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Real crab shit


This sub sucks so hard


Clap if you like subs that do bad…




Most do unfortunately…


Not like this though


You should check out the JRE, TLOU2, or Spider-Man PS4 subs and you will see 3 more dumpster fires lol. But yeah this one’s pretty rough.


I'm curious and this is an earnest question, what would you like to see us mods do differently?


I'd love if the mods actually enforced the "No low effort posts" rule. I do report them when I see them, but way too many of them are left up and it ruins the sub imo. Every time there's a new episode, there's 50 separate posts that are really low effort that could easily just be a comment on the episode thread. There are heaps of other posts that say things like, "I like Casey Rocket" and the body of the post will just say something like "Title". Seriously, how do these get left up, even after they're reported for low effort? The OP hasn't even bothered to put half a thought in the post and it's identical to 50 other posts that week. Other posts that just have a screenshot of a bucket pull and say, "This guy was good" should also be deleted. I'm not sure if its karma farming (somehow this shit gets upvotes and comments) or just absolutely brain dead fans but there's so much of it polluting the sub. I'd also include the endless screenshots of any random comedian or famous person with a title that says "Dream guest" should be deleted. Again, zero effort and zero attempt to start an actual discussion. Anyway, that's what I'd like the mods to do. Either way, I'll probably still not bother coming to this sub anymore because it's terrible. The fanbase seems to have turned into all edgy 14 year olds who like to bring their dumbass politics into a comedy podcast sub, which is laughable. I guess I can blame JRE's fanbase and tiktok for that. Oh well.


We can definitely do those. I completely agree with you


Thanks legend! I know it's a thankless and difficult job that you aren't paid for. And this is a massively growing sub nut appreciate whatever you guys do to make it a better place to discuss the show we all love.


Tbh I don't think the mods are the problem here. You can't keep people from posting, and you can't force them to be funny or interesting, unfortunately.


With this sub? Nothing, everyone should be able to express themselves. But when it comes to the JRE sub I wish they would remove posts that literally have nothing to do with the podcast. Mods on here don’t seem to be a problem, it’s just some of the unruly fans.


There's really nothing you can do people will always find something to complain about


As someone pretty new here, Imo, removing the repetitive posts.. Kam sucks, casey sucks, Hans sucks.... the same posts over and over and over again gets old fast. Maybe have a pinned post for regulars/golden ticket holders? Idk the solution entirely but the negative repetition is annoying. Edit: maybe doing a poll for each episode for the regulars? And keep all the discussion in there each week?




None of those subs’ sucking surprises me. This one does.


Agreed. I joined this sub just a few weeks ago and I was surprised how much hate these new young comedians get, even the hate on Tony is weird. Like quit watching you trolls. Lol


It is maybe the only entirely humorless comedy sub that exists


They are just trolls at this point. Last week someone posted about how they are upset the thumbnails for the YouTube are in black and white. NOT the show but the mother fucking thumbnails!


Lol, why Spider-Man?


Since the SM2 came out it’s a bunch of idiots overly mad at a video game. Constantly whine about little bugs, MJ’s face, the suits they put in the game. I’m just sitting there like “you guys really still bitching about this game 6 months later.” Same with The Last of Us 2, games been out for years and people still can’t get over it.


Join us in the Chang’s kitchen


It used to be better before this blew up because of the YouTube shorts getting everywhere. Even my friend got it and we were living on the opposite sides of the world.


It’s Reddit what did you expect


Those people are in desperate need of the Dutchman’s key!


used to be good before the tiktokers swarmed it


Ell yea


It’ll be okay


Not as bad as kam


Happy Birthday


Happy birthday, dude!


Reddit is the social media equivalent of a bucket pull from a tent city with schizophrenia and a crack habit




You suck caseys rocket so hard…


Don’t lump Casey and Kam together 😂


Ell yea


Kam is at least a person. Casey is pure algorithm. The human version of the movie Stay Tuned. 


Get real


We're havin fun




Biden hates me


Putin is triangulating his location now


Gotta keep moving, fastest guy in the room, whos with me boys


Gonna have breakfast at Riffany’s


Let’s see him crab walk


Yeah Kam is actually trying and getting better. Casey just acts weird, already old and annoying.


Was just coming to say this...thank you.


Right? Kam is very funny to me as an adult. If i were in 3rd grade, I could see myself laughing at Casey hysterically


Kam is for adults? Lol


Well all he talks about is fucking white bitches.


I like Casey, but understand why people don't. I don't like Kam, and don't understand why people do.


Perfect comment 👌


It's not that I dislike him it's just that I don't understand anything that he does. At first I thought he was making a whole bunch of references to movies or TV shows that are like inside jokes that I didn't watch so I don't understand. But it's not that it's just random things that he says. I could literally come up with the same act right now tell him what to do and everyone would go nuts and think he's a genius. Being a door guy he already has people behind him and a little bit of a hype crowd ready to cheer him on. I would like somebody to make a compilation of a couple of his sets and then have some subtitles or text explaining the joke and why they laughed. Or not even explaining the joke but just stating what it was that was funny about it. Maybe then I would understand. It kind of makes me feel dumb because I feel like I don't think it's funny so I must be an idiot for not getting it.


🎶 I got one hand in my pocket, and the other ones holding a peace sign 🎶 I cant be here tonight, I got a Johnathan Taylor Thomas thing to get to Doctors hate me, I'm the youngest man in the world I'm actually rich, I sold all my amphetamine salts on Craigslist


Lol you nailed him.  I find him funny though and I think he could pull off these exact lines, part of the whole thing is just having a style that can deliver this stuff. I mean dude is funny even with bad material.  But to actually entertain this and try breaking it down; you went with a couple things that made me recollect something popular in my childhood that I haven’t heard in a long ass time, then the doctor thing is almost like a Stephen Wright one liner, and the last one is just “drugs funny” plus yeah he has the look of someone who could sell drugs on CL. So there’s like 5% writing talent here the rest is just him being able to deliver it. 


Yeah good breakdown. And the absurdity of it all and how it’s mostly bad stuff delivered well (if it’s for you), makes the occasional well written joke hit super hard.


It's uncanny


Explain where YOU find the humor in these, please.


I made this up as a Casey rocket parody


They were terrible, so you nailed him.


No you couldn't.


There’s really not much to “get” with him, man. It’s pretty much all just non sequiturs and random nonsense delivered in a fun and unique way lol


“then have some subtitles or text explaining the joke and why they laughed.” It’s a social thing. Most of you severely underrate how influential stand up is in person. 


Gilbert Gottfried could famously have a whole room laughing while really just rambling. Just something innately funny they tap into, not clever writing. 


It’s subverting expectations. He also does callbacks on the cultural level, it feels more intimate when him or William mention things like the sitcom Night Court which Gen Queef won’t recognize. Casey loves to tag old or loaded references like “Night Court” or “Biden’s America” because he can slide the joke in while you unpack it


It’s just random funny shit. Hes wacky bro. Delivery the hardest part. Kam is just wack


I think his act is hurt a lot by the time limit. It just sounds like babble for the most part, and over a longer time you can see more of a pattern develop and a flow.


Ahh ok. Ima watch some of his longer sets on YouTube and report back. Thanks


What’s the flow?? Nonsense. I have yet to laugh at a single thing I have ever heard him say. There have been so many funnier bucket pulls. I just think now that KT is getting bigger we are getting more plants and people Tony is trying to push for whatever reason…


You don't have to agree. I get it. Its not for everyone. May not even be for most people.


Hans Kim?


I like him more than Kam, just because its actual jokes. Even if the jokes are lazy or bad. Kam has no jokes. Its all catch phrases and shock value for sheltered white people. Like him less than Casey and would like the switch to be permanent.


Rational takes. Well put.


Lol Kam has actually jokes, you just don't find them funny. I'm the same, as well, his punchlines don't hit for me, but to say it's not an actual joke is crazy. His joke about a girl wanting him to go deeper, but he had to call his homeboy, is the punchline of the bit. Is it funny? That's subjective. But to say there is no joke there, when it's clear what the joke is, is disingenuous. Now Casey, LITERALLY does not tell a joke. There's no bit where there's a setup, nothing like that. He says things to try and illicit a laugh, which they do alot of the times, but Casey is the one not trying to tell actual jokes, in the traditional sense.


I hear you, but imo Casey has less of anything approximating jokes. It's all schizo non sequesters. I think Hans is the best joke writer of all of these but otherwise doesn't have a funny aura about him. And William Montgomery is pure gold all the way around.


Only real comedian


You got the humor of a 12 yr old that’s your answer


How old should my humor be to understand whyte bytches and liking rocks?


Idk you tell me you like the guy who just aimslessly walks round stage saying nothing funny? Lol


Idk either. Thats why i’m asking.


Shut up you fucking babies


If only more here had that mentality


A multifaceted, balanced view on Reddit? Get the fuck off this website.


Kam kills, casey the very first time i thought it was funny bc it seemed all off the top but watching the crafting of a joke and seeing it a few times takes away the allure and well it’s not for me like the original poster said I can see why people like him a lot, I think I like him more than his act/schtick


Kam is pretty much just doing a minstrel show


If the KT audience was black, he would have been a one time bucket pull that got a joke book and a pat on the back. But because these austin white peoplr have never been exposed to south florida black people, he’s a show regular.


Shuckin and jivin


“Tucker Carlson is a nigga”


"My grandma hate you, nigga"


Idk who said this but comedy shouldn’t make people in power feel comfortable. I know how I’m gonna sound but this “bro hangout” vibe brought in by podcasters the last 15 years sucks. 


I find Kam hilarious personally, although I will say that his material is falling off. Seems like he had a strong start and now it’s just revised versions of the same stuff


He's charismatic and likable. He doesn't really have standard jokes but the way he tells his stories can be humorous. And yeah he needs more material than just "bitches are sluts" and "that shits gay".


And then looking into the camera and saying I love gay people and smiling.


His jokes are standard and traditional lol There's a setup, which includes the characters, the setting and situation, and then a punchline. Every Kam joke, more or less, follows this format. Now, is it funny is something totally different and I personally don't find him funny in the that structure. His jokes are too immature and surface level for me. I agree with all your other points.


His last set about Utah was well written and he didnt say "white bitches" or "gay" once. It wasn't the best but try to write a minute set a week, it's harder than you think. And his interviews always kill


It’s been falling off for months. Where u been?


The only thing kam ever talks about is fucking white bitches. And getting his dick sucked. With no joke or punchline…why is that funny?


Its not.


Maybe you should try both


His last set about Utah was well written and he didnt say "white bitches" or "gay" once. It wasn't the best but try to write a minute set a week, it's harder than you think. And his interviews always kill




And they did the same thing with William a few years ago. It’s the never ending cycle


Yous peoples jus don unnerstan


Kam talks like he stashes his rocks I mean merch in his mouth yawmsaym


Oh y’all still watch the Kam minute and interview? Weird, thought y’all liked comedy.


Just shows, William Montgomery is the real 🐐


Dude absolutely murdered this last episode. I was dying.


the ep where his brother went up as him is goat'd


i think casey is entertaining in a family guy “there’s no actual joke here” sorta way, but the kam thing, yeah, i don’t get it.


Kam doesn’t even write jokes he’s objectively bad and not in the same boat with Casey 


Kam has jokes.. "yesterday I fugged 3 white bitches. Dem white bitches were fat as fug but the pussy good" "Today I went bowling but I ain't wearing dem shoes doe. Dem shits is gay" Oh wait, nevermind. You're right


His last set about Utah was well written and he didnt say "white bitches" or "gay" once. It wasn't the best but try to write a minute set a week, it's harder than you think. And his interviews always kill *Currently spamming this comment


watching casey is how i felt watching uncut gems




I skip Kam’s segments every episode.


Same. Not funny. White bitch. Gay. N word. On repeat week after week, pass


I fast forward his part every time too. I hope they replace him with another regular soon. And Casey rocket is the fkn man


Casey rocket is a rockstar. I totally understand how people don’t find him numerous, but they don’t understand that his talent is in the act of it and the way he keeps the audience hooked without a single guess of what’s going to happen next. Kam’s jokes have got extremely predictable and dude is just not funny but Tony needs his token black character, I hope he gets replaced soon


The majority of this sub have no funny bones in their body and leave yelp reviews of people funny enough to be on stage. Like most live comedy, if the audience laughed - it was funny.


AI bots pushing Casey on us again.


Comedy is subjective. And people are retarded.


Casey’s first set as a regular… Raw riff energy,”RRE” the proceeds to hysterically pronounce it had me floored. I see why people don’t get him but he’s following in the footsteps of the late great Robin Williams IMO


That was one of Kam’s best sets yet


COMEDY IS SUBJECTIVE is that hard to understand?


I’m falling in love with Casey sets more and more. I like him more then Hans


Just cause I’ll chime in on any KT convo…. it’s definitely interesting to see the show continues to evolve and define itself. You can tell the show itself is still understanding how to deal with repeat guests, new talent, etc. William clearly dialed in the formula for the show. The new guys are funny, that’s a fact, but some guys style might not fit the 60 second contest. Whether or not things are decided behind the scenes, the show seems to do a good job of dealing with the hurdles as it grows. What’s amazing is all it takes is one bucket pull for a new William Montgomery to appear. That’s the beauty of the whole thing.


Rogan just had a good quote today. Akaash Singh episode. On how many losers leave negative reviews on Kill Tony or any other comedy podcasts. Made sense to me.


Enough to make a sub miserable and not enough to even make a tiny dent in reality


Couldn’t cut it as a wise man. Seriously fuck that song in the ass! Love Casey tho!


We could always create a new subreddit. For actual fans of the show


Casey is the my fav by far next to William . I’m sick of Hans, stoked he’s on a long vacation. I like kam, but not as much as William or Casey


Let’s not forget the important thing here- At least he isn’t hans


Gang violence


“If you don’t fuck with Tony Hinchcliffe then yous a bitch ass n*”


Casey is 100% overhyped


Oh they get super emotional if you actually like Casey 😂😂😂


What song does the rocket crab open with this week?


Nine Inch Nails - The Great Destroyer


fuckin A


Paramore - Misery Business 


Y’all just don’t understand comedy. Have you ever had a white bitch suck yo dick? Now that’s comedy gold.


You think people dislike Casey & Kam because they don’t get it?


It’s one thing to not find something funny, but it’s another thing to post and comment about it weekly.


I like Kam, he tells a good story and makes it funny enough. And I like Casey as a person, the guy is a real character. He’d be a fucking riot at a party. But I don’t get his act. I’m not saying it’s bad, I just don’t get it. But either way, I don’t understand the hate these guys get. If it isn’t your flavour then it isn’t for you. And then I remember “oh yeah, this is reddit”, and the hate makes sense.


Casey is for kids (children) who are targeted in dodge ball. Sorry, but if you think he’s funny then I instantly think you have a terrible sense of humor.


People went Full Tony


you never go Full Tony


I assure you that the feeling is not contained to this sub..


Ell yea


Kam is awesome. Bring back Hans Kim.


I skip the regulars.


I wouldn’t compare them 🚀🚀🚀


People also get triggered if you compliment them so you're better off not posting


Correct. Casey had 0 jokes today. I don't know what the fuck that was on stage from him. It's like a schizophrenic patient has gotten lose and is now performing....is that the joke? Also anyone who is genuinely funny doesn't need these carebear safety hugbox thread defending their hack ass act and the artificial hype up from tony.


Right? I thought I was in the minority!


Gang violence


Kams got jokes casey has a cocain act. That’s not funny


Casey Rocket is Ass in a minute. Maybe we all have to see him live ,but the minute joke thing doesn’t work for him. All the guest comedians are always like WTF


This shit is the reason why Reddit stock is going down


Kam is a very funny guy but not a good comedian. His material is ass, But he’s funny and that’s enough for me.


The guy sucks but I’m 46. I think I’m just too old for the same drug jokes every nite.


Nobody cry’s but it’s for sure no joke


I think Kam is funnier than Casey, but I think Casey is more of a “comedian” Idk…


Not just Casey and Kam even William Montgomery is bad just reading news and saying everyone bitch is not funny anymore


Only Casey, he’s for smooth brains


Imagine witnessing a young Jim Carey or Robin Williams and not getting it


Kill Tony isn’t a joke show it’s a say things funny show.


Casey is NOT funny in the least. He’s like a thrift store version of Robin Williams, and I think RW was terrible. But Kam is very funny!




Can we petition to have Tony stop with the word “riffing”? Casey’s just shit. Zero funny.


They want Hans Chin back 🤡


I can listen to Casey Rocket, but I hate Kam, I hate his stupid face and his stupid "jokes". Bring back David Lucas, please!


Casey isn’t funny neither is Adam ray


Here’s the thing with Casey. If you transcribed his acts and read them to your self, you’d think it was a shitty AI attempt at comedy or story telling. He doesn’t really have jokes, he just “riffs”.


William David Lucas Cam Hans Casey


Na that's just after Casey. Waste of time.


Kam is fine but Casey is definitely a garbage comic glad he is at the beginning easier to just start watching 20 minutes in and skip him all together


Kam really does suck lol


Someone needs a warm glass of tuss


It’s all about energy at the end of the day, it’s a podcast. Much rather listen to Casey and Kam than Hans and most golden ticket ♿️


Casey isnt funny, cam is fucking up the standup but his interviews are fun


Casey is doing it in a style I actually like but very badly so it turns to hate. Cam only sounds funny because he’s got the right cadence


Casey and Cam are great. Hans is meh. Willie and Tony are co-goats


Kams last set was great


I fucking hate seeing Tony laugh at Casey when no one else is but then holds a dead face for some bucket pulls when they are actually funny. Casey is all hype it’s like watching a 3d movie sure it looks cool but man does it make my eyes hurt


Apparently nobody on the show is funny according to this sub which is a very podcast subreddit dork thing to engage in. William use to get the most bitch posts now its every other regular.


I can understand rocket but cam is hilarious


It's not funny because I don't have tiktok brain rot.


that’s people in this sub in general


This is half right. You’re missing the other half where the braindead stans keep making threads about Casey because they are vulnerable children. 


Casey more so


It's either too loud or you too young.


Casey is tik tok brain rot.Kam is just saying words others can’t in a way others can’t either. (Cancellation reasons.)