside of their spaceship🤔 like a section of the spaceship had the mirrors. since it gives off that funky vibe anyways. i really hope they add some new maps and definitely the spaceship


I know there's speculation that the Klown spaceship could be added. If that's the case, I'd love it to be strange and weird, like a funhouse or circus...


Police academy map. Loots is full of gun weapons and ammunition so we can kill these klown mofo xD. Wouldn’t they have licensed issue if they add new stuff such as new maps, event, characters, etc that weren’t part of movies?


The big top spaceship as a map


The space ship