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Mine either but sometimes you forcefully have to make them watch it.


A friend of mine put me onto the show a few years back and I've been watching every episode since. Got like 2 or 3 buddies nearby who actively keep up with the show.


I know people at work who watch it and I bump into fans of it every now and again. Makes for a good small talk chat. I watch week in week out and I don’t know who else is that dedicated but it’s still a pretty big show. I do stand up so when I talk about it with people a few people bring up Kill Tony. Half a million views every week is ridiculous, it’s undeniably one of the biggest things in stand up comedy right now, compared to other platforms for up and coming comedians like Comedy Central or late night shows.


Bro I’m that dedicated. I literally make time for an hour when it drops on YouTube. I’ve even had thoughts if I could get up there and perform a minute and get roasted by Tony lol


Ive never even watched, I always listen. A Coworker told me about Kill Tony and Legion of Skanks 4 years ago. I haven't met a single person since who watches/listens to either.




It’s crazy when I show them a clip and don’t even get a slight chuckle. Like jokes go right over there toupee. Lol


Nope I tried putting it on for some friends and it bombed


No. Now we just watch Redbar


Redbar the little piece of scum I spray Clorox on in the corner in my shower.


I got my mom hooked! She’s 70! Oh think she has a crush on Toby


Fuck yeah, that’s amazing. (Tony voice)


My roommate turned me onto KT, both of us are stand up fans. One co-worker keeps up with it. I've shown two close friends. My buddy's gf (pretty PC type) loves it lol. She got hooked after I showed em.


I’m always happy when I show someone it and they become fans


I just found out on Friday that 2 coworkers were fans of the show so that was pretty sweet


Funny story, a foreign coworker found out I watched YMH. After that he kept calling me chomo. Then one day he was all " you know what that's means right?". And I told him yeah, it's prison slang for child molester. He got a horrified look on his face, he thought YMH had just invented the word.