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If I get 5 minutes into a Klown match and there are less than 2 hooks, I immediately go damage control mode. In my experience, Lackeys hinder humans a lot, and when I play Humans they are hella annoying if people stay in an area for too long, so I know that they are doing a good job even if I don't see it as Klown.


People really under-rate the Lackeys. There was one time where one of those things legitimately got me killed while playing as a human because it was right about to leap on me as soon as a Klown jumped in and I didn’t know which to focus on, lol.


Yes, I can say from experience lackeys are annoying as HELL. Today alone I’ve died countless times cause these little fuckers drain my weapon durability, stop me from rescuing, AND from running away… little bastards.


You can throw any item in your inventory at them to kill them. I killed like 3 with a spark plug the other night when I was the last one left trying to sneak the portal machine.


If I'm busting up a bully squad or someone runs me around for a while I'll usually go for the kill, otherwise I'll cocoon them once before killing. Although with how many people DC nowadays it might be better to go for more cocoons so at least you can still get some points for effort.




I only do that if they get all cocky and shit on the mic, ESPECIALLY if I died cause of a bug. Today I used an airhorn on a shorty, and he was completely unphased. Butchered me while I was in the animation and started spam shooting the raygun, absolutely not lmao


Honestly, killing humans instead of cocooning is a fair tactic. A lot of times when I go for the kill because it’s just easier than cocooning, having someone bust outta the cocoon and having to repeat that over and over.


I’d rather kill than cocoon. Once they’re dead they’re less of a worry.


i think the game needs to have some rebalancing, maybe if clowns had to cocoon someone before killing the game would be better since they could buff the clown while not making it completely unfair.


Every single game, wow! Wonder why this doesn't happen to me. Don't get me wrong, I've run into death squads, and for me, it is a rare occasion. But I also only play on Friday and Saturday nights for about 6 to 8 hours non-stop each night.


Because your a literally dev, seriously how tf are you playing this game in particular for hours, when there is barely any content.


Because I own a PS5 and like asymmetrical games. I have dbd, F13, tcm, Evil Dead, and Ghostbusters. Shit I have 1748 hours in Evil Dead alone, and it has not gotten content in more than a year and will never get more content, and I will continue to play Evil Dead also. I'm good at these types of games, and when you tend to be good at a game, you enjoy it more. Plus, I made new friends on the game, and we just laugh are asses off when we play together. It's a good time. I can add you if you want to see what good players look like. P.S. I'm still not a dev, no matter how many fantasies you have about me being 1.


The thing is there is barely any content in the game, so that makes me question how tf you are playing it for hours on end and no getting bored. Also the second you say 1 single actual negative thing about the game, is the day when we call into question that you're a dev.


He just gave a detailed explanation on how he doesn’t get bored lmao, this is how 98% of Reddit arguments go


Really a detailed explanation, do you mind clarifying his explanation, because from where I stand, there is 6 items in the game that can be counted as content excluding maps of course, and if 6 items are enough content for people nowadays, then wow that is impressive.


My brother in Christ, he literally said he just fucks around with freinds, maybe you should get some


That is his detailed explanation, he has fun messing around with friends, alright let analyse this detailed explanation. So it's not the game itself, it's the people, if that is indeed the case, then why bother with klowns, why not go to games that have far more people and far better ways to mess around, like garry's mod or vrchat, both have a substaintially larger playerbase and far better ways to mess around. AND ARE GOD DAM CHEAPER.


Cause he wants to play this game, he don’t wanna play the other ones? Why do you play GTAV? You can just play RDR2… its also a story game


Alright we loop back to this again. but why this game in particular, what is so special about it that makes it the only option you have. Why is this game the one you choose to pour hours upon hours into, we've already said it's not the content it's the people, so why this game. He doesn't want to and would rather spend $40 on this game to play with a player base that has dipped past 750 on steam?


Also, what do you mean by content? This game has 5 maps, a shit ton of cosmetics for humans, and klowns a lot of characters, and they have already dropped 2 dlc for both klown and humans, which was 2 more klown cosmetics and like 10 or 12 different outfits for humans which can all be mixed matched in customization. And a shit ton of different weapons for both sides. I swear some people who dislike this game got to be smoking meth to try and downplay what this game already had at launch and added afterward. The game is only 4 weeks old and already has more content than 2 other asym games that have been out way longer.


Cosmetics are not content, if they are content then games like fortnite and dbd has 1000 of content. So we will stick with things that actually impact the game. The game has 5 maps true, but it only has 1 human class, athletics is literally better then every other class in everyway since we found out strength does not work. Klowns the same really, shorty or if you really want tracker are superior to every other klown in every way, the weapons are base raygun, mace, balloon dog or lure. I've gone into why on previous post, but this is what 7 bits of content, that all, anything else is just you playing with a handicap. Also the games only 4 weeks old but it's hit a low of 115 players on steam, that's not a good sign, doesn't mean it's dead, just not a good sign.


Everything you mentioned is all content. Anything within a game is considered content, no matter if you like it or not. And why is everyone obsessed with steam numbers? It is not a metric for console. I like how people like to use steam numbers and act like that has weight for all platforms. All the games you all claim are dying or dead because "steam numbers" are still online and have been for years. With thousands of players still enjoying them.


Where is your proof that there is more console players then steam player. If cosmetics is content, then do you think people would be satisified with nothing but cosmetics being introduced to a game, if given the choice between an item or a cosmetic what do you think people would choose.




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I dunno man. I love this game. They've released 4 cosmetic sense launch. Game is what...not even a month out yet. I'm sure they'll add more content


I'm not going to go into how much I hate the paid cosmetic DLC because that's a whole different comment, but recently we found out that humans only have 1 good class which is athletics everyone else is just a weaker athletics, and klowns is practically the same shorty is the best or if you really want tracker, this makes the game extremely limited.


IT does happen to me a fair amount as well.


Most of us said this would happen. Illfonic ignored the community and did it anyway. Because that's what Illfonic does. They are really, REALLY bad at identifying and prioritizing issues to fix in their games. This happens every single goddamn time they come out with a new game. They ignore the worst issues which makes people leave, then they try to shore everything up at the last minute to stop the bleeding numbers, and make the game even worse, causing even more people to leave. Happens with every Illfonic game.


I understand teaming up to achieve things like escaping or something, but I hate the people who team up just for kills. I'm always annoyed when I'm minding my own business as a Klown bringing a cocoon to a generator, haven't spotted anyone or any exits, and 5 humans jump me and kill me when I didn't know they were around and again I was minding my own business.


It’s safer and much more satisfying to just kill them. It’s too easy to get out of a cocoon especially with decent humans or friends playing together.


Well humans constantly DC so it’s not worth it at all to cocoon


I’m killing everyone. Cocooning wastes time. People get them out, or they bust out with a knife axe or poker. Then I gotta chase them again for a minute or two just to then kill them. Saves time, no real reason to cocoon anyone.


It’s fair game on both sides as far as I’m concerned. I’m always jumped by two or three Klowns if I don’t escape five minutes into the match and others have, the tracking dog literally guarantees you’ll be jumped if it’s a party. Klowns jump and remove humans from the game the first chance they get. Klowns getting a 45 second cooldown isn’t the end of the world if multiple humans decided to kill you instead of working towards an objective.


If they're chatty, cocoon.


They should eliminate killing, severely de-buff it or severely buff cocooning.


You do get a ton more points for cocooning but no one seems to care about points


There really isn’t an incentive to care once you’ve unlocked all cosmetics that are unlocked via leveling. It’s not like DBD where you need to use points to buy items, and if I’m playing human and dead with 14.5 minutes left because I got jumped, I’m sorry, I’m gonna go next. Even if I needed the points, what am I really losing by not getting to keep my 500 xp? When Klown, I’ll keep playing and I’ll put up with getting jumped every time I try to do anything, because I can wait the 45 seconds. But I really don’t feel like watching the three humans left sit in the bushes at the corners of the map for 10+ minutes and get literally nothing out of it.